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Beyond the Skies [--+Hahvoc Requiem+--, H a r r i e t, TakodaVega]

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Switch Maltrese

At his words, her laughing expression was obliterated. No longer was there a gentle energy around her or anything gentle about her expression. That was uncalled for. She turned to look at him, balancing herself on the railing. Her eyes were deadpan, and looked as if they had frozen over. Stepping off the railing, her skirts flying up slightly with the wind, she was soon in his face and pressing as close as she dared without actually touching him. Her voice was like a barely-contained fire just waiting to burn him to ashes.

"Don't you ever assume you know a thing about me, you forest rat. Despite my bloodlines and lifestyle, I have never let a man into my body. Next time you open that trap of yours, think again before I rip out your tongue and throw it over the ship. Am I bloody clear?"

She didn't wait very long for him to reply before she felt something was terribly wrong. Her inner beast started to beat at the cage in her head and her skull throbbed with some pain. Her eyes widened. Something was on the ship. Her wild gaze darted back and forth around the deck of the ship before her senses pointed out where the evil was coming from. The cargo hold.

"Son of a bitch!"

And then she wasn't there. She had used her powers to delve into Avarien's shadow and use it as a gateway to the shadows below deck. As she reappeared in the cargo hold, she took a heavy breath and calmed her racing thoughts. She couldn't let herself let go of her guard. She crept through the deck, trying to find the source of the evil and found a simple box that was open. But inside it was littered with glyphs used by her kind to seal away demonic energy. And some of those glyphs belonged to high-ranking demons. Damnit all-


Seeing Karita on the floor by the box, Switch moved over to her and felt her pulse. It was slightly erratic but stable and she was breathing. She was passed out cold and wreaked of demonic scent. It did havoc on her demon tendencies, wanting to make her appear less human, less calm, less....withdrawn. But she couldn't let that go. She had to be in control. She gently stroked Karita's face but she knew her light touches wouldn't be enough.

+Howl Hatter

      • The pulse of released energy went straight through him and jarred him from his actions. He gasped as the energy hit him and he trembled all over for a moment. He assumed stupidly that Switch had let out some of her Devil, but she wasn't that stupid. He sensed her using a small portion of energy, but it hadn't been a burst like before. Something was loose on the ship. He wanted to go and help and seek--Jasna's leg wrapping about his waist and pushing her delectable center against his aching cock derailed his thoughts. Perhaps it was the energy affecting his judgments, but he knew Switch could handle it herself.


        He murmured her name like it was the key to his salvation. Like her name alone could redeem him of all the sins he had committed. He moved his hands from her only to work on her shirt and undo the buttons and things until her underthings were revealed- if she even wore any. Still, he eyed what he could see of her pale and slightly scarred skin, loving every inch. He trekked the pads of his fingers over her stomach and between the valley of her breasts, just lightly touching as if worshiping her body. He was here. In her bed. Touching her. It was almost too good to believe...

Karita's body was covered in cold sweat, though if Switch had gotten a chance to look at her back, which a certain elfman had earlier, she would have seen she had been marked. A piece of her soul was now tied to the demon's until he decided to let to her go. If he decided to let her go that is. The inner workings of the demon lay dormant for now, waiting for an opportune time to pounce on it's target. The very person who was trying to wake her captain from the pseudo comatose state the possession had caused.

Nothing to serious, as Zepar needed the body still until he could find a good source to channel his own body from the Underworld. Though the brush of the half-demon's touch along the skin of both the woman and technically his own, as he occupied her body for now, was definitely something heady to his mind. He'd never encountered a female demon who was so in control. He wondered, vaguely, how in control she would be when she was forced to kneel at his feet like a good little demon bitch.

