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Mx Female Anthro Cyberpunk... Cy-Fur-Punk!

Jan 31, 2021
Hi there. I:
-have been doing this for like 20 years. I know more or less what I want and why I'm here. I'm not ancient yet, (in my early 30's), but I'm older now, I don't have time to beat around the bush.
-demand a certain degree of mutual respect in our communication. I'm too old to put up with people who don't treat me well for long. I try to treat others how I want to be treated, outside of certain fetishes and kinks.
-am not super active on blue moon, because I like to write anthros; though having met a few lovely people I've been checking daily lately. Still, it is bizarre how many of you like things that are anthro-adjacent, up to and including lycanthropy, pheromone play and even knotting, but draw a hard line at anthros. I don't feel unwelcome here most of the time, no one has tried to chase me off with a torch and pitchfork yet, just weird and fringe.
-comfortably write somewhere between 300-700 words. More is not always better. If you're the type of person who edits your work to make it shorter so it flows better, rather than longer to hit an arbitrary number, then we're going to have a good time.
-am open to most stories, but have enjoyed cyberpunk, and steeped myself in writing that kind of universe for a few years now.
-am typically looking to play an anthro wolf, Dusk. (F-list, NSFW) There are a few variations I use, but by and large he is the character whose skin I am the most comfortable in, and who I enjoy the most.
-am very willing to play an extended supporting cast, and brainstorm almost anything, as long as you keep me engaged.
-am mostly dominant with some switch leanings. I'm a good boy? šŸŗ

I want:
-Communication (SFW Music video)
-A writer. I largely do not care about your reference images or graphic design chops, that brings next to nothing to the table in erotic literature.
-Smut. I like to write erotica. I don't fuck with ratios, that's cute. I don't mind more narrative driven play, but I'm here to write steamy, angsty, gritty fucking.
-Creativity, initiative, effort. Don't we all.
-Internal consistency. If I establish that giant spider legs are a luxury food source, (food typically isn't great in Cyberpunk settings, think crab but more... spidery...), and they can be removed without causing their owner pain or trauma; and then you write a post about how my character breaking one off was actually very harmful to the creature and will be fatal if left untreated, I'm going to have a problem. Note, it is perfectly acceptable to come to me OOC and tell me you don't like how I characterized spiders, or that you had a vision going in. What's not okay is writing a passive-aggressive IC post that recontextualizes my character's actions from totally normal and reasonable, to psychopathic and moronic.


Breeding Spiders In The City: (hypnosis, spiders/oviposition, dub/noncon warning.)
"It's... kinda cute, huh?" the wolf wondered aloud, bending over to look the creature eye to eye-eye-eye-eye where it sat on the counter. "You're a cute little thing, aren't you Tachiko?" In response to his teasing, it lifted a pair of its forelegs in a threatening attempt to make itself look larger. When the clueless mercenary's over-sized hands reached to scratch under the approximation of its chin it started hissing like a burst steam-pipe, before sinking its fangs deep into his forearm. He didn't even flinch as his biomon brought toxicology stats up in his peripheral vision, lazily glancing over the data as he cradled the beast's head-parts, delicately stroking its quivering body.

The arachnid's venom had been altered into a powerful aphrodisiac over many generations of clandestine corporate labs prodding its stubborn magical genome until the profitable change took root. The final product might've been impressive, but between his heavy-duty metabolic actuator and the heady hormonal disarray he was used to dealing with, the warm sensation in his gut and annoying half-chub hardly tenting his dark cargoes was nothing.

"Aw, Dusky, don't get attached to it." Aya scolded him, nose still wrinkled from the thought of the huge, hairy, ugly thing being called 'cute.' "We're using 'em for more than just eggs and silk, you know. They got all sorts of refining magic going on under the hood, it's like a little RnD starter kit in there. Plus, they're supposed to be super tasty. It's gonna be worth a fortune when we get it processed! Now hold it still."

"Can't we keep one though?" he pleaded, expression drooping slightly at the thought of 'processing' the would be pet.

"No, Dusky..." she shuddered at the thought of stumbling into a web the size of a soccer net on a midnight trip to the bathroom. "They, uh... don't live very long, a side-effect of having an alchemy lab in your ass. Just a couple years, and we're going to want to keep rotating the stock out so we use the most viable ones for breeding."

