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The Nature of Magic (EtherialElvenEmpressxBoldGeko) {NSFWIMAGES}


I’m a power bottom at rock bottom.
Oct 24, 2022
The center of the universe

Rivermill had been around as long as she could remember. It had grown from a small quaint little village to a bigger city to a hub over the years. This area has been well-known not only for the people that live there but for travelers. Chrysantheme Was no stranger to this land. Her people had been here long before the humans colonized it and made it home out of such a rough terrain. It was amazing what they could do when they put their mind to it. She was born into a noble birth and wanted for nothing with her family living high in the mountains away from the growing community down below. They did a very good job of being separated until the humans decided that they would explore more and expand their colony. For a long while they got along exchanging secrets and being friendly towards each other.

After all there was enough land and resources for them all. The lands did not only become home for the humans and elves but all sorts of other beings including demons, fairies, gnomes, sirens, orcs, dwarves, and so many others. Every so often fight broke out over territories and the elves try to stay to themselves to keep from intermingling with anyone else. Chrysa Was raised to be kind though she was given a warning especially now that times have changed and the species begin intermingling more.

There is one law.
You must love no one outside of your own kind.
If you fall in love with non elven blood.
You will truly become alone
And learn the true meaning of loneliness.

Chrysantheme Heard these words over and over as she grew up. The majority of her kind refused to truly get involved or connect with the humans considering how short their lifespan was. Every species knew that elves lived a very long time and not everyone was comfortable with that gift that was only bestowed to them and usually dwarves and demons who also were long lived. The more communication they had with the outside world it became apparent that many were jealous of this.

The time of peace lasted quite a few centuries and every so often wars would break out over resources or power and the elves were quite fortunate to survive most of them though with magic not only being a gift they had and throughout all of the fighting they’re kind began to dwindle with people threatening their existence. All they wanted to do was be peaceful. Eventually the elves would retreat and cut off contact from Not only Rivermill but any other place that they decided to call home as they separated and were becoming known as recluses.

For Chrysa, she was an explorer and ever curious not only about her own people and magic but about the outside world and no matter what her parents and other members of society told her she just cannot stay away especially from humans. When she finally reached adulthood leaving her stuck in a perpetual state of looking 20 years old even when she was pushing 100 she started making connections that she should never have started. There was a reason the elders kept the young elves away from the village for a long periods of time they didn’t want them the form connections too soon and also they were being trained in the art of their magic and grimoires. Everyone knew elves could use magic and they were very in tune with the land and spirits. Chrysa was trained from an early age how to read and use all sorts of spells to help not only herself but her kind with survival and protection from other species trying to get rid of them.

As she grew the older she got she was allowed to spend more time in the human community. Most elves went down just to sell vegetables and other wares that might be interesting to them and make some goals for their travels if they decide to go further than the village. It was a nice trade-off they got to see a bit of humanity but also retreated back up to the high mountains where he humanity could barely reach.

She studied for hundreds of years and all of that only made her curiouser and curiouser about the lands past her home and further. The world was so vast! All she wanted to do was go out and see so many things and with enough begging and pleading and crying the elders approved her wishes to go explore the human village albeit with warnings.

Chrysnthemme Was naïve and never heeded them. She stood out like a sunflower among weeds. Her golden hair was something that the humans could never compare to and she had eyes as green as emeralds that were very rare and only for royalty and nobility. How could she not enjoy the attention in the conversations and adventures the humans decided to tell her.

The 800 year old elf did the unspeakable and started sharing some spells with humanity which she kept very well hidden from elders otherwise she would be pulled and kept away from her precious village and what kept the boredom away.

They warned her not to do it. That the human life was much shorter than their own and instead of heading their warnings; she fell in love with a human from Rivermill.

Even at 800, an elf she was very young and naïve thinking that maybe the elders were wrong and she could prove them wrong by showing them that love could indeed conquer all and bring them closer together. Hearing story upon story about how love conquered all perhaps she thought maybe love could keep such a strange union. Elves and humans rarely married let alone fornicated The news was exciting and even traveled back up to the mountains where her family would try to put it into this foolishness of hers.

An elf and a human could never be happy! They didn’t even know if they could create more life in her clan it was never done. She was the first. Even without her parents blessing or her clans blessing she married Gideon.

Who did she fall in love with? She fell in love with a bard. It almost seems fitting for magic user to fall in love with someone with historical words and songs. Rivermill rejoice with such a wedding though sadly her clan decided to cut most of the contact with the village; not that the village cared they had Chrysa! She was almost like a mascot especially marrying one of their own bringing Elvin blood to this sleepy village helped it grow and became sort of a story of legends that people would sing about two other towns.

Rivermill grew from a small village to a massive city and she was there to watch it all. Not only was she able to see it grow she was blessed with children. She had no idea humans and elves with the power of love can make children! Over the moon she felt like a goddess had bless her and her family alone along with the town. The years seems like the Elijah and fields and everyone was prosperous and the city was now a hub for travelers.

Songs of the city with a bard, an elf and magic being talk to human spread across the land it was a wonderful time; a renaissance even. It was a time of peace and prosperity something her clan could’ve never foreseen. Teaching her children magic and her husband he wasn’t very good at it they manage to make a very good living and live comfortably.

The days turned to months.
The months turn to years and she was blessed with one son and one daughter. Their union was a strange one and all seemed well as the children grew. Her husband grew older. And her son took after her husband and showed no traces of Elven blood. She herself didn’t grow old and with her daughter started looking the same age whereas her husband and son were the ones aging faster than the three of them combined.

Was this what the elders want her about they have no written record of humans and elves reproducing so she had nothing to tell her what was going on. Both she and her daughter seems like they were ageless whereas her husband and son the passage of time were not slow down for either. Either way she would not leave the town or their side watching her husband grow older and her son becoming a man and marrying a human woman. Her happiness was soon turned into dread when she started realizing that the city she loved and cherished everyone that she loved there was slowly aging and leaving her and now her daughter alone.

The thought became unbearable as she watched her husband become a feeble old man and herself become a grandmother that look nothing like a grandmother. It was strange to see the pair since they looked very much like twins and her daughter didn’t take much from her father’s bloodline except for her blue eyes. The entire city greens when they lost Gideon. Even with his son they’re carrying on the tradition it wasn’t the same but they still welcomed it.

Even with her children and grandchildren Chrysantheme Fell into a deep depression diving deeper into her studies and spells and with a heavy heart she chose to leave Rivermill. Once her husband was laid to rest her heart just couldn’t take not living with him anymore. The fact that her son would meet the same fate and she attempted to be happy so it became obvious that she was no longer the jovial green eyed elf of happiness.

Withdrawn and sullen she was a shell of her former self. When she finally got the courage to pack her things and tell her son that she would be back but she had no idea when he didn’t try to stand in her way but gave her a hug and told her that he loved her. Her daughter followed her seeing how hurt her mother was and she did not want to see her brother grow old and wither away just yet. The pair sent off saying goodbye to the only home her daughter really knew and that she adopted.

They were sent off with a very much fanfare and sadness since it was like she was a mini matriarch of this city. The pair traveled for years getting lost and looking for new spells and books hidden around the land. It was not an easy journey and no one believed that they were mother and daughter but the fact they were elves at least one of them as a full elf did you give them access to easy ways to earn money just by spending time in different cities and villages.

