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Forbidden Desires ( loneiysong & CrimsonMaster )

"Meachum," Jamie said calmly before putting the paper she was working on in the desk so she could look over it at a later time. "I highly suggest that you lower your voice and talk rationally." Jamie said on a not unpleasant tone. Gertrude watched him carefully. Gertrude had to clean up many of kea hums indirectly caused illnesses amongst the natives and that was nothing she could forgive anytime soon.

"Now tell me what the problem is?" Jamie stood and moved in front of Meachum I afraid and standing her ground.
Meacham glared at Jamie while saying putting savages on the council and making one marshal was the problem. He warned Jamie that the Indians would slaughter the people of this town. It was just a matter of time. Meacham didn't like that Jamie & her husband had been messing in Indian affairs ever since they came to Fort Apache. Meacham said that Grey Eagle and his people should be kept apart from the whites who so foolishly were settling this area. " Mark my words woman.......It's just a matter of time before they start killing off everyone else. " Meacham's words made Wolf push the man backwards. " How dare you speak such lies!.......My people have kept the peace since General Harper arrived.....He has kept his word with us and we keep ours with him! " Wolf snarled out. Meacham went backwards a few steps. Once Wolf had his say, Meacham pointed out how violent Wolf had become. He said this was just the start of bloodshed. Meacham said no white person would be safe with Indians running things.
"I trust wolf and his people." She said calmly putting a hand on the back of wolf. "And I would like to see you when someone insults you or your family. Meachum, I have it on good authority that you all but poisoned the natives. If your wish is to continue being a stumbling block to the natives and the people of fort apache, I suggest you get your things together and leave, for I am warning you, this behavior of yours will no longer be tolerated or accepted."

Jamie stepped in front of wolf and looked squarely at Meachum and frowned.
Meacham didn't like what Jamie said too him. It was slanderous, even if it was the truth. A truth which would be hard to prove. Meacham was after all an employee of the United States Government. Even if Jamie could bring charges against him. It would be unlikely that Meacham would suffer in anyway. He laughed openly at Jamie's frown. That showed him, she wasn't as tough as she acted. Meacham saw Jamie as a little girl playing at being a woman. She was nothing more then a redskin loving whore. " Mark my words.......There will be bloodshed here.......And it will be on your hands. " Meacham growled as he glared at Jamie. He then moved around and left the room. Meacham walked through and out of the saloon. He walked down the street and soon ended up at his office. Meacham moved around his desk. He was cursing Jamie openly and was ready to sit down. Before Meacham could sit, he heard a noise coming from his storeroom. Meacham left his office and entered the storeroom. There he found Red Knife sitting on a crate.

Red Knife had drifted away from Fort Apache after his encounter with Jamie at Grey Eagle's fire. He joined with other renegade Apaches in Southern Arizona. There they caused great trouble. Killing many white settlers and Mexicans. Red Knife came back to Fort Apache only to find a town. This made Red Knife regret having not killed Thomas before he left. Red Knife knew Meacham wasn't a friend to the Indians. He also knew Meacham hated Thomas & Jamie Harper. There was an old saying which Red Knife heard once. It said that that enemy of my enemy is my friend. While he wouldn't be friends with Meacham. They both shared a common enemy. Meacham asked what Red Knife was doing here? Red Knife told Meacham that they had a common foe. This foe being the Harper family. Red Knife said he would get rid of the Harper family, if Meacham did something for him. Meacham slowly sat down on a box while asking Red Knife what he wanted. Red Knife told Meacham he wanted guns. Not just any guns, by Winchester Rifles. Red Knife had 25 renegades with him. Most still used the bow & lance. A few had rifles, but they were older 1863 sharps carbines. Red Knife wanted better weapons which could be used to kill the white people. Meacham said he would get the weapons Red Knife wanted, but he wanted something else in return. Red Knife listened as Meacham said he wanted Grey Eagle and Wolf killed. This was agreed on by Red Knife. He would kill the Harper family along with Grey Eagle and Wolf for the rifles.

