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Fx M or F stinky's search for a sizzling story [dark or sweet romance]


Apr 28, 2024

STATUS: not alive POST LENGTH: 300+ words GENRES: dark romance, modern, historical, supernatural

hello! my name is stinkydinky, stinky for short. i've only recently popped up on this site, so forgive me if anything in my thread is wonky (or if i have no idea what i'm doing). i do have a decent amount of roleplaying experience so i am not new to the writing scene! i've been in roleplays for about seven years, i tend to write a minimum of 300 words but i have gone up to 1,200 words before, and if the scene calls for it, i may be able to do more. i do value quality over quantity, of course! i just don't really like one liners. i also prefer playing the female role, though i'm happy with both mxf and fxf. note that any plot i'll mention below can be either mxf or fxf. one important thing to mention is that i do prefer roleplays that have some sort of story to them. i'm not looking for something that is 100% smut. i don't mind including a good amount of smut, of course, but i use roleplaying as a fun hobby and a way to create characters i can gush over, so if you're looking for something purely nsfw with no plot, i'm not the partner you're looking for!

firstly, i highly enjoy dark romance. obsessive tropes, villains and their chosen ladies, a little bit of stalking, whatever it may be. i simply find them more interesting to write about than a typical love story (though i do not condone this irl, of course). i suppose this genre would go along with a bit of horror, which i do love. i love anything scary and supernatural. however, i'm not only looking for dark plots. i enjoy all kinds of stories! i love cute and fluffy romances too- i love comedic stories, or emotional romances with heart-wrenching reunions. i'm game for any genre, really! the only thing i dislike is heavy sci-fi or heavy fantasy. the type where you would need an entire 1000 page book to understand. i don't mind a bit of fantasy, but anything with a lot of lore just feels like too much. don't be afraid to ask, though. the worst i can say is no. even then, maybe we can compromise!
as for kinks and nsfw interests- the only things i will 100% not do are bathroom activities, vore, & foot stuff. plus anything restricted by the site of course. anything else, feel free to ask.
below are some vague plot tropes that i enjoy, they can be a starting point for many different kinds of stories. if you have something in mind, or if you have other ideas you'd like to discuss, feel free to let me know!​



the trailer for the new beetlejuice movie came out and i am vibrating with excitement. not only for the movie, but also for any roleplay inspired by it!! obviously it can be tweaked a bit- as much as i love the character of beetlejuice, i'd certainly prefer a different faceclaim. for example, i love the idea of this dangerous, powerful demon needing to attach himself to a living person in order to escape some sort of confinement, for him to go out and cause chaos into the world. a girl and her family move in to wherever he's confined- a big haunted house for example- and not only does he find this to be a perfect opportunity, but he genuinely grows infatuated with the girl. of course, she will be of age (minimum 16, but preferably 18-20).
i even had another idea, inspired moreso by the trailer for the second film, though obviously since the movie hasn't come out i don't actually know its plot. basically, years later, my character has to return after learning that the demon she vanquished long ago may not be totally gone.
maybe i'm a little uncreative? honestly that's fine, just hit me up if you wanna do a spooky, forced-marriage-type plot!


have you ever seen the movie heathers?? i love that movie. if not, that's fine! but it has a really interesting idea that i'd love to write out in a different story! i really like the idea of muse a being a girl who is sick of her life- she feels like she has nothing to offer to the world, and that she won't do anything important or interesting in her life. not only that, but she has a horrible group of friends. enter muse b- a mysterious, dark bad boy who immediately catches her attention. after some introductions, it doesn't take long for them to fall for each other. he was the breath of fresh air she desperately wanted. however, he was much more than a simple rebel- he was a man with a violent streak, and he was happy to help muse a get rid of her friends. as much as she tries to go against him, she always finds herself roped back into his hold; an accomplice to his crimes.
this can take place in a school, workplace, camping, whatever! i'm open to discuss!



at the moment, i'm really looking for a plot with a villainous or morally gray character have an unhealthy obsession/infatuation with my character. i'm super flexible on this when it comes to what story we'd attach to it, since i know it's not everyone's cup of tea to play an obsessive character. i enjoy ideas such as killer x crush, ghost x psychic, bad boy x good girl, childhood friends (gone wrong or something), maybe throw in some mafia- or something supernatural, such as vampire/werewolf x human, or even vampire x werewolf, or whatever creature that would interest you! i'd love this in a historical story, too- perhaps a king x noblewoman or princess? victorian killer vampire x mystery-solving noblewoman? a greek god x mortal? the possibilities are endless! if you like dark romance or any type, just hmu and we can bounce ideas off each other! here are a few specific ideas of my own;​

➤ this girl has been a psychic since she was born- she senses the presence of the dead, and sometimes, she hears them. as an adult, she finds a very cheap, large house on a hill for her to move into. of course it's cheap, because it's haunted with the ghost of a man who died many years ago. however, she isn't afraid, because the presence of the dead was something she was used to. imagine her surprise when she actually sees this ghost, something that's never happened to her (to her knowledge anyway). bonus if he's a bad man.
➤ the story of a noblewoman who was a part of a king's court. the king had a wife, but he was quite the cheater, sleeping around with other women often. he soon lays his eyes on this noblewoman, though she is the first to outright reject him. this sets him off. he has finally found his true, perfect match. a fiery soul he wishes to tame. he grows an obsession for her, all while she tries to find ways to escape his brutal control.
➤ there's this idea of a mystery-solving noblewoman, stuck in a time where a serial killer is on the loose. some women have been ending up dead, with bite marks found on their necks, and their bodies drained of blood. the police are not any closer to solving the mystery, and everyone in the city believes that a vampire is on the loose. by attempting to solve the mystery and getting too close, she catches the attention of the killer- who is, indeed, a vampire. perhaps she narrowly escapes death and even manages to injure him? which intrigues him, and leads him to start stalking her with a newfound infatuation.​



i did promise that i liked more than just dark romance! i love the cute and sappy stuff, too. i love them in any settings, though i may have a soft spot for cute romances in historical stories? i love the idea of arranged marriages & enemies to lovers, especially in the 18th or 19th century. or academic rivals, or childhood rivals, who, for whatever reason, find themselves having to stick together- is it a project? or did they recently become neighbours? perhaps they have to be roommates? i love it! childhood sweethearts who reunite years later? forbidden romances? i like it all- throw anything at me!​


again, i apologize if this is wonky, if i've missed anything and so forth- i'm still getting used to the formats of BMR. please hit me up if you're looking for anything similar to whatever i mentioned above- or if you like memes, cats, or true crime. then you'll be my friend. anyways, that's it for now! ciao!​

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