Despite that though, he monitored the vitals on the Human making sure he didn't seriously harm her. He'd have to be careful how he fed from her, nightmares seemed to work fairly well but there was also the elusive insomnia that might kick in after too long if the mind figured out what the demon was doing to the host. And that was a killer to get rid of if he didn't do it quick enough.
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            • There wasn't enough time to react. Between Switch's sudden outburst, and the bad feeling wheeling in the pit of his stomach, Avarien was left standing there, hands stuffed in his pockets, eyes narrowed and defensive as he looked at her. "She's in my personal space." It was irritating, and it took a lot to keep his teeth grinding together to prevent himself from telling her to take a couple steps back, but maybe it was a good thing he hadn't. From the look on her face, and just how malice her voice came off, Avarien didn't think she'd stop herself from trying to slaughter him. And then, she wasn't there. Blinking, Avarien glanced around, in shock. It took him a moment to realize that she was a little more skilled than she looked, and he took off down the deck, retrieving his hands from his pockets to keep his run at a balanced pace. From the feel and sound of things, he was needed in the cargo hold. Of course, he had no idea as to why, but just Karita being there, and presumably harmed, had the hair on the back of his neck sticking up.

              His mad dash didn't last long before he was nearly skidding over himself to slow down. What he saw wasn't anything to get excited about. In fact, he wanted to frown his face off. Karita looked alright, but with her being passed out, it was hard to really tell if she was stable. Crouching down beside Switch, he ignored her presence entirely and looked over Karita. With a grim sigh, he reached forward, his right hand expanded as far as it would go. Hovering his hand over her head, he closed his eyes and concentrated extremely hard. Normally, Avarien wouldn't even think once about healing someone, or giving them an upper hand in whatever they got themselves involved in. But with Karita being the Captain of the ship, as well as the one he was supposed to protect, what other choice did he have? His concentration never faltered, and after a moment of his hand going a little shaky, he relaxed and pulled his hand back to rest on his knee.

              "I'll take her back to her room," Avarien wore a serious face, one he didn't use often, his eyes steadily making sure what he could see of Karita was alright. Slowly, he leaned forward and hooked his arms underneath her body. Gently pulling her against his chest, he used his legs as leverage to help him stand and he glanced at Switch for the first time since he had walked down the stairs. "I'd appreciate it if you got her something light to eat. Even a glass of water, for when she wakes up." It wasn't hard to tell there was something off about Karita, even more so with her in his arms, but he didn't know what it was, exactly. Giving Switch one last look, one that basically told her he'd want to know whatever she did about what happened when they saw each other next. He didn't know if she'd actually fill him in, but as Karita's body guard, he hoped he'd get a little information.

              Walking back to Karita's room, he didn't feel the weight of her body until he settled her down in her bed. His arms were tired, but he didn't bother worrying or fussing over it before he covered her up with her bedding and made sure she was as comfortable as he could make her. She'd be out for a little while, with the help of what little he knew of white magic. He didn't know what else to do until them but flop down and nestle into the chair's back and wait.

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            • A cold chill ran down Jasna's spine. She had no idea as to where it had come from, her mind no longer thinking about the ship or the people who inhabited it. Instead, her mind was screaming for Howl. Howl this. Howl that. Everything was Howl right now, the reason her heart was beating so rapidly, her blood flowing so fast and warm throughout her entire body. The tingles she received whenever he touched her or said something in that maddening husky voice always refreshed the Howl crave she seemed to have tried to push away. Her mood was trying to balance between animalistic arousal and discipline, but in the end, the arousal took hold of her heartstrings and started to lead her into a bigger frenzy. The way he murmured her name didn't help keep any control, either.

              A small gasp left her lips when the cold air rushed against the flushes skin of her breasts. It felt nice to get out of her shirt, but at the same time, this was the first time Howl was seeing her half naked in person, and not in a dream. She felt vulnerable, but the fire inside her soul was too great for her to actually try and hide herself. Instead, her eyes opened, looking up at Howl through narrowed slits of desire. Shifting herself, she pulled her arms free of the long, thin coat she wore over her clothes. Next was the tiny breast plate. He had taken care of all the buckles keeping it attached, and all she had to do was move her hand around to the back of her neck, undo the leather strap, and let it crash to the floor without a care in the world.

