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Dear X

Rudolph Quin

Mistaken for some sort of scoundrel
Aug 2, 2009
Write a message directed at anyone or anything. You can keep it anonymous by just writing "Dear X".

Dear tickle in my throat,

Go away. I will cough you out, you bastard. Don't think I won't!

Sincerely, Me, who is ill
Dear Father,

What did I do wrong? Why didn't you want me? I went to Hell and back for you, but it wasn't enough. Why? I did everything I could, everything to make you proud, to make you notice me. But it was never enough. You always picked them over me.

And I just can't tell you how much that hurts. It's been what, six years now? God, it's been six years... You haven't touched me in six years. I should be grateful, but it hurts.

Am I ever going to understand any of this? Is any of it ever going to be for a reason? Because nineteen years of living and it still doesn't. I don't get it.

I tried. I wish you'd realize that. I wanted to be a good daughter. I really did.

I still love you,

((Ooops. Apparently I had feelings?))
Dear X,

Keep away you dirty slut! He is a good boy!

Sincerely me, overprotective sis

Dear Dickhead,

Where do I begin? You. You piece of subhuman shit. Who are you? I step on you. I step on you, I clean you off my shoes at night. I step on you, I clean you off my shoe, then, I throw that shoe away, and I'm pissed, because that shoe that I just threw away, that's worth more than your worthless life. Do you have any idea who I am, or is your brain just too tiny to have ideas?


I never loved you. I was young and stupid and I hadno idea what love was. I still ddon't. But I know it's not you, dick. I'll fucking kill you. Don't even fucking play with me, I know where you live, I know where you sleep.

I AM DONE WITH ALL MEN EXCEPT FOR CHARLIE AND BRADLEY. I'm becoming a lesbian. Because I'm sick of it. Fuck you. Fuck you all. :)

Pissed off ex girlfriend
Dear cute girl at work,

Please be a lesbian or bi. I'm trying to be gay with you.

Sincerely, someone trying to flirt with other girls even though it's hard.
Dear Me,

Please when grilling, if using gas and it doesn't start right away, turn off the gas. Let's not have a hairless arm summer like last year.

Dear people on Blue Moon.

Why does no one seem to be interested in my celebrity request thread? I took a long time out of my busy schedule to write all of that!

Yours insincerely, Dan.
Dear X,

I'm sorry I failed you. I did everything for you because I felt that that would help atone for my sins for everything I had done wrong in the past, but instead I enabled you to wither and fail, empowering you to do nothing. It has caused you to wither and though now we can work towards fixing it, it shouldn't have gotten this far. It is my fault for not being strong and the horrible blunt asshole of a man you respected compared to a flake. We'll get through this, I promise you.

Dear X,
I watch you at work. Just one night is all I want. No relationship. No love. No romance. Just one night with you. You've got such a hot ass that I can't help but steal a glance when you're not looking. I'd love to stand in front of you, reach around, and grab your ass. I know you're older than me. I don't care. I simply don't care. Just one night is all it would take for me to get you out of my system. I know you've got a girlfriend, and I don't want to cause trouble for you. She can keep you. I just want you for one night.
Dear Mr X aka Evil Monkey,
You’re a fellow Bluemoon user, and I know we’re suppose to meet. I can’t wait until that night either. You and I together? *evil smile* Our rps will suffer as the clothes come off. My partners will have to understand that you come first. Literally. I sit here looking at you right now, smiling at you, and I can’t wait. You’ve made what wa a bad day end on such a good note. Thank you for that. Damn you look sexy tonight. Soon enough, my evil monkey, you shall be off my computer screen and in my bed. Until then.
Dear Lyku,

Stop being on late trying to roleplay, your subpar RP deteriorates to embarressing levels and you make poor decisions while drifting in and out of consciousness.

Dear Bella and Izzy,

It's been too long. I miss you. I just want one email back, one. Just tell me you're okay and that you don't hurt anymore, okay?

I still need you, I kept trying to call and then your Mom shut your phone off. I cried so hard I threw up that day. It hurt that I couldn't even listen to your goofy voicemail pickup. Remember making that, Iz?

Why'd you leave? Why'd you have to leave me all by myself? You're my best friends in the entire world and beyond and you left. That's just not fair. How come I have to be stuck with missing you? Refreshing my email again, again, and again for just one email.

I just miss you so much. I want you back. I feel like everyone's moved on but me. Your family has eachother, your other friends have them.

I have no one. You left and I got discarded. Left behind. Forgotten?

Come visit me in my dreams, okay?

Because as far as I can tell after four years of you both being gone, the dead don't come back...

I love you,

PS. "Hold on, baby you're losing it..."
Dear X,

Why did you abandon me? You left in the time I needed you the most, as a best friend; you're supposed to be there for me. You were busy, and I know it is important. But when you returned, why did you feign support? Lie to my face while you stabbed me in the back, spread poison amongst our other friends?

Why, when my sickness returned, did you drop me like a child would with an outgrown toy? Was I annoying you? Was I clinging to desperately in fear that you would do just that? Leave me? just avoid me, stare at me with cold eyes to match your frozen heart. You're blue for a reason.

Why did you promise to stay...
Dear Asshole-that-flipped-me-off-on-the-highway-after-cutting-me-off,

Yes, I was following you afterwards. Yes, I could have followed you all the way to your house, gotten out and kicked the living crap out of you. Be glad I didn't. Be glad I wasn't in a Humvee with a gunner, because your ass would have been grass after you cut me off. Also be glad that I'm at the point in my life where I really don't want to have to deal with the police after I mete out justice vigilante-style.

I hope karma bites you in the ass.


The Guy in the car behind you that's twice your size.
Dear OxyClean,

Why must you burn and itch like the pits of hell? I'm sincerely in a lot of discomfort and would appreciate it if you would stop burning my flesh.

Feet and Ankles
Dear X:

I drove by your parking space today just to make sure you'd received my birthday gift. Considering the amount of rubber left from your tires, the gallon of superglue worked like a charm. P.S. - the smell may be from the kippers left on your engine, and if your new sports car seems a bit sluggish, I didn't want to put the potato all the way in to block the muffler. This way, it causes a few little problems and eventually your mechanic will find it cemented there. Since I'm sending this message email through a proxy you can't trace, it may arrive after a few things happened. The itching powder on the passenger seat should have produced some photographic moments when you took your new girlfriend to dinner. Oh - and having a stripper show up in your office during a board meeting may have caused a little bit of anxiety. Ooops! Happy Birthday.
Dear X,

Please don't tell me you love me. Stop clinging to something that will never happen. I'm married and whatever is in your head is never going farther than that. I want to be friends but I'm not your lifeline or savior. If I lead you to believe that, I am sorry but wake up. Your life will pass you by if you sit there waiting for something that will never be. The harder you cling the more I push back, just let go.


Probably kind of a shitty friend
Dear Clients From Work,

You're not going to get your medications anytime soon, and I don't care. Please stop whining about your plethora of made up health issues while your dog barks in the background and get off of the phone.

With Love and Patience,
Someone who Works Only To Buy Video Games and Snacks.
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