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League of Legends Thread!

Non-Con Desires said:
I re-downloaded the game! Hate this new ARAM stuff... No strategy to it. Just apply face to keyboard and drag it across the keys. :(

Yeah! That's why I don't play that mode! You are supposed to have fun and try anti-meta crap...but people flame too much. And the tryharders...OH THE TRYHARDERS!
I was once a TRYHARDER in ARAM but luckily for me I bought all the easy to use champs.

Now I got an overall 230 wins from it, still in gold medal though, I want to make to go for diamond medal.

In Hero Kills+Assists I reach 11,000 - Diamond Medal

Towers Destroyed: 215 - Platinum Medal

Playing ARAM is fun if you want luck to be the deciding factor of the game
little_iveta said:
I was once a TRYHARDER in ARAM but luckily for me I bought all the easy to use champs.

Now I got an overall 230 wins from it, still in gold medal though, I want to make to go for diamond medal.

In Hero Kills+Assists I reach 11,000 - Diamond Medal

Towers Destroyed: 215 - Platinum Medal

Playing ARAM is fun if you want luck to be the deciding factor of the game

I go there for the lulz. For example, one time I had a lot of fun by trying AP Sion and hiding in the bushes, then I only came out to Q and W someone, then I hid back. Of course, the other team raged like assholes, and the words that reigned among the other insults were "Pussy" and "Faggot". I laughed so hard and we won!

I have platinum in everything. :p
Becoming a try harder and not having many people to play ARAM/League with has brought on my recent hiatus. I hate taking ARAM seriously, supposed to be a fun mode; I like to chill out while playing that mode.

I miss URF, though.. Nunu was hilarious to play on that game mode, but even that got to the point where no one took it for 'fun' and wanted to play the most OP champions. Hexakill All-for-One URF mode, I think, would be a ridiculous amount of fun to play.
How do you try anti-meta things in a single-lane map that is specifically designed to be a cluster fuck? Just play blind or draft normals and try to find what kind of anti-meta lanes actually work in a real game? That's much more fun. I'm having a blast with some of these new support champions in the other lanes. This Thresh guy... Oh my god.​
The mobility, the shield (which apparently a door), and the mustache. Sounds OP, but his passive seems a little concerning. If he keeps next to a smart ADC they can lock a person down.
His passive makes the enemy immune to the stun mark for 6-8 seconds after it triggers, specifically so there isn't a stun lock.
I am waiting for either Sion or Poppy's rework right now. I mean, AD Sion is probably the most stupid thing in this game if he wasn't kited so easily, and Poppy's lategame is unmatchable by ANY champ. If you are a lone Vayne farming in bottom lane and you see an enemy poppy with full build...time to apply some lube.
*hops into the thread and starts conversing as though she's been here the whole time*

I'll be sad when they redo Poppy. I like her style. Sure, it doesn't fit to the current meta, but that's part of her charm. She's a wildcard pick with a solid skill set that can be quite potent in the right hands or with the right team. There's nothing wrong with a handful of champions being niche picks when you've got a pool of over 100 champions to pull from.
They aren't remaking her because she doesn't fit into the meta, though. They're remaking her because she has a near-zero pick rate. She has no early game and there isn't a single spot that she does well in. The only thing she has is a beast late game after she gets some items built up, but because she doesn't have an early game she can't get the gold for it. Part of the reason why she's decent in ARAM's.
Poppy and Sion are two champs which have excellent late-game. Poppy's almost unmatchable, and cant instagib almost any squishy champ. On the other hand, Sion can 1v1 or 2v1 or even 3v1 anyone in his full AD lifesteal build, but he can be kited extremely easy. Well...they only do well in late game, and it isn't worth taking them there since it is a gamble: Either you feed horribly bad, or you just get to late-game to carry your team.
Battle Bunny Riven said:
*hops into the thread and starts conversing as though she's been here the whole time*

I'll be sad when they redo Poppy. I like her style. Sure, it doesn't fit to the current meta, but that's part of her charm. She's a wildcard pick with a solid skill set that can be quite potent in the right hands or with the right team. There's nothing wrong with a handful of champions being niche picks when you've got a pool of over 100 champions to pull from.

