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Anyone want to go on a Magical Original Journey


How does it feel?
Aug 11, 2014
This is what I have so far.

Magic is essence of life in the world and also the absence of life as well. Magic is broken up into creation, destruction, supplementary each type of Magic fits into one of the three core schools. Magic draws on the essence of life or the absence of life to fuel arts or applications of types of magics. Nothing in magic is free, everything has a price.

Creation School involves alchemy, life, reanimation, and mechanical. The Creation School deals with construction and reconstruction of objects with organic like qualities including mechanical.

Alchemy is the art of changing an object to have qualities or completely become another object. This can mean Shapeshifting or turning a rusty sword into a silver sword or a lump of coal into a lump of gold. Alchemy can change an items qualities but not shape itself and the farther the item is from being changed into another item the harder it is. Ex. Turning a dragon carved out lead dragon into living dragon would needs a tremendous amount of skill and magical ability and life force to perform.

Life Magic is the construction and reconstruction of organic cells. This can literally mean creating a new race or the reconstruction of a liver or arm. Life magic along with Death Magic consumes the most essence to perform. Life Magic can literally harm as much as it can heal which is why it is not called Healing Magic. Ex of this would be reconstructing a person leg to break itself or shatter. Life magic is truly a very dangerous magic that few Mages ever master.

Reanimation Magic the Art of programming dead organic cells to act under a persons command as the organic cells were a machine. Reanimation Mages are also usually Life or Death Mages as well. This can mean programing a dead dragon to rise up and destroy a town or guard a lair. Reanimation is truly one of the most terrifying Magics because if you lose.... to a reanimation mage.

Mechanical Magic is the art of reconstruction and construction of inorganic cells. This means a mechanical mage can create powerful machines out of metal and stone to do their every bidding.

Destruction School includes Death Magic, Destruction Magic, Void Magic. Destruction Magic the destruction and absence of life itself.

Death Magic is the actual of killing or weakening cells on organic cells. Death Spells do not actual have kill the target spells but they can kill cells or weaken cells that can immediately lead to death.

Destruction Magic is the act of breaking down matter and at high levels breaking down magic as well. Comes in many forms but is very strong and straight forward.

Void Magic is the act of manipulation nothingness and the absence of life. This magic is the hardest magic control and manipulate Void Magic can not heal it can only destroy and kill. There has only been ten Void Mages in the history and all of them have been archmages in their own right. Void sucks the life out of all living things it touches and absorbs it to fuel itself and grow stronger and more powerful which is why only Mages blessed with immeasurable skill and power can choose to learn Void magic.

Supplementary School includes Magics that don't necessarily heal or harm but are capable of both usually or are minor magics. Supplementary magic includes elemental magic, illusion, divination, mantra, summoning, space, time, rune, light and dark magic.

Spells is the application of a subtype of Magic. Ex if the main type if magic Void Magic, Life Sap is the application of absorbing life from an organic source to transfer or store for further use. Different types of magics can be combined together to create new spells and types of Magic. Ex. Void Magic Life Sap + Dark Magic, Shadow Tendril = Sanguine Tendril which creates a tendril of shadow and Void that sucks the life out of anything it touches. Dual Magic consumes essence at unbelievable levels and is reserved for the high level Mages. Triple type magical spells are reserved for geniuses of the art and take years to master.

Essence, every person has essence and the amount varies from person to person. Essence is the natural life force and span that a person has so this means that a mage knows when many years they have to live. Low level Spells usually only cost an hour or so off of your total life span, mid level spells own cost a date to a week and high level spells can cost anywhere from a month to 5 years off of your life span to perform a spell. The average natural life span of a mage is 125 most die around 65. Most High level Mages are born with a life span around 165 and die around 70 and archmages are born with around 200 years and die around 90.

35 percent of the people on the planet can use magic. The rest have access but do not process the natural or innate talent to use magic without killing themselves.

On this planet there is 4 continents on each continent their is a separate race of people that generally live there except for generally traders and travelers.

The Drogskols are the people from the mountain and are miners and they are very pale and look like white people. They generally have light brown or blonde hair. They live on the smallest continent but the only continent with that amount of natural resources.

The Sejai are the people from the plains and very dark and look like black and Middle Eastern. The either have dark brown hair or black hair. The live on the largest continent but lacks natural resources but has the most amount of magical ability per person than on any continent anywhere, around 50 percent.

The Moran are the the people from the sandy hills and beaches they have almond colored skin and are the Asian and Hispanic people. Their hair is usually black and is very smooth and long. The live on the second smallest continent but have the most food above any continent and are trading geniuses naturally.

The Guva are the people with pointed ears and come in many different colors and shades. They can have any color of hair on the color spectrum. They live on the second largest continent and live for a very long time, around 200 years but only about 15 percent of its people can use magic. They are allies with everyone and friends with no one they are also naturally very intelligent. Their continent is covered in deserts and over 2000 oasis but have a decent amount of resources. .
This is the backdrop for the magical side of a world as my character would be in an academy he would be on his own quest. The character I had in mind was around 20-24.
Fill out the character sheet

Your character's Name. (First and last)
Codename or Alias:
Any nickname(s) your character is known by.
Male or Female, A mix of both? Whatever.
Your character's Age
Place Of Birth:
Where was the character born?
What was your characters occupation?
Is your character Heroic, Villianous. (Good or Evil.)
Visual Appearance:
An image of your character can go here. I would prefer something ina more realistic style, but anime is ok if you cannot find anything.
Physical Appearance:
Your characters appearance, their physicality/build, eye, skin, and hair colour. Scars, markings, tatoos, piercings.
What does your character wear? Please give a detailed description of everything they are wearing.

Bad Habits:
Sexual Orientation:
Straight? Gay/Lesbian?
General Personality:
What is your character like, describe their persona, their strengths and weaknesses, how they act around people, or in terrible situations. Do they actively help people or are they all about themselves?

Any still alive?
Your characters history
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