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Daggers of the Mind [Darkangel76 & Slairlayh]

Riddick's words rang in Sidra's ears as he told her that her best chance of survival was to stay close to him and listen to his commands. A part of her wanted to protest, but another part, a larger part, just nodded wanting to obey. Somehow deep down she knew the Furyan was right. There was an air about him that beckoned she follow. And she noticed it wasn't felt just by the likes of her. Vaako felt it. It was why the half-dead couldn't let him plummet to an uncertain fate with those worms back on Furya. And it didn't stop there. The other Necromongers. They sensed it as well, it was why none had dared challenge Riddick.

Yes, Sidra would stay close to the silver-eyed man. No matter how much he frightened her at times, she would stay by his side. After all, she supposed he couldn't help what he was or how he came off. Could he? She didn't know. She knew nothing of his past or his plans, other than that he came from that dead world they now left below, that his eyes weren't originally shined and that he had no intentions of converting to the Necromonger way. She wondered what other things she'd learn about the man the longer she stayed in his presence.

Suddenly Sidra felt a rush of wind brush against her face, her curls blowing against a tiny breeze. Turning to see the source of the wind, she caught sight of a female figure, one Riddick addressed as Aereon. She mentioned another. Kyra? Immediately, she quirked a brow as she noticed Riddick become tense, almost angry, at the mention of the name. Just who was she? And why was she being compared to this girl?

Meanwhile on top of the balcony look down, Dame Vaako arched a brow as she watched both Riddick and her husband return from their expedition and walk into the Necropolis. She couldn't help but notice the girl attached to Riddick's hip, a lithe young thing who seemed like a stray cat who only answered to one. Interesting that the one would be the Furyan. "Of course it would be," she whispered to herself as she watched from above, slowly walking toward the staircase so she could descend them and meet her husband down below.

Just as Dame Vaako was about to take her first step, she stopped mid-step. Riddick bellowed orders that made her pause and tilt her head. Oh this was something she needed to observe in full. Her lips twisted as she smiled maliciously, watching the Furyan prove once more just who the alpha was amongst them all—interesting that it was not a Necromonger. Licking her lips, her desire for power growing, she felt a pull drawing her toward the steely-eyed man below. She glanced briefly at her husband and nodded curtly, but her eyes shifted back to Riddick and the lust in her non-reflective eyes returned.

But that girl... she was clinging to Riddick like a pet. Like that Kyra had before her untimely death. Dame Vaako scoffed silently. That Kyra. Her conversion was a fine moment for the Necromongers even if it had been a stroke of luck on their part. And her death, that had been the sweetest part of all. Yes, the Furyan still became Lord Marshall instead of Vaako, but her death caused a weakness to be exploited. And now. Now she was replaced. It was a conspiracy to say the least! Something would have to be done about it. It would just be a matter of what... and when.

Sidra bit down on her lip when the Necromongers nodded at Riddick's orders to fully destroy the little that was left of Furya. She glanced over at him and then about the place at everyone milling about. Descending a staircase, she caught sight of an exotic-looking woman and immediately felt her blood turn icy cold. Her instincts told her that something was off about her and she moved closer to Riddick, almost touching him.

"Just like a Furyan to make a grand entrance," Dame Vaako spoke, her tone regal and haughty, her eyes fixed on Sidra as she approached. She walked over to her husband, her hand reaching out to touch him, caress his face with affection though her actions were almost mechanical despite how erotic she made them appear. "And this," she then said, her attention fully on Sidra now. "A new pet? Living and non-converted?" She stalked around both Riddick and Sidra, making a tight circle as she walked around them both. "How long do you expect that to last?" she asked. "A day, a week?" She smiled a little and moved toward her husband again, her hands moving about his neck as she pressed herself against him, her eyes not once even looking in his direction however. "Your thoughts betray you, Riddick," she said with a wicked smile, her eyes cold as they reflected nothing.

Sidra just stood there, her eyebrows furrowed, her body beginning to tremble. She looked up at Riddick. "Riddick?" she asked, though her question was really her way of letting him know she wanted to leave, to get away from this woman who terrified her to her very core.
Riddick's nose followed the Necromonger woman as she made her round of him and Sidra. "Mm..." His head tilted at her, eyes swirling light like mercury turning in glass balls. They had that look of one predator acknowledging another in a silent growl of warning. "I already called you beautiful once. Don't make me take that back."

Riddick pressed a heavy arm around Sidra's neck, weighing it on her shoulders while his eyes stayed glued to the Dame Vaako. He drew the girl as close to him as he could without suffocating her. "A king will have his pleasures, won't he? Or are you jealous because I prefer hot blood over cold?" His eyes moved to the spouse then. "Maybe you should give your wife some pleasure of her own before she gets sidetracked."

Lord Vaako quietly slipped a hand to his woman's hip and--with intention to bruise if possible--squeezed her to him as he watched the Riddick turn away and finally retreat to the corridors that would take him to his chambers. "Your conniving thoughts betray you as well, Dame. What in the Underverse's name are you doing putting his eyes on you? Do you want him to stalk us?" Only after his message was relayed did he release her from his grip. "Must you press a knife to an ugly mood?" With that he left to retreat to his own chambers.

Riddick passed by a lenser or two along the way to his room, one of them almost screaming when it saw the king and his new friend. Riddick had the sense to knock it unconscious and send it and its handler off to help the militia purge the planet. Not, however, before he plucked a pair of goggles off the man. They weren't as nice looking as his old ones, but they were kind of sleeker. In any case he donned them on his forehead but left them above his brow. The Necropolis never had enough light to hurt his eyes or leave him in discomfort, so he was fine without actually wearing the shades.

His own room was actually darker than the rest of the ship, preferring to keep the lights snuffed as it made him feel more at home. A maid in waiting stood outside the door and looked alarmed at the presence of a second living person but only nodded when the Lord Marshall told her to teach Sidra how to use the lights. "Use them or don't, up to you. You can stay here. Use the bed if you want." He also told the maid to inform the others of Sidra and that they were to do whatever she asked; she was the king's guest. "This room might actually get some appreciation with a woman here..." With that, he started removing his armor and tossed it carelessly wherever it pleased him. "This shit is too heavy. No wonder everybody moves so slow."
Dame Vaako just smiled at Riddick as he spoke to her, her body rubbing against her husband as she felt him squeeze at her flesh, marking her beneath the thin filmy fabric of her dress. When Riddick was gone, she immediately turned to look at her lord and husband, her eyes flashing with menacing lust, her eyes reflecting nothing as she looked at him. When he pulled away and began to walk off, she immediately set off after him, her thoughts burning about the girl in Riddick's grip.

