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Clashing of the Royals ( Ava & Bloody Ava )

Lady Bloody Ava

Anime Junkie
Jun 25, 2010
Villagers gathered outside of the chapel doors. A royal wedding was to take place between both a princess from afar and their prince. The princess was said to be beautiful with the sweetest of dispositions. The only daughter to King Otho of Dwinmer. The Kings arranged the marriage, not only for the sake of their kingdoms, as a pact, but for the sake of the future king to be. The future looked grim with their Prince as he was. The only heir to the king. The subjects had their hopes on the princess. Praying that she could salvage their prince and have any effect on the sourness of his personality, but he could just as easily chew her up and spit her out. It was anyone's guess.

Eola Delaroux's heart sunk. Her husband had not even bothered seeing her the day before the wedding. There were other princess' out there and she was doomed to wed him. She knew what he looked like and he was handsome, to say the least. Women threw themselves at him. He was rumored to be the worst of the worst. She had witnessed his open lewdness first hand. Never mind the royal title, he was arrogant, brutish and cared for no one but himself. Knights dashed down the hall. green orbs closed as the raven haired bride with the ivory skin prayed that her prince of a groom was a complete no show. Several royals occupied the chairs before the alter. The church was ornately decorated for the royal wedding so many awaited. The bride stood at the altar. A flowing white gown with the only color to her attire being a ruby nestled in the valley of her bust.

Father David stood in his robes atop the alter with a bible in his hand as he conversed with a guard, hoping for an update on the where abouts of the groom. Eola could only hope that he would just out right refuse. The King gave him little to no options. No marriage, no kingdom. or so she was told. Could the arrogant prince defy his own King of a father? Eola's mother told her she had a duty to her new home and this was not for her but for the kingdom she was destined to rule. Funny since Eola was sure that her new husband would give her little say in the ruling of their kingdom. This was a disaster in the making.

The princess never thought she would ever be so happy to have been stood up on her wedding day, but she may have spoken prematurely as knights were on the hunt for her groom. She would not be shocked if he was nesting i a bed of harlot, where he could stay, as far as Eola was concerned. She was neither a damsel in distress, nor a money hungry whore. If he showed up... if they were wed...she would not be broken.
Sir Tobias Abell strode purposefully through the near deserted palace corridors, a hand clutched about the hilt of the ceremonial sword hanging at his side, a determined expression fixed upon his face, lips pressed together thinly. A left, then a right, up one flight of stairs and he was there, standing before two large mahogany doors engraved in elaborate swirls and patterns. Both hands lift to press against the smooth surface of the wood, forcing the doors open abruptly and permitting him entrance into the room behind. Barely a glance was spared toward the occupied bed to his left as the knight marched straight across the room, fingers curling against the silken fabric of the curtains and drawing them apart violently.

It took even the good knight a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the light, brow furrowed in deep thought. The room was warm, stiflingly so, as a concoction of perfume and stale food filled his nostrils. With a grunt, the young man flipped the latch and swung wide the windows to permit a rush of cool, fresh air. Turning swiftly upon his heel, Tobias marched toward the curtained bed, tearing back the fabric as he glared down upon the sleeping figure-....figures. "Gods, Nicholas!"

A sheet lay precariously draped over two nude figures. The Prince lay upon his stomach, long golden strands tousled and falling half across his face, the stubble of a couple of days covering his chin and jaw. Toned limbs hung freely over the side of the bed, lips curled in a faint smile amidst the throws of some dream. A slender arm lay slung about the crowned Prince's waist, leading to a slim woman also deep in slumber. The sheet barely covered her, but for a corner that covered the soft swell of her rear, the rest of her lay entirely bare.

Nicholas did not stir, not until the knight took a hold of his bare shoulders and shook him did the prince jerk away, his gaze clouded with sleep and much too much wine. He blinked, squinting against the light before his lips split into a wide smile, his head falling back against the pillow. "Tobias! Shut the damn curtains would you?" A frown furrowed his brow when the shadow by his bed did not move. Grumbling, Nicholas swatted at the arm about his waist, pushing it away as he rolled onto his back and flung an arm across his face. "I was having a nice dream...."

Tobias snarled, disgusted by his friend and prince's behaviour. "You are late for your own wedding! Get up, before you Father disinherits you from all that will be yours if you were the man you should be!" With that said, he stormed back to the door and shouted out an order which ushered a small army of servants into the room. "I will wait for you in the courtyard with your horse saddled and ready."


By the time they arrived at the chapel Prince Nicholas' bride had been waiting at the alter for at least half an hour. His father King paced, glancing anxiously toward the entrance every few moments and uttering a great many apologies every other moment. Curse his son, the wretched boy had no thought for anyone but himself! With every passing minute the guests grew restless, the very ceremony on the brink of failing entirely.

A commotion stirred in the doorway, a murmur swept through the crowds as Sir Abell stepped forward, resplendent in the ceremonial armour befitting of his station as the Prince's protector. Dark raven hair was cut short, his face clean shaven and deep hazel eyes full of sincerity. The metal that hugged his form was of a gleaming silver, inlaid with the royal crest in gold upon his chest, a crimson cape trailing down his back. His eyes met that of the King, chin dipping briefly before he disappearing momentarily, returning moments later with Prince Nicholas at his side.

Golden strands had been tamed, brushed back from his face that now was entirely devoid of stubble. Those piercing blue eyes had cleared, and the smile that had previously been upon his lips tempered to a thin line. Cloth covered his figure rather than the armour that traditionally held its place upon his body, heavy fabric of royal green trimmed in gold. With sure footsteps, the two men strode down the aisle, both sets of eyes fixed upon the alter as they progressed down the chapel. Only upon reaching the few brief flights of stairs did Tobias depart from his Prince's side, taking up the place of honour held for him off to the side.

Nicholas ascended the steps, eyes settling upon his wife-to-be rather than meet the firm glare being directed toward him by his father. He drew in a visibly deep breath as he came to a stop before the young woman, turning to meet her gaze for but a moment before speaking. "Apologies for keeping you waiting, my bride. Shall we proceed?" The tone of his voice may have been sure and clear, but his gaze did not linger upon her for long as he shifted his attention to Father David, nodding faintly.
The tension in the room thickened with the King's displeasure of his son's late appearance. Eola was almost tempted to take a seat as time continued to laps. The murmur of the nobles that conversed amongst themselves, providing theories and spreading rumors, filled the , otherwise, silent air. Emerald eyes grew wide when the sound of a door opening reached her ears and they looked upon the sight of a royally clad... knight. This was not her husband to be. If Eola's memory served her correctly the man in question was Sir Tobias. Just as a sigh of relief was soon to leave soft pink lips, there he was. For a moment the thought of her pompous and selfish husband to be was erased at the sigh of him. Cleaned up and presentable.

Reality dawned back on her once more and her eyes ripped away from the sight of him to look at the priests that stood ready at the alter for the longest of time with a smile and arms outstretched with a bible in one hand. Even as the prince spoke her eyes remained focused on Father David, who nodded and proceeded to get the ceremony started, finally. The urge to state her displeasure of this entire affair sat upon the tip of her tongue, which she bit back until the question of their unity was asked to the bride the question that would seal her fate. Eola tore her eyes from the Father and looked at the piercing blues of her prince. "I do." Her voice laced with acceptance.