Putting their magic to use in exchange for finding new books and hidden treasures from the elders of centuries past. Five years turned into 10 and 10 turned into 20 and 30….

To them for years only felt like months since they lived so long and rarely aged. Eventually her daughter yearned of going back home and it took a lot of convincing to get her mother to even entertain that idea. It took quite a bit of begging and pleading but eventually Chrysantheme relented and they started the long journey home.

They were very far from Rivermill. Sometimes she forgot that the passage of time was different for others especially her own child and the journey back would take months. How long had they been gone?

When they finally arrived back the grand city was still grand but more desolate. They both decided to look for their family and neither of them really thought about how many years they were gone they traveled for over 80 years and her son was now laid to rest next to her husband along with his wife and children but there were great grandchildren around. They were still singing stories about a green eyed elf and her daughter that left to travel the world but no one thought it was real after them being gone for so long.

The pain was overwhelming for Chrysantheme. It didn’t occur to her that her son; her only son would have around the similar lifespan as her husband and it didn’t occur to her to come back sooner and it broke her heart leaving her in a deeper depression. She didn’t even realize how hurt her daughter was losing her brother and all of the family she ever knew. For now their journey ended here giving them time to grieve and when she finally felt ready to move on and take her daughter with her her last living to send it refused to leave The only Home that she called Home Riverville.

As if her heart wasn’t already shattered into a million pieces she had no choice but to relent and leave her daughter behind. There was no way she could stay there and with a heavy heart they parted ways and she continued her journey figuring that her daughter was half elf and would live as long as she would which would prove to be a fatal and devastating mistake.

Chrysantheme Made it a mission to find as many spells and secrets as possible and was one thing on her mind she wanted to find a spell to speak with the dead. She was lonely and she had no idea if such a spell existed but she was going to find it. Every 50 or so years she would return back to the citadel she loved. She was greeted by her daughter who was still there and even though the passage of time but slowly start to wear on her half elf daughter she didn’t realize she should’ve paid more attention. Each time she left she took her time coming back and this time she took the longer to come back. This would prove to be the worst mistake she could’ve ever made and when she returned her daughter was no longer there to greet her. The pain of losing all of her family members left her in complete and utter shock. She at least thought her daughter lived to be the same age as her as she was pushing past 1000. Even though her daughter didn’t look very human she still had her husband’s blood and her lifespan was half of what hers would be.

Sinking into an unbearable depression she decided to stay in this town. Even though she lived there and still communicated with the humans that lived there she was just a silent watcher watching the time pass. Going on her adventures to find more books and returning back to her home.

She couldn’t face her ancestors in the mountains and kept her self around the humans. Occasionally she make connections but the words of her elders ring clearly in her ears now about how falling in love with leave her even more lonely than when she started. Everyone she loved and you were gone.

Chrysantheme Couldn’t take the depression anymore and she finally left searching the world for that one spell to allow her to communicate with her loved ones on the other side hoping someone would know something about it.

It became a ritual to come back every 10 or so years and now the anniversary was approaching and it was time for her to come home. To pay her respects to her family all buried here. Thinking she spend a month or maybe a year here reminiscing on love lost and enjoying the bustling energy of the city that she called home.

For now she walked around the market buying fruits and snacks and offerings to bring to the grave seeing no immediate familiar faces not even her descendants brought a smile yo her face nor did she try to intermingle with them anymore. The human blood was stronger as the Elvin blood was slowly being bred out of them….

Was this where her story and life ended? Chrysantheme had no idea and on the anniversary of her homecoming even the beautiful spring flowers could not even bring a smile to her face as she looked around the town she watched grow from barely anything to something amazing. She chose to pick an old oak tree near the center of town to sit down and eat her fruits and look up at the sky wondering what she was going to do next.
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Harald sleep was restless in the recent weeks. It all started at the festival which was for his tribe a holy tradition. Every year all of them came together and had a big feast while each one of them stepped in front of the fire and asked their ancestors for advice for the upcoming year. Harald was the shaman of their tribe and was the spiritual leader who helped the other ones to get in tune with the spirits around them. With that came great responsibility in the festive activities since he heard all the private questions and concern the people would ask advice for. In some cases, the fire would just flicker differently or slightly change color but sometimes you had the feeling of seeing the silhouette of your ancestor. It differed from person to person what they saw but all of them left with new emotions to go on with their lives.

His tribe lived far outside the civilized world. If a traveler stumbled accidentally across their little settlement, they were often hostile since they thought that his tribe member were blood hungry barbarians. None of that was true of cause. They just wanted peace and living with Nature in harmony. Compared to the most humans his tribes had developed Magical abilities. Through Rituals and prayers to the big Spirits of the Woods they were granted abilities. They never used their magic for fighting or repelling the intruders since they saw it as a disgrace to the Spirits. But they were of course skilled fighters and hunters even without the use of their magic. Every animal they would kill to eat they would plant trees to give the nature something back. Keeping the balance between giving and taking was an important part of their lives and with every generation the tribes were more and more a part of these woods.

Harald himself was blessed with the strongest magical abilities of the tribe, which he showed already at a young age. Compared to his peers he could actually see and talk to the big Spirits that surrounded them and gifted them their abilities. So, it was only obvious that he became the shaman of the village, and that people sought him out for guidance. Over time Harald discovered more and more of the magic he was able to use. One day he accidentally transformed into the bodies of the great Spirits themselves. It was a great surprise to all around when that happened, and it took some time for him before he could control it but, in the end, he felt even more in tune with his surroundings.

He was barely 18 when he became the guide and leader of the village. Despite his young age he was respected even by the older ones. With that came also his great first love into his life. Sabrina was like him gifted by the Spirits. Her role was to educate the younger girls in the world about their traditions and she did it with great joy. In their Roles Harad and Sabrina came closer and closer to each other and fall in love. Their marriage was celebrated like no other thing before. The village had a feast that lasted a whole week and not shortly after Sabrina got pregnant. Of course, Harald was more than grateful for such a wonderful gift from the Spirits, and he saw the silhouettes of them constantly around his wife. It was a great sign that his child had a destiny that was important for the woods.

Years passed by and his daughter showed at young age already the potential to become the new spiritual leader in their rows. Sabrina on the other hand seemed every year different. It was so minimal changes over the years that the majority of people didn't notice what was going on. Even Harald was blind to it since his attention was so focused on the village and the education of his own daughters. One night he was plagued by nightmares, this was always a sign that the spirits tried to show him the future, but it was vague. Streams of blood and people crying out in pain was all he could remember after he woke up. He didn't know what the make of it and kept this kind of vision to himself. Seeking not even the advice of his wife. Maybe that was his biggest mistake. A few weeks later he was woken up by screams outside his cabin and as he stepped outside with his weapon ready in hand, he saw his own wife surrounded by corpses. There is a daughter to her feet, murdered by the own mother. There was madness in Sabrinas eyes and everyone who tried to stop her was also dead. It was like a dark aura surrounding her, impossible for anyone to ignore. Harald just wanted to scream out in pain about the horrible thing he just saw in front of his eyes. But he couldn't since his wife had already stepped closer to them. He tried under his shaking wife to beg her to stop but she wouldn't listen to his words. Her eyes had nothing of her previous softness and her heartwarming smile was now a malicious grin that spoke a million words about her blood hunger. He was paralyzed. In his mind he knew he had to stop her, but his heart was broken already. Suddenly he felt like a sting and transformed into a bear and charged at his wife. She didn't even try to defend herself from Haralds attack and as soon the bear claws and teeth was buried into her flesh appeared on Sabrinas face a relieved smile. She wanted to die.