"My thoughts, dear husband?" Dame Vaako whispered after she caught up with her lord. "Don’t be so naïve or narrow-sighted. Do you not see the Furyan's weakness? While Kyra's slowly decomposing body rests in the chambers 'til we reach Underverse, he has a new plaything. A new pet to preoccupy his time and mind." She smiled wickedly. "She is the key, my lord. She is his undoing. I know you see this. Do not deny it." She nodded slightly, looking over at Vaako with a knowing gaze, her smile growing. "You saw how closely he was watching her and holding her. No doubt he has her scent memorized and can track her for miles..." her voice trailed. "I wonder how far he'd go to retrieve her... hrmm?"

The woman stopped abruptly wondering if her husband would as well. If he did, if he turned around... he'd see her lips smiling at him, her eyes filled with desire as her body waited for him to come to her, to claim her as only her lord could do as they conspired together. Yes, he needed to finish what he'd started when he'd marked her hip. There were many more bruises beckoning to be made.

Sidra bit down on her lip as Riddick wrapped his arm about her and all but dragged her off and out of the presence of Lord and Dame Vaako. She looked up at the Furyan for a moment, her feet moving almost with a mind of their own as they walked briskly down the dimly lit corridors of the massive ship. She found herself shrinking back when they passed by the lenser and its handler as it began to shriek in alarm when it came across the only two signs of true life aboard the vessel filled with half-deads. She was about to let out a tiny shout, but was cut off when Riddick silenced the pitiful abomination along with the Necro holding its leash. A smile played on her lips when she saw him take the goggles, but she kept silent nonetheless. Her mind was still spinning and she hadn't liked the way either Necromonger bearing the name Vaako had looked at her.

Finally, after being introduced to another maid in waiting—she wondered how many of such women were about the place—Sidra found herself in a room off one of the many corridors of the ship. It was definitely a stately room—a room fit for a king, the King of the Necromongers. She swallowed hard as she glanced about it, taking in her new surroundings. It was a far cry from dark corners and by far much more comfortable looking. There was a bed and it actually looked soft.

Sidra walked further inside and then sat down on the edge of the bed as she watched Riddick strip off the heavy Necromonger armor. She smiled at him as he grumbled about it being heavy. She pushed at her hair, peering at him through some of the curls. "Thank you," she said. "This is much nicer than huddling in a corner." She tilted her head a bit. "So," she continued, her voice a bit hesitant. "What now?" She bit down on her lip and then looked down at her feet before looking back up and over at Riddick again.
By the time the Dame Vaako stopped her tracks, they were just outside their room. "He isn't a dog." He turned around and saw that smile for only a moment before he laid his hand around her neck and nearly dragged her inside. The door closed behind him and he pushed her into a wall, her throat still caught within his grasp and threatening to cut off her air. "Are you not satisfied, Dame, with the humiliation you've wrought upon me already? Throw that girl too far and the Riddick will not fetch for her. Strike her down too close and either you or I will die 'neath his blades."

His free hand cupped one side of her jaw and lifted her chin, straining the muscles in her neck as he pressed his face into it with a low growl, his breath equally deep as a beast that would tear her pulse out with its jaws. "The others look upon me as a conspirator as it is. Will you have me further condemned with Riddick as well?" Ending that thought with an angry tone and a slap to her face from the back of his hand, Vaako turned to put his armor away. The man had no intentions of stepping back out on that planet to struggle with any more worms.

Of course, Riddick didn't either. His body now relieved of the extra weight he slid up to Sidra and pressed both hands to the bed on either side of her, face pushing forth as if to make her fall back onto the mattress. "Now? We let as many bastards die here as we can then move on to their so-called Underverse. As for you?" He took a straight knife from his thigh and leaned further forward to get another whiff of scent from her hair. The knife came up to her chin and lightly tapped it. "You're going to take this and help me out while you help yourself."
Dame Vaako hit the wall with a thud, but she refused to wince, to cough, anything. Instead, she met her husband's gaze equally, though she smiled at his show of brutality and physical strength. Oh, he could break her, if he wanted and she adored that. So much potential if only he'd truly let go... Yes, he could surpass the Furyan. It was a pity he was his own worst enemy. His problem was that he thought too much. He needed to leave such things to her. But alas, that was not something he'd do and she knew it and it was why she had to be twice as conniving.

When Vaako finally released her, Dame Vaako took in a quiet gasp of air. She watched him for a moment as he began to remove his armor and she immediately walked toward him, her hands moving to touch him, caress him. "I will not have you condemned, my lord. Rather, I'd see you rise to your rightly place. I wish to see you where the Furyan stands. I wish to see you on the throne." She moved in front of him, her hands still upon his body, touching his chest. She licked his lips, her eyes reflecting nothing. Her gaze hard upon him and filled with desire, she smiled. Slowly, she got down on her knees before him. "I wish to kneel before my king, my lord. The rightful king of the Necromongers."

As Dame Vaako knelt before her husband she looked up at him, her expression softening just enough. She let her hands remain upon his body, sliding down as she moved to kneel before him like a lowly subject.

"Let me pay my respects to the rightful king, my lord," Dame Vaako then said with a wicked smile.

Sidra waited for Riddick to let her know what they'd be doing next now that they were safe—for lack of a better word—on the Necromonger ship once again. But suddenly without warning she found herself falling back on the bed and Riddick face-to-face with her. Her heart began to pound and her breaths quicken as she looked into those silvery eyes.

Sidra just nodded when Riddick mentioned killing as many Necros—inadvertently, of course—as possible when they nuked the worms or anything else in the vicinity. Just then, she felt something cold and hard touch her chin. Swallowing, she knew it was a bladed weapon. Her eyebrows furrowed. "Help you?" she asked, her voice almost squeaking. "How can I help?" She truly wondered that. She'd been of so little help down on Furya's surface where the worms had been concerned. Sure, she had good instinct, but it seemed to end there. What good was she outside of that? Very little, it seemed. "Just what are we going to do?" she asked, her blue eyes going wide as her mass of curls sprawled on the bed beneath her.
Vaako looked down at his wife with eyes that bled with equal amounts of distrust and hunger. Her words were hissed lullabies from a snake's tongue. He knew that every movement and every sound she made was a seduction that brought her victims closer to her. Yet the husband could not bring himself to dislodge her from his body--or his soul. Then again, was that not why he had wedded her in the first place?

He contemplated the thought by pulling away the knot that kept the Dame's hair up. As if to find grip on the reasons he married this sly woman his fingers clasped themselves through her mane and jerked her face upwards, her chin resting over his crotch which now beat blood into a steadily rising member. It was hard for Vaako to say if it was rising from ambition for kingship or from desire to show his wife that she was only given the power to speak to him in such ways through his permission.

