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Hate this school...or do I? (Um and Skeith)

Miranda could only return her smile when she saw one spread on Katherine's face. Though she had to stifle a small giggle when she saw Katherine blush after yawning. "Of course. Good night. Sleep well." She said quietly, watching her leave. She could see how much this seemed to take off her shoulders and could only hope that the more time she spent here the more comfortable she would be. Of course, there would be a couple of minor details to tell her about, but they could be discussed at another time when she was settled in and more comfortable. Allowing a small yawn of her own to slip past her lips, she got undressed, set her glasses back in their case, and went to sleep, looking forward to seeing how Katherine's first night had been.

As asked, the other girls behaved themselves that evening, keeping it down so that Katherine could get some sleep. Though that morning, the building was alive with activity. Liz was seated in the living room watching TV, Sarah was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for everyone, with Reina loosely clinging to her from behind, resting her head against the middle of her back. The distant sounds of chains rattling and soft impacts implied that Jo was in the basement beating into her punching bag. Miranda sat at the kitchen table, enjoying a glass of soda while she waited for Katherine to come down. She'd already woken early and taken her paperwork in, wanting to make sure that the formalities were taken care of and could just make sure that Katherine was settled in and comfortable.
Katherine finally settled into a peaceful, restful sleep partway through the night, sleeping uninterrupted until the morning. When she woke she yawned and stretched a little, taking a moment to remember why the room she was waking up in was completely different to her usual dorm room. After the momentary panic, she smiled softly, allowing herself to relax. She couldn't be tense all the time now, there was no need to be. The girl slowly went to get herself ready for the day, before making her way downstairs quietly, the smell of breakfast drifting up and filling her nostrils. How long had it been since she'd had breakfast made for her? This was the first time since she'd arrived at the academy that was for sure. Oh how good it smelled too!

When she got downstairs Katherine glanced around, before heading into the kitchen. "Good morning" Her voice certainly sounded more relaxed than it had the previous night. It was rather obvious she wasn't totally settled and at ease, but it was definite progress. She glanced over at Reina and Sarah, tilting her head for a moment at the way they were positioned, Reina clinging to Sarah from behind, but didn't think much of it as she went to slowly sit at the table, looking at Miranda. "Thank you again...for everything. This....this is really all's like a dream come true after the past few weeks"
There was an almost unanimous "good morning" said in response when Katherine entered the kitchen. Miranda looked up from her soda with a bright smile spreading on her lips. "You're quite welcome." Miranda said as she leaned back in her seat. "So how was your first night with us? Sleep well?" She asked genuinely. Shortly after, Liz got up from the couch and came to join Miranda and Katherine at the table, brushing a few stray hairs behind her ears.

"That should about do it." Sarah chimed, scraping some eggs out of a pan and onto a plate next to some sausage and bacon. "Maybe not the breakfast of champions, but it should do." She looked back over her shoulder at Reina and sighed softly. "You can hold on to me or you can eat, but it's one or the other. Grab some plates and silverware, will you?"

Reina finally managed to peel away from Sarah with obvious reluctance as she began pulling plates down from the cabinet. "Can someone let Jo know it's time to eat? I would but, you know... She's punching things right now..."
"Ah, yes, I slept fine thank you. Better than I have in a while actually..." Whilst Katherine had woken periodically during the night, due to her subconscious wanting to check she really was where she thought and not simply having a dream, that was still less than she tended to be rudely awoken during the night in her old dorm by people banging on her door, the rest of the dorm usually taking it in turns just to torment her. She glanced over at Sarah and Reina again, a curious expression on her face. The two almost acted like a couple, but then Katherine could be mis-reading the situation and they were just good friends. Or maybe they were family? Siblings or cousins perhaps. Well, it didn't really matter. Katherine was just happy to be somewhere so accepting, somewhere she could finally relax and enjoy herself during her time at the academy. Maybe now she wouldn't have to lie about having a good time in her letters back to her parents, she could finally put real effort into working hard and making them proud.

