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Story Ideas

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Hey I am sorry it has been such a long time since I last logged on and I wanted to explain what happened and hopefully get back to writing great stories again. Recently my boss found out I had been using this site at work and deemed it inappropriate. Therefore he suspended my Internet privileges and made sure that I did not access the account for a few weeks. I am now allowed to have free access again as long as I am off of work computers and would love to start a new story or resume our old story once again if you would like. I understand if because we had a story earlier and i did not respond for a while that you might no longer want to rp and I am sorry for the inconvenience this caused. I will not have long absences anymore and if I will go away for a few days I will let you know.

I have been on this site a while and I have a few request threads, but due to the fact that they are old and gathering dust I figured I would try and make a new one with my new favorite plots in mind. Of course none of these are set in stone, and if there are any aspects you like please let me know and we can adjust the story to fit both of our needs.

Basic Information
I am currently not living in the United States and the time I am online is probably very different than most people. I will usually be able to get a post in per day but it will be at very odd times and I apologize for that. I currently mostly roleplay in PMs but if you would like to roleplay in forums I can do that as well.

I always play a heterosexual male character who is interested in girls ranging from 18 years and older. When creating a story I prefer to use descriptions of my characters rather than pictures, but again I am flexible on this. If you want I also enjoy playing a few characters in the story at once depending on the story or how long you would like to make the plot.

Plot Ideas

New Ideas

Identical Twins
The story would involve a pair of identical male twins, one being a very kind and nice guy while the other is a womanizing ass. Up until this point the womanizing twin has always gotten the best girls, but upon returning from college he finds out that his brother has found the perfect woman. At first he tries to steal her away but she is able to resist his charms and says she will never sleep with him. Of course this does not make him give up and he decides to send his brother away for a bit so he can pretend to be him and sleep with her without her noticing. This is only a rough idea so if you have any suggestions or changes please let me know, they would be appreciated.

The Horrible Boss

This story has two variations. The first works around your character being in a relationship with someone in the same company as her. The head of the corporation has been eyeing your character for a while, but because she is in a serious relationship has never had a chance to make a move on her. Finally he realizes he cannot take it any longer and calls her into his office. Here he tells her that he has caught her boyfriend stealing from the company and will make sure he never works again unless she does exactly what he says. The second variation would be that she is single. Here he catches her either smoking on the job, sleeping around with someone from a rival company, or stealing. Again he blackmails her into doing exactly what he says in order for her to keep her job.

For this story I could play either a younger or older boss depending on what you prefer. Either the handsome rugged 30 year old, or the 50 year old perverted man.

A New Kink

This young couple has been married for three years and everything has gone by perfectly. They are happy with each other and very satisfied in bed. However the husband has kept a secret from his wife since they started dated, his ultimate kink is watching the woman he is with be fucked by another man. Of course one day he manages to tell her and convince her that this is a good idea, making sure that the person he brings in is kind and someone she knows. From here the story could progress in two ways. The first is that the wife starts to love sex with this new man more than her husband, and begins to sneak off to sleep with him without her husband knowing. The other way would be that she gets bolder now, insisting that her husband take part as well and they could begin to have three ways and get kinkier and kinkier from there.

New Twist

The story would involve either 2 married couples or two high school couples. One would be incredibly experienced sexually and the other would almost have no experience. They are all friends though and the experienced could decides to help teach the other couple about sex. So they decided to have some group sex, but what starts as the two pairs just fucking in front of each other turns into wife swapping. Eventually the partners decided they like the swap more then their original partner.

[The Right and Wrong Decision

The ages for this story could range from seniors in high school to late 20s, so whatever you find to be the most fun would work for me. Here your character goes out to a party wanting to have a good time. There she meets two guys, both are good looking in their own way but with completely different personalities. The first is a suave yet caring man who she connects with and can maybe see a future relationship with. Yet she also meets a playboy as well, someone who can take her out and give her the kind of fun she has been craving. From here she has to decide which of these men she will eventually wind up with. After picking though will she be able to stay with the right one, or will the other keep calling her back and preventing her from having a real relationship.

The MILF Nextdoor

Again this story can change depending on whether or not you want the woman to be single or married. My character would be a high school senior who has had his way with one too many high school girls and finds himself longing for something new. When he notices his new neighbor he cannot help but crave for her, coming over every now and then to flirt. Of course flirting turns into much more and soon they will have to hide their relationship from the neighbors, their friends, and if you want her husband.

I will add more plots as they come to mind but please feel free to send me a message or comment if there are any that you find interesting.

Sexual Training

This story is based upon a very niave wife. She has recently gotten married to a very nice man, the only problem with the relationship is that the husband is usually away on business trips. My character takes notice of this, one day approaching your character in order to help her. He tells her that he runs a consulting business where he can improve the love life of any couple with just a few simple techniques. After telling her her husband will be home more often if she takes the course she agrees. At first it does start out simple, showing her kissing techniques and how to tease the other persons body, moving on to oral and toys. Eventually he is able to convince her to sleep with him, making her start to cheat on her husband without either of them fully realize what is going on.

Again this can be changed to just a couple that is dating or a fun variation would also be to have my character approach a virgin. He would tell her that the only way to get the boy of her dreams is to be as experienced in bed as possible before actually sleeping with him.

Gone Too Far

This story would start out as an internet relationship between two people. They both work late hours at their company and have started to flirt to kill time at the office. Yet one of the characters (mine or yours) realizes that it has gone too far (Either it is effecting work or their real world relationship) and tries to break it off. The other partner of course does not listen to this, instead thinking it is a test to see if they are ready for the real thing. So without warning he/she shows up at the reluctant persons office wanting the real thing. Despite their concious telling them no in the end they actually do hook up. This can be a short story or we could continue it from here, trying to end, hide, or balance both relationships at once.

The Bully

This story would focus around the elder sister, best friend, or mother of a very nerdy highschooler. He has been constantly picked on by the school bully and your character has gotten sick of it and decides to approach him to get him to stop. When the bully sees your character a wicked thought comes to mind, and he tells her that he will stop picking on the kid only if he could fuck your character whenever and wherever he wants. At first your character reluctantly agrees, but soon finds this to be much more rewarding than she expects.

A New Pet
This would involve a teenage boy who basically lives along because his parents are always at work. One day when walking home he finds a box with either a small cat or fox in it. Feeling sorry for it he brings it home and tries to feed it and bring it back to good health. What he soon finds out is that this is no normal animal, and soon turns into a (whichever you choose). Your character feeds on sexual energy and t ells the boy that she needs to fuck him to recover. Depending on your mood he can either be a virgin who is a quick learner, or a very experienced partner up for the challenge.

Husband's Best Friend
The basic plot is two best friends in college fought over the same girl, and in the end the kind friend won out over the playboy. A few years later however the relationship has lost some of its spark, and while the husband is away on one of his many business trips the old playboy friend decides to contact the wife. She usually would turn him down knowing his intentions, but she decides to give him one more shot, maybe just because she wants some of that excitement back.
Took a short break but now i am back. So once again, BUMP
Bump. If we had an rp in the past that we did not finish and you would still like to continue please send me a message
Rough idea for a new story added, please have a look.
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