"Pay your respects, Dame. Pay them well, my queen."

Meanwhile, the Riddick played with a grin on his lips. "What are we going to do indeed..?" He tickled that chin with the point of the knife before sliding away from her, the blade falling flat on her belly. He rolled his shoulders back and cracked his neck a couple times. "Hm... You know how to move around without being seen or heard. You know how to use the dark. For someone who lived in the light, that's not a bad start."

Riddick stripped himself of the curved Ulak blades and another knife he had around, setting them on a table. He opened himself up for attack. "Come at me. Anything's game."
Dame Vaako looked up at her lord, her master, her king with dark, non-reflective pools filled with the lust for power. She would see someone to the throne, yes. And she would certainly see herself by the side of that someone. Necromonger or Furyan? Who was to say, but in the end, it would be Dame Vaako who would be queen.

The woman smiled up at her husband, her tongue darting out like that of a snake as she licked her lips. Come taste the apple, she beckoned as her hands moved up from her sides to slowly, sensually work at the fastenings of his pants.

"I shall pay them, my king," Dame Vaako said in whisper, her eyes locked to her lord's. "I shall pay them a thousand times over you won't be able to speak nor see. Only feel, my lord. Only sense..." Her hands touched him once he was free from the confines of the fabric of his clothes. Leaning forward, she let a breath leave her mouth. "Are you as hungry for this as I, my king?" she asked huskily, her mouth closing over him, drawing him in slowly.

Sidra bit down on her lip, tasting blood as she looked into Riddick's eyes. When he finally got up, she let out a breath she hadn't even realized she'd been holding and swallowed hard, her mouth so very dry. Closing her eyes for a moment, she reached down and laid a hand on the knife resting upon her, her chest heaving, and then took a firm hold of it. She brought it up so that she could look at it for a moment and then finally she sat up. Her hair fell about her body once more, concealing most of her face. Just then, Riddick told her to come at him. Was he serious? She was no match for him. He'd easily shove her aside.

Tilting her head, Sidra just looked at Riddick for a moment. She could tell that the Furyan had meant it. He wanted her to try. He was going to teach her something and he was going to do it now. At that moment, right there. "I..." she stammered.

Swallowing again, Sidra looked at the knife she held in her tiny hands. She then looked over at Riddick once again. Blinking several times, she finally lunged at him, uncertain of what would happen when she made it to him... that was, if she made it to him.
As rigid as he was, the Lord Vaako's only sign of pleasure was the rise and fall of his chest until the Dame's mouth finally found the burning erection that no longer could grow. A deep groan emanated from his chest and his gaze towards his wife turned into a demanding glare. It could have been the encounter with the worms from earlier; it could have been the rotten mood the Riddick festered in him; it could have been the knees of his wife connected with the floor as she called him 'king'. Whatever it was, Vaako did not want to play it this slow or sensual.

The moment that his entirety was swallowed up by her lips he pressed his hand against the back of her head and forced her to listen in that position. "You do not get to be hungry, dear Dame. Right now, you only live to sate my hunger."

With that the Lord Vaako began using her mouth like a toy to be fed his thrusts. "Is this what you wanted to do on the throne?" The question cued his release of her mouth but not her hair and he pulled her head back once he came down on one knee. His free hand went to the bruise he'd made in her hip earlier and caressed it at first before squeezing at it. "Is this how you would kneel to your king?"

Riddick was probably having just as much fun as Vaako if not more. He could see the uncertainty in Sidra's eyes as well as her clumsy lunge forward. In a single moment the Furyan could assess that she would need a severe beating of her psyche in order to effectively learn what she needed within the short period of time she would have. There was no telling when she'd need these skills, but the sooner she used them the better. That meant that Riddick had to prepare her as quickly as possible.

"Lesson number one!" An easy sidestep and a quick grab of her wrist with a twist that would force her to drop the knife gave him immediate control of her body. A further twist brought her arm behind her and a tactical foot placement would trip her into landing face first into the table that he'd laid his blades out on before. He leaned close to her ear to mumble a tease. "Don't attack first." He let go of her to recompose herself however she would but didn't back off without administering a decent smack to her rear. "And if you do, remember to aim. You won't hit anything if you're not trying to hit anything."

Riddick sat down on the bed and crossed his arms behind his back. He tilted his head at her and gently cocked an eyebrow. "Now try again."
Dark eyes reflecting nothing looked back at Lord Vaako, but the eyes of Dame Vaako glinted with a maliciousness as her lord, master and king suddenly grabbed at her head and forced her to take all of him deeply into her mouth. She gagged and slurped as he shoved her hard against him, back and forth, like some doll to be used to serve his own pleasures. If he cared to look closely, he'd notice the slight smile on her lips as she choked him down, his length filling her throat as she sucked and licked.

Dame Vaako liked this side of her husband, the passionate side that took what it wanted and when—the side that knew what it deserved. Her eyes began to water as she gagged, her saliva dripping down her chin as she made love to him with her mouth, if one could even call what they had together love. It was more like mutual desire, but whether it was for the love of each other or the love of something else, neither seemed to ever want to admit that out loud.

Sidra let out a groan when she slammed into the table. She could feel Riddick's weight upon her as he leaned over her body, his lips almost touching her ear as he whispered to her. She turned her head slightly as if trying to glance over her shoulder and then felt him slowly slide away. Just then, she felt a firm slap against her backside causing her to let out a tiny yelp.

Glancing back, though still hovering over the table, Sidra's eyes peered through her curls at Riddick. She locked eyes with the Furyan for a moment before finally pushing herself upright and turning back around. The room was dim, but despite that, she could still see easily enough. Being light of eyes, helped a little in that regard. Pushing at her hair, she blinked and then set her jaw. He wanted her to try again. To aim. How he'd noticed that she hadn't earlier out of fear of accidentally inflicting some sort of injury was startling, but then again, given his experience she supposed she shouldn't be surprised. Given his actions down on Furya, she knew he was a survivor, a fighter and so very much more.

Letting out a tiny breath, Sidra's fist curled into balls and she ran toward Riddick once again, her focus to somehow hit him in the ribs or chest. In the back of her mind she worried about actually doing something to hurt him—as if this Furyan could be hurt, she had to admit the thought seemed silly that she could ever hurt such a man. Regardless, she ran toward him, once more, still unsure of what would happen when she reached him.
Vaako's eyes found a single living glint of passion as they stared at the defiled face of the Dame. The lord vaguely pondered the attraction of having this woman at the disposal of his sexual needs while he pulled her forward to lie belly down to the ground. He didn't care if she could support her weight or not as he used her hair to pull her face into his crotch. He used her own spit to coat her cheek with his shaft, the full bags below it slowly frosting over with the slimy fluid.