How long would it be before she regretted uttering those words even more than she did now. This was not even the worse part. Her kind prince would not pass over the opportunity to take rightful advantage of what was his. Especially a woman. By this, she meant the consummation of their marriage. A thought that had chills dancing across her flesh, and not in the good way. Marriage for a kingdom. Was it all worth it? All this was placed upon assumption from appearances and rumors. Something Eola was not usually one to believe in. She could not bring herself to not live up to her role as the wife of a prince.

Not once did she fear ever getting married. Father David asked for the rings and the princess' head Lady-in-Waiting and closest thing to a friend handed her the gold band. The golden haired maiden gave her mistress a reassuring look. Not looking all that elated about the situation herself. Lydia felt sorry for her princess. The young royal woman was brave to have gone through with such an arrangement without a fight. Eola did not even notice the ring being placed upon her finger.

With an expression so calm, the turmoil of emotions running rampant within was almost hard to control. Finally Eola came back to reality in time for Father to have the bride and groom share a kiss and announce them husband and wife. The bride was hesitant on the simple task asked of her. Not out of intimidation of her newly appointed husband, no, but out of fear that she would not be able to fulfill what others hoped she could do.
Nicholas barely heard Father David as he begun the ceremony, only paying enough attention to ensure that he was prepared to make the correct response - a nod or a word, a charming smile of slight tightening of his grip upon the delicate hands that he had gathered within his own. It took the time to take in the stranger that was to be his wife in a few short moments; the raven hair, the pale skin and the two exquisite emeralds that were captivating indeed. The Prince was many things, but not one to deny beauty and Eola was indeed beautiful. His gaze drifted downward, to take in the smooth slope of her neck, her slender shoulders and the subtle curves beneath the wedding gown. He cared little for the frills or silken fabric; it was wrapping, little more. Wrapping that he would be removing later tonight.

The thought drew a faint smile to his otherwise solemn countenance, a smile that faded as swiftly as he too was required to pledge his acceptance of this marriage. "I do." A faint sigh sounded behind him and Nicholas did not have to glance back to deduce that it had been his dear friend and loyal protector. Sir Tobias had attended the meeting with the Princess the night before, carrying with him the false apologies of his Lord. He had stayed, long enough as was deemed appropriate, doing his best to reassure his Queen to be. The Knight anticipated the trials ahead, particularly if Nicholas did not reign in his expansive lusts.

Rings exchanged, the Prince stepping forward a little as he drew himself closer to Eola, anticipating the final proclamation of the Father. The occupants of the chapel seemed to hold its collective breath as the clergy encouraged the two to kiss. Nicholas took action, confident and commanding as he drew himself closer to his bride and stooped, an arm curling possessively about her waist. His lips pressed to her's in a firm kiss, lacking the passion one would hope from from their partner in life. The crowd cheered, near enough drowning out the introduction of the newly wed couple!

Tobias stepped forward, slapping a hand against his friend's shoulder as soon as the couple had parted ways, seizing the Prince's hand and shaking it firmly. "Congratulations my Lord! My Lady. Congratulations." He offered Eola a warm smile, dipping his head in deep respect. The Knight then stepped back and allowed the various members of the royal family to swamp the couple, offering their own congratulations. Soon enough they were ushered out of the chapel and into an ornate and elegantly decorated carriage which carried the Prince and Princess through the city's streets, thronged with citizens cheering and wishing their future rulers well.

Nicholas sat quietly at his wife's side, staring out at the crowds as he raised a hand to offer those present small waves and polite smiles. He knew he should say something, speak with her, reassure her, but he was sure his words would ring hollow. There would be enough time to speak later, when they were alone in his chambers. A faint smile touched his lips once again, his thumb toying with the golden band upon his finger, twisting it round and round as they made their graceful way up toward the palace.
Between the cheers emanating from the crowds of nobles that occupied the room and the meaningless kiss from her newly appointed husband. A kiss, though warm, held no true meaning to its intended purpose. A sigh escaped her lips and a smile tugged at the corner lip out of a silent thanks that this event was over and done. The worst part was over, or so she thought. Thanks and congratulations flooded her ears. The Knight that presented himself and gave them congratulations was a bit of a comforting sight for just a fleeting moment. The sea of people parted for the royal couple to exit the chapel and be ushered into the carriage. Cutting through the center of the village to the final destination. The place she was to call her new home. Women, men, and children alike cheered along the way. A sweet smile adorned her lips and she waved and tried to keep up a happy visage.

It helped that she need not look at him for the time being as the people seemed genuinely enthralled in the marriage of their prince. One thing she had not asked about was the coronation, and when it would take place. Eola was certainly in no rush to bear the title of a Queen, just yet. Not that her confidence lacked in that department. Quite the contrary. She was very confident that she was more than capable for the duties as a Queen. As for a wife... that was a thing you could not practice for. The ride seemed deathly short as her eyes laid sight to the place she would be calling her new home. The village would, no doubt, celebrate in their name. What of them? Would they attend a celebration of their own of head straight for the...

Her eyes stared into the air. Again, lost in her thoughts with not a word to say to her husband as they passed the statuesque gate leading to a large courtyard where the carried pulled before a set of ornate and towering wooden doors. The princess had seen little of her new home before today. She was simply lead to the throne room, which was none too far from the doors. She found herself pondering if her husband would give her a tour or she would have learn on her own. Only time would tell, of course. Her lips parted for a question and was disheartened when she realized that Lydia was not at her side. It felt rather naked. Butterflies or fear, she was not sure which had suddenly taken home in the pit of her stomach at the thought.

"Are we to join the celebration or..." She ceased her sentence as a hand was lifted to assist her into leaving the carriage and her slippered feet touched the ground. The castle seemed much larger than she remembered. It was just now dawning on her that she, at some point in the future, would be ruling this, and its people. At her husband's side of course. That was the best scenario. She would win his trust and, at least, work to becoming friends. To force yourself upon your husband was never a good thing. And to to cuckhold him, or at least attempt to, could have your life ended in a heartbeat. A hand rested over her stomach, as though it would help ease the feeling that stored itself there. Her eyes observed everything, but her husband. From the walls to the ground to fine details of the windows.
Even the charming young Prince could feel the tension that settled over the two of them as they made their way gracefully up the winding road that lead toward the Palace, but it only made Nicholas resent Eola all the more. He didn't want this, to be tied to a woman that he had no knowledge of nor care for - not that love had ever been a priority for him. A great portion of his life had in fact been driven by lust, and what experience he had had of love and affection had been cut short by the untimely death of his mother and non-existent from an ever dutiful father. Not that he pitied himself. Many had lost parents in times like these, and besides, Nicholas had far more interesting matters to focus his attention upon than wallowing in grief.