              Closing her eye, she arched into his touch, loving the way his fingers glided against her skin. When his fingers reached her breasts, and stopped moving, she opened her eye and looked up at him. There was a moment of pause before she raised her torso and pressed it against his, loosening her legs from his waist to do so. Pulling her legs underneath her to give her a little more height, she pressed her lips to his neck, her hands smoothing over the leather shirt he wore. She wanted it off, clearly, but she didn't pull it up yet. Instead, she kissed him roughly, taking hold of his lips and leading the kiss. At the end, she parted with a soft coo, her teeth pulling at his bottom lip. Jasna had no idea what had gotten into her; she wasn't even sure if she was still the same person she had woken up as. "Howl..." His name was said almost pleadingly as she started to pull his second layer off.
Switch Maltrese

Switch didn't even bother being offended at Ava's refusal to acknowledge her until he started speaking. She had felt his little bit of magic slice through the dark energy and try to heal the captain, but it only did a little bit. She wasn't going to be healed until, well, the energy left her body. She wasn't sure if it was an actual possession or if it was simply evil energy, but the glyphs spoke of a possession until the possesser could manifest on their own. Much like the beasts that sometimes dwelled in dhamphires and other half-beings. Much like herself. Except it was something she was born with- not something that tried to take over her body out of the blue. Still...she was drawn to the energy and she didn't like that one bit. She had shown Ava she wasn't just a seemingly pleasant mercenary. Or even a space pirate today. He probably had questions or- knowing Ava- he was gonna just whine at her until he got said answers. He was such a little bitch sometimes.

Still, she said nothing and watched him carry Karita up to her cabin before she went on her own to go get the Captain some water. She would bespell it to try to draw the demon out by putting it a drop of her blood. It was too much for a demon to ignore: it was like a drug because of the power of her bloodlines. She just hoped if it helped withdraw the demon that Karita would be intact and Switch would be able to contain the demon. She just wondered how high up in the hierarchy he was. He didn't have Devil blood, that was for sure, but he could still be very powerful. If he had had Devil blood, he still would have maintained his body even with all the glyphs draining out his power and dispersing it into wasted energy.

"And so the plot thickens..."

She muttered to herself as she got the water. She stepped onto the deck and crept into the shadows, making herself disappear. Palming one of her small daggers, she cut her finger just enough so a drop welled. Dropping the dot into the water, it fizzed and bubbled as she spoke archaic words before the water turned pink and then clear. It would look and taste just like regular water to humans, but to a demon, it was like honey for bears: too sweet to resist. Revealing herself again, she walked down the length of the deck, cup in hand to the Captain's quarters. But it wasn't long before she was slammed into by sexual energy. It ripped right through her and she had to pause to gain her bearings. She blinked as the information from her sense processed that the energy was from Howl and Jasna. Which was...really odd. But then the ship was feeling odd. Perhaps the lingering effects of its release from captivity? She hoped those effects wouldn't last for too long or there were going to be problems.

Finally, she reached the cabin for Karita and opened the door without knocking. It wasn't like Ava wasn't expecting her arrival so she didn't bother with politeness. She set the cup down on the table next to Karita's bed and leaned over her, gently touching her face to smooth away the stress lines that had formed on her usually flawless skin. Her touch seemed to help and soon she was whispering softly, speaking to both Karita and the supposed demon.

"I know you can hear me...Everything will be all right. But know that if anything...unusual occurs, I will tear you from that body myself even if I have to find help to do so. Sleep, my Captain. This will all be over soon."

"I hope."