Harald could barely handle the emotional trauma that all of that brought with it. He was angry at the spirits for not giving him a clear warning or that they didn't do something against it. Even though he knew that Spirits were only watchers of the world and didn't meddle with human affairs directly. Free will was something the spirits honored and respected. Even giving Harald visions was almost too much interference but they saw this tribe as their children. Sabrinas horrible act even shocked the spirits, and they didn't show themselves any more in the following in year and so was Harald the spiritual guide suddenly without guidance on his own.

It was time for their yearly ritual and their attempt to communicate with their ancestors and dead family members. All these times he had avoided trying to reach out for Sabrina, but this year was different. He had night after night visions of burning trees and that was odd since the spirits were still absent. He closed himself in his cabin and watched the fire. Harald still tried to find his own bravery for speaking with Sabrina and suddenly he threw the herbs for the ritual into the fire and there she was. A hollow Silhouette of the woman her ones loved so deeply. The woman he had killed their daughter and many of his friends. He couldn't say a word and his rage and sadness came back to him. But he didn't have to say anything Sabrina started to tell him about what she had seen on the other side. She told him about a great catastrophe that would come and destroy all magic in the world and that he had to go and find the cause of it. She also told him that she was over years possessed by an evil presence of unknown origin who was connected to this catastrophic event that will happen.

Even though his wife told him about all this he couldn't bring it over him to say a single word. His pain was too deep, his memories too painful and he could once again taste the blood of his wife in his own mouth. More or less, he couldn't ignore her warning even though he couldn't be sure if she was just trying to trick him. He went to sleep and decided the next day to travel out into the world to seek whatever Sabrina had mentioned.

The tribe was concerned about their spiritual leader leaving but wouldn't make an attempt to stop him and so Harald traveled alone for the first time the lands. It took years for him without even finding a trace of what he was searching for but deep inside he knew that something was wrong. With every year passed he felt the Spiritual energy inside him getting weaker and that was a great concern. Had the spirits really abandon the tribe or had something happened to them? A question Harald had no answer for.

He was now in his late 20s and arrived for the first time in Rivermill. Even though he had now seen a lot of settlements in the world and heard stories about this place the sight of it impressed him. It was a blooming town with dozens of people around him. Just as he entered through the main gate, he felt that this place had something that he was searching for. He just followed this feeling through the cities until he came to a place with a big tree. His eyes fall onto this humanoid person even though there were features about her that made it clear that she wasn't a human. He had never seen someone like her, but all of his feelings guided him to her. He decided to take it slow and settled down on a bench near enough so he could observe her. Was she the problem or the solution that whatever is happening to the world.
Rivermill was enchanted. The bustling citadel had the essence of magic surrounding it. Chrysantheme Herself make sure to keep the city safe and warded. It was just a precaution though luckily no one ever tried to take it. It has grown exponentially overtime and even the people had remnants of her Elvin blood with many women with green eyes like her own. Even though her own son did not show much elvin ancestry it came out through his children. Through his children’s children. It was no surprise that the women of this city tend to have her emerald green eyes as a trademark.

The city was known for women to be green eyed. At least most of them and everyone thought it was just a rumor. Harald Wood see this with his own eyes and even the occasional children with blonde hair that littering the streets running around.

For now Chrysa sat quietly eating. She would get stares from the people of the city though no one would bother her, but they were friendly. Whispers were all around that one of the founders and blessings of the city had returned.
Her name was one of legends. Even though the pointy ears were not very common anymore the hair color and eyes were the one thing that stayed within the city.

“Hello!” A tiny blonde girl grabbed her attention grabbing her hand and kissing her knuckles something that was quite common in elf culture. This brought a smile to her face as she pulled the girl into her lap. This gesture made a few other kids go sit with her. “Where did you learn that little one?” The elder elf asked. This made the tiny girl chuckle and the other children giggle at the sight. “My mama told me. Can I have some grapes?” The tiny little girl who was around seven or eight pointed to her grapes and Chrysa offered all of them whatever she had and share her food. It was rare to see her happy little girls hair touching the golden locks that came from her side of the family. It was a nice little site with her and three little children from the city.

This place was peaceful and calm. Riverdale was known to be a place that was kind and stayed out of trouble. No one attempted to attack it especially since if they did they were rumors that someone with a great magical ability would seek revenge if anything happened to the sacred land.

She did take notice of someone who did not belong. Those emerald green eyes of hers took note it said nothing. She did not want to scare the children or alarm them. For now It was her time to observe him. What he did notice was she would puff out a calming nonthreatening aura. Calming even. It was something that would calm the children and keep them happy and let the visitor know that she was not going to harm him if he was susceptible to magic. To she honest she had no idea. In a way she was testing him. Trying to see if he would react.

All he would get with her enjoying time with the inhabitants of the city she loved. Eventually little children got their fill of snacks and fruits giving her a hug and setting off running off to play a game even after trying to beg her to join. Only one she was not alone she was finished eating and save some.

“Welcome to Rivermill. All are welcome here. We live in peace and harmony here. What brings you here stranger?” Chrysantheme decided to break the still air and call out to him. Most towns and cities would run off anyone who didn’t belong; but not here. This was one of the few places that was welcoming and inviting and she was more curious about why he decided to sit so close and watch. It was her curious nature that led her to settle down and make a life here. If he proved to be trouble she would defend her home but for now she had to find out whether he was a friend or a foe.
Harald didn't notice the explicit green eyes and other elvish features. His mind was way too occupied with finding the source of whatever made his body tingle. And so, he was sitting there right now watching the woman and see how she interacted with the children. She seemed kind and the children appeared to like her. It was almost like Sabrina was when she teaches the children of the tribe. A painful but heartwarming memory. Harald tried to avoid all memories of his dead wife, but he couldn't help himself but to see the resemblance in the situation. That was not the right time for sadness since he had to figure out if this woman was really the source of what he was looking for.

From time to time, he let his eyes a little wander and noticed a squirrel in the trees who was peacefully hiding hist nuts in the tree. The birds were singing their songs together while picking up small crumbs of leftovers from the floor. This place didn't appear evil in any way if Animals were still here. Every animal was way more deceptive to magical auras than humans and they would have run if anything bad was close by.

Still in his own emotions Harald didn't spot the calming Aura of Chrysantheme directly and it needed a while before he felt the warm embrace himself. He couldn't believe it at first that he found a magic user outside of his tribe. Sure, he had heard stories but the spirits themselves told him that nobody uses magic in the same way as his tribe. Now he understood that this only meant that not everyone was dependent on blessings from the spirit, and he didn't quite know what to think about. Did that mean that she was misusing the wonders of nature and robbed the spirits of their power? Was there some other kind of force that enabled her to cast magic? He was at least now sure that this woman had even more about her then the first look gave away.