I see what you did there....

As for Poppy, yeah some champions really need a few tweaks to their kit to make them more viable. Which brings me to another question that I would like answered. I understand that the top ADCs, or I think they are: Jinx, Lucian, Vayne (that late game), and Caitlyn. Ashe and Varus hang around due to their utility and Ez because of his mobility.

Whatever happened to Graves and Quinn? They appear to have fallen off the face off the earth. I haven't seen Graves for maybe a year, Quinn only in ARAMS.
I see what you did there....

As for Poppy, yeah some champions really need a few tweaks to their kit to make them more viable. Which brings me to another question that I would like answered. I understand that the top ADCs, or I think they are: Jinx, Lucian, Vayne (that late game), and Caitlyn. Ashe and Varus hang around due to their utility and Ez because of his mobility.

Whatever happened to Graves and Quinn? They appear to have fallen off the face off the earth. I haven't seen Graves for maybe a year, Quinn only in ARAMS.

Vayne isn't worth anymore (as of now) mostly because we have great ADCs which are waaaaay better than Vayne because they have early and late game (Lucian, Jinx, Caitlyn, Sivir). Vayne is late-game dependant, and we are in League of Farm or League of Disengages, and Vayne barely has any of those. Quinn is an awesome ADC who just turns into a mediocre ADC when her spells are on CD, but she has a ridiculous burst. Graves...he is just being Graves. Let's wait.
The difference between Sion-early and Poppy-early is that at least Sion can do something early game, namely farm and have a safe stun. Not to mention that even full AD Sion wasn't that good until Hydra came out.

As for ADC's, Vayne lost her touch because she needs farm to be decent while Jinx/Lucian/Caitlyn have good base damages on abilities early game.
I give a fuck about any champ right now that isn't the ridiculously OP LeBlanc! GO GO! 3/4ths of your life-bar gone at level 2 if you are a squishy mid! If she isn't nerfed...this shows how Riot is more than awful at balancing an already terribly balanced game.
The fact that you are only now saying that means you haven't seen LeBlanc over the last 3-4 years, when she did the exact same thing. She's one of the squishiest mids, and can only burst down single targets. She's a weaker Fizz, really. And most mids are able to take her on easy if they have any skills.
LeBlanc is just mere words in TF, as she can just delete someone and watch from the distance. Pretty much like Veigar...who is one of my favourite champs. Yi is for stupid or mentally challenged people. I mean, come on! It's just right-clicking to win. No fucking science.
I still want to see more Veigar in the pro-scene. He doesn't get much love. I know he just watches in TFs, since his abilities have extremely high cooldown (his AoE skillshot (W) has 7 seconds at lvl 5 and his E can be used only once in TFs since they won't last that long). But what it's true about the tiny master of evil is that he can nuke almost any AP mid.
The thing that turns people off in pro-scene is that he has to farm to do what he does best. About a half hour straight of farming his Q up before he insta-nukes his targets with full combos. Most games will go just about that long. Past that and Veiger is great. Less than that and it was a dead pick.

Nasus is similar but safer, because he at least DOES STUFF before being farmed enough to two-shot towers.
Veigar is surely in a fragile state. I wouldn't say he is useless, but he is absolutely useless without farming and once his spells are in CD. If Riot decides to lower the CDs on his abilities (like 5 seconds for his E and 3 for his W and maybe 40 for his Ult, like they do on every champ they relaunch) he will become absolutely broken and will nerf him even more than he is now. If they nerf him now, he will see even less play since he isn't a safe pick.

I shouldn't know so much of this crap being a girl. :s Argh.
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