"Ah, I'll go" Katherine stood up when Reina asked if someone could go downstairs to get Jo. Something so simple was the very least Katherine could do, and she felt like she needed to pull her weight around this place. She couldn't just freeload of these people, not after they had been so welcoming, done so much. she had to prove to them that she was willing to pitch in too and wasn't just taking advantage.
With a gentle smile Katherine turned to head down to the basement, remembering it from her little tour last night, opening the door slowly and making her way downstairs. "Um...Jo? It's Katherine....breakfast is ready if you'd like some" She looked around as she came down the stairs, looking in the direction she remembered the punching bag being last night.
Reina smiled gratefully when Katherine volunteered. "Thanks, I appreciate it." She said as she began fixing everyone's plate with Sarah. It wasn't that Jo was violent or anything, but Reina had gotten a bit of a scolding when she interrupted her training last time. When the basement door opened the sound of heavy metal music could be heard from within, accompanied by Jo's grunts and the sounds of her fists connecting with the leather bag. She wore a pair of baggy shorts, and a sports bra, her forearms and fists were wrapped with white bandages. Hearing the sound of Katherine's voice made her stop, catching and stabilizing the bag.

She breathed out a string of heavy breaths as she relaxed. "G'morning." She panted as she reached for her sweat rag, drying off her face. She started unwrapping her arms when she heard her mention food. At that moment she felt her stomach rumble lightly. Reminding her that she hadn't eaten yet. "Thanks, sounds good." She tossed her bandages aside before heading towards the stairs, running her hand through her hair. She could tell that Katherine was little more comfortable, but decided against mentioning it. She led the way back up the stairs and headed for the kitchen. She took her own plate from the counter, offering a word of thanks to Sarah before joining Miranda and Liz at the table. Reina offered a grateful smile to Katherine before moving to sit down with the others.
Katherine blinked as she saw Jo dressed like that, unable to help blushing ever so slightly, even catching herself staring for just a brief moment before managing to look away and clear her throat. "Good morning Jo" She looked back to her, clearly rather impressed at how much effort the other girl was putting into her exercise. "Wow....I don't think I could ever do that....I doubt it'd even move if I hit it...." She blinked, then turned to follow Jo upstairs, trying not to look too in awe of the other girl. Everyone here was so different, and so much better than her. What talents did she have? She could hide pretty well? That was about it really....

The girl sighed gently as they got back to the kitchen, but did her best to put on a smile. Seeing the others did cheer her up a little, they didn't judge her, didn't look down on her, that was what mattered right? That was all that mattered. She went to take her own plate, looking to Sarah and thanking her, then to Reina to return her smile and thank her as well before she went to take her place at the table. "It's been a while since I ate breakfast with other people....." She went to take a bite, then blinked. "Wow....this is great" She quickly started to eat the rest of it, clearly enjoying the food immensely, not taking at all long to clear her plate completely. "Thank you so much, that was fantastic"
katherine's blush while observing her didn't go unnoticed by Jo, but she decided against commenting on it. Jo wasn't the most social of people and would certainly not pretend that she was any good at flirting. Still, someone watching her and giving her some level of praise brought a faint smile to her face. Though that same smile faded slightly when she saw Katherine's expression grow slightly somber. That was something she wanted to ask about, but she figured that when Katherine was ready to open up to everyone she would do so on her own.

At the table everybody ate quietly for several minutes, with the exception of some occasional giggling or flirtatious play between Sarah and Reina. Sarah looked up as soon as she heard Katherine compliment her cooking, a small blush rising on her cheeks. "Oh, I'm glad you like it. It's hardly my best though." She said with a smile, watching her enjoy her breakfast.

