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My Silver Lining (Ava & RocLobster)

Lady Bloody Ava

Anime Junkie
Jun 25, 2010
It was a new start, in a new place. Her first job application easily accepted. A nurse in a private practice. It was a Monday morning and she was already working on her routine. All vitals had been checked. Of course her D.O.N. or Director of Nursing was checking behind her and all was good so far. During this time she also got introduced to the patients and got to spend a little one on one time with them. Misses Harrison was one that seemed to be the sweetest and one that she could relate to. As the day got off to a start the women shared a laugh. The auburn haired female with the hazel eyes stood at the woman's bedside and exchanged stories as the I.V. fluids were adjusted according to the doctor's charts while some were just topped up. Gabriella seemed your typical nurse.

Long auburn tresses cascaded down to the middle of her back in the form of a pony tail. The uniform, which consisted of a white and red scrub dress that barely reached the middle of her thighs. With a collared neckline that dipped down to the middle of her well endowed breasts. At first she questioned the message being sent with this attire, but it was surprisingly so comfortable that she paid no mind to it. Long white stockings seemed to take liberty in riding up her legs and over her knees where they came to a halt. White platforms heels graced petite feet. Since the girl was practically born in heels, it was like walking on bare feet. Being five foot six, she loved the tall feeling that heels gave her. The new nurse had yet to meet the doctor. Not to mention that her head nurse failed to mention that the woman diagnosed with mesothelioma was the mother of her boss. Harrison was, afterall, a fairly common last name.

While her name tag read 'Gabriella Perkins - Nurse' some had already taken to calling her 'Gabby'. Gabriella was a modest and down to earth girl. With both parents six feet under, she was a leaf in the wind. Nothing truly holding her down. They had come to pass in a boat accident and drowned when she was eighteen. Her grandmother took her in and helped her through college before Nana Cindy passed away. Now it was just her. Determined to make something of her life, she tended to the sick and ailing. It was what her mother and grandmother both did. Her family was said to have a 'healing touch'. Just a saying, of course. Having moved from New York, she was enjoying a less bustling and noisy life. There was nothing truly special to her, or at least not that she could see. The woman was very easy to get along with. "Miss Harrison... I'll have to bring some in tomorrow. You and I can indulge in lunch together. " Of course there was a protest of modesty, but Gabby wasn't having it. "It's not like I'd be making a souffle Misses Harrison. It's just a peanut butter and banana sandwich. " Somehow the topic of favorite foods got brought up and it was Gabriella's favorite snack.

Sadly the meds given may have the side effect of drowsiness, so Gabriella was careful make the woman comfortable. The next round of meds weren't due for another hour and she found herself wondering where the doctor was. She asked her head nurse who happened to walk pass the door. "He's probably making his rounds as we speak or in his office." A simple assumption of course. Of course Misses Harrison put on a weary smile and reminded the girls that they were not alone and declared him 'the best doctor in the world'. With the new nurse still ignorant of the relation between patient and doctor, she just smiled. Slender manicured fingers idly fiddled with a raw hunk of ruby, about the size of a dime, that sat nestled in the valley of her bust upon a thin gold chain. The last gift from her grandmother.

As far as relationships went, she was far and few in between. The last one having been almost a year ago and it only lasted six months. He 'needed a fresh start' and, while she doubt he had the same intentions as her, she did just that. Being twenty seven years old, she had plenty of time to think about what she wanted in life. Men were optional. That was her philosophy. She didn't need to have a child. She didn't need to be married. While both were nice, they were just that... optional. Gabby was never really one to 'hunt' for that perfect man. She preferred they were brought to her for trial and when the error was found, onto the next when he came across her. Oh she was no whore, but she had dated several men and learned that if she got too close that she could get hurt. However she was trying to change some of her views. New job. New city. New opportunities. Who knew what would happen?
"Bills, bills, bills." James shared with himself, exclaiming a small sigh of frustration as he quickly skimmed through the various letters piled on his table. Marriage has quite a reputation for being able to change people. James still to this day felt that few people truly understood how such a 'sacred' and 'beautiful' occasion can ruin a persons life further down the road. Once maybe James was so naive, but that innocence had long since been lost. He had Lauren to thank for that, the "Vicious fucking kraut!" as he would so amicably refer to his separated wife. That pet name would be the first thing to come to mind as he sorted through his bills only to find another letter from his ex's lawyer firm. No doubt it was another summons for negotiating the distribution of wealth that would accompany their divorce.

