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I don’t need a babysitter but I don’t mind you. (EEE X ThaloRP) NSFW IMAGES

This was her brother. The one who looked after her more than her parents did even though they were Always there for both of them as well as loving and doubting her brother was the one who took care of her most of the time even at her parents told him he didn’t have to. Jill was a daddy’s girl for so long but she eventually became Jack’s shadow. Following him everywhere demanding to be taken with him af possibly driving him crazy I wanted to be with him all the time.

This felt like a fever dream. The way he was touching her and kissing her and how his fingers pumped into her cracking a finger making her sopping wet leaving the puddle on her bed. This was only just by touching! Jack had to know he was turning her on so much. Thank every god that their parents were not home to see what they were doing they would probably kill both of them. Their parents were not religious fanatics but they would not approve this.

The moment he said “ what are you watching sis?” nearly broke his younger sister “OHHHHH JACK..” she groaned but she could not answer the question. Her focus was on her brother. Lips pressed against his. What she did next was reach over to touch him and feel any part of him she could.

What she wasn’t expecting was him to kiss down and tease her pinching her nipples along the way making them so erect they hurt. The moment he got between her legs she looked mortified. “Y…you don’t have to… Eliot said it’s disgusting to do that.” Even though the erotic video was showing it poor Jill was shocked her brother was doing this to her. Once he started she would stop protesting and fall back fully on the bed reaching her him to grab his hair and pull it gently before she tugged at it too hard. “It feels so good….oh…..OH MY STARS!” She didn’t realize it but her body was doing exactly what it should and she exploded on him so quickly that it made her embarrassed. She wasn’t expecting to make it so much and her ex-boyfriend would never do this for her. Held it over her head as a reward but she never got. Her brother was opening her eyes two new possibilities as she squirmed underneath him pulling his hair as she started begging him not to stop.
Jack has definitely lost his mind with lust. Otherwise what the hell was he doing right now? Oh yeah. He was eating his sister's pussy while he slammed two fingers into her wet pussy and one finger in her right butt. Insane how this night had gone. Knowing for sure she was into it as much as he was by the puddle growing beneath her taut buttocks. She was bucking wildly against his mouth but just like an old rodeo cowboy he was able to hold his position with lips, his tongue pressing down on her clit and rolling in slow circles.

This was Jack's favorite part of sex. While Jill had perfected kissing Jack had perfected the art of cunninligus. And he knew from how she reacted to his fingers alone that she would love his tongue. The sweet tang of her nectar was filling his mouth and he was more than happy to drink it down. Loving every minute of it. He stops for only a moment to speak. "You taste so good baby…" before going back to it. His tongue flicked her little bean as his fingers crooked upward, trying to find her g-spot.

His pinky was pretty thick for a finger but dexterous; it was buried in her surely virgin ass and sliding in and out with the motion of his hands. His eyes glance upward as his tongue works magic on her clit, his green eyes piercing in the laptop light as he stares up at her past her flexing abdomen, perfectly shaped breast and to her gorgeous face. Somewhere between orgasms she looked down and they met eyes.

Jill's hand in his hair was gripping tightly, tuffs of dirty blond hair protruding from between her dainty fingers. She didn't have to bed him not to stop, he wasn't planning on it. Even when it became too much and she tried to pull away he would be there to pull her back in. At this rate she would need a bag of iv fluids to replace the amount she was spilling on his face and mouth.

Jack's other hand was doing double duty. Pressing on her lower stomach to hold her down while he ate her and occasionally prying her legs apart when they tried to close on his head from over stimulation. On the screen the couple had moved on they were now kissing each other while he fingered her and she stroked him.
He could feel how Jill was tensing up. His finger in her backside was uncomfortable and she had yet to perfect how to tell him it felt different and strange and it kind of hurt. Every time he would tease her back there she would whimper. What he was doing with her soaked lips made her moan but her back door was making her nearly cry. That was uncharted territory and she wasn’t used to it. Hey Sister was way too shy to tell him to not touch there.

The two fingers in her flower was driving her crazy as she was near climax with just that and then he added his tongue she was losing her mind gripping his hair and pulling it. Her other hand was reaching for his that was behind her trying to pull it away without trying to make him feel bad that she didn’t like it. It was overstimulating but she really couldn’t talk.

When he mentioned how she tasted she blushed though he couldn’t see it from where he was from but many people probably could’ve seen it from space. “J…Jack…not b…back there.. mmm..” She managed to squeak out. Even though it was just his pinky it was still bigger than what she was used to and her backside was not ready for that and she felt bad for even saying some thing she thought he might get mad at her!

Every so often she met his eyes but it was hard for her to say too much as she put her bottom lip and in a way she was trying to keep quiet even though no one was there to hear them. Her grip on his hair was so tight. She had such a sweet voice when she was moaning to make a lot of noise considering if she touched yourself in her room she was used to being quiet or attempting to but all he was doing was making her louder.

For the moment she wasn’t paying attention to the screen especially since he was fully distracting her. Every time she tried to move away he would hold her down placing his hand on her flat belly making sure she couldn’t get far and keeping her legs open. She wondered if he would take the pinky out of her backside since it was really uncomfortable and hard to concentrate on other things and way too much for her to handle at once and if he did remove his finger she could at least focus on what he was doing to her lower dripping lips.
Jack was in the zone. The sounds she was making, the way he body was twitching and spasming on his fingers was exhilarating. His other hand pushing on her tummy moves upward, very softly taking her nipple in between his fingers and rubbing it softly. Her moans were putting a soundtrack to the scene on the screen now although her ear buds were still in place.

Enjoying the nectar he was extracting from her and lapping up every bit of it with his tongue. Odd he expected her to be climaxing more from his tongue. Maybe she was uncomfortable that it was her brother doing this to her? Or maybe it was something else entirely. He heard her mumble something but thought it was just her head in orgasmic delight at first but then she said something else.