The Prince rose first as the carriage came to a gradual halt, hopping down onto the freshly swept cobbles to lift a hand and aid his bride down beside him - after all he had received all the tutelage that one would expect of a male of high birth. Long fingers curled about Eola's delicate hand, his grip strong yet not uncomfortable as he ensured her safe passage from the carriage before releasing his grip and drawing away almost instantly. Icy blue eyes stared at the Princess for a long moment, weighing up her half finished question. One would almost think she was eager to disappear within their private chambers and consummate the marriage fully, such a thought brought a faint smirk to Nicholas' mouth. "Of course, my wife. We must be gracious hosts to our many guests, we have time enough for other things."

His smirk grew rather broader as he offered her the crook of his arm, preparing to escort her through the intricate corridors that led to the Great Hall.


The banquet was lavish indeed, a great many long tables lined the wide and spacious room, occupied in order of nobility to that of the more humble. A far larger and grander table stretched across the top of the room, occupied by the royal family now linked through marriage. In the middle sat Nicholas and Eola, with the wife to her husband's right and the Prince's father and step-mother to his left. The mood had lightened considerably with the flow of alcohol and heavily laden platters of food over-burdening the table before them. King Caisus had remarried, after his first wife had sadly passed, a young woman who could only be ten or so years older than Nicholas' himself and, while the King appeared to dote upon her, one would notice a certain unease between the Prince and his young step-mother.

To Eola's right sat her own representatives of her family, mother and father should they have attended and siblings as well, all given honour at the head table. A smaller table sat below them, housing the knights of high station. It was here that Sir Tobias was seated along with the Captain of the Guard, the King's royal advisor, the royal healer and so forth. From that point on the tables occupied Dukes and Lords particularly loyal to the current King, then lesser nobles, and so forth until the bottom tables occupied the loud boisterous soldiers not on duty that night.

Servants flitted restless between the tables, ensuring that the royals were always served first and constantly ensured that their goblets were topped with wine. Once the lavish meal had come to an end, there was music and entertainment, jugglers and musicians and thespians. Some of the tables were even cleared to permit dancing should any of the guests wish to do so. Nicholas ate and drank well, his sour mood gradually dispersing as his cheeks grew rosy with wine and laughter. Many a young noble girl or even attractive serving girl caught his eye and received a wink or a smile, yet the Prince remained at his wife's side despite how keen he would have been to do otherwise.

When King Caisus rose to his feet to escort his young wife to the dance floor, the Prince leant toward his wife and spoke to her for what could only have been the fourth time since they had taken their seats. "Care for a dance? Or perhaps my wife wishes to retire?"
She had not meant to make it seem as though she were eager to consummate the wedding. Quite the contrary, she more time she could put between that inevitable moment, the better. His words were well chosen and perfectly versed. He was not the careless prince that she had expected, but that did not make her fawn over him. Eola graciously accepted her husband's offered arm and followed with his guidance. The festivities were wondrous. Both husband and wife took their rightful place at the center of the head table where she was happy to have her father at her side, who was seated next to her mother and her brother.

Her eyes browsed long enough and she was rewarded with the sight of her Lady in waiting. While her family would surely leave after this affair, Lydia would be the one to remain at her side. The woman held her deepest of secrets and lent and ear when ever the princess had to vent. Her father held her hand placed a kiss upon his daughter's forehead, tickling her with the scruff of his bead and causing her to laugh, eliciting a smile from her mother in the process. They had their worries, but it was in their daughter's hands now. Princess Eola had only partaken of one goblet of wine with the reward of loosening her nerves. Why she found it so hard to relax at his side was beyond her. He had yet to be rude, but there was a noticeable coldness to him.

Her brother, Degon, had caught her attention and made her laugh with a jest. They quarreled all too often, but he could read her like a book. She did not appear sad... but did she appear happy? Green orbs watched as he excused himself from the table and struck up a conversation with a lovely golden haired girl with striking blue eyes. She watched as her brother spoke a few words and got the girl to blush. With a kiss upon the hand he took her for a dance. That was what she had pictured in a prince. Though foolish a thought, it was not well to kill all hope in this harsh world. Charming, sweet, and loving. A guy that could make her feel like the only woman in his world.

Again, such thoughts were not good. All thoughts were broken when her husband leaned in closer and asked if she care to dance or retire. Honestly, she cared for neither, but one did outweigh the other. "I would love to dance, then I shall retire." Eola had danced countless times. Why would this be any different than those times? As always, she would follow the lead and listened as the music played on.
A faint smirk touched the Prince's lips as his head dipped and he rose to his feet, offering down a hand to help his new wife to her feet and lead her toward the dance floor. Being able to dance had always served Nicholas well, more often than not he had swept a number of pretty girls off their feet as he twirled them about the floor before carrying them off up to his chambers. It was not this that had brought a smile to his lips, but Eola's response to his question. Did she seek to retire without her husband? Perhaps that was wise, it would give the lady some time to acquaint herself with her new living arrangements and allow Nicholas to.... well, there were a number of rather pretty young women he was yet to speak with.

His eye wandered over the couples already occupying the dance floor as he led his wife to a suitable space and drew her close to him as he settled his hand upon the small of her back and presented the other for one of her own. Once again his dark eyes settled upon his bride, examining her rather intensely as he waited for her to take up the stance for the beginning of their dance. She certainly was pretty, Nicholas could not deny it, but he had not chosen her and he did not want her. His women were suitable for a night of steamy love making and nothing more, he had no use for a wife.

A frown creased his brow as the Prince turned his face away from her, strong fingers curling about the delicate hand that settled against his palm and drew them both amidst the already dancing couples.


Sir Tobias watched on solemnly, sipping from his tankard as he followed the movement of his Prince into the midst of the dance floor, barely paying attention to the boisterous laughter and drunken antics of his friends that sat about him. For tonight his Lord behaved himself, doing what was necessary to be deemed polite but little else. He wondered how well the beautiful young Eola would fair tonight when Nicholas claimed what was rightfully his, and there was no doubt he would do so. The knight could only hope that the Princess had prepared herself for that event, he had heard that the Prince was not always gentle during his love making.

Regardless, as the newly wed couple disappeared amidst the crowd, Tobias drew his gaze away from the twirling figures and fixed it instead upon Lydia, taking note of how out of place she seemed. Taking one last mouthful of ale, the soldier excused himself and stepped free of the crowded bench to slowly and carefully circle the room. It took him a good few minutes to finally reach the Lady in waiting and he announced his arrival with a quiet cough, not wishing to startle her has she not witnessed his approach.
Eola smiled as she was assisted onto the dance floor. Graciously accepting his hand and watching as the sea of couples parted to welcome the newly weds in the dance. As her husband took his stance, she followed suit, ready to follow his lead. For this one moment, she felt like a wife with a caring husband, but the moment would no doubt be fleeting. He held such potential, such promise. She was well learned in the art of dancing and was easily swept away to the music. It had been long since she had dance with another person. Especially since her engagement.


