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If I was invisible...

I'd take your shirt of your body and drag you then into the love fort where a sexy kitsune, a sexy cowgirl and a sexy sorceress cuddle with you ;)
I'd take your parasol and make you kiss me before I give it back. ^^
...I'd pull the hair-tie/ribbon from that ponytail and watch those blue luscious locks fall gloriously around your shoulders.
I'd pin your hands above your head because I DO NOT like being tickled!
Oh reaaaally? I'd pin *your* hands over your hand and make you scream with tickling. People around you would be thinking, "poor girl's having a seizure."
I'd pour purple paint all over you except your penis, because I don't like the taste of paint.
... I'd tickle you between your legs until you came yourself into a coma, then I'd put you in my truck and blast on over to the hospital. "Doc, you gotta save her - she had a seizure or something!"
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