Oh my god! He thought. Knowing not to just yank it out, he slowly pulled his pinky from her butt. He was hurting her. And not in the pleasurable type of way. He removed his fingers from her also and lifted up his upper half. "I…." He looked panicked. It was his job to keep her safe from harm, not hurt her and he had been doing just that. "I'm…sorry" he managed to get out as he stood up from the bed.

He rushed to the door and went out of it, closing as best he could behind him before moving swiftly to his room. He washed his hands and face in the bathroom mirror. Looking at his reflection and getting even more pissed off. What an idiot. He slid a shirt on, putting on his slip one and a baseball cap and went downstairs and out the front door. He needed to drive to clear his mind.

The streetlights illuminated his drive around the block. What have you done? Everything was fine and you two had come to an agreement but now? He drove around for at least half and hour before sneaking back into the house. It was quiet in the house but there was a light coming in from the living room.
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Jill was feeling a mix of pleasure and a bit of pain. With her AirPods in it was hard to hear her own voice but she managed to say something to get her brothers attention and even though this felt so amazing he eventually stopped which jolted her from the ecstasy she was feeling with him fingering her tight pussy. It was a jolt to get her attention. When Jack stopped she froze and when he eventually slowly move that pinky finger out of her back door she let out a gasp even though she was dazed and confused and he shifted take a stand himself from the bed and he muttered something that she couldn’t quite make out. She was still riding high from that orgasm and her body was still quivering from his licking and fingering but when she saw him leave she had no idea why and she thought he said maybe he was sorry but what was he sorry for?

She sat there for a moment in silence in her own puddle of nectar before turning off the volume of her AirPods and realizing that maybe she thought she heard a door close and thought he went to his room she turned off the porn on her laptop and sat there. The silence was deafening as she eventually got up with her shaky legs but had to sit back down for a moment as she fixed her bed and moved her laptop and tablet off to the side and realizing she would have to do some laundry but her brother was long gone.

After a few minutes to herself she would manage to get herself up and grab an oversize T-shirt that she stole from her brothers room while he was at college and put it on and began to clean her bed off and take the sheets off to go put it in the laundry room and wash it. The house was fully quiet and her brother was gone she had no idea what happened maybe he was angry at her or upset that she let it get this far. She wondered if she said something or moaned something or maybe he just realized that she was his sister and she was disgusting. A horrible feeling washed over her as she felt ashamed that she enjoyed what just happened even though the back door was a little shocking it wasn’t that she was angry she just wasn’t used to the pressure and feeling back there.

While the sheets were in the laundry she went downstairs to find no one there and decided since she needed to clean her sheets she would have some ice cream and watch some Netflix on TV while the house was quiet. She put on labyrinth and went to sleep on the couch forgetting that she didn’t put the sheets in the dryer I’m leaving the empty pint of cherry Garcia ice cream on the coffee table as she dozed off not sure where her brother was and when he would come home he would find her asleep on the couch and not in her room with the TV still on. At least for now they will both get some sleep even though it will be quiet and they were both have to deal with some things in the morning.
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Jack didn't dare go too far from the house even with what happened bearing so much weight on his mind. What if she needed him and he wasn't there? What if something broke into the house? They did humiliate that Elliot guy pretty good; whose is to say he won't come back looking for trouble. 'You can't be around 24/7' he had said as he was getting pushed out of the party by him and the other football player named Peter.

Sadly it was like second nature to him sneaking in the house. If had been most of his teenage life but he even now he crept in and almost went up to his room. Walking into the living room he saw his beautiful sister laying on her side sleeping. She was wearing one of his shirts and had ridden up around her waist revealing the beautiful pussy he had been eating less than hour before. He saw she had left her ice cream out so he went and picked it up, carrying it to the kitchen and putting it in the fridge.

Hearing the washer going off, he walked into the laundry room. Pulling her clothes from the large machine and stuffing them into the dryer, putting in some dryer sheets before turning the knob. He grabbed a small blanket from the back of the love seat and pulled it over her. Sitting down and watching the rest of the movie. The movie was almost over when he heard the dryer going off. He took the sheet out of the dryer and took it upstairs along with her comforter, fitting the sheet on her mattress.

Now she would have fresh clothes in the morning and would be sleeping on a clean bed. He walked over without another thought and lifted her gently off the couch, carrying her easily up the steps and to her bedroom. Laying her down and pulling the comforter up around her shoulders. "Good night sis." He said, giving her a sweet kiss on the head before disappearing back to his room and to his own bed. He would take ambien and fall back onto his bed, wondering what will come of them in the morning.
By the time Jack got back Jill was out cold. She didn’t even get that far into the movie at all. Luckily for them Eliot was not stupid enough to try anything tonight, but he did make a threat and Jillian wasn’t worried about it yet since her brother was with het for spring break, but some hot head like Eliot would fuck up soon enough and hopefully he would do it with Jack there to ruin him.

The way his little sister was curled up and how his oversized shirt rode up her creamy thighs left nothing up the imagination though he had already seen her. She was knocked out and even though he snuck in the house very stealthily she would not have even noticed if a Mack truck drove by to wake her up. It was very lucky for her that he came by when he did and put away the ice cream before it fully melted but she did put a big dent in the ice cream and she’ll probably complain in the morning about a stomachache. Her brother truly was a saint as he would put her things in the dryer and even fix her bed up for her letting her sleep on the couch and sleep off whatever alcohol is in her system and the dopamine from when they played around upstairs.

The poor darling we’re not realize how she got upstairs but she would be grateful nonetheless and assume that it was her brother who did it since she was always the one to put her to bed and make sure she got comfortable. She was so very light and he easily carry her up the stairs putting her to bed without waking her even though she made a few moans and little snores she didn’t wake up at all. Having an ice cream coma was a good thing!

When he kissed her for head she smiled and snuggled up in bed as he tucked her in. At least she would have wonderful dreams and sleep through the night. The night was uneventful and normally she would wake up pretty early but this morning she woke up around 8 AM. Confused about how she got upstairs but she did not complain. When she eventually got up she would walk to the bathroom and wash her face and brush her teeth. Her brothers room the door was closed and she would peek in to see if he was sleeping and he was in bed so she took upon her self to go downstairs and start making breakfast.

