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Medieval Fun Time Land (Anyone can join)

"No, I'm not a succubus all the time. I'm possessed by one who takes control over me sometimes." Magnolia looked at the tall man before she followed the others. Shiana walked towards the big barbarian and hoped that he'd fuck her. "Hello about we both have some fun?" She didn't care when Akio got jealous or not. Shiana was her own boss and still not the wariors slut.
Gale felt the kiss coming and returned it eas8ly, his arms wrapping around her waist. Then, he noticed their group moving and took her by the hand, teleporting both of them to catch up with their questing group. He smiled at Michon's snarkiness though was wary of retaliation from the giant.
Maddie poked the big guy in the shoulder, watching him wobble in place, back and forth while holding the same pose. "I don't think anyone's home," she said. "All that dramatic entrance stuff must have tired him out."

Kay was happy to be on her way out of the city on a quest. This whole place had that rapey crowd-orgy smell, and also there were way too many bigger, stronger demons here and she just didn't feel like winding up in chains in somebody's basement today. "So what's our big important quest?"
"We're going to escort the town guards and some orphans to the next town over," Míchon said. He shrugged. "It shouldn't be too hard. Plus, it pays well." He was glad the group was under way now.

Erica pulled away from the kiss when Gale transported them to the front of the group. She looked around, confused. "How'd you do that? Were you the one who transported us back here?"
Gale looked at the woman he loved and nodded his head to her, smiling a bit at her realization of what just occured. Then, he caught up with the rest of the group, looking at Michon as he explained the quest. "I smell a trap of some sort."
"Hey!" Kay said, indignant. "I'm not a trap! I have a vagina and everything, see?" She pulled the front of her bikini bottom out and flashed everyone with her bald sex, then let it go so it snapped back into place. "Although I did get turned into a boy one time. It was pretty weird."
Míchon's gold eyes widened as he let Kay walk a pace or so ahead. Not very many people would've done what she did. "I... don't think he meant that kind of trap..." He looked to the human. "You really think something's gonna happen?"

Erica giggled, seeing what Kay did. The dragoness caught up with the little succubus and scooped her up. "Ooh! I would love to have a kid like you, all tiny and cute!" She hugged her close, making a purring sound before realizing what she was doing. "Oh, my." She set the demon girl down. "Sorry about that."
"Ah, hehehe," Kay giggle, blushing at Erica's attention. "Don't worry about it. believe it or not, that happens all the time when I'm like this. I, um, I have a condition. But hey! You're all like scaly and rawr and awesome! Can you breathe fire and stuff like the big dragons?"
Erica thought about it for a moment. "You know, I've never tried. There were some of my family who could, but I don't know if I can." She started to put a hand near her stomach, then realized where her hand was going and put it on her hip. "I guess I could try." She took a couple steps to the side of the group, just for safety. She then took a few deep breaths before leaning forward a little and exhaling.

And, with an utter lack of anything spectacular, out came a little puff of flames. Erica smiled and went back over to Kay. "Looks like I can! I guess I just gotta practice it."
Kay's eyes went as big as dinner plates. "That...was...AWESOME!" She jumped up and down, her little wings fluttering uselessly with sheer happiness. "We, we, we, we should, like, team up and be totally rad all the time and be like pew pew pew bitches, rawr, swoop, kapowie, vroooooooom!" She paused when she realized she had been pantomiming the whole thing, then stood and straightened herself whilst clearing her throat in a pointedly mature fashion. "What I mean to say is, very good work with the fire breathing, miss."
[[A chicken flew through the remainder of the flames, instantly frying and providing food for a bum sitting at the town gates.]]

Erica laughed, watching Kay. "It was nothing!" She returned to Gale's side, taking his hand. "Did you see that?!"

Míchon eyed the little succubus. "How old are you, anyways? I know that your kind live for a long time, but I don't think I've seen one like you." He immediately realized just how rude he sounded. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude."
Kay blushed. "It's okay, I know I'm weird. Condition, I haz it. Umm, but I've been around for a pretty long time by human or elf standards, a few hundred years at least. I was just in the warp hanging with Slaanesh, though, so time got a little wonky. He/she is so dreamy, though! And Doomrider even let me ride around in his Baneblade and everything. It had six hatches, and they were all vaginas!"
Gale could only watch this utter spectacle of eve ts take place, his eyes flitting back and forth between points of interest that ended with his love spewing a small puff of flame from her mouth. It was a good thing that didn't happen whilst the two of them had sex, or else he probably wouldn't be here right now. "Yeah, I did see it, Erica. It was nice to see you getting in touch with your inner dragon."
Erica smiled up at him. "Yeah. I didn't know if I could do it, but I did!" She was quite pleased with herself, shaking a little bit with excitement. "I can't wait to practice some more!"