+Howl Hatter

      • Time didn't matter in this moment. It held no meaning for him while she was underneath him, cooing, moaning, writhing, silently begging with her body to ease her aches and fulfill her needs. And damn, did he want to. He was more than ready to as he felt her tugging on his leather shirt and kissing him like a wanton woman finally free. He could have stayed in this moment. He let her lead the kiss, let her dominate him and he reveled in it, loving sharing some of the power with her, letting her take some of the control. He wanted to know what his sweet charge would do without restraints on her lust. Without rules or duties--

        The word slammed into his thoughts and he took a moment to breathe as she took off his leather shirt. He unbuckled her breast plate and tossed it, leaving her succulent breasts exposed to his eyes and the air. Her nipples were already so tight and were so pretty. They were a deep pink color and just begging to be sucked. Instead, he palmed her breasts and stroked her nipples with his thumbs, flicking the sensitive buds. He wanted to stay here, but his mind- though fogged with lust and drunk on her kiss- was already telling him he was doing too much. Going too far too fast. Indulging too much. Getting too involved. He couldn't stop the barrage and the way she said his name made him wish he could be better. That he could be a better person and give her all she wanted from him. But he was so ruined he feared he would taint her sweetness with his darkness. As much as it hurt- and it did hurt physically- to gently push her away, he started to do just that.

        "Jasna...We need...we need to stop."

        Did he really sound that hoarse and needy? But there was no mistaking his deep voice with anyone else's. He gently captured her wrists and pushed them away from his skin, as much as it killed him to stop and as much as his body screamed at him to stop pushing her away. He had to let go of his heaven: he'd ruin her if he stayed.
The demon lurked in the back of the woman's mind, hissing violently at the white energy that had entered. It wouldn't kill him of course, but the shit stung like a bitch. There was power here though, the tension rippling in the air was enough to bring a fine wine to the demon's lips. Raw sexual energy screamed in the building, but not near enough for him to truly harvest it. Instead he let the process go, the fellow demonic presence that Zepar had sensed from in the box was close, he could smell her now.

How long had it been since had a female under him screaming his name in release? Too long. Mentally he licked his lips as the source of the white blasphemic energy carried the host up stairs. Both himself and Karita could feel everything, it was just a subject of who was control of the mind at the moment to see who felt the most. Whatever that white energy had done the soul he occupied with seemed to sleep like the dead. Good thing he hadn't killed her, she had mentally fought with him but the nightmares had done their job in weakening her.

The soft bed beneath their skin was a jolt to the demon's systems just as he felt the eyes of the decisively male occupant of the white power watching them. The demon he had sensed earlier was gone. How he wished he could command more of Host's functions! Fucking white power, he'd tear out the males eyes once he got the chance. Only when her presence return did the mental plans stop. The woman's touch was soft, as though she genuinely cared, which from Zepar's perspective was odd. Most of the female demons he had known in his long existence went to leaps and bounds to harming others to their sick and twisted pleasures.

He'd have to explore this phenomena once he was able to wake up. Especially after the female's threat. Well if he wanted him out so badly it wouldn't be so hard. He could arrange for it once the shit was out of his system, and he'd use her for bait. It would be oh so easy to make it so she was the reason he was pulled into this realm. How much fun they all could have! Though the body barely moved save for the rising and falling of her chest, and the now steady heartbeat there was definitely someone awake in Karita's head. He had no intentions to stop his plotting either.
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            • By the time Switch had made her entrance, Avarien had pulled his legs up and crossed them on the chair, leaning back into it's hold for comfort. His eyelids were heavy, but only because he was trying to pass the time without doing anything. With his elbows resting on his knees, he held his chin within the palms of his hands, the right index finger on his left hand beat gently against his jaw, ignoring the bruise. His mind was distant with the thoughts on what happened. He wanted Switch to hurry up and do her petting and consoling so he could get his answers. The main thing he wanted to know was why Karita was even near the cargo hold. That, and what had made everything feel... more darker. Being a black mage, Avarien was more accustomed to recognizing dark entities over light ones. And this, whatever this was, felt dark.