She had no idea when he would wake up but hopefully the sweet smells of pancakes, bacon, sunny side up and scrambled eggs, sausage and toast would wake him up. She did the easiest thing which was wash off some strawberries and blueberries from the fridge and set them aside for toppings and when he would wake up it would be a nice breakfast waiting for him even though she had no idea what she was gonna say at least you could feed him and do something nice. Normally she do this for his birthday but after last night she figured a nice breakfast would be a good apology especially since he felt like it was her fault that they weren’t that far and maybe he would feel guilty or upset but at least he couldn’t be too upset if he had crispy bacon on the menu!
Jack was dead to the world in an ambien coma for the rest of the night. His doctor had prescribed them because he was having trouble sleeping in college away from home. It wasn't that he was particularly a homebody but because his studies, football and frat life had taken a lot of of him. One would think being tired would make it easier to sleep but for Jack it did the opposite.

Awakening as the sun pushed through his blinds and hit him square in the face. He would have to do something about that. He sat up and ran his fingers through his hair. Licking his lips to see if he could still taste his sister on them but he had washed his face and brushed his teeth since then. Maybe all of last night was a fever dream. Everything that happened seemed to crazy to be real. Maybe it had been ambien induced hallucinations.

Yeah. That's it. He had not fingered and ate out his little sister. He sniffed. Breakfast. He was going to go down stairs and his mom would be making breakfast talking about how weird he was acting the night before. Maybe he had gone to the party with his sister and mixed alcohol with the med. Getting up he slipped on a t-shirt to go with his sweat pants and went downstairs.

He was going to gauge this theory on how strange his sister would treat him. As he walked down the stairs he realized his parents were still gone. He knew that. what was he thinking? As he walked into the kitchen he saw his sweet sister leaning against the counter. He walked over and kissed her cheek. "Looks good sis." He said as he started to help himself to the Buffett of breakfast food. She wasn't acting weird so maybe everything would be okay. He wasn't going to mention it if she wasn't.

"You know with mom and dad gone you can probably have some of your friends over to stay. I can make myself scarce if you like. I want you to have fun on your spring break." He took a piece of bacon and tore a piece off. He would have to run an extra mile or two to work off this breakfast but it would be so worth it. "This is really good. Thank you." He took another bite. She had not said anything so either it didn't happen and it did and she was trying to pretend too. "Love you Bean…" he said with a smile.
Jill wasn’t going to mention anything at all and when her brother came down she smiled at him and poured him a glass of orange juice. “I thought you were gonna sleep all day. Glad you’re out and made some favorites.” If he wasn’t going to mention it neither was she especially since she wasn’t sure exactly what happened and why he left so suddenly but he wasn’t mad at her and it was a good thing!

She knew it wasn’t a dream but maybe he felt bad about it and she wasn’t going to bring it up especially since he gave her a kiss and treated her just like you normally did there was no way she was going to fuck this up. When he mentioned having friends over her eyes lit up. “You won’t tell me if I do?” She asked curiously wondering how much she could get away with.

Jill piled her plate up high with pancakes and fruits and some bacon with sausage and poured maple syrup all over it. She was such a tiny girl that she could eat! “If you’re okay I’ll invite Krystal And some of my private school friends it’s not gonna be a lot. Most likely under seven I hope you don’t mind and we want to order pizza most likely and snacks.” His sister was not the party girl but he could tell that she just wanted snacks and find movies that he knew her best friend and probably want some thing like drinks even though his little sister would never ask for it and never had been like that. “ I hope we don’t drive you crazy we aren’t really partiera maybe some movies and games. You can join us a friend who really love you. Though Krystal…. how do we explain the closet?” She finally brought something up that didn’t really elaborate on what to do about it.
"Tell on you, it was my idea.." he chuckled as he pulled one of the fluffy pancakes onto his plate. Spread the butter on it. "You can invite whoever you want. Just remember you have to clean up afterwards so I wouldn't invite too many people. " He didn't use syrup, it was too sweet. "These pancakes are really good Bean. Some of the best I've ever had." He took a couple more bites as he listened to her plan.

"I'll even buy you some alcohol for your party if you promise to drink responsibly. And I'm not talking about a keg or enough liquor to get everyone messed up. I'm talking about a few bottles of Bacardi." He smiled at her. "I'm going to help make you the coolest girl at your school. Not that it really matters ." He ate a scoop with the blueberries. "You're already the coolest person to me."

"Give me a date and I'll make sure you stocked up on snacks and pizza and all the other goodies. Don't worry. I'll find something to do or I'll stay in my room in case you need me. I want you to have a good time sis. You've worked hard this year and now you get a chance to relax and have fun." Taking a big swig of the orange juice before grabbing another slice of bacon. Definitely needing another mile to add to his normal run.

At the mention of Krystal and her closet he paused, his fork stopped as he was about to shovel another bite of pancake in. So least that part has happened. She was still talking to him so she must at the very least forgive him for what happened. He finished the bite. "Well you can either tell her it was a prank by us to get Elliot off you back or just straight up tell her before the party and hope she is okay with it."

He finished off his OJ. "I'm going to go see Rodney today. I haven't seen him in a whole. I'll be back later today." He got up and went over to her side, kissing her on top of her head. "I love you Bean." He walked up the stairs to get ready to leave for the day.
Her brother always had her back and the fact that he suggested it made her beam with happiness. She was actually he was going to bring alcohol too! Even though She was not a heavy drinker she really appreciate that. The cleaning up part made her frown, but it was understandable and she agreed to every term and condition. “ i’m not a fan of cleaning especially to have my first party my first real . party.” She was practically bouncing with energy.

“Krystal it’s going to be so excited. I promise it’s not a lot of people.” Before he told her to start planning she grabbed her phone and started sending out invites right away. Jackson said he’d make her the coolest girl at school making her chortle. “I don’t care about being cool. It’s pretty much just my drama friends and my best friend.” He knew his sister had a tight knit group friends.