James new he couldn't stay locked away in his office much longer. He had been so neglectful of his patients of late. His personal life had started to consume him and infiltrate the one place he thought would forever be his sanctuary, the office he so arduously worked for. It was such an embarrassing situation that he had to share frequently with patients and colleagues that came to talk to him. His table was camouflaged with a wash of white, letters that he had redirected to the hospital address since he spent most of his time there now. Several changes of clothes hung on the ajar door to his stationary cupboard. Perhaps worst of all was the odour. It smelled lived in, musky.

He could no longer afford to stay in a cheap motel thanks to his expensive wife. Her credit card bills could haunt the nightmares of even some of the wealthiest of men. Expensive spar treatments, exotic holidays, dresses, jewellery. She was an expensive woman to keep and likely to prove more expensive to get rid of. So now he lived where he worked. An unsanitary idea at first but James was given little choice. It was here or the streets and thankfully the Chief was merciful enough to allow such a discrepancy to him in James' hour of need. There were however conditions as one might imagine. He was left to do his own house keeping, forfeited his use of the staff beds for double shifts and wasn't allowed to use the internet on his office computer for recreational purposes. As far as he was concerned it was a small price to pay compared to having to live out of his car.

A grunt tinted with anger would escape him as he tossed the depressing collection of letters down onto his desk. "I'll deal with this horse shit later." he muttered to himself, briskly making his way across the room to take his white coat off the back of his office door. Hastily donning his coat James would check his wrist watch once it's through the left sleeve, noting his own tardiness and trying his best to rush around the room and collect his things. It would be a brief scavenger hunt thankfully, leaving him time enough to crack the window open in hopes that the fresh air will blow out the lived in smell. The last part to this ritual would be a quick face check at his wall mirror. Stepping over to face him from the wall would be his doppelgänger, a man he hardly recognised any more. His amethyst hues, hidden behind rounded spectacles, carried heavy bags underneath to betray his sleep weary state. His short brown hair strategically trimmed short enough to elude the embarrassment of bed head, he had hardly the time any more for even the simplest acts of vanity. He could barely match up to a shadow of the handsome devil he once was.

With that depressing thought in tow he'd tighten his tie before making his way out of the office and beginning his rounds. He made his way slowly through his patients today, feeling that he needed to start making amends for the poor amount of effort he had put into his work these past few months. Because of his troubles he'd been relegated to taking care of low priority patients, though he saw this as more of a gift than punishment. He needed time to pull himself together and set his life straight. Dealing with high risk patients would likely make him crack at this delicate moment in time. So much pressure was felt on his shoulders it was almost palpable, physically pushing his shoulders down and affecting the gait of his walk.

Several hours would pass before he came to his last patient. One he had purposefully left till last so he could devote the most attention to her. Rounding through the door into ward C James would put on as bright a smile as he could muster and make his way down the room. Spotting the end of his mother's bed he'd traverse the tiled floor as quickly as he could without running. Though when he arrived and saw the additional guest his smile became mixed with confusion. Sat at the side of the bed, hand in hand, with his mother would be a new nurse. A short, curvaceous woman who wore her uniform well and didn't seem to mind it's revealing nature. He'd adjust his glasses while rocking back and forth on his feet, taking a brief moment just to enjoy the lovely sight before he had to go in and address his mother's ailment.