Lydia watched her mistress as she was escorted to dance amongst the sea of couples. Her heart raced and worry filled her thoughts. Eola was a sweet girl, Lydia had come to know her for many years and upon arrival, already she had heard rumors of the groom. Nasty ones. His attitude and his dirty ways. Lydia also knew of her Lady's uniqueness. That was what she feared. Who he humiliate he to no end? Make her feel disgusted and ridiculed? Her heart sunk at the thought. While Princess Eola held a calm visage and did well not to panic... someone had to.

Her train of thought was broken at the sound of a cough. Sky blue eyes turned and looked upon the sight of a familiar face. "Sir Tobias... " She gave him a courteous smile before her eyes looked back upon the sight of her mistress dancing. "My mistress speaks of you, in a good manner, of course." She found it hard to take her eyes off of the newly weds, out of fear that she would lose sight of the princess and miss the moment that was soon to come. She did not even know where her princess was to lay her head or where her own quarters were. She would find out in due time. I am Lydia. Princess Eola's Lady in Waiting." Introductions were done and a sigh escaped her lips.

"It is a fine celebration, no?" Despite her distaste, her manner were kept well in check. To sully or speak ill of royalty to reap grave consequences and only in the confidence of her mistress was she open. Lydia paid more attention to the knight who presented himself. He was rather handsome. The physic of a man who took care of himself and his people than spending the day on his ass drinking ale. Lydia respected those who fought for the knight before had that, in his favor.


After a nice long dance she was blushing slightly from how much fun she had. Another gentleman was even brave enough to ask for permission to dance with her, but she gave her husband no chance to answer as she kindly decline. "This day has been rather long and the result is tiresome, I would retire to my chambers and ready myself for bed, if my husband does not mind, of course." Her feet were ailing her. Then again... standing at the altar has that effect on people.
Nicholas found a particular comfort in the rules and rhythm of dancing that he had yet to find in anything else except perhaps when he had a sword in his hand. As Eola's hand settled upon his shoulder he drew in a slight breath as there was a brief moment of stillness. The band settled their instruments back into place, lips settled upon mouthpieces and bows settled against strings. A slow tune began to fill the hall, all eyes upon the couple as they began to waltz and turn, moving gracefully with each step to the sway of the music. Moments passed, all watching the newly weds while the Prince's vivid eyes traced out their pathway across the dance floor. The melody began to swell, growing louder and swifter, as suddenly as the stillness had fallen upon the hall it had disappeared once more and the floor was alive with couples moving and twirling about the guests of honour.

His hands were steady, arms strong as they supported his bride through the rise and fall of each move, sure footed, Nicholas even dared to smile as he led his wife about the dance floor.


Tobias dipped his head graciously as the young lady's eyes swept round to rest upon him for but a moment, straightening and settling a hand comfortably against the hilt of the sword ever present at his hip as Lydia turned back toward the dance floor. He too sought out the familiar figure of his Lord, following the couple as they wove their way in and out of the others occupying the floor. For a moment, he too could almost believe that Nicholas would be a caring and attentive husband, that perhaps all his concerns were for nought. A frown creased the young man's brow as he spared a glance back toward the concerned features of the young woman at his side.

"Lydia. A pleasure." Everything about the knight was neat and proper. His armour polished until it gleamed, his cape not quite long enough that it would sweep across the dirty floor, short hair brushed and in place. He was from a common family and yet he spoke well, as if he had been educated with the nobles of the land, and his face held a certain resemblance to the Captain of the Guard whom still sat at his table face alight with mirth at something or other. "It is indeed, a fine day of celebrations...once they actually commenced." Tobias' lips pursed slightly, carefully rolling his right shoulder as he returned his gaze to the dance floor. "I am sure your Lady has been introduced to a number of people this evening, perhaps if I could be so bold to point out a few people of importance to you?"

At this suggestion, the knight's dark eyes swept the room for the individuals in question, "I am sure you will be able to deduce whom to avoid and whom to trust given time, but I would not wish you to fall foul off anyone on your first few days, but perhaps that is a conversation we can have later..." It had occurred to him that it may not be wise to speak of individuals while they were within the same room as them, "If I can assist in anyway, to smooth either yourself or your Lady's time here within the Palace then please do not hesitate to ask. I am the crowned Prince's Protector and by extension your Lady's as well."

By now the music was winding down, couples drifting toward the outskirts of the dance floor to part ways or perhaps return to their tables for a time. The Prince and Princess had parted and were sharing a few quiet words, but Tobias could guess roughly what was being said. "I believe your Lady might need you..." Whether the young woman made a move toward her Mistress or not, the Knight dipped his head respectfully and began to make his own way through the crowd and toward Nicholas and Eola.


The dance had indeed been pleasant, even Nicholas could not deny this, and as he escorted his partner to the edge of the dance floor he felt a slight pang of disappointment - one that was swiftly pressed aside. "By all means, I would not wish you to over-tire yourself." A faint smirk touched his lips as the Prince raised his head to find that the very man he had been about to look for was already making his way toward them. "Tobias, be so kind as to escort my wife up to our chambers, ensure she has all she needs." The dark haired knight bowed deeply without a word of complaint or reproach, stepping back to allow the couple to say their temporary goodbyes.

"I will join you shortly, there are a number of people I must greet before I retire for fear of offending them." There was certainly an element of truth to this, it would do no good to burn bridges that you might later rely on and a King was nothing without allies. The fact that he also wished to consume another few goblets of wine and perhaps converse with a few less important dignitaries, was of course left unmentioned. "Sir Tobias here will show you the way, he will see to it that you are settled and comfortable." He raised the hand that he had been absently holding all this time to his lips and kissed it lightly before taking his leave, working his way through the crowd.

"My Lady?" Tobias spoke quietly, gesturing to his right and toward a set of doors that would lead away from the bustle of the Great Hall. "I can wait for you at the door should you wish to say goodnight to your family before you retire..."
Lydia noted the knights attire and his presentation befitting a man of his ranking. A golden mane cascaded about her shoulders with a natural beauty that she did not notice. Blue pools that were her eyes could speak volumes and soft pink lips that spoke words of comfort and would never part words of secrecy, even when tortured. The blue dress she dawned was no where near elaborate, but held a simplicity that her mistress often called 'perfect'. Petite feet were adorned with slippers that man her feel a little bit taller. A smile tugged at the corner of her lax lips as the gentleman offered to inform her of people of importance. Such knowledge was certainly of great importance.

"Perhaps some other time then." There was too many ears for such a conversation, but she would happily take it in a more private setting. Blue orbs looked upon the floor and watched as her mistress spoke to her husband. The knight had spoken, just before she walked over to the royal couple and noted the bit of happiness in Princess Eola's eyes. The girl would only deny it, if asked, but Lydia could read her like a book by now.

To see him smile as they danced upon the floor amongst others, was a alien thing indeed. Almost as though it did not belong there. He was graceful in his step and was kind enough to grant her leave at her own request. Eola was quite surprised to find that her husband was not leaving with her. Then again, was she to be surprised. The question lingered upon her lips as to why he would not join her, but then again why was she so eager to get him to dabble in her company any longer. Let alone alone. However her answer was swiftly given without her even having asked. He had managed to get under her skin. She was fond of him, that she could not deny, but she feared getting her hopes up only to be smashed with no remorse. No. Her heart remained in a gilded cage and locked away. She would care for him, as a wife was suppose to, but to love him, well... it did not seem in the near future.

