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Mx Female A Maid's New Duty (Femdom Bondage)


May 5, 2018
Greetings to you!

And welcome to my thread! :)

  • Genre: Femdom, Bondage, Erotica, Romance, Slice of Life.

    Story: Yes.

    Smut: Yes.

  • Bondage. Gags. Affection. Cuddling. Kissing. Teasing/Flirting. Dirty Talking. Femdom.

    Strip Tease. Wardrobe malfunctions. Dating. Romance. Seduction. Lingerie. Cosplays.

    Sexy clothing. Breast Worship. Ass Worship. Large Breasts. Large Ass. Hot Dogging.

    Curvy Women. Lactation. Oral Sex. Spanking. Voluptuousness. Titfucking.
  • Bad/Dark endings.
    Toilet stuff.
    Strap ons.


In short terms, you will be playing a maid who one day comes to work, finding the handsy son of the house tied to a chair, gagged and blindfolded. Pinned to his chest is a letter addressed to YC by MC's stepmother. In it details a new special duty of YC, nothing hard, just to keep MC bound and gagged, and make sure he is comfortable while she is there. Of course, it isn't a sexual contract or anything, but MC is rather perverted and has a high sex drive, something YC has been annoyed with for a while, since he is always looking up her skirt, or even give her ass a small squeeze, or look down her cleavage, or come with sexual remarks.

The stepmother knows about this, and has decided to take drastic precautions! So, while the family is out and working, YC will have to make sure he is at least comfortably while she is there, so she can leave him waiting for his stepmother to untie later. Easy peasy, and the new duty comes with a large bonus to her pay, too good to ignore.

So what I imagine is that she finds this great, being able to work in peace for once, and enjoys the fact he is getting what is coming to him. Then she starts to feel cocky about, perhaps even wanting a little payback of his own. So she starts to tease him, adjusting her skirt so it is a bit shorter, bends over more, dusting him off, teasing him, giving him a bit of a show, as he is unable to do anything about it, or say anything.

Then she starts to take advantage, not stealing or anything, but suddenly she has a chance to use the pool. She can strip down to a bikini, and swim, sun bathe, knowing she has plenty of time for all her duties. All the while MC is forced to watch, without being able to do anything. Maybe down the line, she invites some girlfriends over to enjoy the pool. Either she leaves him up for them to see, and they find him cute, and fun to tease. Or she hides him a place where he can watch them, but not be heard or seen by her friends.

But little by little too, she also starts to get to know MC, and while he is perverted, he is also really smart. She also finds out he is pretty fun to be around, to talk to, real talk for once. So slowly shifting her relationship with him from loathing, to one of friendship, and later something that is building towards lust, and then full on love.

Now I know this story might be a little strange, but I think there could be a lot of fun in it. I like the idea of them coming to hang out more and more, their relationship developing, going out, but always to return to that point where she has to tie him up again.

I have some different plot points ideas, like stuff about his family, and so on.

Do we want to involve other characters sexually? That is something we can discuss. Is there something else going on with this whole new duty YC is not yet aware? Or is it just as it said in the letter, a desperate last measure by a stepmother? Does he has a stepsister? What is his relationship with her?

I also have an idea where they are all living, which I thought could add to YC's interest, and places they could hang out. I imagine they live at an island, close to being tropical. I could see YC being fun of the beach, swimming, diving, surfing. It makes a fun contrast to the fact she lives wild on the waves of the island, but has a job where she is in a maid outfit, something she tries to keep on the downlow. YC struggles with money, but her new duty also helps a lot, so it is an easy decision for her.

Stuff like that.

I hope someone is interested, I know this is a but of a specific taste in RP, but I hope someone will give it a shot!

Until then, happy Monday!
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