James would take in a deep breath before stepping up closer to the bed, offering a warm smile to share between the ladies and looking his loving mother in the eye.
"Hello mom. How're you feeling today?" he'd ask in a low tone, leaving his chart board on the end of the bed so he can sit beside her and take her free hand into his.
"James! Oh my boy James I'm so pleased to see you. I'm doing well today, the nurses have been taking good care of me." Melissa's voice betrayed her age, having a slightly croaky quality to it. Though despite being in her sixties she was still quite an attractive woman. Her hair was coloured brown and the few wrinkles at the edges of her eyes and mouth did little to avert onlookers from her beauty. People always joked that James was 'All Mellisa, no Frank' when it came to describing their family resemblance.
Gabriella was finishing up a laugh with the cheerful lady known as Misses Harrison. She hadn't even noticed the doctor as he stood framed in the doorway. Now when his voice rang out, her attention was more than snagged. Instantly she thought... this is the doctor. Then her mind took a massive halt. Did he just call her 'mom'? Instantly she stood up from the chair that she made herself so comfortable in. At first glance, he looked rough. Like sleep was foreign to him. However the resemblance was irrefutable. A humble smile was shared with the bed ridden woman as she complimented the nurses for a job well done. "Doctor Harrison, it's finally nice to get to meet you. Gabriella Perkins, your new nurse." No need to over burden him with a background story of her life, so she kept it sweet and simple.

Hazel eyes looked down upon the bed where the patient lay and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. All of the vitals she had taken for his mother were jotted down on the chart at the foot of her bed. A son taking in his mother at his own private practice. It was a really sweet thought. James. James Harrison, she noted. The heels of her white platform shoes clicked upon the floor as her feet shuffled. Out of nervousness or comfort? She wasn't sure. The nurse leaned over and pressed a kiss to the woman's cheek. "Okay Misses Harrison, I need to do another quick round and I'll be back in no time." Gabby had to make sure her breasts didn't spill forth from the low neck line before she raise her warm hazel eyes to the doctor on the opposite side of the bed. "Nice to have met you Doctor Harrison."

Just as she was almost past the threshold of the door, she nearly collided with another nurse. "Oh Becky! I was going to do another round down the hall." The tall blonde with the pixie style haircut shook her head with a lax smile. "I checked up on all of them already. Most are out like a light, with the exception of Mister Neil who's all hands today, so be careful." Gabby laughed a little. "I found that out this morning." Yeah, the old man had a fast hand a knew exactly where NOT to put it. He would tap his buzzer just to get a nurse in there. Apparently someone gave him a few choice words and he cut down on the calling. The ivory skinned female turned back towards the bed. "Looks like a change of plans. I hope you don't mind my company a little longer, or would like some peace and rest?" She asked the woman. "Would you like some assistance with anything Doctor Harrison?" Gabby was far from brown nosing. It was just in her nature to assist. To help. With Melissa throwing compliments here and there it was hard for Gabby not to blush. Then the compliments seemed to shift to her son. "He is handsome Misses Harrison." Gabby couldn't bite back the laugh when his mother mentioned something about 'cleaning up'. One of your typical mother and son moments.
It would please James a great deal to see his sick mother wearing such a smile. Even in his sleep deprived state he couldn't hide this fact. His lips would be curled into a warm smile that only a mothers love could incite. As his mother complimented the nursing staff he turned his attention over to Gabby. Brightening his beaming expression further to offer her a wordless 'Thank you' before looking back to Ms. Harrison.

"It's good to know that you're happy here, mom. I was worried that you would miss being at home in your own space, your garden most of all." his hand would reach over to brush a few lox of hair from his mothers face. Gently he'd tap her nose with the tip of his finger as he retrieve his hand, Melissa starting to giggle and blush as simple gesture started to bring back childhood memories between mother and son.