Emerald eyes looked to the knight and she smiled out of courtesy. "I have already given them my farewells, and I think they are taking leave any moment." With that she walked towards the doors and Lydia was ever at her side. The feeling of his lips upon the skin of her hand, left a tingling sensation in its wake and a faint blush to linger upon her cheeks. Her mind was so wrapped up in thoughts, she had yet to realize that they had reached their destination.
"Thank you Sir Tobias, your assistance is much appreciated." Lydia voiced on behalf of her mistress. "I will be assisting her for the time being and then I will be off to my own quarters." Why she felt the need to say that, was beyond her.

Eola was ever grateful to disappear behind her bed chamber doors and be granted a bit of privacy to dwell on the days events with a friend. The second the door closed her eyes observed the room. A large wooden canopy bed, big enough to fit a family. A roaring fire beneath a glorious mantle at the foot of the bed and the rest of the room was as equally ornate. Lydia wandered over to the wooden wardrobe to find that her mistress' attire had already been brought up. A thin white gown was plucked from the vast collection of garb before the Lady in Waiting began tending to her mistress.. Eola stood before the fire, as Lydia began unlacing the back of the elaborate gown.

"Lydia... I'm scared." The flames dancing beneath the mantle had her mesmerized as she spoke. Her eyes could not look away, nor did they when her wedding gown fell to a pool of fabric at her feel. Next to go was her corset and the slippers that she cursed. White panties were all that adorned her fair form as the heat of the flames licked at the exposed skin before the thin gown was slipped on. No laces, no fancy work... just a simple white, almost sheer gown that hugged her gifted bust and flowed down to the middle of her thighs. Certainly a revealing garb. More revealing than she was comfortable with. Even Lydia could read the deep breath her mistress had given her.

"My Lady, please... all has gone well thus far. Count your blessings. There is no reason to panic when he has been nothing but charming all day and night." Lydia was like a sister and about the only person she could trust upon.
"But this is his lair, Lydia. Who knows how many more women have warmed that very same bed before now... and I doubt I am to be the last." As Lydia ran an ivory come through the raven mane of her mistress she spoke. "It is thoughts such as that, that will bring hurt harder and much faster. Pour your heart to him, you need not speak it... but show him that you can be trusted and eventually... he may do the same for you. It may hurt at times, but it will only to more damage if you resent him for things he has yet to do." Lydia spoke as though she were a woman of many years beneath her belt when she was barely older than Eola. "Lydia... I dislike it when you are right." Lydia could hear th smile in her mistress' voice and she too grew a mile. "I know. Now... good night."

Eola gave her Lady in Waiting a firm hug before watched at the golden haired female walked out of the door. The blankets had already been pulled back upon the bed. A soft hand rested upon the soft surface. A bed fit for royalty indeed. Upon all fours she crawled onto the bed and laid on one side with bare legs hidden beneath the covers as she relaxed upon the pillows. The sound of the cracking embers being the only noise to fill the room, thus far. Tempted to feign sleeping, but that was not something she could see herself doing. Eola had to trust him. No matter how much it would probably hurt.
Tobias dipped his head once more at Eola's response before turning to lead the way across the room and toward the exit, carefully shepherding the two women through the crowded hall, occasionally raising his voice to request that people step aside. As they reached the doors, propped open in an attempt to prevent the Great Hall from overheating, a man in the finery fit for a royal strolled through them, cold grey eyes settling almost instantly upon the Princess. Lips curved into a self-satisfied smirk as he deliberately position himself within their path, his gaze drifting down Eola's form with little discretion. "Ah Lady Eola. I feared I had missed congratulating the bride." His words flowed eloquently from the tongue, stance and expression all speaking of a great deal of confidence. Short raven hair wound itself into rather tight curls, his facial features sharp and angular, holding an interesting similarity to that of the Queen.

The good knight's jaw tightened as he pulled up short, eyeing the obstacle momentarily before speaking in curt tones. "Lord Adamar, perhaps you could pass along your best wishes tomorrow? I was just escorting Lady Eola to her chambers, at her request." Tobias spared a careful glance over his shoulder, perhaps seeking some confirmation from the Lady herself, but this was not necessary. Adamar only smirked, dipping his head respectfully as he took a step to the side, "By all means. Rest well, good Lady." With this said, he turned sharply upon his heel and disappeared amidst the crowd without a single look back.

Their journey continued, uninterrupted, after that. The corridors were near enough deserted but for the occasional servant that scurried past at the behest of one noble or another. Prince Nicholas' chambers were located toward the back of the palace, overlooking the well-tended garden courtyard below. Tobias threw open the doors and then stepped aside to permit the two women entry, enquiring as to whether they required anything before taking his leave, but not before taking note of what Lydia had said.


Sir Tobias had returned to Great Hall upon delivering his charges safely to their chambers, but chose to linger upon the outer edges of the continuing party, observing the activities of the various guests and of course his Prince. Nicholas appeared to have had at least another goblet or two of wine during the Knight's short absence, his cheeks rosy and his voice a good deal louder than was necessary. He did not approve of the company that the newly wedded male was keeping; men of rather ill repute that Tobias considered to be of rather a bad influence. Cursing beneath his breath, he carefully worked his way around the room, offering polite nods and greetings to those that greeted him until he was standing at his Lord's elbow.

Nicholas spotted him, grinning roguishly as he slapped his friend's shoulder and called loudly for another goblet of wine for the Knight. "Enjoy yourself Toby, you are far too serious you know! Grab yourself a wench, God knows there are enough of them here. You, lass!" The Prince seized hold of a passing serving girl, dragging her amidst the small group of men and pushing her rather roughly toward Tobias. A frown creased the soldier's brow as he moved swiftly to catch the propelled lass and steady her, before sending her on her way and leaning in to share a few quiet words with the Prince. "Comport yourself in a manner worthy of your station. Your wife awaits you upstairs." With this said, the Knight swiftly took his leave.

A matter of minutes later, he stood outside of Lydia's quarters, staring rather unblinkingly at the closed door. Servants of importance were fortunate enough to have rooms of their own, with proper beds and furnishings that the majority of the less favoured did not have. He had seen where the other servants slept, small rooms and hard cots or cold floors. He could hear the faint sounds of someone within the room, Lydia was no doubt settling into her new home now that had settled her Mistress. Tobias' fingers twitched at his sides, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as he calmed himself. He held no anger toward the young woman and he did not wish for his disappointment in his Lord to colour his temperament when speaking with the Lady in Waiting.

Not only that, but he was....nervous? Drawing in a deep breath, the Knight raised a hand and rapped firmly upon the door.
Once her mistress was settled in bed, the golden haired female with blue eyes walked along the halls to her own room. Not too far from her mistress, but down a hall, lined with rooms belonging to other people with stations resembling her own. Lydia was really not looking forward to the next morning. It was certainly going to be hard to sleep tonight with the thought of what might happen to her mistress. Pass the threshold of a single door, she walked. A comfortable bed and a dresser table, vanity, a wooden shuttered window opening up the night sky with and lantern upon the side table. There were two chairs against a wall should she wish to have company. Already she pictures her mistress using her room as a means to escape her husband. A soft sigh escaped her lips at this thought. She was putting away her clothes and laid out a modest cream night gown on her bed when she heart a knock upon the door. She wondered who it could be. Certainly not her mistress.