"Aw... Sorry Tachi..." he sulked as he held the beast steady. It had stopped shaking, and he'd swear it was purring by the time Aya brought the injector behind its eyes, just gnawing on his arm as content as could be. Purring, gnawing, everything stopped as the nanites took effect, those once-bright eyes taking on a hollow look, as the neural nets behind them re-configured into a more useful organic computer, reducing the beings autonomy to its most basic functions.

Crossing his arms, he watched the netrunner work, burrowing into the spider's brain like a wasp. Clutching a cup of coffee in a shirt so big she could've gone camping in it, spinning a few degrees left, a few degrees right on the bar stool at their kitchen island, the rich purple glow in her eyes was the only clue this wasn't just another lazy sunday morning.

"Wait a minute... there are data banks in here... Some really interesting code, too..." she declared in the middle of her diagnostics.

"What do you mean?"

"Well... Oooh.... Hey Dusk... Turn off your detox implants."

His fur stood on end at the strange request. Aya knew full well how vital those augmentations were for him. She knew exactly what would happen, having vicariously lived the experience from her netchair, how his blood would heat to boiling, his vision going red as he lost control to the same primeval drives that ruled their freshly lobotomized spider only moments ago.

"No." She knew he would say that. He knew she knew he would say that, but he didn't know why she would ask him in the first place. Aya had to be getting at something, but he was still clueless when she slipped out of the hollow beast.

"C'mon, Dusk... for me? Wouldn't it feel nice to just let go, go wild for a change?"

"N-no." It was getting harder to say no to her... why was it getting harder to say no? The thought to do a diagnostic was fleeting as he stared into the diminutive woman's eyes, aware of the terror he should be feeling, but increasingly unable to form a meaningful inquiry into that matter. At first it seemed like her optics were still glowing with activity, even though she was looking right back at him. Then, some optical illusion made the purple glowing ring expand to the edges of her eyelids, quickly followed by the cyan of her iris; then the blackness of her pupils; then an unnatural golen color, the concentric circles appearing in the center of her eyes before reaching for the edges, swallowing each other up and being swallowed in turn, the cycle creating the uneasy feeling of falling into a tunnel as he felt powerless to look away.

When he came to, his biomon was flashing orange, the first clue he'd been shot; just a wing in his shoulder he didn't even feel, apparently Aya's version of slapping the hysteria out of him like a woman in an old pulp movie. She was gasping on the ground beneath him, the smoking gun pinned above her head, a trail of blood running slowly down her nostril, but as terrifying and surreal as he was sure the attempted rape had been for her, she was smiling.

"Aya! FUCK!" he fell backwards away from her in his horror, pupils narrowing to pin-pricks as he heard her sputter and gasp, the little psycho peppering in a giggle between her greedy gulps of air. "What did you do to me?"

"Re-urk-ufff-LAX. Just needed to run a test on a neat bit of code." she coughed up at him hoarsely, bringing a hand to rub at her collar, though she made no attempt to hide the nudity her now shredded half-shirt exposed. "We're gonna make sooooo much money, Dusky~ Now, didn't you say Gwen was looking for work?"

"Yeah, word on the street is she's been burned by Dion Percy after she shot him down."

"Daaaayum, not many people could jump a gravy-train like that. Ah, well, call her up."

"I mean... I know she's a Fae, but I'm not sure she's the kind of gal who'd go for a clutch of eggs up the tailpipe." he wavered as he helped the waif back to her feet, bending to pick up the broken pieces of her cup.

"Oh yeah? Well, I'm not sure how much that's going to matter~ Call her up."
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General Ons:
Knotting - Canine dicks are just way more fun and interesting to play, imho.
Other Anthros - I play with humans, skin on fur is fun too, but anthros are a preference.
Primal Play - there's just something about getting swept up in the animalistic passion of it all.
All Types of Builds and Bodies - Fat, thin, small boobs, super tall or muscular; I like all kinds of body types, you don't have to play a 'perfect' hourglass. I'd rather you play whoever's skin you're most comfortable in.
Dub-Con - especially when done right... which means not "Nooooookay." Note, consensual scenes are great too, and non-con can be discussed.
Intimacy - I'm here for waaay more than the simple mechanics of fucking. Thoughts, feelings, emotional investment, conflicts, and all the other things that come with a 3 dimensional relationship.
Netori - If I'm going to do a story about cheating, I'd much rather you have a love interest that I 'take' you from, than have someone else come and 'take' you from me. On principle, I'm open to all sorts of complex relationships here, but if we're going to make cheating a major kink, rather than a story element, this is my preference.