It was when he started thrusting himself inside her again that it dawned on him: he was reducing a powerful clever woman to nothing but a rag doll that he could beat and fuck to his neverending pleasure. The realization further enraged his desire to paint the Dame's throat in white. "Beg for your king's seed, Dame." He leaned forward both to beat faster against her face and to reach between her legs with his free hand. The dress came up and his fingers found her moist lips. They circled her like water going down a drain, spreading her to his satisfaction before plunging in. He gripped at her walls with curled fingers and used that hold to pull her deeper into his thrusts. "Beg!"

He could care less that her mouth was too stuffed to speak.


Riddick clicked his tongue as he watched the girl charge at him once more. She had a motive behind her action now, but the girl still lacked purpose. She didn't care what happened or why she did what she did. This was made apparent when Riddick countered her by dropping his weight from the bed and onto bent knees, body lowered so that her attack to his upper torso was dodge. A 'gentle' push forward would find his head pressed into her groin and her balance undone with the center of her body weight falling onto his back. He then sprung up to standing position so that she was flung off the ground and flipped over onto the bed.

All this with his arms still crossed behind his back.

"I said aim!" Riddick remained in the same position, arms still crossed behind him and his back facing the bed where Sidra was. He didn't even look over his shoulder, he just waited for her next move. "I can dig a knife into your spine and paralyze you. I can twist your neck and shut your brain off. A cut to your ankle and you'll limp forever. I am a threat to your life. Now hit me!"
Sucking hard and harder still, Dame Vaako continued to go down on her husband with fury as he continued his hold on her head, forcing her to take him all into her throat. Her muscles spasm'd and clenched, her tongue working furiously to keep him hard and twitching and yearning to fall over the edge. She gagged a bit more, her face and cheeks coated with her saliva, his precum, as she continued the forced ministrations.

Looking up into Lord Vaako's eyes, Dame Vaako all but smiled. This was a king. This was someone worthy of defeating a Furyan. This was someone to kneel before and submit to in body, mind and soul. If only he could hold onto this passion, this fire!

"Fill my mouth..." Dame Vaako then pleaded, her voice muffled as her lord and husband continued his vicious thrusts against her mouth. "Spill your seed down my throat..." She gagged again, choking on his length, his girth. Her eyes watered and the tears spilled down her paled cheeks as she looked up at him, eyes locked fiercely, intensely. "Show me, my king... show me... let me worship you..." She continued her begging, the smile not once faltering. Not once fading.

Sidra laid there on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. She blinked several times as she tried to make sense of what had happened. Everything was a blur, it had all happened so quickly. Finally, she rolled over on to her tummy and looked at the Furyan and scowled.

Riddick didn't even look back at her, which made Sidra burn. Instead, he just sat there as he had mere moments ago, mocking her. Telling her how easily he could kill her, stun her, anything he wished should he choose to bother. At that, she just lunged at him, going for his neck with her teeth. She had no idea why, but for some reason she felt angry, frustrated, and it was the first thing that came into her mind when he shouted at her... now hit me.
Somehow the Lord Vaako did not need to hear the words pronounced beyond the stifled moans the Dame was able to produce. The smile that remained consistent at the corners of her pried open lips and the look of admiration in those dead and deadlier eyes told her husband that he was king; king of her body and soul if not soon to be king of all Necromongers. Suddenly the desire to own her and the desire to own Necropolis merged into one and he saw a brief flash of his own imaginings, the room clouded out to reveal him upon his rightful throne and his wicked queen defiling herself upon him in front of all the Necromongers that knelt before them.

"Ah...ahh... Ah!" The grunts finally turned into gasps which then swiftly burned into his throat a mighty roar that could be matched only by the volume of that which he unloaded in his pretty Dame's mouth. "Nngh..." His head rolled back as he felt the last drops flow free but he did not relax for long. He pulled out, giving no heed to the state of his wife's ability to breathe, and flipped her over onto her back. He pulled her to him, his member still hard and twitching against the small cove just above her rear.

"Now, my queen, you give yourself to me." The fingers he'd had inside her earlier went inside her mouth and pushed against her tongue while his other fingers went around her neck. He briefly played at the two scars that marked her as part of the dead before choking off most of her air supply. His face pushed into her hair and he rested it against the back of her head, lips close enough to her ear so she could hear him speak under his breath. "Show me your devotion. Please yourself for mine eyes to watch you obey me."


"Ah!" Riddick hadn't expected that. The moment he felt teeth on his neck he jumped forward, staggering and carrying Sidra's weight with him. He had to tense the muscles in his arms to make sure they stayed locked so they didn't impulsively rip the girl off and injure her. Not that it would have been any worse than what he was doing now: Riddick turned his back to the nearby wall and slammed his weight against it, likely knocking the wind out of the girl sandwiched between.

Then he just got mean. He uncrossed his arms and put an elbow to her side for good measure before stepping away from a most likely very angry blue-eyed girl. Riddick faced her this time, a grin spreading over his amused lips. He rubbed at the slight burn on his neck. This was good. She made quick progress. "Aw, love bite." He bent his knees and spread his footing a bit. "Quit the romance, kid. It's life or death. Again!"
Dame Vaako swallowed down everything her lord and king gave her. Not once did she blink as he filled her mouth with his thick, steamy fluids and, without hesitation, she made sure not to miss a single drop. To not waste a thing. Oh yes, she wanted him to see just how precious everything the Necromonger king offered truly was. T'was a pity they could no longer breed. Oh the sons they could bear if he took the throne!

Finally, when Vaako was done, he removed his fingers from her slicked sex. Dame Vaako's eyes widened just a bit at the sight of it. She knew she was ready for him, her entrance already seething and burning to be stretched further. When he shoved his fingers coated in her juiced into her mouth, she wasted no time. Her tongue lapped at them, licking them clean. And the moment she felt him press teasingly against her aching entrance, she let out a moan just for him, knowing it would be his undoing.

"Yes, my king..." Dame Vaako groaned. "I obey thee..." And without any further delay, she slid along his still stiff member, her sex wet and ready, tight and twitiching, and all just for him.

Sidra felt the wind leave her lungs as Riddick slammed her into the wall, her still clinging to his back. Trying desperately to get air, she then felt a sharp pain in her side and suddenly felt herself crumple onto the floor. Gasping and panting, she got up on all fours and looked up at Riddick through the mass of curls hanging in front of her face. Her expression show anger, frustration and something... else.

"Kid?" Sidra mumbled quietly, her cool blue eyes piercing amidst the darkness and hair that covered her face. "Life or death, huh?" her voice even quieter.