Liz spoke up after Katherine finished her breakfast. "So, Katherine. Not to put you on the spot, but why don't you tell us a bit about yourself?" She asked softly. "What brought you to the academy? Anybody special back home? A boyfriend or maybe a girlfriend?" She continued, pausing to give her a second to answer.
"Ah...about me?" Katherine was caught off guard by the question, suddenly very aware of all the eyes now focused on her. In all honesty that kind of attention was making her slightly uncomfortable, but she supposed they did have a right to know about her. They'd been pretty open with her so far right? So she certainly owed them a few answers in return. Besides, maybe it would be a good way to become better friends with them all. They had to at least know something about her in order to interact with her in any meaningful way. The girl took a deep breath to calm herself, closing her eyes for just a moment before looking up.

"My parents heard about this academy a few years ago...they'd heard about its reputation, how graduates from here could get the very best education, virtually any job they wanted...and they wanted that for me, they wanted to give me that opportunity. So they worked really hard and eventually they had enough to give me the choice. I was so happy to accept....and the looks on their faces...they were so proud of me, so hopeful....I had to come, not just for me but for them too. I guess that part is working out....just not quite in the way I or them expected is all....I just kind of assumed everyone would be nice at a place like this, that I'd make friends no problem, that there were bound to be people like me. Guess I was wrong huh?" She smiled slightly. "Though I'm glad I wasn't entirely wrong at least"
She flushed slightly at the question of if she had someone special back home, a boyfriend or a girlfriend. She slowly shook her head in response to that one. "No...nobody special, no boyfriend, no girlfriend" She hadn't seemed to freak out at being asked about a girlfriend. Well, at least the idea of having a girlfriend didn't seem strange or out of the question to her it seemed. "I came from a fairly small town, I guess everyone was 'taken' before I even knew it. And besides...I'd never be able to make the first move on someone, ask someone I'd just be waiting around for someone to come for me. Not exactly gonna happen when there's nobody to come huh?"
Katherine's story was one that was all too familiar to the girls at the table. Each of them knew what she was going through in one way or another, and it seemed as though they had found her just in time. Miranda offered a faint smile when Katherine finished. "Well, I wouldn't be so quickly to count yourself out. Sarah and Reina found one another after moving in here. Perhaps some friends and a little confidence boost is all you need." She rose from her seat as she began collecting the plates and silverware. "The academy really is a great place. Hopefully now that you're here with us, you'll be able really appreciate what it has to offer." She carried them back to the kitchen and began filling to dishwasher.

Liz was happy to speak up after Miranda had left the table. "Well, to make things even, I'm here for the Creative Writing program. I've been working on a project for a few years now, but the school and these girls help give me direction. Hopefully I'll be able to get it published soon."

"I'm sure it goes with out saying, but I'm here for culinary classes. One day it would be nice to open a diner, but for now, just learning to prepare meals is good enough for me." Sarah said, speaking up softly.

"I'm here for creative design and programming." Reina said after a moment, looking from Katherine to Jo, expecting her to carry on.

Jo, however, silently stood up from her seat before stretching slightly. "Thanks for the grub, Sarah." She said quietly, before heading back to the basement.

Miranda came back to the table after she finished filling the dish washer before offering Jo a puzzled look, returning her eyes to Katherine with a soft sigh and a smile. "Don't take it personally. Jo hasn't really opened up to anyone yet. Personally, I'm studying psychology. I'll probably end up staying on at the academy after I graduate as a counselor."
Sarah and Reina had found one another? Then maybe Katherine's suspicion of them being a couple was correct after all. Good for them, it must've been nice to have someone like that, someone to be close to, someone to care for and be cared about back. It was hard to believe that the academy was a really great place, at least right now anyway. After Katherine's experiences so far, a 'great place' certainly wouldn't have been her description. But that was beginning to change thanks to these girls. Katherine really felt that they could help her turn around, help her to be happy here, help her to succeed.