Up ahead of the rest of the group, Míchon noticed that there was something in the distance. The sounds of the forest faded as if they had never been there. The dark elf's eyes caught sight of a shiny spot in some leaves. He used the point of his sword to move the debris aside. In the pile of leaves lay one of the guardsmen, an arrow sticking out of his forehead. "Hey, guys?" he called out. "You'd better come see this!"
Gale could only grin as his love acted so damn ed excited with the way the attempt to breathe fire had gone. He pulled her into a hug, laughing as she shook. But then he heard Michon yell out for them and got serious, taking Erica's hand and running with her to the spot. He saw the dead guard and raised his eyebrows. "Well, guess my instincts were right. Maybe not in the way I expected but still." He knelt down next to the body, turning it over with his hands and looking at the guard's face. It was relaxed and calm, not screwed up as if he had been surprised. "So he had died in his sleep."
Kay poked her head through the bushes and checked out the dead dude with the arrow in his face. "Oh snap," she said, and promptly poked him with a stick.
Erica ran with Gale over to Míchon's side. She was surprised to see that Gale's prediction was true. "But where are the children?" she asked, looking around for any signs.

Míchon shook his head. "I've no idea. There doesn't even seem to be any signs a group passed through here." He started pointing in different directions as he spoke. "There'd be broken bushes, bark missing from trees, some small amount of trash." He turned back to Gale and the body. "Instead, we've got this guy and not much else."

"But there's a chance they did go through?" the dragoness asked, her voice sounding worried.

"It's slim."
Gale continued to stare at this dead body, not noticing much else of the conversation. He had already noted the lack of a passing group, and knew that this was indeed a trap. The reward was too high for a simple escort job. Gale ran his hands over the body, looking for any clue they could use. In the top of the guard's chestplate, the assassin found a note. He yanked it out and read it, the letter detailing the exact trap to be sprung. " guys might wanna take a look at this." He handed the paper to Michon.
"Remember to buy more cheese?" Kay said, reading the note out loud. "Oh wait, there's stuff written on the other side too."
Akio saw Shinra walk off suddenly towards another warrior and his eyes narrowed, he strode up behind her wrapping his arms around her and picking her up. "Did i give you permission to leave, wasent i supposed to fuck you into the dirt." He said taking her away kissing her neck and shoulders.
Maddie walked alongside Akio as he manhandled Shiana. "That's not terribly progressive," she said. The changeling had been nothing but nice to her despite her condition, and she didn't fancy seeing her abused.
Magnolia was a little bit surprised and amazed when Erica managed to breath small flames. "That was impressive! I've never seen a dragon on my travels. You're the first dragoness I've ever encountered. I'm not a dragon, but we could train together if you want. You could practice your fire breath and I could practice a few spells."

Shiana was disappointed that the new guy was just standing there and didn't move. She hoped that he'd manage to catch up with the group before he could get lost in his attempt of following them. She got wasn't paying any attention to Akio and gasped when he picked her up. Shiana was a little bit scared, but she calmed down when she noticed who it was as soon as she heard his words. "Do't's ok, Maddie..." She giggled and moaned while Akio was kissing her. "He and I had some fun it's ok when he does that to me." One of her hands was sliding down towards his crotch and began to stroke his cock. "You said something about fucking why aren't you doing anything to fulfill that promise?" Shiana hoped that the giant warrior would snap out of his comatose-like afk state and join them by fucking her mouth. It would be even better when they both shared her body and fuck her two holes. One of them could pound her ass while the other one could slam his cock into her pussy.

On the other side of the letter were the words "It's a trap!" with a drawing next to it. A group of bandits rushed out of the woods with their weapons drawn. A strange aura was surounding them and their eyes looked like someone was controlling them from afar.
"Oh snap!" Kay shouted, jumping back and taking aim at one of the bandits. "Hadoooooooooo-ken!" She shot a ball of blue flame from her hands and blew the ass clean off one of them, and he just danced around with no ass for a minute before he flopped over and died. Shit was so cash.
Gale saw the bandits surround them and grimaced at the sight of the aura around them. "These aren't normal bandits." He got his kunai ready and he flared his shadow magic up, before throwing the kunai at one bandit and snagging him on the end of it. Then, he pulled the bandit towards him, yelling out "GET OVER HERE!" The bandit was yanked toward Gale which allowed the assassin to stab him in the throat with the kunai, killing him.
The fireball she'd thrown had drained most of Kay's energies. She was freaking starving! Off to one side, she spotted a female bandit who'd let her guard down to try and ready a crossbow. Disappearing in a puff of pink smoke, she reappeared right in front of the girl. "Bamf!" she shouted, before tackling the bandit and pushing her into some nearby bushes where she paralyzed and began humping the holy shit out of her with her devastating clam-on-clam super move.
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