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The Sorcceress's Appretntice (Myself, Jugger82)

Phoenix Rising

Like the phoenix rising from the ashes.
Sep 25, 2012
The young vein powerful, naive sorceress Emerita had been told stories of a young man who possessed great power of course she didn't know how much great power. The young woman only in her mid twenties wore a red dress with black boots hidden under neath, over her dress she wore a matching red cloak. She had greyish blue eyes,her long curly brown hair was hidden underneath the hood of her cloak, she gradually made her way through the streets in search of this special young man. Emerita wasn't as powerful as Merlin but she was powerful enough, she asked the towns people if they had seen the boy. Then when an elderly woman told her that he was living with the baker, his wife she smiled then nodded in thanks to the woman.

The young sorceress walked into the bakery, talked with the baker's wife then waited patiently. She wasn't an impatient person so she figured when the boy was told someone wanted to see him he would come to the front of the bakery until then she took a seat off to the side so she wasn't in the way of customers, lowered the hood of her cloak so it would be easier for her to see the boy when he made his appearance to her. The sorceress lived on her own, mostly kept to herself because she didn't really like to venture out very often this was a one time occurrence for her. She could only imagine how powerful the boy could be, she only knew about him because she had heard stories from the magical wielding community except it was quite small.
On an errand for a friend, Nathan had arrived to the bakery to pick up some bread that his friend ordered, but was unable to go and pick up due to the kitchen requiring attendance at all times so none of the food was burned or overcooked. When Nathan walked in, he heard from the baker that someone was waiting to see him. Curious, he turned and looked around and only saw a woman sitting at a table, eyeing him. Why was she there to see him? She wasn't even someone he knew! But...He wouldn't be rude. Once he picked up the bread, he walked over and took a seat on the opposite side of the table from her. "Uh...You...Said that you were looking for me? Do I know you?" He felt a bit awkward talking to her. She seemed...different. He couldn't put his finger on it but something about her made him feel weird inside, and it wasn't testosterone.
'' Yes. My name is Emerita, you dear boy have great power.. You can leave this life, live with me. I will teach you how to use your power, raise you as if you were my own son.'' The brunette sorceress said as she looked at him, smiled softly she wondered if he would think she was crazy or if he would actually believe her but either way she wouldn't leave the town until she had him with her. Emerita never took no for an answer, if he needed proof she could conjure up the book that foretold of his great power and show him the story. As she waited for him to say something she placed a curl behind her ear, stayed focused on him her eyes locked with his. She had to admit he was pretty cute but she wasn't looking for a husband or a relationship she was her on business only.
"This is a joke....a prank isn't it? Darian set you up to do this? I thought it was weird that he sent me here for BREAD of all things." He murmured as he picked up the bag and sighed. "Nice try but I ain't falling for if you'll excuse me miss, I have to go give this bread to that jackass." With that, he turned to leave...but he was not quite sure he should. He felt compelled to stay...but he knew this was just some kind of trick. A false story. Maybe even a con to get him out of his money to take some stupid magic classes that don't even work. 'I am not wasting money on something like that again...That Chris Angel How-To-Do-It kit never worked for me.' He thought in his head as he left the store and proceeded down to his friend's cafe.
'' Have strange things been happening? '' Emerita shouted after him as she conjured up the book, set it down on the table she knew he was bound to return considering the question she had asked. She noticed the baker staring at her with cold eyes almost as if he wanted her to buy something or leave his bakery, she sighed leaving the book alone long enough to buy a muffin then she sat back down waiting for the boy to return. Shaking her head she opened the book, went right to his story as she read over it she smiled everything was accurate but she figured if he didn't believe her he would think the story was just a fairy tale which in some ways it was but it was about him.
Her words rang in his head all the way to the cafe. He had dropped off the bread but said nothing to Darian about the girl. He simply dropped it off and turned to leave...going for a walk. He wasn't even watching where he was going. He just walked...his eyes on the ground as he tried to figure out what she meant by 'weird things'...and before he knew it, he walked into the bakery. "The hell...?" He murmured when the scent of freshly made bread products hit his nostrils...and he looked up to see the girl still there...Had she been waiting for him even still? He grew annoyed...and approached her. "Okay you...Fess up...Whats your game here? Why are you here and what did you mean by 'weird things'?" Nothing weird had happened until he met her an hour least, everything that seemed normal to him went on throughout the day.
'' Strange dreams, perhaps just things you can't seem to explain.'' Emerita said as she pushed the book toward him, waited for him to sit down. She knew she could be annoying but she was bound to win his trust eventually, of course she had no desire to eat the muffin she only bough it to make the baker happen. Noticing that the baker's wife had a concerned look on her face because she had noticed weird things happening, the boy lived with them but she didn't say a word it wasn't her place besides her husband would scold her if she spoke he was very controlling. She figured that if he answered with yes then he was the one, if he tried to deny everything he was the one but until he read the story he wouldn't understand where she was coming from the part she had realized once he left.