She sat and listened carefully to each of the girls descriptions of why they were there, so many different goals. She didn't hold anything against Jo for keeping quiet and heading for the basement. After all, Katherine had been apprehensive about telling her own story. And as much as she might have felt like nobody had it worse than her, Katherine knew full well that wasn't true, that there were plenty of people who would have had it worse than her. Maybe Jo was one of those people....sure she seemed like she was more than capable of taking care of herself physically, but the torment was never physical, and Jo didn't strike Katherine as the kind to lash out. As Jo left, Katherine just smiled to her gently, as if trying to let her know that she took no offence from the abrupt exit, then looked to Miranda.

"I don't take it personally at all. It's up to Jo what she wants to tell me or anyone else...I just hope I can try to help her too..." She looked to Miranda as she spoke of wanting to be a counsellor. It made sense, Katherine could easily see it happening. She was already helping after all, so going into that would only be a natural progression of how she acted.
"You all have such amazing goals....I haven't really figured out what I want to do. I guess I just got so caught up in the journey....I never really thought about the destination. It seems kind of silly I guess..."
Miranda offered another glance towards the basement as she could hear the punching bag again. She sighed quietly before shaking her head, returning her eyes to Katherine. "There's no shame in not having a goal just yet. Besides, the journey is infinitely more important than the destination, just as long as you reach the destination." She smiled warmly before resting her hand on Katherine's for a moment. "Trust me, it'll get better from here."

Sarah and Reina slowly stood up from the table, taking one another's hand. "We're gonna go take a shower and see what kind of trouble we can get into in town." Sarah said after a moment, leaning in to kiss Reina's cheek briefly. "Do you ladies need anything while we're out?" Miranda and Liz shook their head in turn. After waiting to hear from Katherine the two walked back to Reina's room, closing the door behind them.

"Yeah, a shower sure..." Liz commented with a faint laugh after the two went back upstairs. She turned to face Katherine after they left, a broad smile on her lips. "Have you gotten a chance to unpack yet? I know you said that you prefer to do that by yourself, but I'd love to keep you company, and maybe answer any questions you might have about the dorm or the girls here. Well, as much as I can share anyway." She added.
((Sorry it took me a while, I've been sick for a little while x.x ))

"Hm?" Katherine blinked as Liz made a little comment about the pair having a shower. "What do you.....oh" As she began to realise exactly what Liz had meant, Katherine's cheeks flushed bright pink. Maybe her initial suspicions about the two had been correct after all. Well, good for them, it must've been nice to have someone to be close to like that. Still, she was sitting there distracted for a few moments until she realised Liz had aimed a question at her, looking up for a moment, then squeaking in realisation. "Ah!" Her blush intensified, this time embarrassed at how easily she had let her mind wander off so completely.
"Well, I haven't unpacked yet, I was so tired last night that I just went straight to bed. If you want to keep me company then I wouldn't mind that at all" It would be nice to have some company in her room, it'd be the first time someone had been in her dorm room that wasn't there to torment her. Plus it would be a good opportunity to get to know one of her new friends better.

Katherine slowly stood up, smiling softly to Liz, then turned to head up to her room, holding the door open for Liz to come in with her. "Ok...I don't really have many things...mainly just my clothes..." She looked to her bags, moving over to lift them up onto the bed and beginning to unpack, her blush returning as the first random items she pulled out happened to be various articles of underwear, hurrying over to her drawers and bending over to put them away.
((No worries. I hope you're feeling better. :) ))

Liz was happy when her offer to keep her company was accepted. It would give her an opportunity to test the waters so to speak. She rose from her seat when Katherine did, stopping only to offer Miranda a wink before following Katherine upstairs. "Only clothes? Are you sure that you don't need anything else? We'd be more than happy to help make your room more accommodating." She moved to sit on the edge of Katherine's bed, watching as she began unpacking her bag. Her lips curled softly into a smile when she saw how embarrassed she became about having her underwear out around someone else. Her inexperience in intimate situations was apparent. She crossed her legs, placing her hands in her lap. "Now that we're alone. I wanted to ask you about something you said before. You don't have to answer if it's too embarrassing or personal. I'll understand."