"Don't be silly you, I'm supposed to be resting! And as for missing home... Well what do I have to miss? I'm on my own in that little old place anyway. Jenny's offered to look after the garden for me. You remember Jenny don't you? That nice girl a couple doors down the road, the one with the-"

"Yes! Yes I remember mother!" chuckled James. He looked over to Gabby with a light flush on his cheeks, seemingly having just stopped his mother from releasing some form of embarrassing or sensitive information. A sealed breath of air would clear his throat before he looked back to the cheery older woman. "Well, I'm glad you're happy here mom. I'll never be too far away so if you ever need anything just ask one of the nurses to come find me. I'll do what I can to fit you into my busy schedule." Lifting his rump from the side of the bed James would gift his mother a brief peck on her forehead, accompanied by a loving stroke of her luxurious brown hair. "I'll come visit you again when my shifts over. You be good for the nurses now!"

After exchanging goodbye's with his mother James' attention would be drawn back to the nurse he found the side of Melissa's bed. Smiling to her he'd offer his hand out to her, reaching up to his face with his free left hand to quickly push up his glasses.
"Let me just say thank you... It means a lot to me that my mother feels comfortable and happy here. Obviously you've been doing a lot for her to make sure she feels welcome."
The sight of mother and son getting together so well was an adorable sight to take in. Proving that sometimes even a grown man could never deny the love he had for his mother. For the time being a lax smile sat on her lips as mother and son conversed. Her shoulder leaning against the frame of the doorway in comfort. Hazel eyes lit up and soft lips parted in a little chuckle as the doctor stopped him mother mid sentence. Her quick assumption being to stop the, most likely, embarrassing information about to spill forth from his mother's lips. Miss Harrison was hands down one of the sweetest women she had ever come across. reminding her a lot of her own mother.

Miss Perkins changed her posture and removed herself from the doorway to make room for Doctor Harrison when he stopped before her. The new nurse instantly accepting his hand and his thanks for taking care of his mother. "Of course Doctor Harrison. She reminds me a lot of my mother. Sweet and funny. I wouldn't want my own mother to be uncomfortable, so why should she? Right?"

Answer or not she shrugged it off. "Like I said, it's finally nice to get to meet you. Sweet first impression, might I add." Speaking of him having clearly taken in his mother in her clear time of need. Obviously he was a sweet man, and if she could bet what money she had on it, she would say that he didn't get too much time out of his office. Looks alone told her that. It was, after all, a private practice. The patients were clearly well taken care of. It had to take a nice amount of money to run this kind of business.

"I was wondering, if you ever have the chance, if I could get a moment of your time. I had a few questions about this position that the Head Nurse couldn't quite answer." Or maybe she just didn't think it was worth answering. The woman seemed too busy with something else to answer a few of her questions. Ordering new meds and what not. It seemed as though the woman wasn't having too good of a day. That aside, she was more than happy to have run into the boss of her boss. Silently admitting, he was fairly easy on the eyes. Just a mental note.
"I have a moment now, if you'd care to join me to my office? I've seen to all my patients for today so I need to get back to the boring part of my job." James said, rolling his eyes at the though of having to sort through all those patient files among his own personal correspondence. His decision to stay at the hospital proved to be a double edged sword. On one hand he had a roof over his head, which he was thankful for. On the other however, it made both his personal life and his work a disorganised mess. More than once had it occurred that a resident nurse, doctor or even on one occasion the hospitals legal legal advisor had pulled James aside for a brief chat, opening a patient file or legal document only to reveal one or more of his final notice letters.

After gifting his loving mother a wave of his hand, the bright old lady retorting with a blown kiss to her sweet young boy, James would gesture for Miss Perkins to follow him through the hall. Walking and talking as they make their way to his office.
"So how has your time in the hospital been so far? You've been with us for... I think it's two weeks now isn't it? I'm sorry we've not had chance to meet sooner. Under ideal circumstances I would have sat down with you for coffee in the cafeteria, if only for half an hour. I've been bogged down with so much work and..." he stopped and shook his head at that, retrieving a key from his pocket and quickly unlocking the door to his office. Casting a smile back to Gabriella as he opened the door. "Sorry... I shouldn't be bothering you with personal problems. Come in, come in... Err... Find yourself a seat."