The children left her after a while, and he listened to her voice. He was long enough the leader of his village to know that she understood that he didn't belong here. His next step would determine if he would be seen as a thread or not. Without a word Harald stood up from his bench. His pure size was taller than the most humans. With his two meters in height, he looked intimidating to the most humans around him and his muscular body from the work in the woods did its rest. With heavy steps he came closer and closer towards the girl at the tree. He didn't know the common gestures of this town, so he decided to just wing it. He put a hand over his heart and bowed slightly in front of her. "My name is Harald and I seek what weakens the magic in the world. My senses have guided me towards you, and I try to figure out why." Maybe he was more honest about his reason than he should've been but there was also no real point in hiding why he was here.
Left alone her eyes more focused trying to read this visitor. No magic was used to try and get a read off of him either. All she did was watch. On occasion she’d hold her hand out with bits of bread to allow the small sparrows to fly closer and take the offerings from her. They eagerly took the treats. It a way this was letting the stranger know silently that she wasn’t going to cast any defensive magic on him by occupying one of her hands.

The other hand rested on her leg as she sat on the ground. Her dress was nothing too extravagant. Sleeveless, green and falling just a bit above her knees with a belt. Brown boots up to her calves with matching arm covers. She was dressed for movement with the exception of her long blonde hair that flowed freely well past her waist and laying in a pool on the grassy ground. The traveler seemed distracted but it was no reason to be defensive. Perhaps he was weary and nothing more.

Once the birds finished the crumb offering her right hand lowered to rest on her lap. The squirrels were now beginning to pester Chrysantheme and causing her to look away from the towering visitor only to offer them pieces of her own half eaten bread which they hastily took and ran off chittering with happiness.

He made his way to her and she did speak though normally she’d continue, but in order not to overwhelm him she left a proper pause so she wouldn’t intimidate him by continual chatter. It threw her off with how tall he was. Even she let out a small gasp not out of fear but surprise. Elves were usually tall, but she was smaller than the average noble though he couldn’t see that since she remained sitting.

Composing herself with a small clearing of her throat she watched his greeting bowing her head in acknowledgement before taking in every word. The children running around the streets did take notice and a few of them ran off being scared by someone they didn’t know. Their whispers of giant and beast could be heard by both though it was comforting to hear a nearby both tell them to not be rude to a guest of Lady Chrysantheme. Her name was still known in the city and the fact that they seemed to be engaged in talk calmed any passersby.

Herald’s greeting was a standard one recognized by all who did business. From tribes to factions and nobility and royalty is was a sign of communication. Her pointy ears twitched taking in each word and most importantly his name and reason. Once he finished it was only then she stood. Chrysantheme was not very tall falling around 150 centimeters which was tiny for a species known for being tall, but all species did have anomalies and just because she was small and petite that didn’t make her any less or lacking in her abilities.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you traveler Harald. I’m Chrysantheme, Guardian of Rivermill.” She paused letting him absorb the information she just gave him. He mentioned magic and that made her pointy ears twitch with interest. She knew other magic users existed but with his look and statute she would not have even guessed that he was one. “That is an interesting thing to say. The magic here is not weak. It’s still strong. Subtle, but strong.” It was a concern when he mentioned he was seeking what was weakening magic in the world.

“I find your words interesting. Where do you hail from Harald of beyond Rivermill. Tell me traveler are you hungry. I can offer you food and drink at the pub. If we are to discuss your worry it may be best to do it inside and with food and drink.” She was guessing that he may be hungry but even she didn’t want to make anyone here worry if they overheard him mention weakening magic even if Rivermill was not experiencing anything at the moment she didn’t wish to cause any mass hysteria without any proof behind it. That and she didn’t recognize his accent but maybe the barkeep would. Of course she was fine with talking but it was always important to be alert and prepared just in case especially when she wanted to protect her home, decedents and people.
Harald was surprised as she introduced herself as the Guardian of Rivermill. Even though he wasn't quite sure what this title exactly brought with it. Was she just a kind of soldier for this city? Was she a political figure? A spiritual guide like him. That was something he had to figure out in the conversation with her. Of course, he was aware that it might sound disrespectful if he asked her what that meant since it showed his lack of knowledge about this kind of civilization.

He closed his eyes upon her words that the magic hadn't weakened here. With deep breaths he tried to feel the spirits of nature I this region, but his calls were unheard. Harald had no doubt now that she drew her powers from other sources than spirits. With disappointment he opened his eyes again. Now he was curious about how this girl was able to speak magic without feeling the spirits around her.

Of course he hadn't eaten too well on his travels. When he was on the way he hunted for food but only enough to stay alive. It seemed disrespectful for him to take too much from forests that weren't his own and just take what he really needed. So, the offer to go into a pub seemed very inviting. "I humbly accept your invitation" he said while again bowing slightly in front of her to show his gratitude. "I don't have any money; I hunt normally for what I need. Not matter if its cloth or food. My tribe lives a month of travel away from here, in a forest protected by our spirits. I assume you understand that I can't tell you the direct location of our settlement to prevent intruders from finding us." For his last sentence his voice got way more serious.

The protection of his village still had priority over everything else. It was already a risk that he had left but he could never allow a random stranger to find their place just because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. His tattoos already gave a lot away from where he was since it was tradition that certain landscapes and historic moments were part of their bodies. In his case since he was born in the year of the earth spirit it was a tale about a volcanic eruption and the incredible long time the forest needed to recover. The tattoos were infused with magic and as long a magic user paid attention to it you could read the story like a book.

"Please I would be grateful if you lead the way to the pub" he said now way more friendly. He felt the need to show that his previous seriousness was not meant as an offense. Harad tip toed around way more than he usually did with his people. The most humans in other towns and villages were easily aggravated and hostile as soon as they didn't get the answers they wanted. He already looked different from them and so he had learned in a short amount of time to fake a smile if it was necessary.
To be fair she didn’t appoint herself the guardian of this city; the people did. Chrysantheme was more of a watcher, but when romance bloomed between herself and Gideon so long ago when more beasts roamed the lands she was more active. Slaying beasts, dragons, demons and joining forces with the nobility of Rivermill. Gideon sang of her and the lands victories. The prince of olden Rivermill even asked for her hand in marriage. To his dismay she refused and was broken-hearted when she wed Gideon. Even with his unrequited love he still appointed her as guardian of the land which she tried to refuse such a title, but it stuck. It was easier to introduce herself as that as years went on the legend of her protective nature spread through the land through song.

Watching the newcomer though her eyes drifted to his tattoos and she didn’t realize she was staring at them. At the stories sh wanted to ask about them, but it wasn’t the time or place. The elf snapped out of it when h hum it accepted her invitation to the pub. Nodding she would still listen and when he mentioned having no money. “You need not worry about that. Join me. Your payment shall be to tell me a tale. Something worth passing on through song. Is that a fair exchange?” He didn’t know it but it was something her husband always did and it was a way to carry on his memory and others.

“As long as you do not bring trouble to my home I won’t seek out where your tribe is. I don’t go out looking for trouble to disturb others as long as you don’t bring it here. Follow me.” With that she’d start walking without looking back. The tavern wasn’t a far and easily seen in the distance. Ushering him in it was deceiving from the outside and the inside was spacious.
Once inside there were others there. It was bustling and the servers were busy bringing food though the main person behind the bar looked far from human. Bearded and short with bright red hair he was filling beers and chatting up customers until he saw Chrysantheme he lit up like the fair was in town.

“Lady Chrysantheme! Oh you’re back! I’ve missed you. The passage of time makes the heart grow fonder. Tell me everything over mead…you brought a friend back? This is new….” He began looking the new guest over then back to Chrysantheme. “You never change Muval. I love that you don’t. What’s on the menu today?” She asked as Muval set out a beer for the new customer and honey mead for Chrysantheme.