              His eyes blinked after he had given himself a headache, and he glanced towards the bed, watching Switch molest Karita's face with the stroking of her palm against the other woman's cheek. Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, he gave her a few more moments with her before lifting his head from his hands and stretching his long, lanky legs out. Lifting himself to his feet, he fixed his clothing and ruffled his hair, a yawn surpassing his lips. It was an obnoxious noise, he knew, but it also got Switch's attention a little distracted from Karita, giving him a chance to butt in.

              "Switch," Letting his arms drop, he stuffed his hands into his pockets before continuing. "We should give her some space to rest." With that, he turned towards the door, his boots heavy on the wooden floor. Reaching the door, he grabbed the handle and pulled it open, glancing over his shoulder towards her. He didn't say anything, just glanced back, and when he was confident that she'd be out in the hallway with him soon, he fully exited the cabin and closed the door behind him. After it was closed and in place, he positioned himself against the wall beside the door frame, eyes closed, hands still stuffed into his pockets, simply waiting to hear the latch of the door once more.

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            • She shuddered against him, her eyes squeezing shut as he palmed one of her breasts. Her nipples were sensitive, but the fact that they hadn't been toyed with in so long only made them even more so. She groaned into the kiss, kissing him with more need and want, her stomach pressing against his body while her breasts arched into his touch. Her hands had freed him of his leather shirt, and now with only his last layer on, she could really feel the definition of his body. Her hands couldn't remain still, moving over his broad shoulders to his upper arms, squeezing and clawing against the material that hid his skin from her.

              What she heard, however, made Jasna stop in her tracks. Her mind had registered his voice, and what he said, but it didn't pass through into her motions enough for her to pull away from him entirely. Looking at him as soon as he grabbed her wrists, she stared into his eyes, a paranoid rhythm taking hold of her heartbeat. It only lasted a moment, before she caught her breath and fully realized what he was saying. They needed to stop. And he was right, they probably should've stopped a few layers earlier. Jasna knew that he was right, and as she caught her breath, she pulled her wrists free from his hold- maybe a little too jerky to be considered nicely, however. Covering herself up with her arms, she turned her head and stared at the wall of her cabin, refusing to take Howl in as he was, and sank down against her bed, her legs on either side of her now.

              "Why can't you make up your fucking mind?" Her voice was low, though it held a lot of ice. "You lead me on, to the point where I can't help myself and I put you in front of everything... and then you tell me to stop." Jasna was, indeed, a little bitter about it. She didn't want to look at it the way she was, but she couldn't help it. Jasna was only human, and getting hurt over refusal was something that just happened. With a sigh, she shook her head and looked back up to him, her face once again hard. "Get out."
Switch Maltrese

At first, she ignored the annoyance that Ava represented. She hovered her hand over Karita's face, trying to discern what kind of demon it might be but the energy level was too low to truly capture any kind of reading. She would have to go down to the cargo hold and perhaps bring Howl with her in case something happened. She wasn't sure what would happen when she touched those glyphs. Hopefully, she wouldn't release any energy, but it was always possible. She may have had wards on her body to protect against such things, but the glyphs were for another demon and not herself. Devils and Demons were tricky bastards. Hearing Ava speak, she sighed and waited until he left before she spoke out loud again.

"I will discover your identity and expel you from this ship, make no mistake. I won't have you causing mayhem. This is my territory and you're trespassing. You do not tempt the Devil's breed and walk away unscathed. Heed my warnings well, demon."

Turning, she left, the water still resting on the table. She knew that the scent mixed with the water would tempt the demon to waking up Karita as soon as Ava's magic lost its effect. Though it would be some time yet. The latch of the door clicked behind her as she stepped onto the main deck, looking at Ava with something akin to contempt. She knew it was some of the demon's energy making her irritated but it was also her territorial instincts that were sparking to life. It was her ship. These were her people. She wouldn't anyone destroy that. Especially not some filthy demon. It made her want to mark Ava as her property before moving to everyone else who meant something to her. Howl already bore a mark from her on his back when demons had been trying to kill him. But it felt a little different with Ava. She wasn't sure why. Her irritation soared as she tried to sort out her emotions and thoughts productively, her foot tapping on the deck with impatience.