"You said that you hadn't really dated because it seemed like everybody was already taken and that you lacked the confidence to make the first move." She drummed her fingers for a few minutes before deciding to continue. "Would it offend or disgust you if, say, someone like me were interested?" She asked pausing for a moment. "The ladies here all lean towards the fairer sex. I figured it was fair to let you know before an awkward and unwanted advance happened." She clasped her hands together in her lap before raising her gaze to Katherine. "I would love to help you find that confidence to really pursue your own happiness, assuming a girl is not completely out of the question for you."
"I'm sure, really" Katherine shook her head softly. "I don't really need much, not yet I suppose. I the school year goes on then maybe I'll need to go and get some books but...right now this is all I need. I never really had much stuff in my room back home either I suppose...I was never really into much now I think about it. Bands and celebrities all kinda just passed me by, I never really was one for fads" She glanced around the room one last time, Liz had a point, it was rather sparse....but maybe as Katherine settled more, she'd find ways to begin personalising it a little bit. Maybe it would be a good idea to get some kind of poster or something, the last thing she wanted was for her new friends to think she was just some totally empty slate with no interests. Coming across like that was probably part of why she had gotten into this situation in the first place, and she doubted it would have as good an outcome if she found herself in that state again.

"Ah...well....yes..." Katherine became rather timid once more when Liz spoke about her lack of confidence, that much was fairly obvious about her, Katherine clearly lacked the outgoing confidence to truly talk with people, let alone go so far as to ask somebody on a date. "Hm..? What..?" Katherine had to take a moment to process that sentence. If someone like....Liz was interested? Did she mean....interested in her...? That had to be a hypothetical question right? But then the way Liz kept on seemed less and less like that was the case, and Katherine's face became redder and redder. As a positive though, she didn't look the least bit disgusted or offended. No, if anything she looked rather happy and most certainly rather flattered. It was impossible to deny, no matter what you felt, that Liz was a very attractive know that she was interested in you, well, Katherine took that as nothing less than an incredible compliment. Uh-oh, she had been standing here in silence for nearly a full minute now. *Come on Katherine....say something. For once in your life just....say something*
"I..." Katherine's voice had gone slightly more high pitched from her embarrassment, which only served to make her even more embarrassed, quite the vicious cycle. "I....I wouldn't be offended or disgusted at all!" Her cheeks flushed once more, taking a deep breath to try and calm herself, or at the very least bring her voice down a little. "I um...I...w-well I....I mean, it's not completely out of the question at all!" The words were flowing from Katherine's mouth before her brain had any real opportunity to kick in, probably a good thing or she'd likely still be standing in silence. "I...I'd love your help! I mean I....that is I'd like to have more confidence!"
Liz was pleased that what she had to say seemed to have been received so well, but with the silence that followed, her smile faded some, fearing that she had crossed a line and that Katherine was just looking for a gentle way of refusing her. Her smile returned when Katherine spoke. The way she tripped over her words while trying to respond produced a small giggle from Liz. It was apparent now that she had not offended or disgusted Katherine. If anything, she almost seemed excited by the idea. "Good. Good, I'm glad." Her eyes briefly glanced over Katherine, her smile forming once again.

She held her hand out to the girl, pulling ever so gently. "Come sit with me." She said quietly. She did not remove her hand from Katherine's, instead, curling her fingers around hers softly. "Confidence comes with experience. If you keep hiding from the world, and from others, you'll always be too afraid to really try anything. Fear comes from the unknown. So let's try to tackle a few of those unknowns, shall we?" She brought her free hand up to rest on Katherine's cheek softly. "You're exceptionally beautiful, I imagine everyone back home must have been taken already. Only a blind man wouldn't see it." Only now did her hand part from Katherine's to reach up to remove the shy girl's glasses. "If I wanted to kiss you, would that be alright?" She asked hopefully, waiting for her reply.
"Ah! R-right" Katherine seemed to snap out of her semi-daze when Liz reached out to take her hand and invited her to sit. Katherine didn't try to pull her hand away, letting Liz curl her fingers slightly, the sensation sending a shiver through Katherine's body, she had never felt someone holding her like that before....this was nothing like holding hands with her parents, the only ones she had ever held hands with before, and even then not for years now. She slowly moved, taking a deep breath as she sat down beside Liz, face still bright red. Was she really ok with this? Yes....there was no doubt about that. The only problem she had was how nervous she was, not from having any problems with who her present company was.