The tiny elf didn’t wait for Muval to answer before looking back at Harald. “Order what you want. Same for the drinks. Have you ever had a beer before?” She didn’t mean to seem uncultured but she has no idea about him or his culture. While she didn’t notice maybe Harald did since Muval kept staring at his tattoos with curiosity, but not saying a thing just staring. The tall stranger was making him nervous but he would not dare say that in front of the guardian of the city and his dear friend.

“On the menu we have venison and vegetables. I can easily make a Shepard’s pie. I know you love that.” Muval offered and Chrysantheme smiled and nodded. “I’d love that. What sounds good? You can pick anything if you don’t like either. Muval is a great cook.” That compliment made Muval blush as Chrysantheme waited to hear Harald’s choice.
While he followed the Chrysantheme he didn't keep his eyes on her. Yes, she was friendly and welcomed him, but something still strikes him as odd. His senses had led him to her and despite that she claims not to know anything about the missing spirits and the weakening magic. Something was off but he would play along as long he had too to find out what was behind all that. Also, a meal that he only had to tell a tale for didn't sound too bad. "A tale you will get, I promise." He said in his deep and grumbly voice. "I won't cause trouble to this town as long it has nothing to do with the missing spirits" It was a thread and reassurance at the same time. As long she and the citizens were innocent, he had no interest in causing trouble.

The inside of the pub was almost overwhelming for Harald. Sure, the festivals of his tribe were wild, but a pub had a totally different atmosphere. It was loud and many voices were talking about so many different topics. Waitresses were running from table to table and occasionally you heard a glass shatter on the floor followed by loud laughs and angry expressions from the waitress. Normally these kinds of people that he drank with were his family and friends. Now he was surrounded by a lot of strangers without knowing the rules of their society very well. Only what he had picked up on the way.

He looked at the dwarf and followed the brief conversation between him and the other magician. It seems like they know each other. "I prefer mead, normally we ferment our own at home. Mead is a gift of the forest." Harald wasn't insulted by her question. She couldn't know what he liked or disliked and something like rude questions didn't really exist in his tribe. He himself was only holding back with his own questions because he had faced on his travels already many humans who got hostile by the simplest questions.

Harald could feel the eyes of the dwarf lingering on his tattoos. That was not the first time that happened but since Chrysamtheme was interested in a tale anyway he already had an idea now for the perfect fit. "I would take something simple. I don't know the names of your dishes. Give me some meat and vegetables and I'm satisfied" he said to the dwarf with a big smile "And while we eat, I can tell you where these tattoos come from" Harald said while winking at the dwarf.
Harald didn’t have her worried as she led him. This was her dominion and the people there didn’t fear her. They welcomed her back even if the original ones were no longer in Rivermill. Little did her guest know that she didn’t rely on spirits at all. It was interesting to her though the idea of spirits sounded like a dream. Who was she to judge?

A tale was promised and that caused the small elf to grin which caught Muval’s watchful eyes. “I didn’t think I’d see you smile so soon. I guess you do get happy when things go your way. It’s good to see you in a better mood.” He commented and looked over the tall tattooed stranger. Though that kind of a grin faded when she caught very loaded words that made her look pensive. Falling silent even the oblivious dwarf finally picked up on the mood change. “Sprits I know nothing off. It’s not very kind of you to give veiled threats when all proper Magog users don’t rely on spirits. It’s an old folk tale at best. I know nothing of your tribe so I can’t speak on what you’re looking for, but anyone who uses magic or can channel magic they use mana.” Her voice was soft but stern. She didn’t like the way it sounded like he was upset at her home. For now ate let it go since she was more than curious about the spirits that kept being brought up. Muval noticing her body language with a thud placed two steins of honey mead before the pair. “Toast and be merry! I’ll check on the food. I’ll make sure it’s good. Play nice.” With that he left them for a moment only to make sure his workers would make sure things were getting made and that the new giant would get an extra serving too. After all hospitality was a good thing!

Harald’s deduction was correct. They knew each other and it seemed like they had known each other for quite sometime. Muval returned with two plates of mutton and vegetables and sat it before the pair.

His attention was on the pair curious about what he was going to say. “You’ve outdone yourself! This looks amazing! I hope you like mutton.” Muval laughed off off her compliments and even blushed. It was endearing how he acted around Chrysa. The funny thing was she didn’t even notice.

With food before them the red headed dwarf was now more invested. “So tell me a tale it’s been a while.” With that she was quiet before picking up her cutlery and digging in, When Muval had them settled he got himself a beer. The tattooed man was now focused on him and he perked up giving him his full attention as he stroked his full red beard, “This is mutton with green beans, potatoes and parsley. A pretty simple dish but popular. Have you ever eaten mutton?” He was making conversation at the curious elf watched. she was curious about how he would talk to the barkeep. Muval at the link returned it in kind. The interaction itself was amusing and she wasn’t going to stop it though she did a giggle to herself. “I’ve never seen one with so many markings. I look forward to hearing about them. I’m eager to listen when you wish to talk.” Chrysantheme finally interjected.
Harald patiently observed the interaction between the dwarf and the elf. He couldn't help himself but to think if the dwarf had a crush on her. At least he seemed a little more excited about seeing her than he would expect. Now for the first time he looked at Chrysamtheme in a way where he would try to see her unique type. She was definitely pretty and she might be around 20, Harald thought but something about her seemed old and wounded. Like someone who had endured great pain and was marked by it. He would ask her about it but he promised her a tale first.

As his plate arrived, he could not help but breathe deeply through his nose. It was a delicious smell and even though he enjoyed the food at home this was something different. He could feel the salvia in his mouth and the urge to eat it as fast as he can. Without saying a word, he used the fork to take a big piece of meat and shoved it in his mouth. While still chewing he answered "No, never had mutton. We normally eat mostly rabbits and deer". He swallowed the way to big piece of meat down with a satisfied smile on his lips. "That tastes amazing." Another bite disappeared into his mouth with extraordinarily little manners.

"I promised you a tale" he said before he took a big sip out of his cup. "Let me tell you about where these tattoos come from. Our folk sadly doesn't deliver how long ago it was but after a big war between humans a few people decided to abandon civilized life and tried to find peace in the woods. The most of these people were traumatized by the war and lost many of their family member. Years went by and where once was a meadow there was not a small settlement of wooden cabins and new childish laughter. Every day before they went to sleep, they sat around the fire and thanked the woods for their protection and for the gift of peace. But as it is human nature, peace was only on borrowed time. A vast group of bandits attacked the settlement, plundered, raped, and killed many of them. In their despair they turned once again to the woods and asked for protection and help and offered in return to live in peace and harmony with the woods. Their prayer was to their own surprise answered. In their sleep their bodies started to form tattoos. Everyone had unique symbols and branches suddenly on there skin and with every day they kept expanding and changing."

Harald turned his back to the Elf and the dwarf and slightly lifted his shirt. where suddenly his black tattoos changed into a slight blue. It was like Ivy that moved in the wind and started to form other symbols and then slowly calmed down and went back to the black color.