Lydia opened the door and a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Sir Tobias. A nice surprise. Please... do come in." It had almost slipped her mind. He wished to tell her of the people which to avoid. One, she came to know on the way to her mistress' chambers. A 'Lord' Adamar. She already could smell trouble on him. Especially with the manner in which he tried to catch her Lady's eye. "I promise I do not bite, Sir Tobias." She said with a rather impish smile. Already she felt comfort in his company. At this point, she hoped that her judgement was not wrong in this case. " I safely assume that Lord Adamar is upon the list of those with ill repute?" Bringing up the topic at hand, while subtly admiring the knight, only to remind himself that he was the escort of the prince.

Making sure to take great care in what she said or did. "Please, take a seat. You, I presume like I, have been on your feet all day." She took it upon herself to take a seat on the edge of her bed. "I've already gotten to know the cook, Joseph. He has my mistress' lists of likes and dislikes. I have met with the stable boy. Well, I caught him peaking around the corner as I was walking the hall. Cute lad even brought me a flower to give to Princess Eola. I will give it to her when, if, she leaves her bed chambers on the morrow." Her eyes gazed down upon her lap as she spoke. She would not speak ill of her new prince. Especially not in the presence of his charge.

Eola relaxed in the soft vastness of the bed. Thinking that perhaps he would not show up. Maybe he had come to pass out at the party, or he planned on warming some other woman's bed. Already she was distraught and her mind just would not shut off and continued to come up with a plethora of reasons he would not be in bed with her. Oddly enough they had a bit of a relaxing effect on her. Her eyes grew laden as time seemed to go by so slowly. Her bare shoulder jus peeking over the edge of the blanket with her back to the door. Just when she thought she was out of the woods, Eola passed out into a light slumber. If this was what it felt like to be married, then she held no qualms. She needed no other being in bed to keep her warm.
Tobias looked almost surprised when the door opened to spill light into the corridor and reveal the fair-haired lass. For a moment the chivalrous Knight was at a loss, gazing upon the young woman in a rather absent fashion. She was beautiful, he had thought so the moment he had laid eyes upon her, even in the light of Princess Eola. Status and standing meant little to the Knight, for he had been born of a soldier - promoted to Captain of the Guard on merit - and had earned his current position through hours of training and loyal service.

Suddenly, he was aware that he was staring and swiftly averted his gaze, blinking rapidly and clearing his throat with an awkward cough. "Ah, uhm...many thanks." A hand fell to rest upon the hilt of his sword, ensuring that it didn't rap against the narrow doorway as he stepped across the threshold. He spared only a swift glance about the room, trailing over the nightgown briefly before turning to face Lydia once more. "You have a keen eye, indeed." A thin smile touched his lips as he dipped his head in thanks and eased himself down into one of the chairs, tucking his cloak behind him and adjusting the sheath at his side, listening to her talk. "Certainly, you will find the serving staff most accommodating and welcoming." The female servants in particular, for more reasons than one, but Tobias kept that particular piece of information to himself.

"You are correct, of course, Lord Adamar should be treated with polite caution. I am not entirely sure how aware you and your Lady are of the dynamics here, but I shall try to provide a brief outline." A hand lifted to work loose the fastening of his sword belt as he continued, a faint frown touching his brow. "King Caisus has had two wives during his lifetime; the fair Queen Elizabeth, Nicholas' mother, and his current wife - Lady Sophia." His frown deepened a touch, taking note of how he had assigned titles to each woman, perhaps hinting at his fondness for the Queen's first wife. The belt came loose and Tobias carefully set his sword to one side, allowing him to take up a more comfortable position. He corrected himself when he came to speak again.

"Lord Adamar is Queen Sophia's older brother, he is..." How was he to put this delicately? "...a difficult man to fathom. I would suggest keeping your distance, your Lady as well, I have heard whispers from the servants that are concerning to say the least." He clasped his hands upon his lap. "Has your Lady have a chance to speak with the King and Queen? He is a good man, who cares greatly for his Kingdom and his people. His son too, even though...well, they do not have the smoothest of relationships." A sigh passed his lips, such an issue between father and son had always concerned Tobias. "I am sure you will have ample opportunity to see what the Queen is like by yourself, no doubt she will seek out your Lady for company and so I'll allow you to make up your own mind."

Clearly there was much that he had left unsaid, but he wished for Lydia to make up her own mind regarding the royal family that Princess Eola had married into. A faint smile touched his lips as he moved on to more pleasant conversation, "You will meet Nicholas' half siblings tomorrow, no doubt. The King and Queen have two children together, little Cristiana is ten and the most precious child I have ever met, especially considering her mother-....Ah, forgive me. I speak out of turn." Tobias grimaced, straightening a touch as he passed an uneasy glance about himself.

(I'll have Nicholas makes his way upstairs in my next post. Hope you are enjoying so far!)
Her smile grew by an inch and she bit back a smile for a moment. "What is said in this room, stays in the room Sir Tobias, you have my word. " From what he spoke of, she had a pretty good image of the family. "How you speak of her is the most adorable thing I have ever heard a man say, let alone a knight." It was precious. "We have met the king. The very day it was said that my Lady was said to wed Prince. She was certainly distraught." She looked up from her lap with the first blush she had dawned in a while. "I always prefer to judge people for myself. We have heard things of the prince... I have even heard things of you. Thankfully many of which I have heard about you is definitely wrong, and I'm glad to have met you Sir Tobias. " He was handsome, but that could only get a man so far. No matter his rank. He was sweet and compassionate and smart.

"I thank you for the very helpful information." She stood up and gave him and thankful kiss upon his cheek. "I have to be up before my mistress. I just hope... that all goes well." She walked over to the door and opened it with slight reluctance. "That, and if anyone saw you come in here or sees you leaving there will be rumors on the morrow. Not that I would mind." Her smile never left her lips and it was nice knowing she had someone within these walls that she could trust. The lady in waiting and the knight, it was fairy tale that had little hope of existing in reality.

"If you need me, you know where to find me. Either at my lady's side... or here. Good night Sir Tobias." Her nerves were better now than they had been when she first got back to her room. When he did leave she dawned her night gown and crawled into bed. She was actually dawning a bit of a smile on her lips when she turned the lantern off.

Eola sat up at the sound of something and gasped. She was certainly a light sleeper. Closer observation showed that it was the shutter slamming open with the assistance of the wind. She took a heavy sigh of relief and walked over to the window. The small gusts playing the thin soft material of her gown as she leaned onto the windowsill, forgetting that her husband was to occupy the bed with her. The cool air was refreshing as it played with the loose tendrils of her raven mane. A lax smile upon her lips as she looked up at the stars. Concluding to herself that she had not fallen asleep for too long. Right about now she was wishing that Lydia was with her. She did not even know where her Lady in waiting's quarters were.