He sat down, and took a look at this book she had shown him...The contents of the novel very much interesting to him. It told of him...but it wasn't him...was it? It couldn't be. He had no such powers like the ones described in the book. The power to bring down a lightning storm unto his enemies? The power to raise the earth and form continents if he so desired? The power to raise the dead and even heal the sick and wounded? How could he be someone like this? "Yeah um...No offense but this doesn't seem possible. This says I'm supposed to be some...magician or something like that. But what about you? You some kind of magician girl? Then prove it...If you want me to really believe your story, show me some magic."
'' As you wish dear boy.'' Emerita said, just as she had conjured up the book she placed her hand where he could see it then conjured up the amulet or medallion that was around his neck in the book. She hadn't uttered any magic words or used any spells, she waited for his reaction as she spoke once again. '' I'm sure you've heard of Merlin.'' The brunette sorceress said hoping he had because if not he had a lot of learning to do, she laid the necklace down in the middle of the book. On the back there was an inscription that only he would be able to read, when he did it would all change for him. Of course she didn't exactly expect him to know who Merlin was but that was beside the point he would have to realize his true potential eventually especially now because times were changing.
"I heard of him...He was some magician or fortune teller or something that helped our king come to rule..." He murmured. "I never believed in magic until now...I never believed it existed cause I saw no proof but..." He reached for the was exactly like the one in the book. 'Was I once a magician of such power...?' He questioned mentally...but looked to her. "I still don't know why you're here...I don't understand why you're here trying to make me realize who I maybe once was..." He began to examine the medallion more closely...and upon closer inspection, he found faded words which he began to read out loud for Emerita to hear.
'' You were abandoned by your parents, left in the middle of the market. I was there that day, wanted to save you but the Baker's wife found you before I could get close to you. '' Emerita said as she listened to him read the inscription on the back of the medallion she figured it would take awhile but the words would soon bring back memories he never knew he had, she would be able to take him away from the baker and his wife, of course she had clearly ignored his description of Merlin. She watched as customers entered, left with their loafs of bread, baskets of muffins then turned her attention back to the boy who was about to realize his destiny least she hoped so anyways.
"Okay..." He murmured silently. "If you're serious...I'll go with you...I never liked it here anyway." He pocketed the medallion and stood up. "I don't have anything to pack so I'm ready to go whenever. They don't need to know where I'm going." He stated and turned to walk out of the store. He waited outside for Emerita...and wondered what would become of him. To become a mage of high power...that would be amazing. He felt a small tugging at hte back of his if something was trying to sprout and remind him of something long forgotten...but he ignored it for now. He looked to Emerita. "Where is your place at? I'd like to get as far away from here as we can and I would like to get started on my powers."
'' I live a few miles outside of the village, walking it's at least a two day journey but using magic it's a lot quicker.'' Emerita said as she picked up the book, made it dematerialize it would be on the podium in the center of her house which was large for just one person. '' Take my hand, trust me you might want to hold your breath.'' She said as she sighed, lifted her hood once again to cloak herself from anyone that might be offended by her presences in the middle of the village square. The brunette sorceress was going to use one of Merlin's age old teleportation tricks , they would get there just before sun down. It would take lots of work, patience but she could handle teaching him just as long as he stayed focused on each lesson.
He was skeptical...and a bit cautious. Take her hand...Okay. So maybe magic did exist. Or maybe she was actually a demon or some beast trying to steal him away with false tricks...But that wouldn't matter now, would it? He had already agreed and before he realized what was going on, he had already held her hand and taken a deep breath to hold. He felt...very awkward in the teleportation spell. His eyes were wide as he looked around him and saw the spell in its works...and the next thing he knew, they were outside her house. "What...What was that...?" He questioned. "How did we get here so fast...?"
'' That my dear boy was magic, it's how Merlin travels most of the time anyways.'' Emerita said as she let go of his hand, opened the door from the outside the house looked small but on the inside it was huge. She had grown up in it, when her parents died it became hers now she would be sharing it with her young apprentice. She untied her cloak, hung it up on the coat rack as she walked over to the stove to prepare them something to eat. For a sorceress she was also a very good cook, she turned around to look at him. '' Make yourself at home Nathan.'' She said as she turned back to the stove, the ingredients she would need for her stew. letting the water boil she grabbed a loaf of bread from a basket above the wash basin, carried it over to the table. She knew she would have to fetch water from the well, she walked outside momentarily to do just that once she had a bucket full of water she poured some of it into a pitcher then set it down on the table as well with two wooden mugs.
Nathan entered the home and felt like...Well, like he was some unknown man in some unknown woman's house. He felt out of he shouldn't be here. But he'd get used to it after a bit of living with her. When she began to start cooking, his stomach grumbled, as he forgot to eat that day and he hoped she was a good cook. She was a woman after all...and that stereotype flew around a lot nowadays. He began to look around...and eventually found her room. He didn't see any other extra beds, so he wondered what exactly it would be that he sleeps on? He dared not to sleep in the same bed with her; fearing that something may happen during the night due to him being a bit...clingy to things sometimes. He looked around her room and wondered if his life would be better or worse here.
