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R&As First Announcement.


.:The Vampiric Fae:.
Jan 26, 2010
Why do you care?
As everyone can see, a new Rules and Announcement forum has been added to the Welcome Center. We’re all pretty excited by this, as it’ll allow the staff to better communicate with the members. Here you can expect to find the rules and guidelines of the site (be sure to check those often for updates) along with various announcements staff deems pertinent to share with the wonderful members that make this site what it is.

Some of the first things staff would like to announce to the site, as a whole (to old and new members alike), are that we are here for you. We are doing you and the site a service and are happy to be in a position to do so. It’s our love for the place and the people who comprise it that makes the staff more than happy to help whenever it’s needed. As such, one of our primary goals is that the members here have fun on the site and feel comfortable coming to staff for anything. It can be because of a problem with a member or even someone on staff, a question about the site or the rules, even a suggestion you’d like to throw out there that might help make the site a better place for everyone.

Staff encourages the members to be active, and not just on the boards and RPs or even the chat and Mumble. We encourage you communicate with the staff as well. Let us know your concerns, your opinions. We welcome all of it as we are here for you. If you have any issues with members or staff, we’ll do our best to help you sort out the problem. We’ll tell you if we think you’re being too sensitive and we’ll intervene when appropriate. Either way, we will listen and do what we can to assist you. If you have any questions about the rules or guidelines, we’ll do our best to explain them to you so that you fully understand things. As for suggestions, bring them on! We’d love to hear what you, the members, have to say. After all, this place is for everyone and that means everyone has a voice.

And to conclude this very first announcement in the new forum, staff would like to wish those of you who will be having Spring Break, that it’s a safe and fun one. We’ll miss those of you who will be traveling and await your return to one of the sites you hopefully think of as a ‘home’. :)
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