Before leaving, Red Knife told Meacham to pass around some whiskey to Grey Eagle's people. This often turned the young men into animals who would then cause trouble. It was also decided upon that Red Knife would attack and kill settlers around the town. He'd do so leaving little doubt that they died by Indian hands. This would fracture the peace that had become Fort Apache. While leaving, Red Knife swore that the white man & Indian would never be friends. Meacham swore that he'd spit on Jamie's dead corpse. The die had been cast. Rough times were ahead for those who lived in Fort Apache.
"Is that a threat?" She stepped closer and looked at him and glared. She growled back to him. She learned to stand her ground a long time ago, but especially with the natives. When someone got up in your face and growled, you growled back. Because chances were they were a coward. She watched him go and then moved back to Wolf and smiled wider. Kissing his cheek she stroked his arm.

Jamie patted his back and promised that there would be good times ahead. She felt it. Honestly felt it. A promise for Fort Apache, her family, everyones families. They were on a roll, and if there were those who didn't like it, they were welcome to move on.
The trouble with some people was, they wouldn't move on. Often, these people took great pleasure in destroying what others had built. Jamie wasn't dealing with men who just had different views, or ideas from her own. She was dealing with men driven by hatred. Men who thought that only violence was the key to solving problems. Men who would stop at nothing to reach their goals. Jamie's family was in more danger now then ever before. Each of them was a walking target. Red Knife planned on killing everyone in Harper family. Even the children wouldn't be spared. He wanted Jamie's scalp for his own. It would hang on the wall of his teepee, so Red Knife could look at it everyday and remember his hatred. Really, Red Knife had no troubles remembering his hatred for white people. As Grey Eagle said, Red Knife was born with hatred in his heart.

The meeting broke up with everyone unaware that Red Knife had returned. He was no longer welcome inside the village. Grey Eagle made sure of this. Red Knife would come back once Grey Eagle and Wolf were dead. He would then take control over the people and begin a war with the whites. Red Knife would kill every non Indian living on Apache land. It didn't matter how many people needed to die. Red Knife would even attack whole towns to drive the whites, blacks, orientals and Mexicans out. Mr. Fields returned to his story. Rachel went to pay a visit to John Henry. Grey Eagle left to rejoin his tribe. Wolf walked slowly out of the saloon and looked around. He was confident that Jamie was right. That this town, this place could be one tiny spot where everyone could live in peace & love each other without hatred. Wolf however believed that there would always be someone trying to tear apart what Jamie had built. After Wolf was gone, that left Jamie & Gertrude alone. Perhaps now they could talk openly?
Gertrude and Jamie spoke. Gertrude spoke of how she had seen some natives at their worst. Her father had been taken and beaten ferociously to death by the natives while a little Gertrude watched. Then they went to scalping him and painting themselves with his blood. Jamie promised that the Apache were different and hugged Gertrude and then Gertrude went back to her house that doubled as a place to go in and talk to patients.

Jamie sat back and then wrote out the laws and then smiled and looked around grinning wider.
Later that day Jamie paid a visit to the fort. She went to tell Thomas how the meeting went and what was brought up. Thomas liked the idea of adding a mill & factory. It would help those who weren't farmers, or ranchers make some much needed money. All the other ideas voted on were also good. The town did need a telegraph for private use. He also found himself agreeing with Mr. Fields on having a bank. They would need one once the factory & mill were up and running. Thomas & Jamie left his office and went to the fort's telegraph office. He sent messages to Joesph & Clayton about becoming partners in the new industry of Fort Apache. Thomas also asked for their help in bring the railroad to the area. The next message Thomas sent was to Washington. The message was a request was for General Sherman's help with the railroad. Thomas knew that a military reason for having the railroad build a line into Fort Apache was better then a personal one. He said transporting troops into the area in case of trouble would be easier. This made sense, but there was no trouble in, or around Fort Apache. While trouble was gathering like a strong storm. It wouldn't be so great that more troops would be needed. No one in Washington needed to know that real reason Thomas wanted the railroad.

Later that same day. Thomas & Jamie took a ride on horse back. They rode out to an area Thomas thought would be perfect for the mill & factory. It was an area on land which they owned. It was beside the river and would provide the mill and factory will water based power. The mill & factory would be far enough away, down stream from Grey Eagle's village. That it would cause them no troubles. The next stop the couple made was Mr. Fields store. Thomas had Mr. Fields place an order for all the lumber and building materials they would need for both buildings. About two weeks later, construction began on the mill & textile factory. Thomas & Jamie hired local men & women for the project. It was a good mix of towns people and people from Grey Eagle's village. The Apache showed what good workers they were. With all the hard work, the shells for both buildings were up in just over a week. A huge water wheel was built and connected to the mill. This was done only a week later.