General Maybes:
Transformation/Lycanthropy - I have a version of Dusk for this. This was originally what the character was, I just shifted toward being full anthro as I developed him, because I like playing that better. If you want a story with me because my writing is pretty boss, (and humble too!), but aren't sold on sex with an anthro, this might be a decent compromise, though I'm extremely selective about this. Tbh, I'm more likely to take out the sex than the anthro-ness.
Hard Non-con - I'm just not that into getting into the headspace of a psychopathic rapist. This is part of the reason I emphasize primal/hormonal play with Dusk. I'd rather be a monster who loses control of himself, than just a straight-up monster.
Non-sexual Stories - I don't want to give a blanket no. "Probably not" is a more accurate answer.
Overly Bitchy Characters- not to be confused with strong women, who don't have to tear other people down to elevate themselves, contrary to popular belief. Being snarky and mean all the time doesn't make you strong, every commercial writer who has tried to write a strong, plucky woman since the 90's, it makes you an insufferable bitch. (Having the social intelligence of an autistic spider actually makes you considerably weaker). I actually don't mind playing against this type of character... unless you expect there to be no consequences to their actions. If you want to play this kind of character, you need to understand people aren't going to let you get away with whatever you want because you're pretty, and most of them aren't going to like you. If you're okay with that, then yeah, fuck, I'll GM for you.
"Seeking GMs" - I usually find myself in this role anyway, and that's fine... but to be blunt, I see a lot of people blithely asking about this, who also... don't put a ton of effort into their posts... and I'm not sure you understand the amount of time and effort that can go into this. This is something I do for people who 'deserve' it. If you want me to GM for you, you need to earn it, this is not an excuse for you to sit back and take a reactionary role while I set up literally everything that isn't your character. Some people are into that. Good for them, go find one!

General Offs:
Netorare - Whenever I see that word, (usually in the tags for eroge), I think "Neato! Rare!" Unfortunately for me, it is neither. xD A term for cheating, specifically involving YC cheating on MC with other men, usually focusing on his humiliation, hurt, and sense of betrayal. Apparently lots of people are into this. I'm not one of them. I'm open to polyamory, and even YC cheating on mine with the right partner and plot, but the chance that I will take sexual satisfaction from that scene IC or OOC is basically 0. It is far more likely he will seek revenge.
Typical Gross Stuff - Scat, Vomit, Vore, Gore. I don't judge people for kinks, just not for me.
Disney Era Star Wars - To say it has fan fiction-level writing is an insult to fan fiction. Disney has no idea how to write strong women. If you like it, good for you. I might do a star wars-like setting, but I will not touch any modern cannon. Yes, I put this lower than scat intentionally.
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Virtus of Love : A Cyberpoly Love Story (*Newest, 5/26/24) - Aya Aiuchi, known in cyberspace as Amaterasu, is a prodigious hacker who often runs support for Dusk, a powerful mercenary with a hunky, GMO body. Partners in more than just crime, the unconventional intimacy between the pair can be a bit complicated. A slightly nuerotic razorgirl with an aversion to physical touch to rival her penchant for cyberspace, rather than addressing Dusk's physical needs herself, Aya prefers to monitor his cybernetics as he engages with other women; often, (with consent!) scrolling the more memorable experiences into Virtus, dream-like virtual experiences users can pay to re-live.

Maybe you're an occasional partner of the duo interested in becoming something more; the latest thot picked up from the club to participate in their perversions, a Virtu star looking to collaborate with the actors after an unexpected uptick in their traffic, or a number of other roles, limited only by your creativity. Come be part of the hottest power-thrupple in Night City!

Jumping Ship - In a world where information and intellectual property is more valuable than material wealth, you allowed a big corporation to fund your Ph.D. In exchange they own you and everything you produce in their labs; but you never considered that would include the synapses in your brain, carrying the vital information that makes up the lifeblood of your research. Locked into an extremely lucrative, (for them), ironclad contract, you have exactly two ways out from under the thumb of your corporate over-lords; or one way, when you consider they'd probably throw your corpse into a biological matter repurposer, and use your raw materials for more research.

Grabbing whatever company secrets you can carry, you establish a shady contact and make a deal with one of your boss' bitter rivals; the info for your freedom. Depending on whether you want something cooperative or adversarial, Dusk is hired to smuggle you out, or perhaps to drag you back 'home.'

