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Memy's wild pokemon breeding house

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(I mean the talltale game not the show.. I hate it)
Noel wriggles deep into his lap.. her whole body pressed up on him makimg her look as tiny and hidden as possible
"Not anytime in particular, but I do want to check up on Josh, also shouldn't we tell Noel about us? She is your sister." Blaze says.

Drake continued to pant heavily. He points toward Noel. "You. I never got your name." He says.
As the day goes on.. the door opens and slowly floating in was a roded figure. Quickly darting to a nearby room

Memy smiles "Ok.. lets go home.. I hope everyone is ok" She holds Blaze's paw

Noel pokes her head out to look around.
Memy smiles as they walk home

Noel looks at him "Noel.."

Sitting in the empty room the roded figure sits down and softly crys
Blaze leans over and kisses Memy.

Drake looked around hearing the sobbing, though it was faint. "Well then Noel, I'm sorry for earlier." He says. He then turns and starts to walk away, toward the sound.
Memy pulls Blaze into the allay and out of view "Fuck me.."

Sitting in the corner of the room.. was little body covered in a black rode
Blaze smiles and grabs hold of Memy, pushes her against the alley wall, kisses her and rubs up on her.

"Hey! Whose there?" Drake says, approaching it.
Memy starts to purr as she hops and wraps her legs around him "Just.. pull out.. k?" she kisses him

Quickly looking to see this thing infront of her "Go away..." a soft voice was heard.. as small grey hands pull the hood down more
Blaze nods. He pushes his crotch against Memy's pussy before sliding it in.

"Why?" Drake says. He closes the door before slowly getting closer to the figure.
Memy mewls as Blaze's rod enters her love tunnel "Blaze.." she holds him tightly

"Please go.. I don't want trouble" she said weakly
Blaze thrusts up and down inside of Memy.

"I'm not here to cause trouble, nor am I looking for it." Drake tries to explain.
With each thrust from Blaze.. memy shocks him a bit "More.. fuck.. harder.." she crys

Holding the hood down "Please.. just leave.. you don't want to know what I am.." the soft female voice said
Blaze nods and thrusts harder. "Shocked more, please. I like it." He says.

"Oh now you've piqued my interest. Tell me who you are if you won't say what you are, at the least give me that." Drake said.
Memy shocks him more "Heat me up.." she crys as her juices leak out onto him

"My.. ah.. name's Jir " she said as yellow charms can be seen from under the hood
"Jir? Interesting." Drake goes over to jir and sits down next to her.

Blaze smirks and raises his own temperature, making him warmer than normal, almost hot to touch.
Jir was still hiding behind the hood "Go.. away I told you my name.." she said

Memy was panting heavily "Get those flames going Blaze.." she starts to hump back
Alistair watched the exchange, concern lessening as Drake left after getting Noel's name. He looked down at the curled up Pokemon in his lap. "So, want to tell me what happened," he asked, returning to his gentle strokes.
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