Taking another bite of her very sweet breakfast she was nearly finished and grabbed extra bacon. “I’ll just tell her. She won’t freak out. Do you mind if her brother comes over too? She’ll probably bring him. You remember Caleb right?” Caleb was Jack’s age but went to a different university and the one he heard his sister and Krystal talk about joking about swapping brothers. That would be interesting! At least it gave away that Krystal wouldn’t care.

When he walked over and kissed her head she blushed. “I love you too. Soooo….the day after tomorrow works. My friends aren’t going anywhere and Krystal said she can get her brother to drive her here. Is that too soon?” She asked and if it wasn’t she would get her friends there in a day ready to have a very silly party.

When he would get she would give him all the details about who was coming and it really wasn’t a long list but he could check with her before the party will get going.
He heard her say she wasn't a plan of cleaning and made a face. "I guess I can help clean up a little. I just don't want a full house party over here." He smiled at her excitement. Maybe he could make up for that insanity in the closet. But did he really want to? He had enjoyed it. A lot. Her excitement about the party might be a step in mending their relationship. Although she acted like it didn't need mending and he sure as hell wasn't upset that it happened.

Jack figured she wouldn't have too many people over, especially having last night's debacle with Elliot. Plus his sister was mostly a homebody. He knew that even though her Instagram made her look like a partier. Her friend she mentioned though. Wow wee. She was nearly naked in a lot of her posts. She reeked of sex plus she was very pretty. Not as good looking as his sister to him but probably to the rest of the world she was a 10.

Jack sucked air through his teeth. "I don't know about having guys at the party." He took a bite of bacon and thought about it for a moment. "Caleb is that skinny good looking kid that worked at the ice cream shop? Kind of nerdy?" He was trying to remember him. If it's who he was thinking about he seemed like a good kid. "Okay but no closet games." The way that she said Krystal won't care made him pause. And then she immediately invited her brother. Did she had 'special' relationship with her brother too?

"Day after tomorrow works for me. Make sure to ask if they have any special pizza or drink orders before the party. And if any of them needs to be picked up I can do that. Just tell me before the day, okay?" He grabbed a plain pancake and rolled it up like a burrito to make it to go. "I'm going to have to hang out with Rodney at the gym after this breakfast."

He was about to leave but came back and went to her, kissing her on her forehead. "Should be fun. Love you Bean." With that he rushed out of the door.
Luckily for Jack his Sister wasn’t a partier. The photos she took made it look like she was but usually it was just her friends and have the pictures were taken. Everyone knew you post your best shots to Instagram. In The eyes of everyone her best friend was a full 10 even a 20 at her age. She was model gorgeous whereas Jill was unique gorgeous and people didn’t understand how they were best friends considering how different they were they even joked how much they were like Wednesday and Enid.

When Jack said he would help out she smiled as she continued to text and sent out the invites but it honestly didn’t take her that long and she told her best friend don’t bring anyone extra or else she got in trouble. Krystal at least understood that much and she promised she wouldn’t bring anyone else since this was Jillian’s house party.

When he sucked his teeth about guys at the party Jill pouted . “Just my theater friends. Trust me the guys that would be coming aren’t you afraid of women and girls you have nothing to worry about and I think two of them are gay.” She was trying to reassure her brother since any friends in her group or just really interesting and unique and most of them were just more focused on their studies considering they were the private school kids. “Yea you do remember Caleb he’s really sweet he really had a glow up. He also tends to get on Krystal’s case, but he’s a decent guy.” If Jack remember the conversation he listened into those two were talking about their brothers and how they wish they could swap them at some point he was probably correct that her best friend was doing something with her brother. To be honest if she was no one would be surprised.

“Pineapple Pizza has to be ordered everyone loves pineapple pizza pepperoni and everything else is good too.” She started rattling off as she finished texting her friends when he came over to kiss her for head and she blushed. “ Seems like day after tomorrow it is! Have fun I’m gonna clean up.” She would actually do quite a bit of work when he left to go work out and she spent the day talking on the phone and getting her fence together which was not a hard thing to do.

<time warp>

It wasn’t hard getting the place ready she would make sure she got the microwave popcorn and all the bowls and plates she needed. Luckily they kept the paper plates and utensils in the basement so it wouldn’t be hard to clean up but considering her small circle it wouldn’t be a lot of people she was setting up Netflix and other streaming devices. His sister was kind of a nerd so she had the game systems that she liked out. She actually dressed pretty nice even though she was kind of Gothic but her friends knew that’s how she was.
She had a little pop of color to her outfit but she looks good but it would be a few minutes before anyone would start showing up and it gave her a little time to chat over with her brother about what was going on and she agreed to no closet games.
Making this a Co-Ed party was making it a different animal altogether. With the roster of people coming getting longer by the minute he wondered if he had made a mistake. Still he couldn't back out now. Hopefully she wants to invite guys to get back at him for what they did in the closet. Still he hopes this thing would go down without a hitch.

Jack knew how quickly those things could get out of control. First you have a few friends over and they tell a few friends and before you know the neighbors are calling the cops. Oh well he did say he wanted his sister to be popular and that would do it. He figured it was Jill, she would make good decisions or at least he hoped she would.

He remembered the girl's conversation the first day he got here. Krystal was more than likely the girl on the phone with his sister and they had discussed swapping brothers. He didn't know if he liked the idea of his sister sucking another dude's dick, even if it was a nice guy like Caleb. She had done It before so it should be much of a big deal but what if he wanted more? What if he wanted to fuck? Krystal would probably want to fuck which would make her brother think it was ok.

He was overthinking this. She wasn't his girlfriend. She was his sister. That wasn't going to stop him from thinking about her wet pussy gripping his fingers every time he masterbates from now but he was still protective of her. There would probably be girls other than Krystal but Jack could only think of one he wanted so badly, his sister.