( Loving it!! ^_^ Especially the Knight and the Lady in Waiting. )
His gaze dropped toward the floor, his brow furrowing as a faint grunt escaped him. "I do hope that my Prince will not live up to anything negative you have heard, he is a good man. Troubled and perhaps misguided, but a good man." He spoke with conviction, for he truly believed that Nicholas could be a considerate husband and a wise and compassionate King when the time came. Tobias' lips twitched upward a touch at Lydia's kind words, rising carefully to his feet, gathering up his sword. "Ah, the pleasure is all mine Miss Lydia. If I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to ask. I am at you and your Lady's service."

The lips connecting with his cheek drew a slight flush to his skin, the smile taking a further hold upon his own lips. "Such talk would falter me greatly. Indeed." A faint chuckle followed as he crossed the room with easy strides, stepping back out into the hallway before turning to face Lydia once more, "Rest well, Miss. I shall see you at breakfast no doubt." With this said, the Knight dipped his head deeply and turned upon his heel, striding along the corridor and out of sight.

It was later in the night than Tobias had realised it was, the Great Hall having emptied considerably during his absence. His father and his comrades in arms had all retired for the night, only a number of drunk nobles laughing uproariously as a buxom serving wench sat comfortably upon one of the men's knee. The Knight was pleased to find that Nicholas was no where to be seen, one could only hope he had taken his leave to his own chambers rather than those of another.

A small army of servants had already begun to clear the tables of half eaten platters of food and sweep the floors in preparation for tomorrow's morning meal. With all the guest rooms occupied, it was likely that the tables would be full once more. Tobias paused long enough to share a few words with a passing serving boy, enquiring as to when the Prince had taken his leave, before heading up toward the royal chambers. He did not linger long outside, only ensuring that the night's guard were stationed at their posts before turning in himself.


The two life-long friends had not missed each other by much, a few minutes before Tobias' return the Prince had said his farewells and stumbled out into the empty corridor. As far as Nicholas was concerned, the entire day had been an unmitigated disaster. He was bound to a woman that he did not love, his step-mother had been entirely too smug the entire night and before calling it a night his father had threatened him once again with disinheritance. "Curse them all..." A snarl escaped him as he braced a hand against the cold stone wall, steadying himself as he glared off down the corridor.

Well, he had a pretty woman waiting for him in his chambers and, by God, he was going to take what was rightfully his. Pushing off from the wall, Nicholas straightened himself up to his full height and strode swiftly through the palace and toward his chambers. He did not bother to knock and warn his wife of his arrival, instead he carelessly threw open the door and stepped inside, eyes roaming the room in search of her. "Waiting up for me, my wife?" A faint smile toyed at his lips, a foot pushing back to close the door behind him as fingers rose to work loose the fastenings of his garments as his gaze swept up and down Eola's barely concealed figure.

"Come, you and I should become better acquainted..." His shirt fell open as the last of his buttons came loose, revealing a broad and toned chest, as the Prince took a number of steps toward the woman silhouetted within the window by the moonlight.
Eola was startled when her husband, without warning, entered the room, or rather... stumbled. Her heart skipped a beat when the door closed behind him. It was easy to tell that he had plenty of wine to drink before he came to his room. This was not the best way to start off the night and all she could thing of was that it could be worse... and that it might get worse. She felt so vulnerable as his eyes openly surveyed her exposed form. Like a fresh piece of meat before a hungry lion. That was how she felt. Yet, her feet did not wish to obey their owners as she was rooted to the spot with her back to the windowsill. As he worked on his garb she could not help but watch as more and more of his skin was brought to view. She closed the gap and walked towards him.

Something seemed to swell beneath her bosom, but she found a small pang of confidence. The source? Maybe his inebriated state. Maybe he would pass out or not even remember what had happened. She did not know. "I look forward to getting to know my husband." A finger hooked in the front of his waistband. "Come, my future king." She knew he was prideful and ached for a title. She had easily deducted that being the only reason he would agree to such a marriage. She took a seat upon the soft edge of the bed and pulled him before her. The soft palms of her hands resting upon the contours of his chest. Almost as thought she were trying to memorize every single inch of him.

He was not the patient, sweet, and charming man from before. She knew not what to expect behind closed doors, let alone in his current state. She could smell the sweet lingering scent of the wine upon his breath. She spoke no more, unless she was spoken to. Eola could not describe the feelings that were taking over her. Fear? Nervousness? Maybe... a bit of excitement? She did not have the experience he had and she far from expected a romantic moment, fearful of getting her hopes smashed.

She wanted to give her husband a kiss, but honestly she knew not where to begin with him. She knew nothing, absolutely nothing of him. Oh why couldn't he have been like this at their wedding? Then again, she could have been speaking a little too soon. Who knew where this night would end.
Nicholas was surprised by the obedience and, almost, eagerness by which his wife responded to his words and actions. He had expected a battle of wills, even an outright denial of his advances, yet he supposed that Eola had given him little reason to expect such a thing. She had been nothing but compliant since their meeting in the chapel, why should he expect anything different from her now? The Prince allowed himself to be led by his waistband, foot steps sure where previously they had been unsteady, eyes remaining fixed upon the woman in front of him. Oh certainly his ego swelled as she referred to him by what he would one day be. How he longed for the day when he was King, when no one would dare tell him what he should or shouldn't do, when he could touch and have anyone he wanted.

The smirk upon his lips grew as he stood over her, relishing the feeling of delicate fingers tracing over the outline of the muscles beneath sun-kissed skin. He raised a hand, strong fingers tracing along her jawline before sloping down the gentle curve of her neck, a thumb brushing across Eola's soft lips. His eyes washed over her upturned face, taking in her beautiful features of his newly acquired wife. She was certainly fit to grace his bed, truthfully she was one of the more beautiful creatures to perch upon the edge of the well stuffed mattress. Nicholas leant down, tilting her face upward to meet his lips as they descended to meet her own. This kiss was passionate, not reserved nor awkward, but demanding and full of the fire that landed him in equal amounts of pleasure and difficulty.

He drew back as quickly as he had initiated the kiss, shoulders shrugging roughly to shed the cloth that continued to hang about them, sending his shirt rustling to the ground behind him. Hands fell to loosen the fastenings of his trousers, working his boots off his feet and brushing them aside carelessly. For the time being he left his lower body covered as he leant in for another kiss, pressing his wife backward and further onto the bed. There was little to say and so he said nothing, his hands following the curve of her shoulders before tracing down her sides, fingers seeking to bunch up the fabric of her gown, working the hem further up her thighs.

Lips pressed against Eola's own, nipping lightly at the soft flesh before his tongue darted out to caress her lower lip, seeking entrance to her mouth in a demanding and hungry manner. All his previous concerns and irritations were forgotten in the heat of the moment, now Nicholas focused upon one thing and one thing only - his wife's body.