"Experience....right..." She nodded softly, it made sense. Liz was certainly right, if Katherine kept hiding herself away then she'd never experience anything, she'd never break out of that lonely comfort zone and learn to be a better person. But the problem was in making that first matter how much she might want to, she just couldn't bring herself to do it....couldn't give herself that one last push that was needed. Now though, it seemed Liz was happy to give her that push. "K-kiss me...?" Somehow, Katherine's blush became even more intense, her glasses almost seemed like they were ready to begin steaming up from the heat of her face. "I...w-well I...that is I've never....I mean....y-yes, it'd be alright!" The last few words came out before Katherine realised what she was saying....and yet she didn't want to take them back either, not in the slightest.
Liz's smile only spread when she agreed. Her nervousness was endearing and adorable. She was extremely happy to be the person who was helping Katherine break down her barriers. She slowly removed Katherine's glasses, setting them aside gently. Her hand returned to Katherine's cheek, cupping it gently. "Just relax." Her voice was soft and inviting. She slid a little closer to her before she leaned in. She paused for only a second to give Katherine the opportunity to back out if she changed her mind, before closing the gap and pressing their lips together in a gentle kiss. The touch was feather light, innocent in its intention and execution.

She held the kiss for a precious few seconds before pulling away. Her lips parted in a bright smile as she leaned her forehead against Katherine's. "Thank you for sharing your first kiss with me." She said softly. She pulled away, not wanting to overwhelm her. "I'm glad you can trust me enough to take these first steps with you." She smiled warmly, placing her hands in her lap. "I'm not a mind reader. If at some point you want to go further, you'll need to let me know somehow." She continued with a soft and inviting voice.
When Katherine felt Liz's lips press against her own she felt a surge of electricity going through her entire body. She had never felt anything like this, never felt anything so good! Her entire body shivered, going tense for a few moments, but eventually she seemed to relax a little into the kiss, though just as soon as it had begun, it seemed to end, Liz pulling away a little, but fortunately not too much, their foreheads now resting together, which was lucky for Katherine since she felt like she might topple over without something to help keep her propped up. She licked at her lips, taking slow deep breaths as she recovered from the sensation she had just been through. "W-wow....oh wow...." She shivered again before Liz pulled away a little, a sense similar to disappointment running through Katherine.

"I....I had to start to trust again. You've been so kind to me that I thought I had to at least give you a chance...I'm so glad I did..." Katherine's voice was low and soft, not too much more than a whisper. Anything more and she was worried about breaking into tears. "F-further...? Ah...I...o-oh my...." Could they go further? More to the point, could she go further? Was she ready for that? Then again, could she ever be ready for that? Maybe she should just take a chance....maybe she had to take a chance. If she didn't now then when might she ever get the chance to do so again? "Y-yes...I....further..." She nodded gently. "Yes....please...I...I think I'd like that very much"
Liz's heart soared when Katherine agreed to go further. It was truly heart warming to take these first steps with the girl. It was almost like paying it forward after having a similar opening up experience with Miranda. "You can trust me. I'll never do anything to hurt you." Liz smiled warmly as she leaned in again, planting a gentle kiss on Katherine's forehead. "Just relax. I promise that it will be unforgettable." She pressed her lips against Katherine's again, this time with more passion. One hand moved to the back of her head, entwining her fingers in the girl's hair. The other came to rest on her waist. Her tongue snaked forward after a few seconds, licking at Katherine's as though to request entrance. She pressed her body tightly against the other's, her fingers moving slowly to begin unbuttoning her shirt.