'' You'll find your bed upstairs.'' Emerita said as she cooked, noticed he was looking around. She could tell that he felt a little out of sorts since he was in a strangers house, on the bed he would find some clothes that suited a young man of his stature. She continued to cook as she hummed a tune that had been stuck in her head for quite a few years she didn't know where she heard it or where it came from but she found it calming, it wasn't long before the food was done. She grabbed a couple of bowls then set the pot of stew on the table, sat down figuring he would eat with her or not. Filling his bowl with stew she placed a piece of bread on the side then set it where he would be sitting then filled her own bowl, pulled off a piece of bread. '' Eat up you'll need your strength if I'm going to train you.''
He sat down at the table and looked to the bowl that had his food in it. He still felt out of place...Why was he even there? "I don't mean to be rude or anything but like...How do I know if I can even do magic to begin with? You showed me your magic but I don't even know if I can perform magic..." He frowned and began to start eating at his food. It was...amazingly good. Such a good piece of nourishment that wasn't bread. He smiled and continued to eat. "Show me I can do magic...Or make it so I feel like I can do some. I feel like I shouldn't be here if I don't know how to actually do any of the stuff you claim that I should be able to do with training."
'' It's quite alright, all you have to do is concentrate and stay focused. Try to think of something in your life that has been either tragic or happy, focus on that. I discovered my own power not long after I lost my parents, I was just about your age.'' Emerita said as she ate her soup, pushed the empty bowl aside tearing off chunks of the bread. The brunette sorceress had been raised under magic because her mother was a witch, her father a medicine man but she always had to make sure no one saw her or she could be burned at the stake very easily. It was a miracle no one had seen them teleport, what the people didn't know was that she as actually Merlin's niece so magic was in her blood weather her parents were alive or not.
"Yes....I'm sorry to hear that..." He murmured silently and assumed by what she meant by 'your age', she meant that a few years passed by, rather than perhaps a time period longer than that. Could witches even live longer than other humans...? If that were the case, Merlin must have been an ancient sorcerer. He had now finished his soup as well and pushed the bowl to the side. "I still don't know if all of this is true but...I'm willing to believe you. You've shown me enough proof but I'll be skeptical until I know my own powers then. Speaking of which...when exactly will we begin training?"
'' In the morning.. It will be dark soon, you should get some rest.'' Emerita said as she cleared the table, sat the dishes in the wash basin she would wash them later once he was asleep. She normally didn't sleep very well, always found herself waking up in the middle of the night. '' You'll find a night shirt on your bed, if you need anything I'll be around.'' She said as she walked back to her room, closed the curtain as she started to get ready for bed but she was bound to be up in the night doing dishes or whatever else she did to keep herself occupied. The brunette sorceress hoped that he started to remember things, that the medallion helped but she wasn't holding her breath she could easily have the wrong person.
(So like King Arthur's reign was around the 1100s was it not? I just googled it and I couldn't find any clear definition other than somewhere around the 1100s.)

"Okay...In the morning." He said and watched her as she began to move the dishes to the wash basin. Once she left, he sat at the table for a bit and just looked around. This was his house now. Or rather, this was his living arrangement now. And this was his life now. The life of a magician or sorcerer in training...? Didn't sound half bad, if he could even perform magic. He soon yawned and stood up, went to get the night shirt off the bed upstairs where he was staying, and slipped into it. Perfect fit...but now he was tired. He eventually laid down in his bed and passed out...tired from the endeavor of the day.
Emerita found it hard to sleep, she slid out of bed to take care of the dishes. She used the left over water from the well, washed the few dishes she had to wash then let them dry on the counter. Taking a seat by the fire place she lit it very easily,opened up a book by her chair. She had pinned her long curly hair up for the night because it often got in the way, she figured she was bound to hear some noise snoring or even screaming if Nathan was in fact the boy from the book. Emerita read over various spells, incantations just preparing herself for what she would have to teach him. Some of them were easy, some of them were hard but she would also have to teach him how to draw out his power like she had her own when she lost her parents.
Nathan could not sleep that night. He tried to...but his dreams were flooded with visions of his past life. All of it went by so fast it was as if he was reliving it in fast-forward from the point he gained his powers in his past life and until his death at the hands of another wizard. He eventually woke up with a cold sweat, screaming when his death had come in his sleep. He held his neck. Decapitation. He was unable to move and then a lance fell down and ripped his head off. He made sure his head was still in tact, and he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and face before tossing off the covers of his bed. "What the hell...was that...?"
Emerita closed her book, ran up the stairs. '' Nathan are you okay? '' She asked as she stood by the banister, looked at him she knew that expression. The sorceress wanted to console him but she didn't know how to, she didn't want to over step her bounds because he didn't know her well enough. '' Whatever you just foresaw can be changed I promise you that.'' She said as she placed a strand of hair behind her ear, looked at him seriously her expression less of a smile she knew exactly what he had just seen which was a sign that he was remembering. The brunette would start training him as soon as he said the word, she would do everything in her power to keep him from meeting the same fate he'd met in his past life.
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