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Eager to GM ... something.

Aug 5, 2014

I'm newly arrived to the site, and figure that the best way to find something I like is to... actively look for it.

Who am I looking for?
To my mind, there are three virtues for online RP: politeness, elegance, and articulatene... articulari... bein' able to talk proper. I'm not a grammar nazi (at least not yet), but syntax is sexy. The player(s) I'd be after should therefore be literate, but we won't necessarily write literature. I don't mind typos, and am indeed guilty of making more than one or two myself.

What am I looking for?
What I would like would be someone to ArrPee with via IM. Or play by post, but I'm still kind of new to that. The rest of this paragraph is going to be a bit cliche to anyone who has browsed this forum, but I'll try and use different imagery. To my mind, it's kind of like cookery. The E is like hot-sauce or spices; sure, it makes things more interesting, but I wouldn't want to live on a constant diet of the stuff. As one wise and witty friend put it, I'm a human being rather than sex-robot. I'd hope that you're the same.

I'd rather do one-on-one, because getting a group of online gamers together for anything is like trying to herd greased weasels.

What can I offer?
I roleplay because I like telling, hearing, and sharing stories. If I wanted to passively sit back and be a passenger, along for someone else's ride, I'd go read a book (literotica is also quite good). I prefer what you might call 'system' games to free-form (but that doesn't mean I don't do freeform).

A system will usually give the player some idea of how good, or how powerful they are. It also gives a way of resolving combat, danger, or other kinds of peril that's transparent and (more or less fair). I've GMed or played a huge variety of games, and so I'm probably at least familiar with anything you'd want to play. Certain favourites spring to mind - Cyberpunk 2020, 7th Sea, and the old World of Darkness. But despite all of that, I think that story is more important than rules. Rules either advance the story, or they get in the way.

For freeform games, I'm still happy to stick in the "GM-role" - that is playing the world whilst you play your character.

What genres do I like?
I'm a fan of most genres and settings, but have a certain fondness for:
⦁Low Fantasy (think Game of Thrones or Dark Ages: Vampire, rather than Forgotten Realms D&D)
⦁Swashbucklery (musketeers, pirates, corsetry!)
⦁Cyberpunk and near-future / transhumanism
⦁Space Opera (from Star Trek to Star Wars, by way of Mass Effect)
⦁Grimdark (Warhammer 40k, and Fantasy RP, I'm looking at you two here)
⦁Post-Apocalypse (Rifts!)
⦁old World of Darkness

What games would I particular love to run?
In general, come to me with the idea of the kind of game you'd like to play. I get distinctly cold when people present a character to me and suggest that I run something for them. To my mind, an adventure is a story, world, and character that mutually create each other.
-Cyberpunk 2020 or Shadowrun
-Legend of the 5 Rings
-Eclipse Phase / GURPS Transhuman Space (Yes, I have just finished reading Leviathan Wakes)
-7th Sea
-Old World of Darkness - Mage (tSC or tA) Vampire and Werewolf (Dark Ages for preference, but I'm also down with the modern flavour), or Changeling in all their nonsense-glory!
-Edge of Empire / Star Wars
-Fading Suns
-All for One: Regime Diabolique

What games would I rather not run?
Pathfinder and D&D aren't my first choice, as I'm not a fan of games based on classes or levels. No-one has been able to tell me what my class or level is, and my ideas tend to fall outside of the confines of classes offered in D&D and Pathfinder.

What about the E- stuff you mentioned earlier?
It is, I realise, entirely unhelpful to say "I'm open minded"... but... well... I am! I made the mistake in the past of saying that I'd try anything, and that resulted in character wanting to snort spice from the head of a shaved Ewok. I find the listing of kinks like shopping lists to be... off-putting. I am more than a collection of kinks, lusts, and depravities (I hope). But then this advert is kind of pointless without. It's probably easier to list the things that I do not want:

The only complete and utter red-line definite no-no I have relates to under-age. Not only are they unlikely to have decent cleavage, but it's just... not needed.

The "I'd rather not" or "maybe" are the unholy trinity of toilet-play, vore, and ewoks. Especially all three combined - there's nothing more off-putting than the smell of an ewok with poo-stained fur. I'm not really a fan of futa - it simply doesn't float my boat. Strap-ons are way more exciting.

But Mystic! I don't know these systems you talk of, and the word Rifts scares me!

I'm happy to teach games or settings, and equally happy to learn. We were all new at some point, and snobbery about 'noobs' does no-one any credit.

Last Words?
They couldn't hit the side of a barn at this ra...


If any of the above tickled your fancy, drop me a PM. Tell me your favourite kind of food in your reply so I know you've read this. I'll be more inclined to be receptive to ideas that are open, rather than closed.

What's a closed idea:

"I want to play anything!"
"What kind of character do you want to play?"
"I want to play a right-handed plumber who goes bowling on Thursday evenings"
"Could they go bowling on Wednesday?"
"NO! That's core to the character concept that I wish to impose on you!"
It depends on what kind of White Wolf you're after. I'd _love_ to try Mage. I'd rather not go for Changeling, mostly because C20 is due soon (tm).
Never was much of a Mage fan, it does seem interesting, but whenever I tried it, it seems dreadfully inbalanced and a strangely trippy, never felt like I was playing a mage, more like I was in the Matrix (It wasn't even that close to those movies having come out either!)

But Vampire or Werewolf could be fun
So it's look like there's interest in a Dark Ages Vampire game. I'm currently trying to come up with a 'hook'

I like the idea of a desire to claim and develop territory. I like there to be conflict and factions. I'm struggling with a concept / coterie that says "You'll do this and stick together" that works. Hrm. Time to think and plot and scheme.
... ah Vampire, I just can't resist trying for a Vampire game (Dark Age's, Victorian or VTM).

If you and others are interested, I am always happy to start as a mortal in these to allow for the ramp up of the horror element of Vampire (and allow for city building to be done by the storyteller in game without the character needing to know the other 40+ vampires in the city from the get go). I also think it is easier for you to railroad things a bit as Sire's require things (and set tests) - and like a child you are reliant on them for even basic support. Essentially becoming the (mostly) willing pawns in the games of our elders (and they to there own).

Edit: But for me only PbP really works as I can't commit to specific times for IM.
That's an interesting idea! I'll plot and scheme tonight around something like that. It looks as though there's at least two interested in something vampiric. Hurrah!

The other idea that I was trying to get to work in my head was Viking-vampires. Viking werewolves would probably be easier.
I'm always looking for someone who can be the dm for my Dungeon of Lust. Adventurers enter it in the hopes to get rich and famous only to end up as the personal slave of a horny monster like a slime-girl, minotaurus or succubus. There are plenty of traps as well as treasure chests too, of course!
Revnarh said:
I'm always looking for someone who can be the dm for my Dungeon of Lust. Adventurers enter it in the hopes to get rich and famous only to end up as the personal slave of a horny monster like a slime-girl, minotaurus or succubus. There are plenty of traps as well as treasure chests too, of course!

This, sadly, isn't the kind of game I'd like to run. For me, the story should be able to exist without the smut. Hope you have luck in your search!
Right. Time to think about this again.

What do I want? To tell interesting stories. I'm not overly fussed about dice-mechanics and so on, but they do kind of help.

Story + Smut combined are better than story or smut alone.
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