She had a secret of her own, that she was a little concerned about Katherine's reaction to, but she felt it best if she found out about it more naturally. Considering the other girls shared in this secret, it would be a slight bit concerning if it were a significant turn off, but it seemed that Katherine wouldn't be the kind to react negatively to it. For now though, she only worried about giving Katherine the intimate attention she was so certain the girl needed.
Katherine did trust Liz, perhaps not completely, not yet anyway, but she had allowed herself to trust the girl, to trust all of the girls here, just a little bit. Enough to open herself to them. Katherine shivered as her forehead was kissed, this was already unforgettable to her. And then the second kiss, this time more passionate, deeper. She felt Liz's tongue against her lips...and Katherine was more than happy to part them and grant the other girl entry, shivering and letting out a muffled groan into Liz's mouth, her own tongue nervously moving, just a little, as if nervously tasting something for the first time. As Liz pressed against her, Katherine had to fight to keep from falling over, part of which involved leaning closer to rest against Liz instead, feeling their chests press together. Katherine was sure that Liz would be able to feel her heart going a mile a minute in her chest, pounding so hard it felt like it would rip out of her.
She offered no resistance to her shirt being unbuttoned. Far from it. If anything she shifted her body a little to make the task easier for Liz, pushing her chest up slightly, as if her body were craving for Liz to keep her fingers close rather than moving away. Katherine had allowed her instinct to guide her now, forcibly pushing back the part of her mind that screamed for her to just be quiet and hide in a corner. That part of her had no say when she was in this dorm...not anymore.
Liz's tongue eagerly probed her new friend's mouth, wrestling with her tongue. When she finished unbuttoning her shirt she gently brushed it off of her shoulders. Her fingers slowly running down her arms, before falling to her waist and around to her back, running along her bare flesh. After a few moments, she unhooked Katherine's bra. She pulled away from the kiss with a soft gasp, smiling softly through a faint blush as her eyes fell to her breasts. "You're so beautiful." She said lovingly, her eyes exploring what of Katherine's body was exposed as she gently pulled the bra away. "Don't be shy now. You can do whatever you want. I want you to touch me, as well." She unbuttoned her own shirt, casting it aside, before unhooking her own bra soon after. She leaned forward, planting a series of kisses along her neck and collarbone. She placed a small kiss on top of one of her breasts, before flicking her tongue at the nipple, her lips sealing around it soon after. Her free hand moving to grope the other. Her other hand moving to unbuckle Katherine's skirt. Her own arousal was becoming apparent as she began to feel her secret swelling beneath her skirt.
Katherine almost got carried away with the kiss, thrusting her tongue against Liz's, kissing with an almost desperate passion, like the girl was afraid that if it ended she would never get to experience this sensation again. She wiggled her body a little to assist in the removal of her shirt, leaving her upper half in only her rather plain bra, before feeling it fall away once it was unhooked, gasping sharply as the kiss ended, falling backover slightly causing her perky breasts to bounce around, nipples rapidly hardening as Liz watched. "I.....y-you're just saying that...." Katherine blushed deeply from he compliment of her beauty and quickly looked away, though didn't try to hide her body, even if the urge to do so was definitely there. She only looked back when Liz removed her own shirt and bra, Katherine swallowing nervously as she saw the now topless woman above her.
Katherine groaned as her neck was kissed, then let out a loud yelp as her hard, sensitive nipple was kissed. She was sure the yelp could be heard from outside the room, but right now that didn't seem to matter. "Nnnn...." She moaned as one nipple was sucked, the other breast groped and squeezed. Her own hands slowly and nervously lifted up, fingertips beginning to trace around Liz's own breasts, whilst lifting her hips a little to make the removal of her skirt easier, though her hands were both too busy suddenly grasping Liz's breasts to remove the other girls skirt just yet.
Liz smiled around Katherine's nipple at the sound of her moaning. Feeling Katherine's fingers nervously feeling her breasts, she arched her back, pushing her breasts into her hands. When she raised her hips, she pushed her skirt down, dropping it onto the floor. She pulled away from her breast, tugging her nipple lightly with her teeth before releasing it with a small giggle. "A little sensitive, huh?" Her hand slid down Katherine's stomach, before disappearing beneath the panties. Her fingers teasing her pussy gently, simply rubbing the lips without entering yet. Her hand released her other breast as she pulled her hand from her panties. She looked at the glistening moisture with a smile before licking her fingers. Her eyes flashed back to Katherine as a mischievous smile spread on her lips. "I'm sure you'll enjoy this." She said in a hushed voice.

