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The Key to Going Green(Avengers)Lady/Moon

Bucky grinned around the other as best he could bovbing his head a little as he started to hum.and it would probably only take steve a bit to realize he was humming the songs both 'god bless america' and the star spangled banner. Swallowing hard as he reached up and pressed steve's hand tighter to his head conveying the need for hair pulling as he rolled his eyes up to look at the other.
Steve gasped at the humming and arched, shuddering hard as he squirmed. "fucking... sassy... bastard!" he gasped, squirming before he groaned and gripped that thick hair tighter and forced Bucky's head lower, cautiously, carefully rocking his hips into that sweet sweet mouth. "Fuck... Bucky... Fuck." he moaned, tipping his head back as he luxuriated in the sensations, shuddering hard and calling out Bucky's name yet again as he came, emptying every drop down Bucky's throat and stood there for a moment, trembling. he'd never felt something so amazingly good in his entire life. "take your pants off." he ordered, voice husky. "i don't think i can suck you, but i can stroke you off." he promised, already sinking to his own knees and pushing Bucky to lay down on his back while he struggled with Bucky's entirly too complicated pants.
Bucky smirked looking up at him, moaning as his hair was gripped tighter, groaning as he palmed himself, forcing the desire down as he pressed against his own cock, trying to control himself as he shuddered, groaning louder as steve rocked into his mouth, smirking as the other fucked his mouth, closing his eyes as the other came, feeling pleasure crash through him at knowing he’d caused such a reaction. “Huh?”Bucky muttered after a moment, his voice completely wrecked as he pulled off the other’s cock, looking up at him stupidly before grinning, “Well, I can do that.”He said looking amused to watch steve struggle with the button and zipper to his cargo jeans, smirking as he gave him a hand, shifting to get comfortable, smiling at the feel of the water pounding against his jean covered thighs, it was a odd feeling really. Moaning as the other brushed against his cock with every fumbling work of the zipper.
Steve echoed the groan, shuddering as he thrust faster, panting eagerly as he emptied his cock down Bucky's throat. he had to chuckle at Bucky's eloquence apparently Steve wasn't the only one who hazed out in the face of sex. he growled as the Zipper refused to yield and finally just broke the damn thing, though he did refrain from tearing the fabric. he'd never hear the end of it otherwise. he gently ran hi fingers over the length, examining every inch of it, wishing he could find the courage to put his lips on it. the last thing he wanted was a flashback though so he focused on using his fingers to torment Bucky.
Bucky smiled slightly as he heard the other chuckling, ebfore frowning a little.”Hey, nothing to laugh at here, Rogers. Might not be as big as you, but nothing to laugh at either.”Bucky grumbled playfully snickering as he watched the other break the zipper, teasing him, relaxing as he tried to not fuck into the other’s hand, not wanting to scare him, shuddering as he rested his head back against the bed, whining high in his throat as he squirmed, “st-ste...”he stuttered as he came, body curling, hunching around the other’s hand as he moaned, curling up, resting his hands on the other’s arms as he shook through his orgasm.
he grinned. "wasn't laughing at your cock love, i promise." he promised. "just laughing that you where so in tune with your surroundings." he teased with another snicker before he stroked the cock, teased the cock, and watched Bucky come completely undone. "...fucking hell that was... so good." he whispered, his eyes wide and looking so astonished it would have been funny, if not for the fact that there was still lust and heat burning in those eyes. Steve wanted more. he was too scared to take it. no one could blame him for that either.
“Uh-huh, that’s what you say.”bucky said smiling a little, blushing slightly at being called ‘love.’ Groaning as he slumped back against the wall he shuddered a little at just how oversensitive he felt as he felt the shower water trailing down his stomach, pooling around his cock, and soaking into the jeans. Shuddering as he looked up at the blond, his eyes showing the same lust and heat, biting his lip a little.”...what do you want from me stevie?”He muttered
he smirked. "i do say. and you of all people should know that Captain America is virtuous and trustworthy and honest in ALL things." he stated with a smile looking oh so very innocent. "you look so hot like that." Steve admitted, swallowing thickly. "i... i d..don't know." Steve whispered, sounding nervous and confused. "i want more... but i'm scared." he admitted as he sat down on the floor of th shower, cross legged. "i want you... so bad... i have wanted you, for so long. and now i can't have you because i'm too scared." he admitted with a sigh. "i feel kinda like a dick now..." he admitted, smiling at the other.
“I stopped falling for that around the time we were six, stevie. You are to much of a sassy bastard.”Bucky snickered a little flushing at the compliment. “Okay. Well. How about we get out of the shower, and we go make out in bed. If something happens, it happens. And if you need to stop, we will.”Bucky said smirking as he got to his feet, leaning over to steal a kiss.”Don’t feel like a dick. This is more then I ever thought I’d have.”He muttered even as he stripped out of his wet jeans, padding naked into the bedroom and finding a pair of sweatpants, grinning as the soft silky material clung to him like a second skin.
Steve just smirked and shook his head. "it amuses me that you are literally the only person who knows that." in all honesty, every single little thing they had ever gotten in trouble for during the course of their time together, it was usually Steve's idea. like the time they'd snuck into Coney Island and pretended to be clowns so they could run away and join the circus when they where twelve. that had been Steve's idea. "well. that sounds okay." he agreed with a smile as he leaned in and kissed the other, chuckling when he stripped and he turned the water back on to finish rinsing off before he stepped out and dried off with a towel so he could join Bucky in the bedroom. pausing to stare at the other. god he looked sex like that.
