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The Untamed: Revisited (Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

JP stopped and spoke with Elijah about picking up Hanson's horse. Since the man would be handed over to the army. His horse would remain at the stable. It couldn't be sold off like the horses taken from outlaws. Hanson would need his horse for the trip to his court martial. After leaving Elijah, JP headed for the telegraph office. He sent a direct message to his old friend, General Harper at Fort Apache. Katie would remember meeting the general back in Victorville. General Harper had more then a few lustful looks at Katie. She also met a color character in Father Mathew Price. Certainly not an ordinary priest by any means. He was perhaps the most dangerous man she'd ever encountered. JP dictated a rather long message for his friend. but it needed to be long. He made sure to point out that Hanson was working with former Confederate Colonel Beauregard Steel. JP was sure Thomas would break speed records in order to pick Hanson up. There was no time to wait for a reply. JP wanted to get on the trail as soon as possible. Steel and his men may have to move slowly because of the wagon loaded with gold. But, they were still traveling and getting further away with each passing hour.

JP left telegraph office, heading for the courthouse. There, he met with Judge Parker and explained what happened. Judge Parker wasn't pleased to hear the gold had been taken. Hearing that Katie was locking up one of those behind the theft, made the bitter pill easier to swallow. Judge Parker told JP, both he and Katie needed to get the gold back. He told JP to do whatever needed done. JP nodded before leaving Judge Parker's chambers. After the courthouse, JP stopped to talk with Sheriff Cronin at his office, then Marshal Donner at his office. Since both JP & Katie were leaving town, Jake would be alone until the army came to pick up Hanson. JP wanted to make sure Cronin & Donner would keep a watchful eye out in case Steel decided to break Hanson free. There was no way to know whether or not Steel had anyone watching the town. One or more of his men could be lurking around somewhere. JP doubted that though. Steel had limited manpower and a heavy wagon load of gold to protect. However, JP wasn't willing to gamble on what the crafty old confederate would do. After speaking with Cronin & Donner, JP head back for the office. He knew Katie would have everything ready to go and JP wasn't wrong. Katie had picked up everything they needed. JP told Jake to stay alert for trouble. He spoke of the army send men after Hanson and Cronin & Donner being ready to help if needed. JP told Jake he and Katie would be back in perhaps a week, maybe a little longer. After grabbing a rifle and his favorite sawed off double barreled shotgun. JP left the office, moving towards his horse. The weapons were slipped into their places on the saddle. JP then climbed aboard his horse, wheeled around while telling Katie they were heading out. JP then started down the street. He knew the rocky hill, outside of town which White Buffalo spoke of. That's where JP & Katie would pickup the trail of the fleeing outlaws.
Katie was securing the mule to her saddle horn when JP came out of the office. The mule was well loaded with supplies; water, coffee, beans, biscuits, beef jerky. She tightened the buckles on her saddle as JP slipped the rifles into the stiff leather sockets on either side of his saddle. Katie stepped into her stirrup a few moments after JP mounted up. She settled herself and moved her horse out a few paces behind him with the mule on the end of a long rein behind her.

As they moved out of time, JP told Katie about his telegram to General Harper. Katie remembered Thomas Harper. He was an imposing man... a man who was the stuff of legends. 6' 2''. Over 200lbs. A big powerful man. Big hands. She remembered Ben whispering to her what big hands usually meant. They speculated about what might have happened and where Steel might be heading until they reached the rocky hill. JP then went into tracking mode... tracking wasn't something that Katie knew particularly and so she let JP put his skills to work.
JP had been a lawman for many years by this point in time. He'd learned all the tricks of the trade over those years. Tracking was just one of the lessons he had learned. JP & Katie moved out of town, heading for the rocky hill. The ride wasn't a long one. Perhaps 20 minutes before the hill came into view. As they approached, JP & Katie could see the bodies of the dead soldiers, still laying where they fell. The undertaker from town would be out soon enough. To collect the bodies, take them back to town and await the arrival of the army. JP stepped down from his horse and begun to look around. The wagon with rocks & stones was still here. This told JP that Steel didn't have the manpower to use it. The smart move would have been to split his force. One group taking the gold wagon, the second group taking the wagon with rocks & stones. Such a move would have made it difficult for any posse to guess where the gold had gone. It was a strategic and sound military move. One JP was sure Steel would have used, if he'd had the men to do it. Both men had fought during the war between the states, on opposite sides. JP for the north, and Steel for the south.

JP mounted his horse and began tracking the escaping outlaws. They were trying an old trick to hide their trail. At least two men were dragging tree branches behind the wagon. Mucking up the tracks left behind. JP wasn't fooled by this. He slowly rode his horse along, with Katie behind. While riding, JP spoke to Katie about the late war. She would have been much to young to have remembered the bitter fighting which went on. JP spoke of never having met Steel, but they had faced each other acrossed many battlefields during the four plus years of fighting. Unlike his old friend Thomas, JP had been an infantry officer. Serving with the 4th US Infantry, 1st Brigade, 2nd Division in the 5th Corps of the Army of the Potomac. JP fought many battles and served under many different commanding generals. Only a few earned his respect. Those were Brigadier General Irvin McDowell, Major General Joseph Hooker, Major General George Sykes and Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant.

They rode on for many more hours. JP told Katie real accounts of what happened during those bloody days. He'd seen fighting from the very first battle at Bull Run. JP had been there during the seven days battles, Second Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and the final battle at Appomattox. He'd seen combat in every major engagement during the war. Steel was there as well. Having served under General Lee for most of his career. Once the famed general surrendered, Steel took it very badly and vowed to fight on and never give up. JP & Steel were heading for another showdown. One which wouldn't be any different then past meetings. JP was expecting a fight from Steel and his remaining men.
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