With all the good that was being done. So troubling bad things started to rise up. Fights were being to breakout late at night in and around the town. More then usual. Many of these fights involved young braves from Grey Eagle's tribe who got liquored up. Meacham was slowly passing around the rot gut whiskey. Not wishing to cause anymore trouble. The braves kept the mouths shut on where the liquor came from. As Grey Eagle pointed out. These were young men who didn't have the seasoning that wisdom brings as one gets older. It was these young braves which Red Knife wanted to true against the town and Grey Eagle. Wolf & John Henry were busy when each night came. The fights were growing more intense. People were getting hurt. The town hall was just now starting to be built. There was no place to house the trouble makers to cool off. They were just sent home, but emotions were running high. Most of the fights were between whites and the Indians. It was on a day after a very violent night when a rider came into town. A local farmer was passing by the Miller farm about 10 miles outside of town. He noticed the smoke raising up and rode over too see what happened. The man was shocked to find the entire Miller family had been killed. Some were shot, others had arrows buried in their chests & backs. Each member of the family had been scalped. The arrows were all marked with the sign of Grey Eagle's tribe.

All six members of the Miller family laid dead on the ground. Both parents and their four children. Wolf, Jamie, John Henry, Thomas & Grey Eagle rode to the Miller farm. It was a shocking sight, but one they needed too see. It sure seemed like members of Grey Eagle's tribe committed this act. Grey Eagle swore on his life that he'd find out who was behind this act of murder. Wolf found it hard to believe that anyone from the tribe could have done this. It was possible of course. No one had any idea that Red Knife was back and was behind this. He and those who followed him killed the Millers while making it look like Grey Eagle's people were behind this. " With tensions already running high......This is only gonna cause more trouble in town.......Those fights are gonna start happening without any liquor being involved. " John Henry said as he looked down at the covered bodies. This town built on love, peace, kindness, pleasure, passion and caring was on the edge of falling apart. Jamie was the head of the town. She had become it's soul & voice. If things didn't calm down, Thomas would have no choice but too declare martial law and lock the town down. He would then deploy armed troops around the town and the nearby farms.
Jamie smiled and told Thomas the areas were great. Things were starting to spread wings. But after the fights, Jamie felt Fort Apache was just a baby bird. Maybe she had encouraged it to grow too fast too soon. As the fights grew worse, Jamie stayed home. Refusing to eat, to have sex, she was just either at the office or in bed awake staring up at the ceiling. She wouldn't speak to anyone, but everyone constantly complained to her. When the rider came with news the Millers were dead, she became pissed. Extremely pissed. She balled up her fists and then summoned a runner to go and get Grey Eagle. She was sleep deprived, exhausted, and bordering dehydration. She was angry.

She was summoned to the Miller farm, but she kept silent around Grey Eagle. She glared and then looked at Grey Eagle. "I have a plan for your braves if you cannot manage them. Grey Eagle, these braves have been a problem, but from my respect of you and your people, I was hoping you would step up. Now this is getting out of hand. Reign them in Grey Eagle." She moved forward standing toe to toe with the chief. "Reign them in, or I will send them to a boarding school where their heritage that you and I both love and respect will be washed from their red skins and I will be purged of this horrible guilt." She growled. She turned. She knew it wasn't only Grey Eagle's fault. She had a plan for that as well.

When she got into town, she gathered the council members. "Until we can pull our heads out of asses." She looked at everyone. "I am strongly advising we stop the buying and selling of liquor. Until we can figure out who is at fault. This is the best option I have." She said as she looked at each of them. Gertrude was the first to speak.

"Jamie, how long has it been since you last slept?" Gertrude said.

"THAT IS NOT THE FUCKING PROBLEM RIGHT NOW!" Jamie roared and threw her fist into the desk. Gertrude frowned as she heard several crunches and saw her leave a bloody handprint in its place. "We need to get this damn liquor under control right now. Mr. Fields, no more buying and selling of liquor, and I will go to Mr. Meachum and tell him this new law. I will construct a make shift jail outside it will be glorified cages, but anyone caught buying or selling liquor will be put into those." She rubbed her forehead. Gertrude watched blood roll down to her wrist.

"Jamie, you are troubled. You need sleep, nourishment, and to go home and-" Gertrude tried again.