“I know. Even Erin wouldn’t believe that all the ideas were yours. She thinks I’m the bad influence in this relationship.”Bucky snickered as he kissed him back, smiling as he settled onto the bed to wait, raising a eyebrow as he watched Steve watching him. “Are you going to stand there all day, or come join me?”He said offering that cute little smirk as he watched him.
he smirked. "it's so true. your totally the bad influence." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i was looking. i don't understand how you can look sexier half dressed than when your naked." he admitted with a chuckle as he followed the other into the bed, kissing Bucky eagerly as he snuggled into the other. "i love you."
“cause you like the idea of undressing me.I’m sexy no matter what I least stark’s not in here, he’d totally be getting off just on the arm, I wouldn’t have to do anything else.”Bucky snickered a little smiling as he was kissed, tugging the other closer, absently running a hand down his back.”I love you to.”he muttered nuzzling him a little
he chuckled. "this is true." he admitted with a smirk before he groaned and rolled his eyes. "must you bring him up? you just killed my boner." he complained, though he did look amused. he hummed under the hands on his Skin and he kissed Bucky's neck, smiling a little. "...Bucky?" Steve asked softly. "i want to ride you." he admitted, blushing hard. he wanted to feel the other inside him so bad, but he was too scared to do it with Bucky on top of him. this way, Steve could mostly be in control.
“Hm, I did. Cause I wanted to know if I was the only one who thought he gets off on tech. I mean, I think I saw him staring at me last night.”Bucky whined a little looking more amused then worried about getting scolded for bringing him up. “Hm?”Bucky said moaning softly as steve kissed his neck, tilting his head back with a smile, “What?”He said nearly cracking his head off the headboard as he raised his head to look at the other, unconsciously rolling his hips against the other’s, desperate and needy,but trying not to push. “...really?”He said gently stroking the other’s hair.”We don’t have to,steve.”He muttered
Steve snorted and shook his head. "he still wants to give you a new one." he pointed out with a chuckle. "and Tony's fascinated with you, of course he stares. don't worry, he won't molest you." he promised, chuckling a little. "...don't hurt yourself." he commented mildly, looking like he was fighting back laughter. "i want to. i want to try. i want you." he admitted. "i don't think i'll get scared if i'm on top." he admitted as he kissed the other again. "i'll let you prepare me though, if you want." he offered with a smirk.
“I know. He just can’t decide on the best design though.I’ve heard all about it.”James snickered a little rolling his eyes.”And he totally will. I mean, who wouldn’t want to molest me?Even Erin molested me, and she’s got a thing for dorky scientists.”He snickered as he studied the other, before nodding.”Okay. And I totally want to.If you’re doing most of the work, I want to do that.”Bucky said squirming away to get the lube out of his nightstand drawer, yes he was still a man-whore who kept it on hand just in case- and poured some into his hand, coating his fingers as he smacked Steve on the hip a little. “Scoot up, sitting on my stomach as I work.”he smiled a little.
he chuckled. "that's hilarious." he admitted with a grin. "your so full of it." he teased with a grin. "okay." he agreed eagerly as he settled into place and sighed, content as he felt Bucky set to work. those sighs quickly turned to moans, and Steve just couldn't lay still once the fingers where inside of him. arching, wriggling, moaning and writhing as Bucky teased him. "F..Fuck, B..Bucky. oh god!" he moaned, inner walls tightening around those wiggling fingers before he pulled away. "don't want to cum yet. want you to cum inside me. want to cum when you do." he moaned as he uncapped the lube and stroked Bucky until he was very slick, slowly, carefully, wary of his own reaction he let the other slip inside of him.
“Hmmm, I’m not the one in this relationship that’s about to be full of something.”Bucky smirked a little kissing him slowly as he fingered the other, swallowing down those breathy little moans, trying hard to not squirm to much as the other moved against him, “Hmmm, so pretty. You’re so pretty like this.”He muttered moaning loudly at the demand, nodding eagerly. “I want that to.”He panted, moaning, hips bucking up into the other’s hand as he rubbed lube over him, eyes wide and lust blown as he moaned, hands resting on his hips, fingers tightening over the other’s hips as he slowly pushed into him, shuddering and trembling as he fought for control.
Steve had to chuckle at the joke before moaning into the kiss, eagerly enjoying every touch. "n..not, pretty." he whined though a moan. "yes. oh yes." Steve moaned, trembling as he sank down onto the other, shuddering a little. "f..fuck." he moaned with a shudder, pausing once he was sank as low as he could get, his ass clenching and twitching around the length buried inside of him. "g.. gimme a sec." if he moved now, he was going to shoot his load.
“So pretty. Really.”Bucky teased a little, moaning deep in his chest as the other sank down onto him, groaning softly as he looked up at the other, his hair a wild mess on the pillow under his hair as he stared up at the man riding him, eyes wide and blown. “Kay..take...take all the time you need.”he said panting, hands flexing on the other’s hips struggling for control.”You okay?”He muttered.
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