+Howl Hatter

      • "I'm not leaving. You need to listen to me."

        Howl said, his eyes narrowed with angry and irritation. She thought she had led him on?! That he didn't want to suck on her straining breasts and bring her to orgasm with his fingers? Please! Was she really that stupid? Fucking humans. This was why he stayed away from them sometimes. They got hurt too easily. But he didn't want her hurt and the fact that he could practically smell it wafting out of her pores did nothing to drain his anger. He was angry at himself, not her. He had put that hardened expression on her face and he wanted her soft and pliant once more. But he couldn't touch her intimately again like before. Not for awhile. Not when the energy on the ship was dark and electric.

        "I am not leading you on, but we need to stop because I don't want to hurt you. You...don't even understand what the fuck I am, Jasna! I'm bloody fucking crazy and could ruin you! Ruin you! Do you get it?! I'm not....fuck. I'm not fucking good enough for you. I can't..."

        Frustrated beyond words, he got off the bed and grabbed his discarded shirt and armor. He felt so angry and ashamed and just irritated with himself. Why couldn't he be normal? He thought again for the hundredth time. Why couldn't he have been born with normal issues? Or lived a different life that didn't make him so distant and vile? It was how the world was for him. He didn't see things the same as everyone. And he had allowed himself to be drawn to Jasna's fiery light stupidly. He would destroy the woman she was if he stayed with her. He would ruin everything. He always did.

        He couldn't help but punch the wall as he left, hearing some of the wood splinter. He didn't want to scare her, but she needed to know what he was capable of. He hadn't even put a lot of power into his punch since he didn't want to break the entire wall, but it was enough. Perhaps she would keep him at a distance and he would be able stay in her dreams where he belonged. He had no rights to her reality. Leaving her cabin was one of the smartest things he did. Even if every step felt like damnation.

The shadows licked at Karita's mind as the others slipped from the room. Though Avarien's white magic was healing at the bitter wounds that had slipped into her body from the sleep deprivation of the demon that now also occupied her mind. Though the magic induce sleep prevented Zepar from waking the woman up to find the source of the female that had hovered against his senses, he had much more interesting thing to torment in the mean time.

Karita had always been one for vivid dreams. Ever since she was small she had a picture perfect memory. Her body would register pain when you weren't supposed to, she felt things as though they were substantial things and not just fictitious results of her mind. Now that gift was her curse as she found herself, at least in her mind's eye, in her cabin.


A cruel laugh lingered in the room and Karita tried to glance over her shoulder to find the source only to find a heated hand raising her up from the floor. Vivid blue eyes were tinged in an almost black ring around the edge. Her hands gripped the forearm, her nails trying to tear pieces into the male as she kicked in vain. Those eyes never left hers as she was slammed into the wall. Zepar had to admit the woman's mind, and will, were strong. But he would break them to his will in time. She would be his lap dog.

As soon as he broke her down of course. Just a temporarily situation until he got ahold of that lovely Demon. "Submit Lady Pirate. And this won't hurt as much." He gave her a cold grin as she tried to pull herself out of his hold. The man, like herself, had a few tattoos, archaic in appearance to her eye but she refused to yield to the male even as his hand slid up to her breast. He was partially the demon of Promiscuity after all. His thumb flicked along her nipple with his free hand, his lips with their cruel up turns slowly blew across her skin. As a shiver ran down her spine, Zepar darted his tongue along the female's skin. "That's it...give in." He purred out as his hand slid down her toned belly towards her slit, only to have her slam her thighs before he could.