At that, Sidra finally caught her breath and ran toward Riddick once more. This time her aim was lower. She had no idea how to fight or defend or even how to attack. But there was only one thing she knew, as a woman, when it came to trying to take someone down of the opposite gender. No matter how big or small. No matter what planet they came from. All men had the same weakness, if you managed to reach your target. Of course, she had no idea what would happen if she did. But, he'd say to 'come at him'. So 'come at him' she would... getting close, making it seem she would punch, but instead making a swift knee to the groin.
Vaako growled in his Dame's ear. "The good queen will get her rewards for her obedience..." She had, after all, swallowed every last drop of him and endured his aggression. The least he could do was give her more pain with pleasure. He released her throat and without giving her time to adjust he slammed himself inside her. He beat against her warm wet walls, the muscles straining to endure the forced stretching.

"Tell me who is king." To beat her harder he grabbed hold of one of her breasts, oblivious to his own strength and knowing only that he could push her deeper onto him. The other hand held her bruised hip, using that hold to the benefit of the sex he was pounding as well as her pain receptors. "Tell me who is king!"


That was a good look that Sidra wore on her face. She had more potential than Riddick had first guessed. Things were actually starting to look up.

That was until he tried to counter Sidra's next attack. To Riddick's misfortune he had somewhat underestimated her capacity for strategic rage and ended up falling for her feint. He had realized his mistake just quick enough to soften the blow, but it didn't change the fact that her knee would meet its mark.

To Sidra's misfortune, Riddick's threshold for pain was extremely high. His hands not only padded the impact but they took hold of her leg as well. His muscles tensed with the low groan that emanated from his chest and one of his knees gave out. He kept his grip on her during the few moments it took him to recover, after which he sprung himself back up on his feet and lifted her leg up with him. In fact, he lifted it higher. He held her hanging upside down just long enough that her own momentum from losing balance would keep her body swinging even after he let her go. Which he did. And he watched her fall face flat on the floor.

Before she could gather her senses the Riddick grabbed the back of her shirt and lifted her off the ground to toss her backwards into a chair, her chest falling against its back. She was so petite that he could actually sit behind her, the poor girl squished between chair and Furyan whose arms wrapped themselves around both her and the chair. He gave a soft growl, his chest passing on his gradually calming heartbeat to her shoulder.

"Lesson number two: don't stop until your opponent is as good as dead. If you can aim one step ahead, you can aim ten steps ahead. Remember that you're small and you're weak, but you're lighter and you're faster. If you can't win with strength, you can win with speed." He paused to shake away some of her curls that were tickling his nose. Her scent was distracting--pleasant, even. "Keep flowing. Inertia, pain, anger--these are all your weapons and your allies. Just remember not to let them take control." He took one more draw of her essence and then removed himself from her. "Everything else is practice and instinct."

Riddick gave a groan as he plopped down to the floor, back resting against the bed. He picked up a nearby piece of armor and put it between his legs, the cold metal making for a semi-decent replacement for an ice pack. "Your feint sucks by the way."
Dame Vaako let out a loud panting moan as her lord, master and king began pounding hard against her sex, her body, her everything. She could feel herself bouncing roughly against him as he claimed what was his—his wife, his queen. She smiled maliciously at his display of dominance, his will to be alpha. Good. He needed to show this if he was to stand up against the Furyan, to better his chances at usurping the throne for himself. For them.

The lewd sounds of their union echoed throughout their quarters, the wet squelching sounds reverberating off the walls until they struck her ears ten fold. Dam Vaako could only gasp at the glorious sounds. It showed power and lust and something deeply primal and instinctual.

"You are my king, my lord. You..." Dame Vaako panted, her voice husky as she spoke. "And I long for you to claim me while you sit on that throne before all Necromongers..."

Sidra felt her knee make contact and then suddenly her world was turned upside down. Literally. Terrified she'd angered Riddick, she found herself beginning to panic, fearing what would come next if anything. Her mind spinning, heart racing, breaths coming fast, she was then thrown against a chair. Once more she felt Riddick's weight upon her body, his lips just barely touching her ear as he spoke to her. Trying to catch her breath, she could feel his warmth, could sense his strength. She shook her head ever so slightly to clear her mind.

As Riddick backed off, Sidra shifted herself and looked over at him curiously. Did nothing take this man down? She was beginning to wonder... Then again, she had indeed hesitated upon striking. But even still, it wasn't just her attacks she was thinking about. There were the worms back on Furya and she was certain a myriad of other things too from his past.

Just then, Sidra watched Riddick place a piece of Necro armor over his groin and she smiled a little. She might've failed overall, but at least she'd done some damage it had seemed. "Does it?" she then asked in regards to his comment. She pushed some of her hair out of her face only for it to fall back in its usual place. "Guess you still have more to teach me then." She paused a moment, just looking at him. "Is it possible for anything to hurt you, Riddick?" As she spoke, she quietly walked over to him and sat down beside him on the floor.
The noises of their sexes mashing together meshed with the verbal submissions of his wife. Vaako lost all sense of reality and thought which left him only with the desire to release. It wasn't long until he gave out another roar of victory, his seed bursting inside his Dame with every intent to invade her insides. It didn't matter that they could not breed, the sperm would try anyway, even if by sheer number.

The lord, on the other hand, was exhausted. He used his wife as a bed for just a little while, long enough to recover full consciousness of the world and enough to knead her walls with his still throbbing member. Once he regained hold of his composure, however, he pulled out from her with a satisfying squish of popping fluids and placed himself on a chair. An escaping groan told him he needed rest or nourishment and he looked to see how much of a mess had been left upon him.

" wife, my queen-to-be... Come clean your filth from me." Those eyes were faded into utter death once more, his desire either completely sated or simply pushed back into the shadows of his mind. His focus was now returning to the Riddick and how to get rid of him. "I wonder what he plans to do with that girl..."

Indeed, whatever was Riddick planning? Whatever it was, it seemed to be going smoothly in his favor so far from the looks of the smirk on his face and the shine in his eyes.

He was about to respond to Sidra's comment on her combat education when she dropped an implication that she might think he was a god. That's what it sounded like, anyway, and it made Riddick tilt his head at her. "Lots of things can hurt me. The trick is to not let anything close enough to hurt." With that matter-of-factly statement he tossed away the makeshift icepack and rubbed away whatever sore spot was left.