Optionally, Dusk has undergone a large number of genetic modifications, and is dependent on a drug YC designed. Without regular injections he will become increasingly aggressive and agitated until eventually losing his mind. Maybe the company that wants you back has him hooked, using their supply as leverage. Making him a personal batch could be a good way to convince him to look the other way as you escape; though it might involve specialized equipment that would require a high-stakes raid.

Neon Bonds : A Cyberpunk Arranged Marriage - In the sprawl of a neon metropolis where ruthless corporations wield power like iron-fisted monarchs, Dusk, the illegitimate child of a ruthless CEO, navigates the shadowy fringes of society's underbelly like an apex predator in a concrete jungle; but when his father, seeking to solidify a merger between two corporate giants, legitimizes him, Dusk finds himself thrust into the heart of a world he's only ever looked in on from the furthest outside edge. This new status comes with a price; an arranged marriage to the daughter of another corporate giant, a pawn in her own right, selected to seal the alliance between their families. Forced into roles they never asked for, together they must navigate the treacherous waters of corporate politics, wrestling with the lofty expectations placed on them by their respective families, and their own disparate desires.

No Pay No Play - It doesn't matter if you're the wealthiest Corporat, or the lowliest Gangoon, nothing is free in the city. Hired to carry out a contract kidnapping, when an 'accounting issue' prevents the buyer from ponying up the credits for the merch, (that's you!), Dusk refuses to deliver until his fee is paid in full, insisting he hang onto the package until they can come up with the cash. Maybe you can use that time to convince him not to sell, or find some way to earn the money to buy your own freedom. Maybe they never intended to pay up in the first place, and after shooting your way out of the botched exchange, your ultimate fate is up in the air.

Sugar Baby - It's hard out there in a cyberpunk dystopia. Who in their right mind would spend every waking moment slaving away for a corporation, only to go back to a cinderblock coffin to sleep for a few hours between shifts, with the alternative of living rent-free in a high-rise apartment and being showered in gifts and attention so easily within reach? Surely a life of ease and relative comfort is well worth compromising your body a bit, especially when service feels so good.

Admittedly this one isn't that complex, it's what it says on the tin, quick, dirty, smutty fun. Dusk's unique biology and sex being necessary for him can add a little excitement and various flavors of dub-con. Character-driven hooks, like YC being an assassin, rather than a live-in fuckdoll, can be interesting here... but sometimes simplicity is perfection, and all I want is a sweet, cute little thot who can take a good dicking~

Optionally, this is such a common arrangement there are a handful of apps aimed at matching prospective sugar-babies with willing, looking glucose guardians.

The Prodigy - I've been very interested in playing a filthy rich character with typically psychopathic neglectful asshole parents. In a nutshell, they left their kid in the care of a 'Nanny AI,' designed to raise him with the help of their smarthome (and possibly an android/gynoid or two.) Unbeknownst to them, (not that they'd really take an interest or care), he learned how to hack into the AI from an early age, essentially meaning he's got unsupervised, free reign over his household.

I'm looking to play a younger Dom here, somewhere between 16-22. I'd like his hacking skills to be advanced enough that he can hack into people's cyberware, which could give him control of their body, the capacity to alter their consciousness/memories, and/or a general (fantasy) hypnosis-like effect. My favorite partners for this role are essentially typical denizens of cyberpunk, who see a fresh-faced kid and feel like they can take advantage of him, (or if you want to be nice, feel like they need to look out for him). Either way, he proves to be much more than meets the eye, and more than capable of handling himself.

Also open to role reversal here, something where I'd play a more typical gruff wolf mercenary Dusk, against a pampered corpo brat who is secretly one of the most advanced code-junkies out there.
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The alpha release of Hades 2 has seriously cut into my RPing time. Thanks to all the wonderful, welcoming and engaging people I've met so far. Things maybe slow down a bit for the next few days, but damn did they do right by this one.
I've been out of weed for like two weeks now, and think I'm slowly crossing back into the threshold where I can write without it again. Hooray...
New plot, check it out!

I have less time to spend on this and less drive in general, so I'm being a little more selective. I get a lot of people who tell me "they aren't into anthros, but. . . ." It's kinda flattering to be an exception, but right now I'm looking for people already into this stuff.
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