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I Wanna Rock

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Sep 19, 2009
Turn it down, you say,
Well all I got to say to you is time again I say NO! (NO!)
No no! No no! No!
Tell me not to play,
Well, all I got to say to you when you tell me not to play, I say NO! (NO!)
No no! No no! No!

Twisted Sister was blaring out of the speakers in a small auditorium, empty of life except for one man up on stage in a chainmail costume with a battle-axe-like guitar, playing along to the song. Plenty of speakers and amps were on the stage itself, as well as an elaborate drumset decorated with skulls with candle imbedded in them on the front of every snare and tom. When the song had finished, Eddie went to turn off the casette player he had connected to the speakers, the top of the player itself covered with old casette tapes of rock and metal bands from the 70s and 80s.

Sir Shredsalot, as the stage name he went by, had spent the last month at the local Guitar Center signing autographs and handing out flyers to promising musicians to let them know he was looking to put together a new band. He was in a band before once, but they broke up after two years of being together with no explanation revealed to the public; only rumors. Eddie Sherman later wrote, recorded, and published one album as a solo artist, but then decided he would rather have a band along. So now he was here, waiting for those auditioning to join his band to show up, and he was rocking out until they arrived.
After a few minutes, he'd hear the door open and close. A thin yet curvy female walked in, humming to a certain fast song. Taking an earbud out, she smiled a bit.

"Yo. You're the one that had the ad about the band right? I'm Rin. I'd like to try out to be the drummer. I'm pretty good actually."

She then turned to the stage, seeing the drums.

"Woah, sweet set!!! I'd kill to play on a set like this!"

She bounded over to the set, looking around. He could see there was a set of drumsticks in her back pocket. They were her favorite. She only used them.
"Rin...right!" Eddie's face seemed to light up as someone finally arrived. "All right Rin, I'm looking for a talented drummer. Can you prove to me your talent? Step up to that drumset right here." He gestured over to it with a hand as he strapped on his signature guitar. "Lay down some rhythms. 4/4 time, you know. Fills, too! Make me want to join in!" He accentuated his statement with a power chord whose presence was felt throughout the whole auditorium.
She smirked and sat down, playing a few beats to get into the time he asked for. After beating out a steady rhythm, she soon started playing a solo she had made. She never missed a beat and whenever she used fills, it looked like she was going insane. At one point, the sticks bounced off and she quickly jumped up and caught them, slamming down on the high hat and tom before doing several beats in quick procession, going nuts. She loved drumming and it was obvious that she had plenty of energy. And she kept her timing rather well. She wasn't too flashy but she definitely made it look exciting and fun to play.
Sir Shredsalot was watching Rin intently, a smile on his face the entire time. He was soon tapping his foot to the beat she was playing to, and eventually he joined in with his guitar, improvising a riff based on her tempo. When he really got into it, he improvised an energetic guitar solo, his fingers moving like lightning up and down the strings. "Promising! You show a lot of promise, Rin!"
She grinned, cheering. Smiling, she walked over to him.

"Oh thanks a bunch!!! I've always wanted to be in a band!!!"

She blushed a bit as she put her sticks in her back pocket. She then looked around, noticing no one was around.

"Damn.. I'd think someone would want to be in a band, rather than stay living in this town."
"Well, I sent out flyers to a lot of people. I'm pretty sure at least some of them will be here sooner or later." Eddie said with a shrug. "So were you a fan of the Rockaneers? Buy any of their albums? Go to any of their concerts? Have any favorite songs by them?" The Rockaneers had only three albums in their two years together, one of which was a collection of live recordings from their concerts. "Oh, and what did you think of my solo album?"
She smiled. She had been a fan in a way. Though it was hard to find any albums in Japan.

"Umm I did like your work, of what I heard of it.. sorry. It's just, well until about two months ago, I had been living in Japan. And even though I lived in Tokyo, it was really hard t get any of your songs, even on the internet. But what I heard of, I liked."
"Japan!" Sherman's eyes widened as he heard this. "Well I'll be!" He played the main riff of a certain Blue Oyster Cult song in response. "Our tour was limited to the United States, so I don't think we'd be that well known overseas." He nodded understandingly. "However, I wanted to write a song for Japan, it's just that I don't know much about it. Mountains, crowded bullet trains, sushi, temples, sumo wrestling..." He then shook his head. "Wonder what I could do to tour outside of America...I'd like to visit Europe as well. Some of my favorite rock bands are European..."

He then walked over to a CD player hooked up to the stage speakers and played what was inside of it. The Rockaneers' chart-topping hit, "Renegade Rocker", began playing, but there was something different. There was no drum track! "You know what to do!" Shredsalot said to her with a wink.
She laughed a bit as he got excited about Japan. Nodding, she smiled.

"Oh yeah but now there's anime and manga so that changes a lot of things in Japan."

She squealed as the most famous song of theirs' started playing. Smirking, she nearly toppled over the set as she got to her seat and started drumming, even singing along to it, grinning from ear to ear.
Sir Shredsalot began to play along over the guitar track to the hit as well. He really got into it and even sang along to the chorus. He replicated the guitar solo flawlessly when it came up and even played another one over the final chorus to add what was already there. He even finished on a strong power chord whereas the recording simply faded out.
She grinned, continuing to tap out the beat, fillers everywhere as they finished the song. After a few minutes, she stopped, breathless.

"That.. was fucking awesome!!!"
"Well then..." Eddie put down his axe and shut off the player. "Do you think you can play that well in front of hundreds, if not thousands of screaming fans, and spotlights shining in your face? Have you ever played in a band before?"
She blushed, tensing. She had never been on a stage in front of thousands of people. Hundreds, yes. But not thousands. Looking at her feet, she blushed some more.

"I've only been on stage in front of a few hundred people. Nothing like the crowd you're guessing."
Eddie shrugged. "That's all right then. I don't think we'll be able to play any big shows for a while. What were the bands that you said you played in?"
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