"These tattoos tell our stories in a way how they are readable for the spirits. You two are now part of my personal story that the spirits will listen to. Time went by but soon my tribe discovered that the spirits had given us more than just these tattoos. Like it was nothing we were able to create fire with our will and protect the ones with love with just a prayer. They gave us the gift of magic and with that the power to protect ourselves and the forest. The most skilled and blessed of us like me were able to see the spirits like they were normal living being's and if you were born with the praise of the spirit you could communicate with your ancestors once a year when the wall to the afterlife is thin."

He told his tale while constantly taking bites and sips of his food and drink. Pauses that he always tried to keep short and so he swallowed most of the time without really chewing and with way to huge sips of his mead. And so, his drink was already empty has he finished his tale.
He had no idea how right he was. Muval Did have a bit of a crush on Chrysamtheme so it was easy to see it was very one-sided. Either she knew and ignored it or she was completely blind it was hard to tell which at the time. Even though she looked so young it was hard for people to believe that she was well past a thousand years old and still had much life in her. When she began to eat Muval wpuld steal glances at her. His eyes with link or just long enough on her but would make sure she wouldn’t catch him.

Upon mentioning the promised tale both gave their attention though she continued to eat while paying attention. When he began to explain his tattoos she would stop eating completely and focus on him and even though it was just for his story the door for looked a bit annoyed only because her full attention was on someone else. These tattoos were not just for decoration they were a story. A living story. It was an interesting way to record history and she never met anyone like this. Around these parts tattoos were not very popular or even part of their culture but she had seen similar things in her travels though this was completely different from anything she ever came across. It didn’t make sense since he said his village is very hidden and people rarely if ever never found it.

Chrysamtheme Was captivated by his words but when he turned his back to both of them to reveal his tattoos under his shirt they began to glow and the look on her face was shock and awe. “ It’s like a book except it’s on you… how do you make them move?” This was the kind of Magic the elf had never come in contact with. She had been all over but it’s one bit of magic that did not feel realv. Without thinking she reached out but before she would actually touch it she brought her hand back and controlled herself. Muval was a silent listener. It was the blonde elf that was asking the most questions.

“Since We are a part of your personal story how do we go on there? He could see that she looked intrigued as she was wondering how she and Muval would be placed there but she figured it might be magic though she was curious about the process.

Muval being as observant as he was removed the empty Stein and placed it with a new one full of meat by the empty plate. Chrysa still had quite a bit of food left. She still was staring at his tattoos but she would not eat bites and sneak peek at it again. Her food was have eaten, but that was a good sign since that meant she was interested. “Are you still famished? You’re always welcome more it wouldn’t be right to let you go hungry. How far have you traveled? That doesn’t mean tell me where you’re villages just give me a guess. Why didn’t you stop in other villages most people around here are kind but then again it’s tough to guess.” No it was her turn to start asking questions since her curiosity is piqued. “I’ve never heard about spirits to tell you the truth. Elves don’t have stories like that. Can you tell me more about them?” Her ears to the cute little wiggle that they always did when she was interested in something which made the door behind the bar let out a hearty laugh.

“Why am I not surprised this caught your attention. Though I might be able to give your curiosity a gift.” Muval was acting a bit jealous trying to keep her attention and it caused you to look at him and tilt her head to the side. What he did Max was reach under the bar fumbling for something he had hidden as he pulled out a dark brown scroll wrapped with small ribbon. He helped out obviously doing this on purpose to get her attention away from the new visitor. It was something males dead trying to keep the attention of someone they liked but this worked and she held her hand to see if he would give it to her.

He did. “ You see we get travelers through here on every so often and I asked a favor. Go on open it.” His eyes sparkled and waited when she looked at the rolled papyrus. Her eyes went wide and she looked up at him and gave him a big smile. “I’ve Never seen a spell like this before how did you find it. “ he had successfully stolen her focus from Harald And when he did so he looked at him and gave him a smug look thinking that he had won this little game of keeping Chrysamtheme‘s attention.
Harald felt overwhelmed by all the questions the Elf was asking but before he had even a fair chance to answer the dwarf handed Chrysantheme a scroll. She called it a spell which would mean that this piece of paper had something to do with magic. It confused him then even if he would try, he couldn't write down a single of his own spells. When he casts magic, it wasn't words or anything like it. His whole power came from the depth of his hard and emotions. The spirits simply made it possible to give his emotions a form in the form of spells. He wasn't even sure if he could believe what he saw here.

Curious Harald moved closer toward the Elf to get a better look at the scroll. Their bodies almost touched, and Harald didn't even notice that since his mind was totally occupied by the piece of paper in front of the Elf. Nothing that was written there was in any form understandable for the spiritual leader. It almost seemed like that as longer he looked at the scroll the more his vision became worse. He could feel how slowly was about to blackout. Harald looked away with pinched eyes. It took a few seconds before he would open then again and stared with a shocked expression on his face at the Elf.

"What is this piece of unnatural chaos?" His voice was trembling like he had seen a demon in front of his eyes. Something dangerous and forbidden. His tattoos all over his body started increasingly to turn towards the color red. Something that he had never experienced before. He didn't understand what was going on and looked around his arms to see how the red coloring was slowly overshadowing the black of his tattoos. It all just took a few seconds and then suddenly his vision came fully back and the tattoos turned into their common black. 3

To gather his nerves, he took the refilled mug from the counter and emptied it with just a few big swallowing motions. "I have the feeling you and I have a lot to talk about" he said seriously and less lighthearted than a few moments ago. "How about we make a deal. I answer all of your questions if you answer mine" he said not intrigued to understand what had happened. Maybe it was just a random incident because of the disappearing spirits, or it had actually to do something with the scroll itself. He took a deep breath. "I will start to answer what you asked before we got interrupted. I don't make my tattoos move; it happens on their own. It's some ancient magic cast by the spirits on everyone of my tribe. So, they keep track of all of us. You are part of these tattoos now because you are somehow more important than you might think. The spell decides on its own what is important and what not. I stopped at a few villages on the way here but the most people were afraid of me, so I never stayed longer then necessary and in a whole I traveled a month. I started walking by sunrise and went to sleep when the sun was already down."

His tone was still quite stiff because of his recent experience with his tattoos. "The spirits are something that was here before everything else was created. They live in the trees, the stone and everything else that is around us. It is quite concerning that I haven't seen a single spirit in this town so far. That is not a good sign." He said with a foreboding voice. "Even though humans can't see them they protect life on this world. Do you have heard about the war that lasted 50 years and how it ended because both armies were killed in a landslide? That was something the spirits had done to stop this war. If a traveler gets lost in the woods and suddenly see a small light that leads them back to the road then this was a spirit looking out for them."
What she was looking at was something She could read and decipher. The Scroll had circles And written in an ancient language that she had studied and had been passed down through elves and other older generations. Muval was quite pleased until he saw how the new visitor was reacting. When he looked over he would see what seem to be growing and it was emitting magic and Chrysantheme was reacting to it as her own mana was flickering with excitement.

For her, elves do not believe in spirits but nature in the power of the world perhaps that was their own take on the spirits but they didn’t call it that. They did have the goddess, a female entity that gave them all power in the manner that they needed from within. She was trained to harness such power from a young age; all elves were. All creatures could use mana but it would take training especially for humans to even learn the control.

Harold moved close enough to touch her and with her focus elsewhere until it wasn’t and the physical contact made her jump slightly and put space between them. Even Muval looked defensive just because he saw the stranger make contact with her but didn’t say a thing only placed a hand on the axe on his belt.