"By the way." Riddick reached across the girl's lap to pick up the knife she dropped earlier. He handed it to her. "Keep this. Use it. Learn to trust it. There's nothing in the world more loyal than a shiv." He caught hold of a strand of curls and lightly tugged. "Not even a dog."
Dame Vaako could feel the marks forming on her flesh as her lord, master and king gripped at her body, thrusting without mercy as he claimed her the way any leader of a people would... should. She hoped they were so dark that he could be reminded of this moment later on. Reminded of how powerful he could truly be when he let go and gave into his truest desires. Ah, how she loved this side of him!

The woman bit down hard upon her lip, gritting her teeth to stifle the moan she wanted to howl out as she felt him release once more deeply inside her core. She knew she had to stay silent, let him remain in total control. It was as she wanted and needed it to be. Despite her silence, her sex throbbed and pulsed, contractions milking him as he erupted, desperately trying to draw him deeper still. But still she did not move, did not scream out her pleasures. Only her heavy, panting breaths could be heard. But those were enough.

When Lord Vaako got up, Dame Vaako slowly turned to glance at him, her eyes still reflecting nothing yet showing all the lust for power they always seemed to hold. She stalked toward him and got down on her knees once more, licking him clean like a pet would its master. "The girl, my king?" she then began, her question rhetorical. "Your thoughts turn so quickly to another." There was hidden venom laced in her words, though she was curious to hear if her husband was starting to truly see her initial point that the girl was indeed the key to the Furyan's undoing. His weakness.

Sidra looked at Riddick for a moment through her curls. As he spoke to her, she nodded and smiled. When he handed her the shiv she quirked a brow and held the knife awkwardly in her tiny hand. She looked at the bladed weapon for several long moments before looking back at Riddick who'd tugged a bit on her hair.

"How am I to use one of these?" Sidra then asked the Furyan. "I... I can barely fight with my hands and I'm to trust this weapon?"

Sidra's cheeks went bright red and she wondered how she'd ever master using such a thing. The knife itself was small which meant she'd have to get in close to render the thing useful. Throwing it would mean she'd need deadly perfect aim, not to mention a means to retrieve. So the former was the best option, but... was it possible for someone like her to learn?

Looking at Riddick with piercing eyes through a mass of curls, Sidra pushed her hair away absently revealing her face in full for a brief moment. As they fell back down, she let out a tiny breath. "Will you teach me, Riddick?" She paused a moment. "Please?"
"The girl, my king? Your thoughts turn so quickly to another."

Vaako administered a careless strike at his wife's cheek. His eyes then looked to her and redirected thoughts that did not show themselves on his face. He leaned forward and grabbed her chin, returning her lips to his shrinking scepter. The thoughtless comment that the Dame had spoken aloud had brought before his mind a fractional second of curious indulgence: the living girl beneath his commanding eyes as she took the Dame's current role.

He snuffed the image. Looking at the girl was enough to make him want to hurl, it made no sense to indulge in thoughts of defiling something that was already filth. "My thoughts will turn wherever they will, Dame." He laid back and stretched his neck, gaze glittering the ceiling now. "There were countless people still in the midst of being converted when the Riddick took over. He did nothing to break them free of their enlightenment. Yet he protects the stowaway. Why?"

As he pondered the question he gave thought to how the answer would be found. He laid his gaze upon his wife again. "You found out why the Lord Marshall feared Riddick..." He dragged his fingers through her hair and leaned towards her as he pulled her forth to him. His tongue crept past her lips and pulled at her own, tasting both of them in her mouth before he parted to finish his sentence. "Find out why Riddick wants to keep the girl...alive." That last word was a grunt of distaste.


Riddick gave a fairly satisfied grin, the dependency of the girl on his capabilities so apparent that he found it adorable. Almost as adorable as her face when the curls were moved. "You don't have to fight with your hands, but when you don't have a weapon you have to improvise." He bent out his neck and tapped two fingers against the love bite the girl had given him earlier. The mark was still there, though it was slowly fading. "Having a weapon means you have a plan. Having a weapon that you understand means you're prepared."

The Furyan dragged her by the waist onto his lap and leaned back so she could lie on top of him, her back to his chest. He wrapped his hand around hers, molding her grasp on the knife so that the weight was balanced in her fingers. "If it feels like you're not holding a knife, you're holding it right." He pressed the blade against his knee so that she could feel the pressure without hurting him. "If the weight in your hand changes or it feels like you're trying to cut through a rock, you're digging too deep and you're trying too hard. You don't have the muscle for it." Keeping her grip in check, he circled his fingers around her wrist now and swayed her arm back and forth in the air, directing the twist of her muscles and the bend of her joints. "Keep it moving. When you have a knife, don't try to hit your target. Aim, move in, cut and retreat. The less you feel the slice, the easier it is to stay in flow."

Riddick turned her around then and before she could register what he was doing he ran a slit across the side of his neck so as to demonstrate how light a blade could run through flesh. "Just like that." The cut was shallow and was slow to bleed, quick to patch. It wasn't anywhere near dangerous points of infliction either. "And another thing." He brushed the tip of the knife along the arteries of his neck. "Sweet spots." He gently dragged the blade down his front to rest the tip again on his crotch where his balls would be. "Soft spots." He then pushed the blade away and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her up his lap so she was straddling his hips. His head tilted and his eyes whispered gleams of inquisitive expectations. "Learn them. Hurt them. Kill." Riddick carefully angled his head the other way, eyes looking through the curls to peer at hers. "Feeling taught yet?"
As Dame Vaako finished licking up Lord Vaako, seeing to it that he was properly cleaned as any king should be, she unblinkingly held onto his gaze. The only sound to pass over her lips was a tiny grunt as he struck her cheek, her flesh burning where his hand had made contact with her paled skin.

"It shall indeed be done, my lord. For all Necromongers. For you, my king." The corners of Dame Vaako's lips quirked up viciously. Yes, she would indeed find out why Riddick wanted the girl 'alive'. And yes, the girl would indeed be taken care of. She would see to that, even if it meant staining the hands of her husband in the end.

Riddick's hold on Sidra was firm, his movements quick and holding purpose. She glanced over her shoulder at him as he held her to him, showing her how to use the shiv she held in her hand. He made it seem so easy, so natural. And... he was warm.

Suddenly, Sidra found her body being manipulated and she was facing the Furyan, her eyes staring straight into his. Blue on silver. Her breath caught in her throat for a moment as her body straddled his. He then interrupted her thoughts by showing how easily she could cut him, if she'd chosen to seize the opportunity. How little effort it would actually take if she trusted the weapon she held, if she understood how to use it, to flow with it. She swallowed hard as he continued instructing, pulling her even closer. She could feel her cheeks getting hot as the room suddenly started to feel very warm.

"I..." Sidra stammered, her eyes still looking into Riddick's despite the curls that partially hung in her face. She bit down on her lip just then and swallowed, her mouth going dry as her mind sought for words that wouldn't come.