His polite offer would seem more troublesome than it's worth. His office was in as big a mess as he claimed his affairs to be. Paperwork, both professional and private, sprawled about his desk and overflowing onto the surrounding carpet of his table. Two large duffle bags sat beneath his stationary cupbard, on which hung a plastic wrapped grey suit, seemingly fresh from the dry cleaners judging by the receipt cello taped to the breast. Realising that his offer seemed a little hollow when the nurse had no visible space to sit, James' cheeks would flush in embarrassment.
"Sorry, sorry... I know, it's a mess. I can never find the time to clean up. Or even store half of this stuff..." he apologised, scurrying over to a pair of cushioned seats that had been acting as a impromptu bookshelf and removing the medical documents from it. Carrying them over to his desk in one hand while the other dragged the chair itself around and dropping it off infront of his desk.

After hiding the books away underneath his desk James would finally come to rest in his office chair, breathing out a heavy sigh and closing his eyes for a moment, almost seeming as though he may drop off to sleep. A few seconds would pass before he finally opened those sleep weary sapphire hues, smiling to Gabby as he took his glasses off and started to clean them with his sleeve.
"So... What would you like to ask? I am an open book for the next half an hour."
His office would prove a nice and quite setting for the questions she had for him. It was better than standing in a hall or in a residents room. Since some were more personal. Well... personal for him. With a wave of a hand she silently said her good byes to Miss Harrison f=before following at the Doctor's side as he led the way down the halls of the hospital. Gabriella had to think about what he said and it had been about two weeks since she started. My how time flew. Silently the nurse listened as the man spoke. Her lax smile grew by a hair as he apologized for airing out a bit of his troubles. With a slight nod of her head, she dismissed his apologies while walking into the office.

Whatever she had to say halted for a moment and was shortly replaced by a little laugh when he offered her to find a seat. She would need some gloved and a metal detector to even find it. "You need not apologize Doctor Harrison, I'm always available to lend an ear." Meanwhile her eyes roamed the cluttered room and instantly she asked herself 'Is he living here?' It was an easy assumption. For the time being she remained silent with a humble smile about her lips. The man certainly had a lot going on in his life and that was just an assumption, but she was sure that she was pretty much on the mark.

As the chair was dragged into place she took a seat with her hands upon her lap as she allowed him to collect himself. For a moment she thought he had fallen asleep until he spoke once more. "You really need to take this next half hour to relax Doctor Harrison." She cleared her throat for a moment, fearing she was a little soft in her tone of voice. Almost barely audible. "You brought your home to work. Pardon me for me forward, but you and I need to take one of these half hours break to get this office of yours together." She lent him a benign laugh and smile. "You know... when I moved, I actually brought more things than I can fit into my apartment. Two of those things being a bookshelf and a file cabinet, if you would like them."

Warm eyes looked about the room and its various contents. "Maybe if we clear that corner we can put the bookshelf over there for your medical books and other things and the file cabinet can go on the opposite wall. when she looked back at him, blood rushed to the fair skin of her cheeks. "Sorry... the questions. Yes... Well a woman has been calling and down right screaming on the phone asking for you. I was simply told to relay that to you. My original question being, and again pardon me for being so forward, but do you need someone to pick up some extra hours? Apparently the D.O.N. is having problems scheduling someone for overnight and I've pulled my share of sixteen hour shifts, I wouldn't mind. She told me to ask you and that we could not afford to hire anyone else, otherwise." Now she felt as though she had been rambling on too long.