“What is more unnatural are your markings.” She retorted which it was true since she never seen anyone like him or his tattoos. She had read nothing about tribes with tattoos so Harald himself was a mystery. Not even the magic radiating the festive pub no one took no notice at all. Chrysantheme was more annoyed at his accusations but didn’t let it show. “You may ask your questions, but answer mine first. You are in my home. You are a guest here. Don’t forget that. I’m letting you keep your land a secret and for all I know you might bring trouble here” it was rare to see her so serious as she rolled up that scroll and keeping it close.

“It looks like I’ll be staying for longer than my usual visit Muval. Can you arrange my usual room?” She asked before he chose to speak out. “ if you’re staying for longer you have a lovely home. We always keep it up just for you. I’ve even planted sunflowers up there I know how you like them.” Muval was trying his best to be supportive but the elf shook her head no. “ As much as I appreciate the gesture I’d like to stay here. It’s close to everything and I’d like to keep an eye out so I’ll be here indefinitely.” Chrysantheme‘s Voice with soft and serious and a dwarf nodded. “As you wish my lady. You know the longer you stay The word will get back to the royals. I’ll keep in the day is long as you want but I can make no promises.” Muval was very protective but he never lied to her and kept her in the loop.

Once they both said their peace he sent someone to fix a room on the second floor of the Tavern that was well known for being her personal get away. “ If you have so many questions I assume you’ll be staying here I’ll have them make your room not far from mine.” For now she wanted to keep him close especially if you want to ask questions and she too desired answers. She didn’t even bother to ask if he would stay she implied it.

It was a pleasant surprise that he began to answer what she asked and now her focus was on him as she sipped her mead and Muval provided Harald with another figuring someone so big could handle their liquor. It was interesting to hear his travels and how he never stayed very long. It wasn’t a shock that most people were afraid of his tattoos especially since they weren’t something you seen often. When he mentioned how the spirits would add anything important she shrugged. “I would appreciate that you tell your spirits I don’t need to be added. I’m just looking after my home. I see no importance of you keeping that or keeping record of where I live since I have no idea where you live. It’s not a fair trade. I don’t find that fair at all especially if your spirits take something without giving something in return.” She was serious about that since she figured maybe he was taking out of her home and that made it so she would have to stay even longer than she planned to protect it to make sure nothing bad came of his visit. There was no fear in her voice only a protective tone.

She went back to eating and focusing on her food and drink before she would finally say. “ I would appreciate it if you stayed here for a bit until I figure out if you are truly a threat or not especially with how do you speak of spirits that I have no idea how they work or if you’ve put my home in grave danger by just being here.” He couldn’t blame her for being protective. She figured he might understand why she was being over protective and cautious considering what he just told her she figured he would have a map or something to get back here and now she was going to make sure he wasn’t gonna bring someone or send anyone back here to do any harm.

He continue to speak more about spirits and she took in what she could but honestly she didn’t understand it. Spirits were not something elves thought about. “Yes i’ve heard about the war but I wasn’t in the area when it happened and it was pretty far from here. I don’t understand the spirit you talk about but my people protect ourselves in those we care about using Mana. I have no issues with what you believe but everyone here and around these parts believe in a different sort of magic and your tattoos I don’t understand how they work I just need to be reassured that they will not work against us.” She spoke like a leader even though she was not a queen or princess this city believed in her. “ i’ve traveled through the woods but I’ve never noticed what you speak of perhaps your parents just don’t talk to elves. I’ll try to answer your questions as best I can but now I’m curious what are you? You’re quite big but you don’t look like an orc especially not with a coloring. Can you at least tell me what you are? I’ve never seen a human that looked like you,” her curiosity was back but she at least let him know that he could ask questions and as long as she can answer she would try if they weren’t too personal or put her home in danger.
"Thank you" Harald said as he retrieved another filling of his mug. Without waiting he took another huge sip, not even feeling the slightest impact of the alcohol. He realized that Chrysanthemes words were serious but not necessarily hostile. If he were in her shoes, he would speak quite the same. That people here didn't know that spirits existed was not surprising for him. It was a rare gift even in his tribe to see them, the other ones simply believed that they existed. "You want something in return from the spirits" he said with a quite challenging tone and started to stick his hand into his pocket to find something in there. It was a tiny totem that looked like a rabbit and put it on the counter in front of the Elf. "That is a totem of the moon spirit. Mostly for healing and we use it so children learn to control there power. Kids often lose control over their abilities, and this helps them to funnel them into a certain direction." His tone changed halfway from his challenging undertone to a more friendly attitude.

The effects from looking at the scroll took a toll on him. He felt weaker and slightly tired. "Look I don't want to fight. I understand that I'm an outsider and yes, I'm planning to stay for a while. Afterall something leads me to you, and I want to figure out why." As soon as he had seen the Elf, he knew he would stay if she wanted it or not. The spirits had somehow guided him to her, and he wouldn't let a chance pass to figure out what that meant. "What do you mean what am I? I'm a human like you" he said without knowing that she was an elf.

His tribe had never seen anything else than humans. Orcs, dwarfs, Elves were all completely unknown to him and even if he had met them, he still just thought of them as humans with interesting unique features. Not even Harald himself knew how long his tribe lived in these Woods since he was born there and just got all his knowledge from the other people in the village. "Is there a place where I can sleep? Of course, if it is too much trouble, I will simply put my tent outside the town." He asked me to make it even clearer that he would stay. He still had no money for a room at the Tavern and so he had no problems to sleep outside.

The tattoos on his arms still gave him a tingling feel. A slight burn even and but he kept quit about it. The Elf had already started to see his tattoos as possible threads and he didn't want to encourage that thinking even further. That was even more true since he didn't even understand himself why they acted out when he looked at the scroll.
The dwarf was very good at making sure people are served and happy especially in a tavern. If they weren’t happy fights would break out. Rivermill Was usually best place even though people had squabbled and even more so when alcohol was involved. Chrysantheme was sipping on her drink not drinking it too fast even though she would not get drunk she wanted to have a clear head. Muval knew exactly what she liked and placed some sweet treats before her that were the color of strawberries that were baked buns. “ How did you know I want to these?” She asked as the dwarf raised his hand behind his head and let out a chuckle. “You’ve always had a sweet tooth Milady. When I heard you were back in town they had them make fresh ones. It even has strawberry jam inside.” Even though he wanted this only to be for her he put some right in front of the visitor because it was good to be hospitable.

She was very happy he didn’t take her words as hostility but she had to protect her home and she wanted him to make sure he knew that. To be honest she had no idea if Harald could provide anything from the spirit he spoke of but he did! It was a small totem like a rabbit and it really and treat her as she tilted her head to the side letting her bright emerald green eyes focus on it. The more she focused felt like she was getting a headache as she placed one hand to her temples and Muval looked worried. The elf shook it off. Tossing her long blonde hair back and forth. She close her eyes for a minute but said nothing she would not touch the totem yet. Something was off but she would not say what it was.

“I appreciate it. Thank you. This is something I’ve never seen before.” She silently gave a nod to her dwarf barkeep to let him know everything was alright. The different sort of power made her uneasy, But she refrain from speaking. The elf’s focus went back to his tattoos. They did glowing but she didn’t know how to explain it. Chrysantheme was going to ask something else but then he mentioned how he did not want to fight. “I do not wish to fight either especially not in my home but…” she would’ve continued but he said something that really threw her off and when he said she was human the dwarf behind the bar broke out into a loud hearty laugh.