((Apologies for the delay!))
Eola could only pray and hope that he would one day be the man she had thought, only in her dreams, to marry. He had not forced her into this bed with him, it was her duty. She harbored no love for him. A wife's duty entailed taking care of her husband and producing heir, but there was one thing that he would soon come to learn: that his wife was not a woman to be trifled with. She was nice, when the moment called for it, but she could deal a silent hurt that could not be described. She made people feel bad without even raising her voice. It was a talent that she came to possess from her mother. At the end of the day, he was going to be sharing a bed with her, and eventually he would realize what he had and how easily it could be taken away. This female held pride in herself. Not one to flaunt, it was still pride. There was no denying the butterflies in her stomach. He was a powerful man and so far he only had her trembling at his touch - in a disturbingly aroused way.

Her husband held the reigns, as she was sure, he wanted. It was also best for her, because she had no idea what to do or what he loved. Her heart was pounding beneath her chest when he gave her that kiss. It was nothing like what they shared at the alter. Eola had little doubt that Nicholas was working one one thing, and it was not getting to know his wife as a whole. It was a start though. A good start. His kiss spoke promises of what would come. As his lips drew back, taking her breath with him in a the form of a soft sigh. She watched as the fine male slipped out of his boots and his shirt. These actions alone painted a clear blush on the fair skin of her cheeks. When he began loosening his trousers, she felt the heat spike in the room. Now she found herself second guessing what she had gotten herself into. She was no this easy, nor was she as calm as she may have appeared. Did he even know she was untouched? All thoughts seemed to come to a screeching halt when Nicholas possessed her lips with another kiss.

His advancement came in a shocking brazenly intimate torrent that was, sadly, only the beginning. She felt everything. Her senses seemed to heighten to a considerable degree. Eola could not deny the scent of her own arousal. The nervous micro shivers that danced across her skin as the hem of her gown was slowly worked up. At some point she found herself laying further on the bed. His hands seemed to explore the subtle curves of her body while his lips struck her own in ways she had not seen coming. Her body seemed to slowly heed to his advances. Lips parting at the beckoning of his tongue. Her legs did close as he slid the hem of her gown up. She was not use to being seen in so little, let alone being could in such a way. Her body was wracked with so many emotions, she wasn't sure what to feel. Was this really her husband? It was nice, although he was being a little forceful, but it could have been worse... and she kindof liked it.
Nicholas had his suspicions that his bride had never lain with a man before, despite his apparent indifference to her feelings he was aware of the subtle tell-tale signs. The slight resistance in her body as he urged her further onto the bed, the way her thighs pressed together shyly as her night gown crept further and further up her legs. He had been with such women before, though it was not a common occurrence - sadly noble fathers and husbands took offence to their daughters' and wives' purity being taken from them before the appropriate time. Certainly there was the odd serving girl that he managed to get his hands on before they were spoilt by another Lord's lustful desires.

The Prince leant over his wife, a knee pressed into the bed beside her as his fingers untangled from the sheer fabric that lay against Eola's body, instead reaching down to trail his fingertips over the pale exposed flesh of her thigh and creeping up beneath the hem of the gown as his kiss continued, hot and heavy. He could feel his desire straining against the fabric of his trousers, a low groan of anticipation rumbling within his throat as the Prince's tongue twisted and danced around his wife's. Lust was swiftly replacing any requirement to be gentle, he wanted her and he wanted her now. His fingers curled about one of her own delicate hands and pressed it firmly up against the bulge tenting his trousers, holding her palm tight against him.

Nicholas released her a few moments later, fingers gathering up the thin fabric of her gown and began to drag it up her body, a hand slipped under and beneath her, lifting her sufficiently to allow the material to glide up past her hips to bunch about her waist. The kiss broke, the Prince leaning back to admire the new flesh that he had exposed, cold blue eyes washing over the pale skin hungrily. Impatience won out, Nicholas stepped back and off the bed for a moment, working the remnants of his clothing over his hips and down his legs to reveal himself in all his glory. His manhood stood proud and firm, an organ befitting a man of his station and lengthy enough to provide even the more experienced lady an enjoyable ride - nevertheless it may well have been an intimidating sight for a woman unused to such things.

He barely gave her time to take him in, lunging forward to loom over her once more as his lips crushed against her's once more, hands delving beneath the sheer gown to seek out Eola's breasts, caressing and squeezing the soft flesh.
The feeling of her husbands touch trailing along the sensitive flesh of her thigh had her breath hitched in her throat in a partial gasp that was fed to him in the midst of their kiss. There were some alien feelings building up in the tension within her body that commingled with her familiar and well known feelings of nervousness and slight fright. A strong hand took her own and it was guided to the heated bulge of her husband's trousers. Her palm went on its own course and caressed the bulge beneath his garb, but froze in place as her gown was moved further up her body. The urge to instantly pull it back down was only a hairs breath away, but she resisted. Parting lips from the kiss, left her own lips a little cold and wanting, as her breathing was a little heavy.

She felt his cold eyes looking over her exposed flesh while a noticeable red hue made itself at home on her cheeks as her eyes looked away, only to look back at him as he began taking off the rest of his garb. What was revealed was indeed intimidating. She felt guilty that he was holding such a weapon within the confines of his garb. She should not have been surprised, but fear stepped forward and before she could even react she found her lips pressed against him once more and his nude figure looming over her body. His ram manhood pressing against the skin of her body. The warmth was unimaginable and the kisses still did little to obscure the thought that what he had was inevitably going to be put inside of her. Why couldn't he just pass out now? She was given no time to think as his hand snaked it's way beneath her dress and cupped at her bust.

She found her back arching. Pressing her breast further into his hand. Her body's silent plea for more. Still her heart continued to pound beneath her chest. So many conflicting emotions. Eyes grew laden with arousal as more pleasure was brought about. Nothing painful thus far. Her own body was moving slightly. Her arms had somehow found their way around his neck. This was not love, but lust. Something she had to continue to remind herself. Hot breath spilled from her nostrils as he seemed to suck out her soul with a hard and heavy kiss. Small noises escaping past her lips and into his. This one night had to make a difference. It just had to. She had to be able to face him in the morning. That was... if he still occupied the same bed as she.
A knowing smirk played across the Prince's lips as he took note of the subtle responses his touch drew from her. In his opinion women were all the same in this regard, caress them in a certain way, draw out the anticipation of the moment and soon enough any woman - virgin or whore - would soon be like clay in your hands. One had to figure out which way one had to touch however, that was what he enjoyed, what he savoured from each of his conquests.

Nevertheless, to have a woman of virtue within his bed was a rare thing; untouched and pure, unused to the touches of a man. Noble Lords did not take well to their daughters or prospective wives being dis-robed in such a way before the allotted time and by anyone but the appropriate man. Nicholas was regularly and understandably not the appropriate man on many occasions, yet that hadn't stopped him stealing away particularly attractive maidens - consequence or no. Of course, for the most part, the Prince was sensible enough to slake his lust on more convenient women - servants or wives of nobility who had already endured their marriage beds. Even the future ruler of the Kingdom could only endure so much scandal, and there were some alliances that even Nicholas was not foolish enough to tarnish with a night's conquest.
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