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Another Time, Same Place


Jun 5, 2010
Life in America seems to be perfect. There is little to no crime. Unemployment is very low. Everyone thinks it's because of the legally administrated Purge that takes place every year since 2020. For eighty years, the Purge has continued to linger in the minds of the American people like a psychological plague. It spread across the borders into Canada and Mexico, eventually taking root in every country in the Western hemisphere. Even worse, there is now a new Law put in place taking the same practical, evil and pragmatic approach as The Purge.

Any citizen who has committed the crime of rape and other sexual assaults who have proven to be of great benefit to society through certain ways, according to a specially assigned committee's investigation and inquiries, may henceforth take in slaves purchased from the state, or even past victims of the perpetrator, provided they have managed to take them into their custody. With this law combined with the Purge, American society is so different from the early 21st century, that most past generations are rolling in their graves.

The reasoning behind the new law, called the Domination Law, is that if an individual is so psychologically disturbed they must indulge in sexually predatory behavior, they have the right to continue their life style if there is no other way they can contribute to society. People who attempt sexual assault and have no ability to contribute to society will face judicial retribution, however.

A full ten percent of American Society has the right to vote, while ninety percent of the country is not even counted in census.

CS coming later
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