Finally, Sidra broke the gaze between herself and Riddick. She'd had no choice but to look both down and away from him—an act of both concession and submission to the teacher. Already, she could feel the speed of her heart increasing as it pounded within her chest, her breaths quickening along with it as her skin broke out into goose bumps despite how warm she felt.

"I..." Sidra continued to search for words, but found herself distracted even after looking away from the Furyan.

Sidra felt both helpless and hopeless and it was becoming more apparent than ever just how much guidance she truly needed, guidance only this Furyan could provide. Looking back into his silvery eyes once more, she blinked several times. Her mind was muddled—worms, shivs, sweet spots... his warmth. He was holding her very close and it was hard for her not to notice how he felt against her. And the warmth...

Again, Sidra looked away feeling embarrassed, wishing she could hide in the dark shadowy corners of the ship. But even there, she could be seen. This man could see even better in the dark than in the light. Hiding would make no difference; serve no purpose. So, with reddened cheeks, she looked at him with a defeated expression. "Y-yes?" she whispered softly, not knowing how else to respond.
Vaako heard the confirmation of his command and then pushed his wife aside. He closed up his pants and pulled his clothes flat on his way to the door. "Get busy then." He left the room, his priorities now returned to the workings of the ship. He had to check in on the militia as well and get a report of the state of war against the Furyan worms. Work... He'd rather make someone else work for him.

Riddick, on the other hand, was pleased to work for himself; especially if it meant fooling around with a girl that had no choice but to take it. Although the Furyan had to admit that for a damsel that was getting manipulated, she sure seemed comfy in her place of it all. For a brief moment, Riddick felt a soft glow of apology. "Sidra..."

He could hear the rising pulse of her blood rushing away from her heart and back; the slightest wheeze of the lungs that no one but Riddick would be able to catch; the tightening of her skin in an effort to hold back the illusion of escaping warmth. He could smell her appreciated unease. Clearly she was embarrassed. Clearly she didn't hate it. But it still made her feel awkward, as much so as she looked awkward in this position where her face and her hair hung over him.

Absentmindedly falling into the depths of his own confusions, the Furyan reached to touch her cheek. His fingers cupped her jaw and his thumb tested the warmth of her skin. She was blushing. Carried away now by the sensitivities of his own awareness he ran that thumb across her lips, curled fingers catching her pacing breath between them like a filter made to catch the secret yearnings of her unspoken cravings. Then those fingers spread, their tips falling down her chin, her throat, then stopping over her heart. Tentative, they counted the beats within each second. They measured the pressure to her chest at each beat.

A split second of intense passion snapped him out of his trance. "Good. Because I'm done for now." He stuffed what felt like a steaming pile of neglected emotions back into the closet he'd condemned them in before and at the same time picked the girl up off his lap. He sort of dropped her ass on the floor then proceeded to rise, his feet automatically taking him to one of the doors that didn't lead back to the Necropolis. When he pressed his hand against it, he stopped and stared, expression blank.

This was Kyra's room.

Riddick shook his head and turned around, hand on his temples. He groaned. His back touched the wall. His eyes closed. "I'm tired..."
Dame Vaako's eyes narrowed into slits as she watched her husband leave their stately quarters fully sated, walking taller than he had when he'd entered. It was clear he felt powerful now, strong, capable of leading more than just an army, but an entire people. But that was her plan—build up the man, gain the throne. Flawless in its simplicity.

The woman straightened out her dress, adjusting the fabric and her adornments. She then walked over to the mirror hanging on the wall and stared at her reflection. Reaching for a brush, she worked her hair until it ran smoothly through the bristles and then proceeded to twist and turn the strands until they were woven into the regal knot she wore atop her head. Looking haughty and herself once more, she smiled.

The Furyan's pet... Dame Vaako wondered just how much of a weakness that hot-blooded creature would turn out to be. It was already clear to her that she was the current key to his exploitations. But just how far would the Riddick allow himself to be pushed before he reached his limit? The Furyan had a threshold unlike anyone she'd ever seen. Just how much suffering and torment would he endure, how much would he allow the girl to take? She supposed there was only one way to find out. And it would take very careful and calculated steps. She'd have to be... flawless.

Sidra looked into Riddick's eyes, unable to look away this time no matter how hard she tried. It was like she was caught in some sort of primal trance, a ritual of sorts that couldn't be broken until it was finished. She felt his fingers trace her skin, taking in the softness and textures of her flesh along with other signs of life that made her stand out among a ship filled with half-deads. She wondered what he was thinking, sensing. She could tell it was something given how he looked at her, touched her and then...

It was broken and Sidra found herself falling onto the floor with a soft thud. Her eyes, peering through curls, watched Riddick rise from the floor as she sat there confused and unsure. Lost. She watched him walk over to a door that seemed to lead nowhere, his eyes lingering on it for a moment that made her wonder. Tilting her head, she found herself curious as to what resided behind it, if anything.

Looking down at her lap, Sidra then nodded in acknowledgment of Riddick's words. "I'll leave you to rest then," she said as she slowly stood up. "Perhaps I can learn the ship better by walking the corridors as opposed to skulking in the corners."

Sidra kept her head down as she spoke and walked toward the door. As she placed her hand on the handle, the other one still holding the shiv Riddick had given her, she glanced over her shoulder. The mass of curls fell in her face as she turned and she shook her head ever so slightly so she could see through them at the man standing on the other side of the room. Blinking a few times, she turned back toward the door and pushed at it.
"I'll leave you to rest then." He didn't want to rest. That was the whole point to staying busy; he was trying to keep his mind off the things that made him...less. "Perhaps I can learn the ship better by walking the corridors as opposed to skulking in the corners." And make him even more nervous? Riddick didn't plan on making any stops before the Underverse. If he ended up losing Sidra he'd lose a shitload of potential to better throw the Necromongers into chaos. He could lose Kyra.

...Shit. He'd lose Sidra.

In the short span of time it would take for Sidra to open the door enough to let her toes through, Riddick crossed to the other side of the room and came up behind her, one hand holding the door in place and the other grabbing Sidra by the waist. He leaned forward so as to peek out the door at one of those converted females standing right outside. He flashed her a quick smile. "Think you can whip us up a snack? Yes? Take your time." He shut the door.

The smile was gone as soon as the darkness had fully returned and Riddick rested his head against the door he'd just closed, chin hovering above the girl's shoulder as he left her standing between them for a few moments. Then pulling in a deep breath, he took her off to the side and spun her around so she was facing him. Strong hands picked her up by the hips and lifted her off the ground to station her against the wall, the weight of his body pressed against her to keep her own out of reach of the floor. Riddick dragged his nose up along messy curls, growling softly at the scent of her as he pulled his head back just enough to stare her straight in those cool bright eyes.

