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Mx Female The Light of the Sun Exists for Your Eyes Only - A General Idea Thread


Jun 8, 2019
Hello! I've been off and on with this site (more off) for many years now but I'm here to make a more stable commitment this time around. This is going to be a general idea thread that I with add to as time goes on. Going to start it off with a couple of ideas that have been on my mind today. As well, please feel free to message me with you own ideas.

About Me:

I've been writing and roleplaying for several years now, probably around a decade now. Of course, every year brings improvement and I definitely would not claim to be a masterful writer. Likewise, I don't expect the same out of my partners. I do expect the bare minimum at least though. In regards to post length and how often I should be available to post, I work from home with an unfortunately boring job that allows me an abundance of time to write. I personally aim for a minimum of three paragraphs on average in my replies, hopefully doing more. As well, I should be able to reply to messages and posts at most points of the day. For what I expect out of my partner in regards to both of those, try to write at least two paragraphs on average and reply whenever you can but please try to let me know how often you plan on replying if you can. I prefer to roleplay in PMs but I will also roleplay on Discord. I've noticed I am god awful at keeping up with roleplays on Discord so I try to avoid roleplaying on there for that reason.

Things I like in General:

This is going to be a freeform blurb of what I'm into and like to do when it comes to roleplay. Off the bat, I play male, female, and futa characters as well as enjoy playing multiple characters. At the moment, I will say that I am more in the mood to play male main characters and female co-main/side characters. However, feel free to request any of the above and I will see if I'm up for making it work. Next, I love fantasy settings. Especially fantasy settings in the less standard time periods such a fantasy world in a WWI era or a world still in its age of mythology. Of course, I love the hell out of modern and medieval fantasy too so don't be afraid to suggest one of those. I also very much love worldbuilding, especially with my roleplay partner. I honestly love brainstorming with my partners just in general. That's why my ideas will tend to be more open ended to leave room to discuss with my partner. Don't take my love for fantasy settings to mean I'm closed off to other settings, by the way. Modern contemporary and Sci Fi settings are setting types I also love. I don't think I have a particular setting type that I hate so don't be scared to suggest whatever you have in mind.

Sex and Romance:

To be upfront, I do like my roleplays to be fairly lewd but with ample substance. Should every scene be fucking? No. Should sex be pretty common? Preferably. If you do want a roleplay that is just sex (say a short term roleplay that is only one to three scenes anyways), just let me know and I'll try to accommodate. Similarly if you want very little sex to occur in the roleplay, let me know as well and again I'll try to accommodate. I won't lie that I am far more likely to agree to the former over the latter, however.

In terms of kinks, I will update a f-list soon and link it here but I like to call myself vanilla plus. I can enjoy and work with most kinks that aren't gross, dark, or overly weird. Examples of my limits would be: piss, gore, vore, hyper, ageplay, and forced. Discuss with me what you're into and what we'd like to include as on the table for the roleplay, please.

With romance, I do prefer fluffy, cute, and wholesome relationships but I won't deny the fun that drama or a bit of spiciness can bring. But don't suggest a truly toxic relationship type or pairing, I really won't be into it more than likely. I also really enjoy polyamorous trio type relationships as well. Mostly just MFF at the moment. Monogamy is also perfectly fine with me as well! Just let me know if that is your preference.

Hopefully the above is enough to give an idea of what I'm into. Please let me know if there is anything important that I am omitting and don't be afraid to ask me further questions about myself (within reason).

Idea 1: Catfished Love Triangle

The gist: Character A is a woman who ends up in an online relationship with a man (Character B) on the other side of the country. Catfishes him with pictures of her best friend (Character C) with permission from the best friend. Character B decides to plan a trip to visit Character A and Character A says yes without thinking about it. Character A ropes Character C into pretending to be her for the duration of the trip. Hijinks ensue.

A rough gist of the idea but I can give you a more fleshed out idea if you'd like one. I'm also perfectly happy brainstorming with you to fill the gaps. Let me know if you'd like to play both Character A and C or if you'd prefer to just play one or the other. I am perfectly fine with playing whichever of the two you don't want to. Thinking to aim for more of a lighthearted/comedic tone for this. This would probably be either a short to medium length roleplay.

Idea 2: Academy For The Most Dangerous Profession in The World

This is a much more freeform idea that's coming from being inspired after rewatching JJK with my friends. If you're not familiar with JJK, that's completely okay. I just wanted to make my inspiration clear. But the gist: a modern fantasy world with a looming demonic threat that has been contained to certain zones. However, demonic entities have to be regularly culled in these zones to keep them contained in said zones. Hence an academy to train people for this dangerous but incredibly necessary profession.

Definitely a more combat and action focused roleplay. If you're not into that, this probably won't be for you. Open to discussing how grim overall the tone is for this. I'd also really like to come up with an interesting and in-depth power/magic system for this. There's a ton to discuss for this roleplay so it will take us a long time setting things up before actually starting to roleplay. Thinking this will be more of a commitment roleplay so please be ready for that. I may/probably will attach a google doc link to this idea with world and power/magic system details if I get inspired to write on it on my own tomorrow at world.
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