"AND YOU DON'T HAVE PEOPLE WHO ARE LOOSING THEIR FAMILIES!" She turned to the people of the council. "Now do I have your support? Or are we going to sit on our asses and hope this gets better before we wake up scalped and betrayed." She growled.
Everyone expected Jamie to take what happened hard, but no one expected her to take it this badly. Jamie was acting insane. Boarding on the edge of totally losing her mind. Grey Eagle understood why Jamie spoke as she did to him. He never once said anything back to her. Grey Eagle just nodded his head. The disappointment in what happened was clearly on his face. During the meeting, there was little anyone could do but agree with what Jamie wanted. All liquor sells would stop. Grey Eagle restricted his people to the village unless they were working on the town hall, or at the mill & factory. Thomas appeared after Jamie's outburst. He grabbed her by the hand and lift it so everyone could see the blood. " I want no arguments.....I want no back talk......You'll go home for rest, food and relaxation......You'll not come back to town until you're 100% healthy......This town needs you in your right mind and not half crazed. " Thomas told Jamie without holding back. He then told Wolf & Rachel to take Jamie home and make sure she did what Thomas wanted. Thomas wasn't playing games. Jamie was taking this all way to hard. She wasn't thinking rationally. The whole town was close to destroying itself and it needed Jamie to help hold it together. People looked to her as subjects would look upon a queen. Jamie however, wasn't acting like the caring person she normally was. Thomas left the meeting and told the bartender that the saloon was closed until further notice. This happened to the second saloon as well.

A few days went by and all seemed peaceful again. The peace didn't hold however. The fights stopped. Meacham got wind of Jamie's orders and her falling apart. He took great delight in what happened too her. Meacham believed the dirty whore was getting what she deserved. 8 miles east of town, another farm was attacked. The Baxter family had been tied to trees and tortured. Most of the family was dead, but one member survived. A 17 year old girl named Sierra, lived to tell what happened. Sierra was taken to Gertrude's place. Once the girl healed enough, she told her story. Sierra told Thomas, Jamie, Wolf, Grey Eagle & John Henry about the attack. She spoke of how a group of Indians raided the farm and killed her parents and her two brothers. Sierra said that these Indians weren't from the village. She spoke of how they were dressed. The colors they wore, how they wore their features, how they wore their hair and the markings on their weapons. Everything Sierra said pointed towards another band of Apaches. A different group from another part of the state. Sierra then talked about the leader. What she said about him, how he acted, the things he said all pointed towards Red Knife. This made sense since he wanted to destroy everything Jamie stood for.
She looked at Thomas with rage in her eyes. He was undermining her. In her position of power! Her jaws clenched but the muscle in her forehead bounced as she ground her teeth together. Jamie walked him in silence as wolf and Rachel followed her. Moving to her room she shut the door and sat on a chair and tapped a long nail on the side. She was glaring outside. Maria came in and dressed her wound but still she said nothing. How could all she had built crumble so completely. She wanted her brother and father. They would know what to do. Getting up, she moved to the glass window of their bedroom and pressed her forehead to it and began to cry. Tears rolled down her face. She felt completely alone. For the first time in her life. Moving to the bed she covered her face with her hands and curled up.

Even though Jamie went through the motions of eating and sleeping it did not bring her pleasure. When the attack came to another farm, she did not go. She frowned looking at people in the streets as she drank black coffee. Everyone was scared, sad, and angry. All the feelings she had slowly festering inside. She thought of everything. Thoughts to moving all farmers from outside the village to the saloon, to going out and shooting Meachum point blank.

When she met with Sierra, she listened to every word. She held her pen and frowned deeply. This was why her being mayor was a bad idea everything was falling apart and she knew she was the one to blame. The sad, trashy, little whore. How many me. Had she slept with? The thought turned her stomach but she sat there continuing to listen to Sierra as color drained from her face.
None of the towns people blamed Jamie for what happened. There was no way for her to know what was coming. She was only the mayor. Her job was to make this town grow. Bringing in businesses, and start industry. So far, Jamie was doing her job as mayor. Sure there was trouble and deaths. But none of those things had anything to do with Jamie, or her job. It was the job of the town marshal to handle acts against town laws. When Sierra told her story, everyone knew Red Knife committed the murders. There was no doubt that he was behind it. Sierra was a witness who could identify him. Now, he just needed to be found. Meacham already made good on his deal with Red Knife. Those rifles Red Knife wanted were in his hands. So catching hm wouldn't be easy. Meacham still expected Red Knife to carry out his end of the deal. He needed to kill the Harper family, Grey Eagle & Wolf. This wouldn't be easy now since everyone knew Red Knife was back. He had messed up by not making sure all the Baxter's were dead.

