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Hey Rock lovers!


Dec 8, 2010
GNR, Metallica, Ozzy? From Gwar to Goo Goo Dolls, who here likes to bang their heads one day and mellow out the next? Ever run around one day in a raggy shirt and jeans then answer your door the next morning in jammies and muddy boots with no idea where the new tattoo and scratch marks came from? The post here and lets chat! What are your favorite bands and songs? What are your best memories while banging your head to the beat of the drums and bass? What kinda trouble have ya caused? What life defining moments have you experienced while listening the the thrashing of the strings?

Let it all out brothers and sisters! Hell's fire, save the matches! F*ck a Duck and see what Hatches!
I'm really into my classic rock stuff like KISS, Thin Lizzy and UFO but I do like to listen to a bit of metal now and then. Haven't been to alot of big band gigs but I've seen Dragonforce (who were pretty crap live), Turisas and Gojira. Been to a few local metal band gigs thanks to my brother being in a band and they've been pretty good. Just wish it was cheaper to see them though as half the time it's really expensive to see them yet they get paid barely anything for playing.
I'm a huge GNR fan, AC/DC, Kiss,to Nirvana, to Goo Goo Dolls, 3 Doors Down, to the Script, to Country. I'm head banging during one song then mellow the next like you described. I have lot's of stories to tell... I used to be a cutter and overcame that the same day Dimebag Darrell was shot and killed. I was a huge trouble maker in hs. I would street race, throw parties and abandon houses...
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