They reminded him of what stars used to look like before his eyes changed.

He pushed his hips further under hers to keep her up so he could use his hands, one of them reaching up to push away the hair hanging over her face. His fingers brushing back through the strands, his palm rested on top of her head while he stared at her unscreened face with his swirls of mercury, all contemplation and passionate chaos.

He didn't want this, but he found himself seething with a need to have her. It might have been the strain of endurance on this ship or the lack of effort he'd put into guarding himself since he became king due to the fact that the Necromongers posed little to no threat to his emotions; whatever the reason, Riddick struggled with that one small piece of him that begged him to rekindle his humanity. Even the beast in him wasn't opposed to the idea.

Before his eyes could betray him any more than they might already have, he turned them away and instead pressed his face under the line of her jaw, hovering close to her throat with puffs of hot air beating on her skin. "Smells nice..." Riddick murmured under his breath and gave a subtle moan that sounded almost like a lion's purr. There were even vibrations coming off his chest. But his heart was calm, relaxed even. As he further fell into the grasps of long forgotten instincts of intimacy, he almost felt...comfortable.

But he couldn't let his guard down just yet. Even as he brushed his lips along her jaw--even as they took in the air that her lips let out--he couldn't let himself go. He was there, standing on the edge of sanity; waiting on the brink of emotion. His eyes made contact with hers again, closer than ever. Sterling silver orbs glimmered with nothing of his conflicts but for the single question he had for her: would she let him come?
Sidra's heart literally stopped and though her brain told her body to move, it just wouldn't comply no matter what she told herself to do. She was frozen in place. As if she'd transformed into some fragile statue that could easily fracture if the wrong handler came along and tried to move her. Just then, there was a whoosh of air and she found herself face to face, alone and in the dark once more, with the Furyan.

Riddick seemed more animal than human somehow in those moments as Sidra's eyes locked with his. Maybe it was the lighting or maybe it was the way he was possessively scrutinizing every detail as he studied her. Whatever it was, she began to tremble slightly, almost shivering. But this time she was hardly cold. Yes, she could feel him drinking in her scent, taking in the sight of her. And as he did, it stirred things deeply inside of her. But it also made her question... Did he actually approve or had it just been a long time? She truly wondered...

Despite Sidra's fears, her skin grew hot even though she was shaking a little. There definitely was something about this man, this Furyan, something in his way and manner. It beckoned she listen and follow no matter the cost. And as she continued to stare hard into his eyes, her pulse quickening and her body tensing ever so slightly, she knew she would. She truly had no choice and as that realization swirled through her mind, her cheeks began to burn.

Sidra was also becoming very aware of how little distance separated herself and Riddick. It was practically nothing and growing smaller. The Furyan was closing the space by the second as he leaned toward her, taking in more of her scent, gripping her closer still. Just then, she felt his lips upon her flesh causing her to let out the tiniest of gasps. Looking at him, her eyes full of raw emotion, her gasps were suddenly silenced when his lips touched her own. She continued looking into his steely eyes for several moments before her own closed out of instinct, her body almost going totally limp as he held her.

"Riddick..." Sidra whispered breathily, her hands reaching for him, seeking him out. After a few moments she opened her eyes so that she could look back into his again. So much emotion spilled from her crystal blue eyes; so much emotion she wasn't even sure if she could make sense of it all. But if he dared to look deeply enough into those eyes of hers he'd know one thing was certain: she was his.
The girl was like a radiating lump of flesh, soft and burning. It made him shudder to know that someone so warm was being held in his arms; those arms that lived to defend and kill. For the first time in the longest while that he could remember there was a life he wanted to breathe in. And the breath he took from her shimmering eyes was overwhelming. Riddick closed his eyes then with a resignation to his need for human sustenance--for intimacy.

He put all his weight to Sidra's as his lips took hers with the intent to set her lungs on fire. Her curls slipped through the gaps of his fingers and he pulled his palm down the side of her chest and to her hip then her thigh. He raised her knee to his side and trickled fingertips down to her ankle, guiding her leg behind his back then reaching to cup her cheek after a stroke of his touch along her ear.

Everything was instinct or impulse and resulted in the rising of the fever he was beginning to feel. In the back of his mind it surprised him how much he was enjoying the taste of her; the feel of her; the warmth of her. But the rest of his brain was hazed in a darkness so bright he had to follow the raw input of his senses to stay conscious of what was happening. That left his muscles free to do whatever pleased them, and right now that was grinding his hips into hers with a quickly growing bulge between them. At one point he pressed a very sweet spot that made him gasp around her tongue. His eyes jumped open and he stopped everything he was doing to gaze at her.

What was he doing? He was too dizzy to answer his own question but his eyes repeated the question to the blues across from them. He counted five weighted breaths before he finally gave up his thoughts to let the girl slide her feet to the floor. Soft kisses to her neck and collar tugged at her skin and his hands found ways to remove the clothing that kept them from touching her bare body.

He wanted her.
Riddick seemed to be sizing her up, gauging her reactions as he moved with fluid purpose and grace. It made Sidra tremble, her body molding to his on instinct as he manipulated her position, angling her leg behind him and pressing himself closer still. His heat was like a flame that beckoned the moth—come to me—and who was she to resist him? A girl from Helion seeking the warmth, the light. The softest of whimpers passed over her lips and her body instantly responded to his heat. His movements, they summoned reactions that made her gasp as something primal awakened inside.

Sidra half expected herself to fall as her free leg began wobble, weakening as she fell further into the Furyan's trance. But somehow Riddick held her in place, kept her secure and safe. She knew he would and it made her feel strangely at ease despite tension that hung thick between them both.

Her pulse rose as she felt the Furyan's oddly soft lips claim her own once more only this time with more determination than before. A tiny groan left her as he explored her mouth, taking in her taste and she his in return. Feeling breathless, Sidra knew she was under his spell, but it didn't matter. She knew she was his somehow and this was just the beginning. He was a predator and she was showing him she understood this. Yes, she was his prey—his willing prey.

Rolling her head back a bit, Sidra let out more soft sounds as Riddick trailed searing kisses along her flesh. Neck first followed by her shoulder. When she looked back into his eyes, she hardly noticed that he'd begun removing her clothing, baring her body before him. How had he done that? Licking her lips, her body shivering, becoming aroused with each touch, her cheeks went pink. She could feel his erection pressing against her, making her body react all the more. Finally, she reached up with a hand and gently touched his face and smiled shyly, a gesture of approval. A gesture letting him know that she wanted him just as much in return.
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