<time warp>

It was the day of Jill's party and he had a lot to do. He woke up at 6 am and went for a run, worked out and then went to the grocery store to buy sodas, juice, teas…anything a girl would like. Then he went to SPECS and bought a few bottles of bacardi rum and a bottle of gray goose. He ordered the pizzas for later that day and personally went to the house of two of Jill's friends to pick them up for the party. Jen and April were kind of odd about getting in his truck but eventually they climbed in and he brought them to the house. They even helped him get all of the stuff inside.

Both of them were acting kind of funny, perhaps Jill had told them about the closet? Unlikely. Probably just crushing on their friend's big brother. He found Jill setting up stream devices on some televisions. "Need me to do anything else sis?" People had started to arrive so he thought about going upstairs and letting her have fun with her friends. Just after speaking the pizzas arrived and had brought them inside and took them on the kitchen counter next to the plate cups and plates. "You look good Bean. Very sexy." Sexy?! Why would he say that. It's his sister. Hopefully no one heard.

Jack was very lucky his sister was not a party girl though with her best friend as one he had no idea what to expect but with his sister with a good head on her shoulders she would probably make sure nothing bad happened. Her brother agreed to this party and she wasn’t going to ruin his trust at all. He even agreed to pick up some of her friends which was very nice and most of her other friends had other ways to get there. This group of kids that were coming he could tell exactly which group his sister was in. It was a group of alternative fashion and emo kids and drama kids and this group never really caused any trouble and even with alcohol involved they were still probably the most responsible group.

The only one he would really have to worry about was his Krystal and her party girl attitude. When Jack was out getting things ready and he ordered the pizza he was being the best big brother ever and she was fiddling with making a playlist of movies for them to watch mostly horror movies and indie movies. He even brought a pair of her friends back to which was really sweet and by the time he got back they were other people trickling in which was a small group nothing like Krystal’s entire school party.
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Surprise it was pretty much all girls with the exception of two boys and she was true to her word her friends weren’t very loud and some of them would stare at him and check him out but most were too afraid to really say anything to him considering their group some of them that he was a job but when she mentioned that he was her brothers they loosened up around him.

When he mentioned if she needed anything she thought about it and mentioned snacks. “Just Help me put more snacks out. Maybe some juice and soda too even though we have alcohol Coca-Cola or any other soft drink even water is fine.” She was such a sweetheart and most people would be afraid of her friends but seeing them together they were pretty chill and for now her best friend hadn’t arrived though with this group of friends she would stand out so much more in this crowd. This was a chance for her to get to know all the private school students.

Luckily for Jackson no one heard him when he told her she was sexy but that made her blush even more. “You think so?” She asked if he looked at one of the two boys who were in the crowd one kept staring at her and the other could care less that she was there at least at lease in an I’m gonna hit on your way. So far the party was pretty chill until they hear a car pull up with some music blasting and he could easily tell that was most likely Krystal, Raven and Caleb.
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It was nice that they picked up one of Job’s friends and luckily Raven and Krystal Were able to share Jill as their mutual best friend since when was your private school bestie and The other was her original long-term best friend.

“The party can start K is here!” She knew how to make an entrance and even though she didn’t fit in she wore black and something revealing as her brother followed behind her as he was unsuccessfully trying to put the moves on Raven who didn’t really care but it was nice for Jackson to finally see how Caleb turned out and he was just there to support his little sister too and be her ride back or at least keep her out of trouble.


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Jack was glad it was mostly girls. Even if they weren't attracted to his sister they still brought the element of sex and if the element is there then things can get out of hand rather quickly. It didn't take long for the big mansionette to fill up or seem that way with some people watching Netflix and others playing video games. He had brought down his own tv, as well as Jill's and set it up in the lounge. The kitchen had some rock music going on in her background and a few people milling around the pizza and drink.

Jack had even made a punch bowl with an alcoholic concoction filling up its contents. He had made it perfectly balanced so it wasn't too strong and still tasted good but those could sneak up on you so he was watching the people visiting the punch bowl multiple times. The weather outside was not cooperating as it had started to storm early in the day so all outdoor activities were squashed. Not like this group used the sun a lot anyway. One of her friends had a laugh that could break glass but he couldn't tell which one from the kitchen.

He passed Jill in the hallway, stopping her for a moment. "You were kidding about the goth. Better hide the razors and put on some My Chemical romance." He said with a laugh. Jack was laughing but the problem is as much as he dated cheerleader and preppy girls he always had a fetish for goth girls. It probably derived from his sister now that he thought about it.

It looked like it was going to be a quiet night. Hardly anyone was drinking, he had not seen a single drug of any kind and most of the party goers were in front of tv. April, one of the girls had picked up had started to follow him around and ask him if he needed help with anything. It was more sweet than seductive, not like the girls at normal parties who find ways to squeeze their tits together when they speak to you. April turned beet red when Jack said it was nice to have a pretty girl help him with things.


The sound of loud music outside of the house made him pause. Here comes trouble. He went to the door and opened it to see Caleb outside with Krystal and another goth girl speaking to one another and not paying attention to Jack. Caleb dabbed up Jack. "Fuck dude you look ripped." Caleb said. "Me, look at you. Last time I saw you, you may have weighed 105 ibs max." They both laughed. The did look way different. But they had gone to school together for a long time just never in the same circles. "Come in. I'm set up into the kit he Caleb so I can keep an eye on the punch bowl. Join me?"

Jack didn’t stick around for Krystal as Jill had showed up and didn’t know if she had told her yet. Didn’t want to make this awkward right off the bat. Jack and Caleb walked into the kitchen where Jack promptly handed him a shot. “We can’t drink too much but after you hear Jills friends laughing, you will need one.” The both laughed. “So our sisters are almost all grown up…it’s crazy.” Jack said. “And hot.” Caleb said and immediately turned pink. Jack gave him a sly smile, then let him off the hook. “Yeah they have turned into some real hotties.”
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With so many girls it was easy to keep the peace at least with Jill’s group. Most just chatted and some had some of the punch but non were drinking like fish. Krystal, Jill and Raven were making a play list of mixed music and no one complained at all. A mix of my chemical romance, k-pop, and other random songs that really showed how different some of them were. Jill had her friends bring her some pizza while she set up but Raven was hugging her and cuddling her like a girlfriend and even giving her playful kisses on her cheek.

