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Old ways in a new world II (Wolvenrogue and Nightsorceress)

He could hear the huskiness in her voice which was matched by his own as he reluctantly said "Sounds good" and taking the opener popped the cork on the wine and poured two glasses, and put the beer in the fridge. He brought the glasses back to the counter where she stood serving the Pizza.
Eliana put a couple of pieces on a plate for him along with a tossed salad. She handed the plate him, trying so hard to let the fire inside her cool down. She then plated pizza and salad for herself.
He took the plate and his wine. "lets sit on the couch, the view of the city is wonderful" he suggested, as he moved back in that direction.
Eliana nodded and let him sit on the couch, she then sat at the other end putting her wine on the coffee table. She needed to think to clear her head, but part of her did not want to.
Josh was a bit disappointed when she sat so far away, but tipped his glass to her and sipped his wine before diving into the pizza. The food was fabulous. "you can cook for me anytime!" he said. After he finished his Pizza, he took out his phone and made a call. "what kind of ice cream is your favorite?" he asked her.
Eliana ate her pizza and in that time was able to regain her composure. She smiled at him when he asked about her favorite ice cream "um cookie dough"
"A quart of cookie dough, and a quart of butter pecan" he said into the phone before giving the address and hanging up. "There! desert is arranged for." he said as he slid over beside her.
"Yes I do! I think its an essential service. Don't you?" He pulled her close to him and wrapped his arm around her shoulders again.
He felt here body grow stiff next to him, and giving her some space, he asked. "What is the matter?"
" I am sorry it just starting to feel a lot of pull to allow you to well...mate, the closer I am to you the more and more I want to." She looked down
"Don't be ashamed. Neither of us can deny our genes. That desire is bred into us. Just he same, being close is simply delicious, and as hard as it is to resist you, I love the feelings I'm feeling right now. Please try and relax."
He knew that if he didn't take things slow, they would be mated that evening so he simply cuddled her in his arms and kissed her softly. The view out the window was beautiful. His hand rested on her thigh as she sat in his lap, and he could feel the heat emanating from her crotch just an inch or two away. It made him look down, and he felt a twinge in his own groin as he saw the tell-tale dampness of her arousal in the crotch of her jeans. Knowing she was that aroused worked powerfully on him.
Eliana tried to control herself but his scent was strong, it was like his scent was made only to seduce her. And she could tell a lot by his scent, he was a powerful man and would have to been a strong alpha, but now he would be a strong mate pro ting his family. He was also kind and loving man. Everything she read off him just made her want him more.
As they kissed, her scent rose into his nostrils, and he too was intoxicated with passion for her. Here in his arms was everything he wanted in a woman. The heat near his hand drew it closer until his fingers began to caress her folds through the now quite wet material. He brought a damp finger to his mouth and tasted of her as he looked deep into her eyes. "You know that this was meant to be, just as I do." he said in a breathy voice.
Eliana let out a soft gasped as he touched her through her jeans. "But you barely know me, for example I don't want to live in the city the rest of my life, I want a house with a big backyard for children to play in, but how can you ever move away from the city?"
"Let me show you how" he said "let's take another ride. High Steel work has an advantage, very good income." he got up, holding her in his strong arms, and then set her back on her feet. "Put on your jacket and we'll take a ride before it gets dark."
Eliana was taken a back a moment but then did as he asked she put on the jacket he gave, not sure what he was going to show her.
He smiled and taking her hand led her down to the street and they got on the bike. He headed out on the highway toward the shore where they had spent the previous evening. He pulled off the highway perhaps a mile or so from the beach, but still walking distance from the shore. The quiet little street was high on the crest of the ridge and as they passed between the old but comfortable houses they could look down and see the sun low over the bay below. They were not more than 30 minutes from the heart of the city. He pulled up in front of a quaint stone house. there was a For Sale sign in the large yard, behind the white picket fence. There was little traffic and it was quiet. "Something like this what you had in mind?"
Eliana held on to him again as they rode back towards the place they had spent last night, but now he took her into a neighborhood that made the house she grew up in look like a shack. She looked at the house he showed her, large enough to have a family grew up in, with a large yard and breath taking view. She looked at him, "josh it's lovely"
"Well its easily in reach, and with the economy there are others to choose from along this ridge. So unless you need to live in your home clan, a house and children are possible. I live in an apartment, but not because I have to. I just don't need any more at the moment, and if I had more, I wouldn't know how to take care of it anyway. But with you? I could see this being home, and filling it with kids."
"I don't need to live with my clan, I would to visit but not live there, I like it here, I just don't want to be stuck in apartment the rest of my life" she looked at him their was an excited look in her eyes.
"Want to look at the house? I could call the agent." he smiled at her and didn't wait for an answer. He dialed the number on the sign, and when the agent answered, he told her that they were at the house and asked to see the property. He hung up the phone and when he got off he said, "The agent said she would be here in 20 minutes, and invited us to look at the back yard. The north gate is unlocked."
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