Sierra reached out from her bed with a shaky hand. She grasped Jamie's hand into hers. Sierra could see the pain Jamie was carrying. It was a pain which had no place in Jamie. Sierra told Jamie to drop all the pain she had. She said none of this was her fault. Sierra said the town needed Jamie now, more then ever. Jamie needed to reassure the people that Wolf, Thomas & John Henry would get those who committed those dreadful crimes. She needed to be strong for everyone. Sierra never had the chance to experience what being with Jamie was like. Her family had only recently came to Fort Apache. They were new to the free love life style which Jamie promoted. Sierra wanted the old Jamie back. Back the way she had been. That was the Jamie Sierra needed. Sierra believed in the love that Jamie spoke of. This Jamie was a defeated woman and not who she really was. " Swear that you'll rally the town......Swear that you won't this stop you......I need you........This town needs you. " Sierra was in pain while she spoke, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was that Jamie return to who she was and that Red Knife be caught and pay for his crimes.
When Sierra reached for Jamie's hand as she was about to leave, she stopped adn waved everyone off. She moved over and sat down and looked at Sierra. She stroked her hand over her knuckles and looked into her eyes and frowned. She swallowed and then looked up and wiped her eyes free of tears and cleared her throat and then looekd at Sierra.

"Sierra, your family is dead because I overstepped my bounds. I dreamed of a utopia, but my utopia is not everyone's..." She was cut off by the promise that Sierra was asking her to keep. She bit her lip and then gripped Sierra's hand tightly and looked down at Sierra. "I swear to rally the town, if you promise to get better. I promise to do what I can, but you must rest. I promise to rally the town. We will become right again." She stroked her face and stood up adn left. She moved to the townsquare and put that there would be a rally early next morning. She would speak to the people. When the time came, she stood up dressed in her finest.

"PEOPLE OF FORT APACHE." She spoke up and looked over the town. 'PEOPLE HAVE TRIED TO BRING US DOWN, BUT WE WILL SHOW PEOPLE WHAT LOVE WILL DO. WITH THE HELP OF OUR MARSHALL WOLF AND DEPUTY JOHN HENRY ALONG WITH THE HELP OF OUR ARMED FORCES." She looked to Thomas and winked. "WE WILL TRIUMPH. BUT WE NEED TO BE SMART. PRACTICE WHATEVER YOU NEED TO. IF SOMEONE COMES TO YOUR HOUSE AND TRIES TO HURT YOU, EXERCISE YOUR RIGHTS. WE WILL NOT TAKE THIS LAYING DOWN!" She promised her people she would do what she could and if anyone had any ideas her door was open. She sighed feeling somewhat like her old self and heard cheers pour over her.
Everyone came to Jamie's rally. They weren't sure what she would say. There was a rumor going around that Jamie was going to cave in. That she was going to quit and give up on the town. After seeing how she was acting since the first murders. It seemed like this rumor was true. The people looked on as Jamie began to speak. Her words were brave. Her words were just what the town and it's people needed too hear. Jamie had always been a kind of spiritual leader in this town. Her guide on sex was in every home. The people of this town loved Jamie like she was a Goddess. They worshiped the very ground she walked on. It was because she opened their eyes on sex. Jamie taught them that sex wasn't dirty, or something that should be hidden. Sex was beautiful. Sex was the purest form of love. Jamie showed them that sex between men & men, women & women and family members was just as normal & pleasurable as sex between men & women.

Jamie's stirring speech brought cheers from everyone of the towns people. " We're all behind you Jamie! " One man shouted. " We love you Jamie! " A women shouted out. Jamie had the backing of everyone who lived in the community. These were her people and they loved her. Once the meeting ended. Jeb Carter, his wife Mary and their 16 year old son Jacob came up too Jamie. They greeted Jamie and said how wonderful it was to have her back to normal. Jeb & Mary told Jamie that Jacob had just turned 16. He was ready to become a man. The Carters wanted Jamie to be their son's first. This kind of request was common. Everyone wanted their children to learn from Jamie once they became adults. They knew that Jamie would be busy with all the trouble going on. But they wanted Jamie to know that her services would be needed. The Carters were willing to wait until Jamie was free. Jacob wasn't going anywhere and this was his birthday present.
Jamie greeted the Carters and smiled. She looked at the mention of Jacobs birthday and grinned broadly. Stepping forward, she looked at Jacob. "Is this what you want Jacob?" She growled seductively to him as she ran her fingers through his hair. Leaning down she kissed up along his neck and whispered to him. "Do you really want me to be your first?" She ran her tongue along his ear and gave the lobe a soft bite.