That didn't stop Zepar as he chuckled before throwing her down onto her bed. She did a slight 'bounce' at the movement before he was on top of her again. The man was built, but slender as he sat on her belly, preventing her from moving as she kicked and tried to get out. Reaching he grabbed the bandanas that lay atop the back headboard dresser and proceeded to tie her hands to the now four posts that had not existed before. Zepar was a demon also of Nightmare's after all. The female beneath him was also inconveniently blocking him from his current Obsession.

He shifted again pinning her thigh down by the knee, even as she tried to get him at the temple, the demon was far stronger soon completely leaving her spread eagle as he contentedly sat beside her watching her struggle. "Fight all you like, Pirate, but you will eventually break to me."
  • 2ihl7as.png
            • Most of all, Avarien was irked. His entire being felt altered, his mind scrambling to make sense of what this powerful dark energy was. It was obviously on the ship, though the fact that he hadn't sensed it earlier baffled him. He had walked past the cargo hold many times, each time he had been perfectly fine. Things felt normal. Of course, as normal as they could when someone like Switch was on board. Her being confused Avarien, as well. Not only could he sense something wrong with her, but his elven instincts were telling him to drive something into her heart and bury her six feet under and just... leave her there. Not that he'd ever actually do that; listening to his elven instincts did nothing but got him in more trouble than he managed to give himself without it.

              The second he heard the door pull open, Avarien lifted himself off the wall, his hands stuffed deeply into robe pockets. Taking one glance at her eyes, he let his head slightly hang, eyes studying her shoes while he thought of how to word his next sentence. He knew she knew what was coming, so there was no sense in wasting time. "There's something severely wrong with a shipping company if they can't even include instructions on what to, and not to do, with their cargo before it gets delivered." Shaking his head, he lifted it and stared at Switch, eyes narrowing seriously, any hint of playfulness or his usual stuck up mood untraceable. "What is it?" Nodding his head towards Karita's closed door, he didn't bother going into more detail. She was smart enough to understand what he was asking. "And... how do we get rid of it?"

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            • Howl's frustration was more than obvious, but Jasna wouldn't listen to it. Instead, she refused to make eye contact, her arms holding tight to hide herself from his eyes, feeling vulnerable and ashamed she had let things get that far. It had been poor judgment, shoving all her duties and her responsibilities behind her, and allowing Howl to be the only thing that mattered. It had been nice, for the few minutes it had lasted, but now that it was over, all Jasna wanted to do was move on. It didn't matter how, but she couldn't stand feeling the heat his fingers had brought her, or the stinging arousal his lips had caused. Maybe if they had gone the entire way, she thought, she wouldn't be regretting this so badly. Either he had given her everything, or nothing at all. Trying to handle an in between was chaos in her mind, and she had a feeling she'd have a harder time dealing with it now, than she would've if he had just remained in her dreams.

              She flinched when he punched the wall, but only because she hadn't been expecting it. Jasna knew that Howl would never strike her and mean it. He wasn't that kind of man. Sighing, she lifted her right hand and pulled her patch off her eye, tossing it down on the bed beside her. Blinking, she rubbed her eye softly, careful of the scared skin. She could still a little from her left eye, though her vision wasn't one hundred percent. Her iris was no longer red, the scar having permanently damaged everything, and instead was a cloudy gray. Inhaling deeply, she stood, her hands pushing her hair out from her face. Grabbing her breastplate first, she slipped it on and secured the buckles, her movements slow, inwardly really not having the energy to put herself back together. Grabbing her hooded jacket and hanging it, she positioned herself in front of her only mirror and started to pull her hair back up into it's regular up-do.

              Once she was satisfied with her hair, she smoothed her hands down her stomach and nodded her head. Ignoring her eye patch, she grabbed the tray of food she hadn't gotten to eat and started to carry it towards her door. There was no point in throwing it out when someone could easily reheat it and eat it for themselves. Opening the door with one hand, balancing the bottom of the tray on her other, she pushed into the hall and headed towards the Gallery, taking the long route in hopes to stay relatively alone.
Switch Maltrese

Once she was more in control of herself, she stopped tapping her foot and lit up one of her strange but scent-addictive and soothing cigarettes. The black tip flared cherry red as it lit when it touched her lips. Ava would probably see that she didn't use a lighter to light up her cigarettes. He'd probably already started to notice strange things about her and the vibes she received from him proved it. His instincts were telling him to kill her. She could see it and read it in his body language that he was tense but confused. The scent poured off of him and his aura flared a dark purple around the edges.