She slowly began to slide down Katherine's frame, planting kisses along her stomach until she reached her panties. She hooked them between both of her thumbs before pulling them away. She slid further down, between her legs, her lips planting kisses on her inner thigh. She looked up at the young girl, just to enjoy her reaction as she gave her pussy a kiss, her tongue slowly running alone the slit.
Katherine felt like she was in heaven, she had never imagined pleasure like this was possible. Even more amazing was the beautiful girl giving her this could such a girl have any interest in her? That didn't matter right now though, all that mattered was the pleasure, Katherine's loud moans making it clear she was oblivious to the noise travelling out of the room into the hallway or the rooms either side of her own. She dropped back to the bed, panting heavily as Liz seemed to momentarily stop the pleasuring of her breasts. "I....y-yes...I...I didn't know I could be so...." She shivered and licked her lips as she felt a hand on her stomach, Liz would be able to feel Katherine's body trembling beneath her touch, especially as the hand slipped into her panties. When Liz's fingers made touch with Katherine's hot, wet slit though, gliding along the outer edge....Katherine almost screamed in pleasure, her body jumping to the very verge of orgasm there and then, her entire body arching right on the edge....and then the hand was gone, leaving Katherine to drop back to her bed panting and trembling, body glistening with moisture. "O-oh god....."

Even if she had wanted to get up and run away, Katherine's body was incapable of any such thing, her legs trembling and unable to support her weight now. She whimpered as her panties were hooked and pulled away, then watched as Liz started to work back up her legs. The teasing was killing her, she almost wanted to scream at Liz to do it. Fortunately, the teasing ended at just the right time...and then that tongue...oh god that tongue. Katherine's eyes went wide, her head flinging back to the bed as she grasped at her bed sheets, crying out loudly now. "L-Liz!! So good!!" The cry was certain to echo throughout the entire dorm, but Katherine was beyond caring. The pleasure was all that mattered now.
The idea that the other girls in the dorm would certainly be able to hear Katherine's cries of pleasure was not lost on Liz. Though that didn't deter her from her present course either. Katherine would learn in time that those sounds were not at all uncommon in this house and that things like sex were discussed and participated in on a pretty casual level between the ladies here. If her current reactions were any indication, this would not be the last time that she tasted katherine or got to enjoy her sounds of ecstasy. Using her fingers, she spread Katherine's pussy for her so that her tongue could reach into her folds. Her eyes never left her new friends face as she enjoyed watching her blissful reactions. She paused for a second, her hot breath cascading onto her sensitive folds. "I'm glad you like it. There's more where that came from. I promise." She dove back in quickly, her tongue eagerly exploring her folds, slurping at her nectar.

Despite how extremely aroused she was at this point, Liz was determined to make Katherine's first real orgasm all about her, wanting it to be as magical and memorable as possible. She moved slightly higher, her tongue flicking over the girl's clit aggressively, occasionally suckling it. She slipped her middle finger inside of the young girl, knuckle by knuckle sinking it in as far as she could. Her lips curled into a smirk as she felt it being squeezed. She began pumping it in and out of her.
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