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Life's little mysteries

Sep 21, 2013
You must have noticed that there are some things that happen in life that just shouldn't happen in a rational world and that science can't, and probably never will, explain. This thread is your chance to get the frustration out of your system by telling everyone what it is about life, the universe and everything that you find so bewildering. If anyone thinks they have the answer, then post that here too.

Here's one that struck me in the supermarket on Saturday.

Why do I spend more time choosing food for my cat than for my family?
^ Because you have your family trained, but the cat has YOU trained. ^

Why is it that some people are so adept at doing things that they seem almost pre-programmed, but when something really critical comes along, they kick it in the weeds?
^ Those of us who are "active" here in Games try to support our friends' little projects, but while some catch on like gangbusters, others take a while and some never do. I have no idea why. ^

Why is it that people keep looking for the Yeti / Bigfoot / Sasquatch even though none have ever been found, living or dead?
Why can't I post anything less than 5 characters on here? What's the point of making me add a lot of unnecessary punctuation if I want to use a short word? So many of the most expressive words are short. Perhaps I should start a thread for short words.
Here's how this shit works, people:

Relationships: Life's a race. Break their hearts before they break yours.
And if you're lucky, the universe will scream "HEADSHOT!" in the background and you get bonus points.

Jobs: Do what you love and the money will feel like just an extra bonus.
Focus on how much you make and no matter what you do, you'll feel miserable.

The Self: Keep your chin up, your eyes open, your head forward, and learn to laugh at everything.

Those of us who hang around in this Forum are usually pretty good about supporting each other's games, because it's reciprocal, but nothing works all the time and you can't always understand tastes.
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