"No I am not trying for brownie points, but one nurse at night is apparently not enough. Maybe I could work three in the afternoon to seven in the morning or eleven at night to three in the afternoon. It's no problem at all. Besides, it's one more person to look after your mother at night." Throwing that last bit in for more persuasion. "And, F.Y.I. if you need to vent, go ahead. I'm all ears. You look so well worn Doctor Harrison, you can't hide it." The friendly tone went well with the warm smile that rarely left her face. A deep breath of relief was take as she sat back in the chair and got herself comfortable. "So... what do you say?"
James' hands would wave dismissively at her first comment, cracking another smile on his weary face as he tries to explain.
"I can't afford that time, sadly. Not in my work hours at least. Even when off the clock I'm quite rushed... I have to sort through all my correspondence here. And I don't want to leave my mother unattended... I'm always worried she may start to feel alone in that ward." His last few words came packaged with a deep, exhausted sigh. James had been putting a lot of his own troubles on hold for the sake of supporting his mother. Whenever he could find the free time, or shirk the work he was supposed to be doing, he would be visiting dear old Ms. Harrison. Sitting by her bed and holding her hand until she fell asleep.

"I thank you for the offer of support, Miss Perkins. I really do. But I wouldn't burden my worst enemy with my troubles right now. Things are hectic to say the least... I've promised the chief of medicine that I wouldn't let it interfere with my work. Been skirting that line for weeks now and I don't want to cross it." Lifting from his seat he'd remove his coat and dress it over the back of his chair. Moving to the window and taking a look outside while breathing in some fresh air. Even during his allotted breaks James could be found working. If not in his office, then with a patient. Some of the nurses had taken to calling him the "Zombie Doctor" of late, due him never seeming to rest and looking as though he just crawled out of his grave.

Using his fingers to comb through his hair James would turn back around and face Gabby. Forcing a smile onto his lips in an effort to brighten his depressing appearance. It wasn't hard to do, mind. Gabby had that bubbly infectious air about her that made other people around her happy. That cocktail of charm, concern and good looks that few seemed to balance well. The longer he looked the easier it became for him to smile. That was until he realised he was staring at the poor girl, a flush of crimson burdening his cheeks as he cast his gaze down. Almost throwing his glasses off in the process.
"I'm sorry! I just... Switched off for a moment there."

His next destination within the cluttered office would be the water cooler, hiding beneath what one would assume was a dirty shirt James was yet to sort into his laundry. With an embarrassed chuckle he'd toss the garment behind his desk and help himself to a quick drink. His eyes surveying the room as Gabriella mentions offering him some furniture.
"Well... It would certainly help in making this place look a little more organised. And being able to separate my patient files from my credit card correspondence would help return at least -some- of my professional image." He couldn't help but crack at the last comment. 'Professional image' he said to himself. People could probably look at James right now and be lead to the assumption that he's a black market physician who was given residency at the hospital. With his faded white coat, dishevelled appearance and ever present 5 O'clock shadow he did portray quite a shady character to those who didn't know him.

When Gabby mentioned the phone calls however, his demeanour would alter drastically. His hands would cover his face as he blurted out an irritated grunt.
"Urgh that fucking kraut... I'm sick of her calling me here! I'd told her to go through my lawyer from now on!" His voice had raised just enough so that anyone passing by the office could hear. And it seemed as though someone did. A moment later a short blonde girl with a pink stud earring would poke her head through the door. Scanning the room with a concerned look and focusing on Dr. Harrison.
"Is everything alright in here, doctor?" she'd ask, he voice as meek and quiet as a fragile mouse.
"It's fine, Lindsay. Just... Lauren's been calling the hospital again. You know how angsty I get." he replied. He wanted to give the girl a comforting smile but in his current rage he couldn't stomach it. His soon to be ex wife was getting under his skin again and all he could focus on were the dark thoughts that people harbour towards their worst enemies.

Lindsay would quickly make her presence scared. Departing with an understanding nod and quietly closing the door. She could be heard just outside the door explaining to another nurse, albeit in a non too kind tone towards James. Hearing such muffled yet scornful words cut through the glass he couldn't help but hang his shoulders in shame. Removing his glasses for a moment and rubbing his darkened eyes in frustration.
"I'm sorry about that, Gabby... It's my ex wife. Or soon to be ex wife rather... She brings out the worst side of me." he'd admit with a heavy sigh, taking a few moments in the dark of his closed eyes to count to ten and calm his nerves. Once the dirty sapphire hues were revealed to the world again he'd turn to the kindly nurse before his desk and smile.