She could only see them on certain people- not all. She could see the auras of people who had committed sins, thanks to Daddy Dearest. It wasn't a power or an ability in her opinion. It was like being born deaf or blind or mute. It was just something that happened. But it was a trait that was inherited by Lucifer's offspring. Devils could see the tainted- Demons could see the pure. It was why Devils- like herself- destroyed demons. But it was only because she had shreds of humanity. Not all Devils were 'evil.' She sighed as she let out a stream of rainbow smoke.

"There were instructions, but one could read them...except for me. Apparently, someone sabotaged our journey."

And just who could it have been? She wasn't sure. Her father may have been a Devil but he had honestly loved her mother enough to mourn her death and seek her out. Devils weren't heartless after all, just hardened and devoid of most of what made humanity what it was. Hell was hard on the soul- if they managed to keep theirs. Taking another drag, she leaned up against the wall, crossing her arms lightly so she could still smoke. Colors filled the space between them as she stared at Ava, her eyes seeming to shift colors a moment much like the vapors. She sighed, releasing a puff of blue and gold. She had wanted to avoid this.

"It's a high-ranking demon. And the way to get rid of it is...if I expel it from the Captain's body...however, if it gains a corporeal form, I will do what must be done. The only other person potentially capable of stopping it is Howl- if he doesn't get devoured by his nightmares."

And the only way for Howl to save Karita was to get it out of her head and into his. And he had way too many nightmares to protect himself from. He may be an Illusionist and protected against mental invasion to such a degree even Lucifer couldn't get in, however, if he became demon-possessed, his will power and soul would get destroyed in the process. Howl had too many skeletons in his closet that the demon would take obscene pleasure in digging up.

+Howl Hatter

      • "Stupid, stupid, stupid..."

        He murmured as he walked along the deck. He couldn't go near anyone right now. He was too wired to fight, to hurt because he hurt someone else. Because he hurt, too. But it had been wrong. Whatever had been fueling them hadn't just been their pent-up desires. He had felt his energy slowly being drained out of him. He knew Jasna wouldn't be able to tell- she didn't have those extra senses because she was a mortal- but he did. He could still feel the pull against his skin like a sunburn. What was it, exactly? It had felt like Switch but it had been warped and tainted far beyond what she read like. But the base energy had been the same. But what was it? Was it a Devil like her? Or...a demon? He'd never encountered a demon before and Switch was the only Devil-half bred or not- that he'd met. Switch had told him stories about how demons usually flocked to her because though she had sinned, her humanity was pure. It was a hard thing to explain. Hell, he still didn't know what exactly to think.

        "I need to talk to Switch.."

        He murmured under his breath as he rounded a corner. He came to his quarters and dropped off his armor and over-shirt. He didn't feel like putting it on even if it was flexible and gave him free moment. He felt hot and aggravated and needed the wind against his skin. Shutting his cabin door, he felt his boots thump hard against the wood. If he wasn't careful, he'd put a hole in the floor. He heard his inner thoughts tell how much of an idiot, failure, and weakling he was. He didn't take claim on Jasna's body and the voices he sometimes heard in his head were mocking him. Probably from all the times he had stepped into people's minds. He took a little bit with him if he stayed too long. But then they stopped as he came into proximity with Switch. She was like a balm on his mind for reasons he didn't understand. But he stopped when he glimpsed Ava and her in a serious discussion, hearing the words "demon" and "Howl." This couldn't be good. He didn't want to make an appearance just yet so he held back and listened.

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