When Jack made a comment about how she wasn’t kidding all three of her main group chuckled taking no offense to it. “It’s a life style preppy guy.” Raven teased Jack though nothing malicious and Krystal giggled. “I think I’m the only cheerleader here. Maybe I can do some recruiting.” Krystal said making a nearby group groan about how the sun was evil and made Jill laugh as she would make her way over to get a drink herself and would nurse that one drink for a long time.

Jill didn’t have to worry now that Caleb was there and he at least could chat to him and Krystal giggled knowing they at least had sports in common. She knew about the closet incident but wasn’t going to bring that up as she poked at Raven. “So my brother thinks you and Jill are the hottest ones here. You should both say hi.” She was playing wing man’s for her brother making Jill blush abs Raven scoff. “I don’t think we’d match. Both of them are cute but preppy sports guys? They are more up your alley Krys.” She said and Krystal didn’t deny it. “I’ve only done one of them. Hoping to get the other tonight. Think we can swap yet? How was it?” Krystal finally asked making Jill go quiet.”we didn’t go all the way…” Jill dropped the bomb making Krystal pout.”Awww. I thought I’d get my chance tonight..” the blonde pouted as Raven looked at both. “I don’t judge. I think I’d do it better though. You should try an alt girl blondie. We know how to do so much more.” Raven bragged as they chatted among themselves as the white haired talker goth girl pulled them both into a hug. “They might get mad if I stole both of you though.” That made the group laugh more and luckily the brothers didn’t hear too much hopefully as their sisters were talking about them while the living room had a kind of dance party I going on though nothing like Krystal’s place!
The party was going down without much of a hitch. They were all pretty good kids and they seemed very happy with the festivities so far. Jack was just trying to make them all happy so it would reflect well on his wonderful sister. Raven called him a preppy guy which made him laugh but it wasn't a mad one. He guessed he looked pretty preppy. He spent most of the time chatting with Caleb and walking around picking up after the party girls. K-pop was a bit like nails on a chalkboard for him but he always was down for a little MCR.

Turns out most of Jill's friends were the best kind of house guests, the kind that doesn't stay too long. Most of the party was bugging out early and Jack was okay with it. They weren't leaving mad or upset, they had just had their fun and fill of food and were heading out. He was used to his party friends from college that overstayed their welcome falling asleep all over the floor or rather passing out on the floor. He had not seen anyone try to go upstairs to fuck.

The girls were having an impromptu dance party with the remaining party patrons. Caleb and Jack had kept an eye on girls from a distance for the most part, drinking shots in the kitchen. "God your sister is so hot…" Caleb said. Realizing what he said he looked to Jack. "Sorry man." Jack laughed. "It's okay. She is hot. As is your sister. And that little goth chick they are hanging around…" Caleb agreed with a nod. It might have been the alcohol but Caleb suddenly spoke up. "I've been with Krystal…" Jack raised an eyebrow "really? Did it affect your relationship as brother and sister?" Caleb shook his head. "If anything it made us stronger…maybe you should try with Jill. Krys told me about the closet but I don't think she knew that you were her brother."

Jack nodded but got up. "Maybe…" he said as he got up. "I'm going to check on the girls." He walked over to Jill and asked her if she needed him to do anything. He tried to do it without bothering her too much.
The majority of Jill’s friends We’re very chill. This party was pretty tame with music and people hanging out chatting other friends out and drinking a few drinks and even the sober drivers were not touching anything they were pretty much good kids. Raven and Krystal Kept close to Jillian. They have their own little dance party where all the other friends will come over and talk to them give them hugs and just shoot the shit with them. Krystal for once was the odd one out in the boys that were they are paying her no attention since she really wasn’t their type even though Jill was.

They would still have an abundance of drinks even though the punch bowl was a good amount emptied but most the food was pretty much picked over which wasn’t a shot compared that they were always hungry. What was left was a few slices of pizza and some snacks enough to have something for the morning but not enough to be a full meal. When it was time for them to leave they were very kind and gracious and even thanked Jack for the food before saying bye to him but leaving the last goodbye for Jill. There were hugs all around and telling her how fun this get together was. There were even offers about maybe it’ll be their house next.

As the party was winding down there are a few stragglers who were being vultures around the pizza which didn’t bother them at all and some of them took a few drinks for the road because he say they couldn’t buy them and it wasn’t like they were gonna drink irresponsibly they took like a little bottle and filled it and promise not to tell anyone where they got it. Jill knew her friends wouldn’t rat them out and if anything they were just sit and drink in the park without causing too much trouble but if they did get caught they would not tell on her brother or her.

It was now down to the main three and a few others who are going to make their way home soon enough. Jill and Krystal figured their brothers were talking about sports and left them the hell alone especially while Raven was playing with Jill’s hair. When Jack came over to the little trio they were being cute and giggly. They have their drinks but they weren’t drunk and they were still eating pizza and it was very strange to see Raven being very girly with Jill as she had her arms around her playing with her hair.

“No. We’re fine.” They all said in unison as they sat close and just chatted about anything and everything not worry about if Jack heard anything. “I know it’s a shot in the dark but is there any more pizza? I had a few slices but I have a feeling my friends are vultures and there isn’t much left can you get us a few slices if not it’s okay I can get it myself.” Jill asked But she didn’t wanna be too much of a bother to her brother but he brought the pizza that would be nice but never looked at him funny though he would probably eye Raven since even though she was her best friend from school she was very Hanzi and he could tell that there might’ve been something that went on between the two of them but none of them said anything. Raven would playfully kiss Jill‘s neck and rub her hand on her flat stomach before putting her hand right between her inner thighs as if she was being a bit territorial over her. Perhaps it would click with her brother maybe this is where she learned how to kiss so well.
Jack's eyes took in the scene of raven hanging all over Jill and wondered if his sister might actually play for the other team. Hell after a boyfriend like Elliot he certainly wouldn't blame her. Maybe their closer events may have been a fluke. It would make things easier to think his sister liked girls and wasn't attracted to him like that. Just temporary insanity caused by alcohol and horniness. "Sure thing Bean." He knew that one of the pizza's he had a few slices left.