Stepping back she looked at him. "When and where young Jacob?" She put her hands on her hips and watched him raising an eyebrow.
Jacob did want Jamie to be his first. Hell, it was a feather in your cap to say Jamie had taken your cherry. Jacob knew how cool it would be to tell his friends about fucking Jamie. She was the sexual leader of this town. It was like being a spiritual leader, but in a sexual way. Jamie wrote the book on sex after all. In her own way. Jamie had become a guru of sex and pleasure, in all of it's forms. She bestowed her wisdom on the members of this community and they learned the lessons she taught.

Mary told Jamie that it could wait until everything settled down. The Carters knew how busy Jamie was. She was the glue that held this town together. None of them would be here without her. Only those with open minds were told about this place. Rachel passed on information while she was out exploring the county. Joesph, Martha, Clayton & James also told choice people about Fort Apache as a home. Most people would just think of this place as an Indian reservation. Which was good because most people didn't have open minds about sex. " We certainly don't want to impose Jamie......You're busy right now and we don't expect you to drop everything just for us......Once all this craziness is over.......We'll set a proper day. " Mary said before telling Jamie that they'd have her over for dinner. She could then make Jacob into a man while Mary & Jeb watched. The Carters knew how busy Jamie was.
"You are citizens, and I would drop everything for a citizen, you are included." Jamie said to Mary and then laughed and nodded. "That sounds delicious. I cannot wait." She smiled and kissed each of teh Carters full on the mouth but she gripped Jacobs ass a bit longer and whispered to him what she was going to do to him. She then nodded and waved them off and went inside of the saloon and looked over the things they could do. It was going to be difficult, but she felt she had just purged herself of a great weight.
" We are so blessed to have found someone like Jamie. " Mary said to her husband while Jamie walked into the saloon. Jeb nodded his head while he enjoyed the view of Jamie's hot looking ass. " We sure are Ma........Jamie sure knows how to make a fellers pecker hard. " Jeb said while reaching down and rubbing his cock through he pants. " She knows how to make a women's pussy wet also. " Mary laughed as she wrapped her arms around Jeb & Jacob. It had been too long since Jeb dipped his wick into one of Jamie's holes. Of course, inviting Jamie over for dinner wasn't about Jeb fucking her. It was about Jamie making Jacob a man. Jeb wouldn't pass up the chance to fuck Jamie if she had the time. Mary felt the same. She'd enjoy doing Jamie again in front of her family. The thought of being with Jamie again made Mary even wetter. Her pussy was dripping. It was a good thing Mary stopped wearing anything under her dresses. Her undergarments would be soaked with pussy juice. This was one of those lessons Jamie taught and all the women believed in. It also gave them less to wash and saved on water.

Meacham sent word to Red Knife that Sierra Baxter escaped death. He told Red Knife where the girl could be found. This news was surprising to Red Knife, but what was more surprising was what else Meacham said. Red Knife was told to kidnap the girl and hold her. This way Thomas could be drawn into freeing Sierra. It was decided that if Gertrude got in the way. She'd be taken as well. Red Knife figured two hostages would work just as good as one. Later that night, after everything was quite. Red Knife and a group of his warriors slipped up to the place Gertrude called home which also severed as her office. Red Knife had a plan for getting inside. He sent two warriors inside through the back.
Gertrude was up writing in a journal when she heard someone coming through the back. Moving forward to a shotgun, she took a hold of it and walked back frowning. Ever since she heard that the natives were going mad she was never very far from a pistol or her favorite Winchester. She frowned and sneaked looking at who was sneaking into her establishment. She knew it was no one she knew because they usually came in and shouted a greeting to her.