"I'll speak with Dorothy when I get a moment to see about putting you on the three till seven shift. That's when we're hurting the most at the moment... I've been having to wake up in the middle of the night to help with emergency admittances a couple times over the last month. Would be nice to get a full nights sleep for a week straight." A weak chuckle accompanied his minor confession. Confirming to her that James has in fact been living in his office for quite some time. He'd skulk over to his desk again and fall into seat. Starring at the huge pile of letters and cream coloured folders on the obscured mahogany surface. After a brief moment of awkward silence he'd look back up to Gabriella. Smiling as bright a smile as he's managed yet in their short meeting. "Well... I've still got another ten minutes. Is there anything else I can help you with, Gabby? You don't mind me calling you that do you?"
It was clear that Doctor Harrison needed this half hour. The man was a visible wreck, to say the least. She noted the stare and chalked it up to his thoughts getting away from him before he came too once more. A little chuckle sounding from her lips. "It's perfectly fine. Don't worry about it." Easily dismissing the slight moment of awkwardness from a moment ago. Warm eyes watched as the doctor walked away from his desk and over to a concealed water cooler that seemed to double as a clothing rack. "Oh yes... you could use the organization and it would help you get things strait. Professional image or not, you could use it. I can have it brought over tomorrow. The male nurse Kevin apparently lives in the same apartment complex as me. He can haul it over with his Ford pick up truck." Kevin had taken a liking to her since she'd walked through the door. Clearly he was a charmer, but she had serious doubts that he was a player. The man just seemed to get off on making women smile. Something he did very well with words alone.

Gabriella had already mentioned to the man that it would take more than some sweet words to win her over. She dawned a look of concern as he spoke of his wife. Clearly things weren't going so well in the Harrison household. She turned a little when the door behind her opened and her eyes landed upon the familiar sight of another nurse. "I figured. You could really use a pick me up right about now. You look like a wreck. You look like you haven't had sleep in ages and you have a lot on your plate, apparently." The young nurse wasn't sure if she had crossed the proverbial border with that last string of words, but she was just speaking her mind.

Finally they switched topics and her schedule change was brought up. This made her smile. It would benefit a lot. Including Doctor Harrision. "Perfect. " A smile tugged at the corner of her cheek as he called her 'Gabby' and asked if she was comfortable with it. He was a very considerate guy and while she wasn't normally a nosy person, she found herself very curious as to what conspired between the husband and wife. He was sweet, considerate, and not a downright pervert. At least he appeared not to be within the small about of time she'd gotten to know him a little. "Gabby is actually better for me. I'm so use to getting called by it, that whenever I hear my full first name, I think I'm in trouble." A little and very short laugh slipped past her lips, followed by a sigh as she looked at the simple white watch upon her wrist. "Actually, I'll give you these ten minutes to relax while I get a head start on passing out the meds. "Thanks for the moment of your time Doctor Harrison." She chimed before she dismissed herself from his office and gently closed the door behind her.

There her head nurse snagged her and handed her the keys to the med cart. The young nurse giving her D.O.N. a heads up about the new hours from her and Gabriella was almost sure she saw the crows feet shrink from those tired eyes. The woman openly sighing 'Thank God' before she let Gabriella wander off to pass out the medicine to the residents. Taking blood pressure and glucose levels and administering insulin and pain pills galore. While getting in some chit chat with the patients and trying to dodge Mister Niel's swift hands as she tried to take his vitals before giving him his medicine. Before she knew it, it was lunch time. She took a lunch she had made to the cafeteria and took up a two person table next to the window where light spilled in, bathing her in a warmth she loved so much. Especially in this chilly setting. Today's lunch consisting of a few grapes, a roast beef sandwich, a slice of red velvet cake and a bottle of water.
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