The kitchen had a few people milling about, preparing to go. A few of them were chugging the punch thinking this might be their only chance to get alcohol. "Y'all be careful with that stuff now." He said as he grabbed the rest of the pizza and put it on a plate. He was about to go into the lounge when he felt little hands on his bicep. "Oh hey April. What's up?"

The young goth girl had noticeably tightened the top and pushed her breasts up so they looked more ample. She had also freshened up her make up and put on some dark lipstick. "I was wondering if you could take me back home…" Jack nodded. "Where is Jen?" Inquiring about the other girl he brought. She put her hands behind her back and pressed her ties out, swaying her body slightly. "She got a ride with Annie. She didn't feel good." Jack made a sad face. "Oh that sucks. Let me give this to Jill and I'll meet you by the door." She giggled sweetly and left.

Jack walked back into the lounge trying to ignore where raven's hands were on his sister. That was between them. He handed her the pizza. "There ya go my lovely sister." He straightened up and put his hands in his pockets realizing his keys were in his jacket hanging on the kitchen chair. "I'm going to take April home and then I'll be back. If you need me to pick up anything, give me a text?"

Walking back it's off kitchen and putting his jacket on, checking the pocket for his keys. Caleb had a smug smile on his face. "What?" Jack asked. "You can totally fuck that goth girl if you want…" Caleb said matter of factly. "Uhh she is my sister…" his answer dipped in guilt about what he had already down with Jill. "No, not her! The girl you are taking home. She is totally down for your cock dude.

Jack looked to the front door. "Nah…she is sweet." He said being ignorant to most girls coming on to him. Caleb laughs. "She will at least suck your dick. You should go for it. She is cute" Jack just shook his head. He didn't want to say he was waiting to see if his sister was interested in more than what they were. At the same time it looked like Jill already had a couple of lovers in the lounge. "Can you watch everyone and make sure they don't get into trouble?" He asked the other jock. "Sure man. Take your time..get some of that dark lipstick on your stick bro." He said with a laugh.
Between Krystal, Raven and Jill it really looks like an impromptu threesome with clothing on especially since both girls were constantly touching poor Jill who really wasn’t used to it but she wasn’t saying no to it either. It was quite a sight so Krystal’s Brother would have a nice view of what was going on between the three even though Raven was more flirty with Jill. When he brought the pizza over there was look at the embarrassment on poor Jillian’s face. She would occasionally touch Raven as Krystal would join in on the fun and put her hand on the other thigh. It very much look like a lesbian group. Jill herself was still trying to find herself so she couldn’t really say what she was she was curious but after Elliot she wasn’t looking for anything and with her brother she was more excited to be with him though she couldn’t say that out loud or in public.

When Jack got back from the kitchen Raven gave him a look though she was being a bit territorial even though she had no reason to be Jill was not her girlfriend but he could tell that Raven really liked her even though Jill considered her a very close friend and they might have done some things but Jill never really made anything official or open. “Don’t worry. I’ll look after her.” Raven told Jack as Jill gave her a smack. “Play nice. Thanks for the pizza you’re the best. You always remember my favorite. I really appreciate it.” Her voice was tender and sweet with her brother and he could tell that it was really kind of annoying Raven even though she saw the looks that she was giving him. Krystal What is the type to live for drama and watched how Raven was being very handsy with her best friend and she was doing it too especially since it would be the first time they kissed anyways. Krystal was very equal opportunity. Jill had no idea what was going on with her brother or the other girl though if she didn’t see it she might actually get pretty jealous!

For now she was being kept busy by both girls and if Jack saw her she was blushing furiously and telling them to be nice and stop it but Krystal was teasing her relentlessly and telling her how she should just go all the way but she never said with who if Jack caught any of the conversation on his way out he could hear bits and pieces of them trying to tell Jill to loosen up it’s her party and it’s her house and she had options and I forget Elliot he’s a jerk time to live a little.

The one they talked about living a little Raven met her cell and Krystal also met her self and her brother but also she knew about Joe’s brother finally and thought she should finally go all the way and whisper something to Jill making her squeal and hide her face in Krystal. Call Jack Wood here on the way out was “ if I do that he’ll hate me! I want to but I shouldn’t your brother doesn’t hate you does he?” That would at least give them a little insight what was going on in his little sister is mind.
Jack was walking towards the door with his jacket and came around the corner to see April somewhat hiding in the dark corner of the entryway. He almost missed and was about to call out to her that he was ready to take her when he noticed her hand placement. Apparently she had not heard him walk up because she had her hand under her dress. The motion of her hand looked like she was fingering her pussy. This girl was horny. She made soft noises with her mouth, small chirps. Jack thought the whole scene was really hot and found himself growing in thickness in his pants. Not knowing whether or not to interrupt her or not he quietly stepped back into the hall. He cleared his throat loudly as he walked back through the hallway. "Bye sis!" He yelled into the lounge.

When he came back to the entryway April was standing there with rosy cheeks but her fingers were buried in her pussy at least. "You ready?" She nodded happily as they walked out to his truck. He opened the door and waited for her to step inside. She intentionally climbed up high on the seat rather than putting her feet on the floor board, giving him a full view of her now pantyless pussy and asshole. He swallows hard but closes the door and goes to the other side. She was really trying to make him lose his resolve.

The drive back to her house was excruciating. She looked into her small purse and pulled out a blow pop. Cmon! His brain yelled as she unwrapped it and started to roll the red round Candy in her mouth. This was torture. He wondered if he should just do it. How often do you get a chance to get blown by a sweet goth teen? It wouldn't be the goth teen he wanted it to be but she was right there and she definitely wanted it.