She was between whoever was coming in and the room where she was keeping Sierra. She quietly cocked the gun and looked around for them.
Red Knife expected this. That's why he sent two warriors in through the back. Red Knife slipped in the front with four more warriors. Others were scattered around outside keeping watch. Red Knife waited until Gertrude had passed. He stepped out from behind her and clubbed Gertrude on the back of her neck. It was hard enough to not only put her down, but put her out. Red Knife gathered his men. They found Sierra who was sleeping. She was gagged, then tied as was Gertrude. Both women were then taken out back and placed over the back of two horses. Red Knife left a message behind which Jamie could read. It was written in the Apache language. It was a challenge for Thomas & Jamie. Red Knife told them to come to Bear Canyon, alone. He would know if they brought soldiers, or other Indians. Once there, they would find Sierra & Gertrude. They would also find Red Knife and his 25 warriors. Red Knife planned on killing Thomas & Jamie first. Then he and his warriors would kill the remaining members of the Harper family along with Grey Eagle & Wolf. The message would lay where Red Knife dropped it until morning. He expected his guests to arrive at Bear Canyon later that day.
Gertrude gasped as she went down. She was out instantly. She collapsed on the ground. Tied up, secured, gagged, she was unable to stop the fate that was befalling her.

Jamie was told about the letter. She saw the letter. She read Apache thanks to Grey Eagle. She growled and stood up adn went home and told Thomas about this and sat down not sure what to do. She rubbed her head and frowned deeper.
Red Knife had taken his captives to Bear Canyon to wait. He had Sierra still gagged & tied while laying under a nearby tree. Gertrude was also tied, but now in a different manner. Her arms & legs were tied to two smaller trees. One on ether side of her body. This spread her legs wide open as her body formed an X between the trees. Her gag had been removed while Gertrude was still out. Red Knife was sitting with some of his warriors around a fire. Other warriors had been placed in the forest surrounding the area. No one would get in, or out without being seen.

Thomas listened as Jamie told him the news. He could see the worry on her face. Thomas waited until Jamie finished talking. He said they had little choice, but to do what Red Knife wanted. It was ether that, or let Red Knife do whatever he wanted. Thomas knew that Red Knife was making this fight personal because of the views peace & love which Red Knife didn't believe in. This was all to get Thomas & Jamie alone. They would have to fight for their town, their family, their friends. Thomas knew Jamie wasn't afraid to fight. She had been taught by J.P., Grey Eagle, Wolf & Thomas himself. Jamie was as good with a gun as nay man was. Trained in pistol, rifle, shotgun, knife, bow and lance. " I'm ready to go if you are? " Thomas said as he rose up from behind his desk. He put on his pistol belt and sword.
Jamie looked down happy she wore her jeans, chaps, and a simple gingham top. She sighed and moved to the closet where she kept her holsters and then strapped them on. The big guns making her hips and waist look more poportioned. She smiled adn nodded and walked with him. She then bit her lip and gripped his hand tightly.

"Know that whatever happens, I do love you Thomas." She whispered and kissed his cheek.

Jamie was afraid, she wasn't a fool. She just hoped that Thomas at least would survive and be safe.

Gertrude woke up spread eagled and groaned shaking her head but immediately regretted it. Her head was killing her. Groaning, she rolled her eyes and swallowed back the urge to vomit.
Thomas & Jamie rode out for their meeting with Red Knife. It would take them awhile to reach Bear Canyon which was over the mountain ob the other side of the river. Thomas didn't know what Red Knife had planned for them, but there was no doubt that it wouldn't be good. Whatever happened to them, at least they would be together. Thomas was hoping that he could turn this fight into a one on one battle between him & Red Knife. That way Jamie could be kept from harm. If push came to shove. Thomas knew that Jamie wouldn't back down. She'd stand and fight. Jamie could be as tough as nails when she needed to be. It was a side most would never see from her. Most would only see her softer, playful side.

Red Knife and his warriors sat around the fire eating some freshly cooked meet. They chatted among themselves although they all heard Gertrude coming around.
Gertrude groaned adn rolled her eyes and opened her eyes again feeling a bit better. She began to pull at the ropes and growled.

"You better let me out you damned red skins or I will tan your hide." She snapped and began to struggle. She had watched her old lover be killed and slaughtered quite horribly in front of her by these types. She then grinned wickedly and watched them. "Do you know voodoo? Probably not. It is the most nastiest type of magic." She then shut her eyes. She remembered her mother teaching her a bit and she began to chant a bit.
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