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Camp Celsoul

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RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

Trixie blinked down at the ravine. "Oh, is that the cave? I bet that's the cave!" She beamed her pearly whites at him. "This is so exciting! Come on let's go!" Trixie fought her way through brush and vines and other random bits of nature until she stood at the entrance of the cave. She turned to face Charles, "After you," she said with a playful bow.
RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

"What? Me? You're the one who wants to go exploring," he said. Despite his protests, he hunched down and slipped inside.

It looked the same as the last time he had seen it. The entrance sloped down for a couple dozen feet before opening up into a cavern. It had obviously been either dug out or altered- the floor and ceiling were too even, and there were chambers off to the side of the main cavern. Old, rotting crates had been left lying around, along with makeshift furniture and a long-unused fireplace. The remnants of old clothing were scattered about, as well as some old bedrolls.

"Wow... this is a bandit cave," said Charles, staring.

There was one clear area on the floor, a circle about ten feet wide. Charles knew what that was used for, but there were no visible signs. The seals of the ritual circle would only show under a demon's command. Off to the side, along a smooth stone wall were a few sets of steel shackles.

"Wait, you don't that the... whatever it is is here, do you?" he asked, turning back to Trixie.
RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

Trixie slipped into the cave behind Charles and followed him to the cavern. "Wow, this is so cool!" she exclaimed. When he questioned the 'thing' she laughed. "Stuff like that isn't real," she said matter of factly. "Demons, monsters, ghosts... psshh, that stuff is all just story. I mean really, have you ever seen any of those things?" She poked him in the chest. "Don't be such a scaredy-cat," she said before moving into his personal space to look up at him with playful hazel eyes.
RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

Charles looked into her eyes for a moment before blushing and turning away.

"If you think so," he said, not sound very convinced.

He started poking around in the crates, stopping when he found something. He pulled a small pot out of the crate. It looked newer than anything else here, and was fully intact. He took off the lid and smelled what was inside. He made a curious looking face at the substance inside.

He knew what it was, naturally. It was a special demon concoction designed for use on mortals. It had no effect on Charles, but a human who breathed in the vapors would be lost in a dream-like state for a while, unable to move on their own until it wore off. Once it did, they wouldn't remember anything but a surreal haze from a few minutes before they inhaled.

"What is this stuff?" asked Charles, showing Trixie.
RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

Trixie blinked owlishly towards Charles as he pulled out some kind of pot. "I don't know," she said, "What does it look like?" She made her way towards him and stared down at the contents. "I've never seen anything like it," she added, leaning over to see if it smelled like something familiar. As she inhaled the vapors she began to feel strange. Hazel eyes looked up at Charles now as she tried to speak, "I... feel so... tired," she managed as her eyes hazed over and she crumpled to the floor.
RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

Charles sighed and put the pot away. He hadn't been planning to move this fast, but he was an opportunist at heart.

He picked up Trixie's body and sat it down next to the wall, leaning her back up against the stone. The steel shackles looked old, but they were quite functional. He chained Trixie's wrists together, fastening them above her head, leaving just enough slack that they weren't pulling her arms fully straight. He slipped another pair of shackles around her ankles, fastening them to a ring on the floor about two and a half feet from the wall.

Charles left her for a moment to pull a gag out of a hidden stash. It was a combination of a ball gag and a wide leather strap that would cover the mouth, keeping her quiet until it was removed. He placed it in the unconscious girl's mouth, making sure to keep her hair free from the strap. Finally, he locked a collar around her neck, which was fastened to the wall directly behind her.

Once he was done he stood up and looked her over. She was certainly a nice prize. He considered removing her clothing, but decided it would be more fun it if was removed while she was awake.

"Well, I hope you find your dream restful," he said. "I expect I won't be here when you wake up, but I'll be back soon."

With that, Charles left the cave. He wasn't quite ready to give up his game, so he decided to drag Pepper into things. Maybe she would have even found a victim of her own. Without Trixie to slow him down, he raced through the forest, careful to slow down before he reached the lake.

"Miss Pepper!" he called out as he came out of the woods. "Trixie's gone missing!"
RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

(( :D Great ideas!))

As Trixie sat chained inside the musky cave in her bathing suit, the nip of the cool air began to cause her to stir. Her hazel eyes slowly opened and she immediately realized that there was something in her mouth keeping her from opening or closing it or speaking. Panic rose inside her as she also realized the shackles closed around her wrists and ankles. She tried to blink away a fog in her eyes as she lifted her heavy head to look around. Where was she?

She tried to pull herself free but it was no use as her arms and legs felt like sandbags, so heavy. What was wrong with her? "Hello!?" she tried to out, "Somebody help me!" If there hadn't been a gag in her mouth, there would have been panic in her voice, but the realization that she was barely even audible caused tears to form in the corners of her eyes and she tried to recall what had happened. The last thing she remembered was climbing down into the cave. She was with her new friend Charles.

