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Sacrifice Me


Apr 23, 2009
Here is something I just made tonight. The beat was provided to me by my friend. The lyrics and the sax part were all my doing. This song is just a piece of what I'm working on. I mess up in a few spots and I don't have studio equipment so deal with it. :p

The main criticisms I have received thus far are...

Its way too loud, distorted, and overall has poor sound quality - I don't have studio equipment, just a webcam...I'm planning on doing this song at my brothers who does have a good microphone and audio editing software

I can't sing so good - The chorus I wanted is a little bit out of my regular singing range, and I would like someone else to sing it for me. Perhaps a higher male voice or a female voice. I just sang it to give everyone an idea of what I had in mind for the song.

I don't like rap - Well that's too bad...

That awesome! Even if the sax was distorted it still sounded really cool! I hate rap, but this reminded me of something Eminem would do, and he's the only rapper i like! You did amazing! Keep it up!!
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