Jack got her there much quicker than it took to bring her to the party. He got out and opened her door, she slid down the seat, doing her best to rub against his body. "Do you see me with no panties on…I'm so sorry… I must've got to put them on." She put her finger on his lips. "You won't tell on me, will you?" He could taste her nectar on her finger. Fuck he wanted to bang her so bad. But he wanted Jill. Obviously they weren't dating, they couldn't date. Still he felt bad about it so he bid her a goodnight and nice to meet you and walked back to the car leaving her confused.

Taking a deep breath when he got into the car before turning on some loud music to distract him. He would have to work with a semi-erection the rest of the night probably. By the time he got back most of the party goers were gone. He walked into the lounge looking for Jill. "I'm back. Need anything?"
Raven was trying so hard to get Jill to loosen up but she was a tough nut to crack. Even Krystal was having a tough time! The party had dwindled to the core four of Caleb, Krystal, Jill and Raven. Jack had called out he was leaving and raven took that as her chance to try and get Jill to herself. It started with kissing and touching as Krystal figure she’d let Raven try as she would cuddle up to her own brother. Within eye range of the lesbian pairing which wasn’t the best idea since when Jill saw Krystal slip her hand in her own brother’s pants and began jerking him off and even kidding him that was when she finally started getting turned on. Poor raven thought it was because of her touching and rubbing. The white haired goth slipped her hand up Jill’s skirt and feeling wetness felt triumphant. “Ohhh that’s a good girl Jill. I knew I could get you turned on..” Raven focused on fingering and kissing her neck as Jill felt awful for watching Krystal and Caleb make out and touch each other wishing Raven were Jack. Jill closed her eyes and what she did next she really couldn’t help as she moaned softly but the name on her lips wasn’t Raven at all!

“Ohhh Jack…” she moaned causing Raven to stop and pull back a moment. “Jill…it’s Raven…say my name….” Raven wasn’t going to let that slip up stop her from fingering her crush thinking maybe she could change her mind even after being so forward with her. Raven knew she could change her mind or at least thought she could as Krystal watched but let her brother put his hand up her skirt before finally speaking up. “I told you she likes Jackson I don’t think she’ll change her mind even if you make her cum. She may be no curious but I think she can’t help who she wants.” Those words haunted Raven as as she slowly pulled her fingers from Jill and licked them only to lean in close and kiss Jill’s lips. “I’ll always wait for you Jilly once you get Ka k out of your system.” That snapped poor Jill out of her daydream and she muttered a sorry as Raven pulled away after stroking her dark hair.

She’d take that chance to leave and when she would pass Jack on the way out she shot him an icy look. She honestly didn’t live far and opted to walk home. When he managed to get further in he’s see poor Jill looking embarrassed on the sofa with her legs crossed and Caleb and Krystal going at it as Krystal waved him over and even in that compromising position wanted to tell him that even with Raven, Jill was moaning his name. She wanted to tell him but maybe Jack could figure it out without Krystal telling him. Poor Jill felt awful but she was scared to tell her brother that even with someone else she wanted him.
Strange that as he walked up his walkway to his house that young, goth chick breezed past him and seemed to give him a mad look. Jack, confused about why she didn't like him, cocked an eyebrow and looked after her as she left. The fact that her ass was swaying under that goth outfit was not lost on him, especially silly with him being really in the sexual mindset. "Do you need me to take you home?" He called after her but she wasn't listening.

He had just not called out if Jill needed anything when he looked in the kitchen. Surprised that Krystal and Caleb were basically having a mutual masterbation session in the kitchen. Their bottom halves were covered by the table so he couldn't be 100% but the way they were sitting, their hand movements and the way Caleb looked like he was getting close to orgasm were dead give always. "Uhh…guys? Is the party over or…" he didn't really know what to do at this point. He figured he would just let them finish and not try to embarrass them but it wasn't helping with his erection digging into his blue jeans.

Krystal was trying to tell him something about Raven and Jill calling his name but maybe she was too far into sexual bliss with her brother that she couldn't get the words out properly. That's when he looked over and saw his beautiful baby sister sitting on the couch looking embarrassed. The couple at the table is completely forgotten as he rushes to Jill's side, sitting next to her. His muscular arm slid around her shoulders.

"Everything okay Bean? Did something happen?" He was concerned Raven had done something she didn't like. "Is the party over? Did you need me to take those two home or something? What do you need, baby?" He just wanted her to be happy. Wishing he had never taken that girl home so he could have been here when whatever happened went wrong.
Raven didn’t even care what he had to say to her she was mad that Job would think about him while with her how could anyone think about anyone else when she was with them? The white haired goth girl would just walk home. Krystal and Caleb were in their own little world. The party itself is down to just them rising since her private school friends were not used to partying out late.

Jill looked A mix of embarrassed and sad. She couldn’t even look up at her brother. Raven would forgive her. She always did. The thing was she felt really terrible especially for calling out his name. When Jack sat next to her and put his muscular arm around her she leaned into him and started crying. “I’m really an idiot….” Jill whimpered as she hit her face in him. she couldn’t tell him if the party was over but it most likely was it was just the four of them now and her best friend was quite occupied with her own brother.

“I…I….I called your name instead of hers…. Both you and her will think I’m disgusting…. what’s wrong with me a Jack? I think I’m broken… I think I really messed up….I’m The worst sister thinking about you are I shouldn’t.” She honestly thought Krystal told her about her brother just to make her feel better especially since who in their right mind would like their own brother in a sexual way especially after the closet she couldn’t get him out of her head. After everything that happened last night she figured that Jack would be even more upset with her might as well get this over with since right now Jill was fearing the absolute worse. He was in her room she remember that but he must’ve gotten so upset he left he And here she was thinking he would disown her for having these thoughts and this time she wasn’t drunk she was completely sober she had a drink but nothing to make her tipsy. She was bracing herself for him to yell at her she had no idea what would happen after her telling him what happened.
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