Charles! Her eyes darted around for him, trying to squint through the darkness. She had no idea that this was Charles' doing, thinking that something awful had already happened to him. Her heart raced as she tried to move her body to no avail. An ominous feel surrounded her and she began to wonder about the rumors of the cave.
RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

Jessica sees a man come near and she lets out a scream. She covers her chest with her arms and says " please don't look."
RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

((Hey I was super tired last night, I actually even fell asleep in the middle of my post, lol. But I realized it was all jacked up this morning, and re-wrote it. ^^; Sorry about that. I promise no more sleep writing! Lol))
RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

Pepper had been watching every move Jessica made with a slight evil snare and looked up when the boy Charles came running. She turned to Jessica and said "just put some cloths on okay girl we have to go find Trixie its not good for her to be alone out in the woods ". She turned to Charles and then at her dress and new she needed something more lose so she tore the bottom of her dress a little bit and said "there we go i can move faster now shall we start the search dear boy". She let out a soft hiss when she said dear boy hoping he would take the hint she was ready for anything.
RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

Jessica gets out of the pool, grabs her clothes and puts them on. They were still way to revealing but they would do she thinks to herself. Jessica walks over to them and says " uh,sure i'll help."
RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

Charles nodded and pointed off into the woods. "We were out that way, exploring."
RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

"ok." goes in that general direction, thinking hopefully she is ok, Jessica was sadly unaware of what they were planning.
RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

Pepper grinned and said "alright lets go". She then went in the direction that Charles pointed looking for Trixi and something deep inside of her told her that Charles had done something to her and was letting her join in the fun as well as bait Jessica.
RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

Charles followed after Pepper, hoping she would be able to find the right spot on her own. She should have known about the cave, but he wasn't sure she'd realize that it was in the rough direction that he had pointed.
RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

Jessica reaches a an area very near the cave and she stops there, she didn't know if she was heading in the right direction or not. Jessica yells out " anyone here?"
RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

Pepper soon found the cave herself and said "shall we go in and see if she is inside ". She turns to Jessica and said "come on lets check out the cave it looks like she might have gone in side if she was heading this way before she diapered. She would hope the girl followed and even if Trixie was not inside at least she would trap Jessica inside but from the way Charles kinda lead her here told her she must have hit jack pot.
RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

Jessica walks inside the cave and sees it seems to be a warehouse of some kind, this is weird she thought. Jessica trips over a broom and lets out a yelp, her short skirt was cut by a exceptionally sharp rock and it fell off. Jessica hit her head so she was disoriented.
RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

Charles followed in after Pepper. He watched Jessica go down, and silently wondered if her soul was going to be worth anything.

"Hey!" he called out, pointing toward the back of the cave. "There she is!"
RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

Pepper smirked when she saw Jessica go down and her skirt fall off. She picked the girl up by her arm and held on to it tight. She turned and looked at the boy then at the back of the cave seeing Trixie all tied up . She dragged Jessica over there as well and tied the girl up next to her .

Pepper turned to the boy and said "Now what about you hmm maybe its time i show you all what my true form is do you guys want to see"? she was hoping the boy would play along with her and even give in to her group orgy thing.
RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

"Wait, true form? What are you talking about."

Charles began to back away toward the entrance.

"What are you doing?"

Charles ran through his options. He considered escaping- it would be fun to see Pepper's reaction to thinking that she would be exposed. Or maybe he should take the form of the Archangel, and see if Pepper was brave enough to challenge him. Or maybe he would just let her "capture" him.
RE: Camp Celsoul - [We have 3 females & 1 male - Need more males and more counselors!]

When Jessica was grabbed she started orgasming immediately, she didn't stop until she was not touched, she shakes from the pleasure. She is panting heavily, her shirt barely covering her breasts.
camp rp

Pepper smirked and said "Well someone had to tie up Trixie and I'm sure it was not me i would love to meet the one who did that and boy the other girl is touchy ". She then turned to Charles and said "But i have to have you to or this group orgy would not work out".
She did not care what he thought she was going to use her powers to bring him into the group so she brought up her hands and her dress fell to her knees as two huge black wings came out of her body and horns came out of her head and a tail shot out. Her feet were no longer humans feet. She had on very little for the way of clothing and her eyes were a dark red and said "I just love the way i look ". she was truly a sexy sight to behold.
RE: camp rp

Charles stared for a moment, too afraid to move, or at least appearing to be. After a few seconds he finally broke and started to run.
RE: camp rp

Darrow Huck said:
Charles stared for a moment, too afraid to move, or at least appearing to be. After a few seconds he finally broke and started to run.

She looked over at him and said "Oh i love how they run thinking they can escape". She turned and flew after him at a fast speed. She was chanting as well making a black rope with her hands.
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