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Guilty or Not Guilty


Jul 18, 2010
I don't know if I over looked it, but if I did, I'm sorry.

Anyways on the game at hand:
The objective is to answer a question that requires a 'guilty' or 'not guilty' answer... Then leave a new question for the next player...

First question...

Ever tied someone up just for fun...or somethine else?
Do accidents count? EEEP! XD

Ever want to get back at someone badly enough that you actually followed through with a plan to do so?
Guilty~! I was little. <.< What do you expect?!

Did you ever say you were gonna be somewhere only to have lied just for some sexy tiemz with a lover?​
I think once or twice with my ex. He was bad at sexy times. <.<

Ever go down on a lover and think, "I really hope he's/she's not watching tv"?​
Guilty. ^^;

Have you ever stayed up all night playing a video game and then had a dream about it?

Ever watched someone do something on t.v that resembled something your friend would do and gotten mad at your friend for plotting to do it?
I can't say I have.

Have you ever watched a tv show and noticed that the back line is identical to something a friend told you about their past and got piss that they carbon copied their entire past from a tv show to make them self's seem something they aren't? -I have, I was irritated-
Can't say that i have. Although i don't have many friends -le sigh-

Have you ever gotten turned while watching the history channel?
Anything about Hitler or high power tyrants. It's bad.

Ever said something discriminative about a person and been serious as a heart attack and then refuse to take it back or rephrase it even after they start getting pissed?
Yep. Serious as a Genital wart. In fact. I believe i continued to piss him off even more afterwards.
All i needed was a reason.


Have you ever had a stud pulled out of your lip at a concert?
[ my gawd was that painful ]
Not out of my lip but my ear. I have the worst fucking luck with piercings. I've had a conch piercing reject, cartilages pulled out, and two paralleled industrial rot out of my skull because of shitty jewelery. I was thinking about just calling it quits after the industrials but I love them so much. I think I'm just going to get all of them done in one fowl swoop then lock myself away for 6 mouths until they are completely set in....

Have you ever tripped over your shoe laces and then got up with out tying them and continued to walk.
Yeah. :F
And then tripped again.

Have you ever smelled something after someone told you it reeked?

Have you ever thought about smexing someone, when their mad at you and having a discussion?
Yup. :F
So cute when they're mad.

Have you ever stayed up till you Hallucinate? [ sp? ]
God yes.

Ever wanted to scream at a customer/patient but instead just closed your eyes and said "I understand"
No, I tend to verbally abuse costumers, it's the only reason I've ever been fired. I don't do well in social settings.

Ever screamed back at a costumer only to have your boss shake his head and laugh?
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