“HUMAN!?!? AHAHAHA! Traveler you must be a court jester! Dare I ask you what do you think I am? Look at her ears my boy! Humans don’t got those!” He was full out roaring in laughter as Chrysantheme looked good bit embarrassed as she turned red. “Be nice. I don’t blame him for not knowing what I am. To be fair…. there aren’t many of us anymore….I’m no human. I’m an elf. I have a feeling your village never saw any of my kind. Rivermill is an exception to many places. This is a kingdom where else territory and human territory is so mixed I think you can help but become very much intertwined here.” She honestly could’ve continued but she did not in the poor dwarf was still laughing so hard he poured himself a stein of beer and gulped it down. “If I am completely honest…. a human With your markings I’ve only seen in one ancient text. No more and no less you are just as big of a mystery to me as I am to you.” She spoke the truth but did not linger on what her species was not finding it that important.

She did her best to calm down her friend but when he mentioned a place to sleep she nodded. “Here is an option. The second floors have rooms but also we have a lovely inn. Do you have a preference I think I’m gonna stay here even though I have a home I think I prefer the tavern.” When she said that Muval calmed his laughter and nodded happily. He was more than happy to have her closer than usual even if it was in a different room.

“You I guessed here and it would not look nice to have you sleeping outside when we have rooms available don’t worry about money just let them know you were under my care and no one will ask you for coin.” Those piercing green eyes went to his tattoos again before she finally asked. “Why do they glow? I’ve only seen mushrooms at night grow but never markings on skin. Is it painful?” Her curiosity was getting the better of her and she wanted to know more.
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Harald observed the interaction between the dwarf and the elf. It became now blatantly obvious that the dwarf had far more intentions than just hospitality and he couldn't help himself but smile about it. Of course, he had seen how young members of his tribe tried to get the attention of someone they found attractive, and it always looked as helpless as the dwarf acted when the other part wasn't interested. The worst part is that they wouldn't stop until they found a new person of interest that they could pursue and hopefully with success this time.

Harald took one of the strawberries formed snack between his fingers and turned it around. Even though Mulval might be hopeless when it comes to love but Harald definitely admired his skill in making food. It looked pretty and that was something his tribe never cared about. Not in his dreams he would've thought about that someone would bother to make something look like a strawberry only because it looks pretty. He couldn't deny though that he enjoyed this weird and harmless idea and put it in his mouth. The flavor was rich and sweet. Even almost too sweet for the man who mostly lived from that what the forest provided him with. Of course, he had eaten jelly before but never that full of flavor. With still food in his mouth, he said "That stuff is amazing."

He was glad that Chrysantheme accepted his gift and was quite interested in it. But his happiness was interrupted by the loud laughter of Muval. "I also thought you are a human" he said way more frustrated than he intended too. Almost ready to jump over the table and grab the little dwarf, but his nerves calmed very quickly as soon as the Elf jumped to his defense. "What exactly is an Elf" he asked curiously. He still didn't understand why this was a big enough thing to laugh about that much. "Where I'm from there are a lot of people with my kind of markings. My tribe has around 200 people and I'm their spiritual leader." There was proudness in his words. Being the Spiritual Leader was the biggest honor you could have under his people. Nobody would ever doubt his word and his word was the law even though his role was only appointed due to his connection to the spirits and not because of actually great deeds.

"I would prefer a room close to yours since I feel like we have a lot to talk about." This was his true intention. It would make things easier if they were close by and he could see why the spirits wanted him to find her. But there was a second reason. Harald wanted some revenge on the dwarf for his laughter and thought that maybe this would make him a little jealous. Maybe he felt even a little bad for the dwarf, but he couldn't resist the urge to get back to him for laughter.

He looked down on the tattoos on his arms. For the time being they stayed in their usual black and the tingling feeling also slowly started to fade away. "Its magic cast by a spirit. Every child that is born comes with its first mark." He turned his neck a little and pointed to a spot that was the origin of his tattoos. "Some of us like me are covered all over our body with it. Others have just partially covered bodies. It depends on how important your history is important for them to preserve. On our skin is the history of our tribe and how we contributed towards the world. As more you do the more tattoos you have. Nobody without magical abilities can read them and even then, it can be hard to read them correctly." He moved his hand closer towards the Elf showed her his palm. "Run your fingers along it and concentrate on what your mind shows you." He said encouraging her to see a slight glimpse into his past. Or at least to see if she had the ability to read his tattoos. Their magic was quite different, but it had to overlap in what they can do.

He picked a specific memory for her to explore if she chooses to. It was the birth of his daughter and all the happy emotions that ran through them together with a picture of his wife's fatigued smile. She would see how the tribe members were waiting outside the cabin to celebrate with songs and music the birth of a new child in there tribe. All of them covered in similar tattoos as Harald.
The reaction between the pair it was obvious that the elf didn’t react to his advances. Chrysantheme was oblivious and it was just how she was. That personality flaw gotten her in trouble years ago and she still has yet to learn. She was happily eating a sweet treat and he could tell it was one of her favorites especially with how she lingered on each bite. The dwarf had no idea how futile his a temps were with her. Muval Would eventually have to move on but right now his focus was all on her.

Muval was not happy about the gift but he couldn’t say anything and he found it amusing that he had no idea what they both were. Both were long lived creatures and he had hoped that Chrysantheme would eventually see him as an option. Luckily she was able to calm the laughing dwarf down so he wouldn’t be so rude to the guest. The thought that she was a human made her smile though she didn’t laugh at the mistake.

“Tell me stranger. How old do you think I am?” She asked as she lifted a finger to make sure Muval said nothing. He got the hint. She heard his question but figured when he heard her true she he might get the hint. Muval was not as old as she was but neither of them looked it. It was hard for the dwarf to understand that there were so many others sheltered not knowing the full range of creatures around though Chrysantheme knew and was trying to be as polite as possible.

Her focus was all on Harald even if she didn’t touch his gift and it made her feel a bit dizzy. He had so much to say and she needed to know more. He was a spiritual leader which she understood though his tribe was nothing like she had ever seen in person. The atmosphere was fine until when he mentioned wanting a room close to hers was when the small dwarf shot a glare at Harald that the blonde elf didn’t notice.

“I think the inn should be fine for him don’t you Milady?” It was clear he didn’t like that he wanted to be close to her even if walls separated them. “No it’s a good idea that he stays close to me. As much as the inn would be perfect o think it’s best for him to stay near me for his duration here. It’ll make everyone feel safer. It’s a good strategy.” Chrysantheme agreed and Muval nodded but the look on his face showed he wasn’t happy but he refused to disagree with the elf if his dreams.

Looking up her focus was on Harald and his markings as he explained further. “Even children have this?” Her question lingered but she didn’t press for an answer right away. “ Don’t they hurt the children?” Her curiosity was getting the better of her especially wondering about the markings. He said each of them had something different and he had more than most that probably explains why he was a leader. The dwarf had a feeling he was flirting with her but he could see nothing against it. The tattooed stranger asked her to run his fingers along his markings and he almost protested until he saw her reach out to do it. Chrysantheme’s fingers were as smooth as silk.

Hair green eyes closed as your fingers ran across his markings and he hurt her draw in a deep breath. She was getting something and she wasn’t sure if she could read them until she started getting a vision. They may have had different magic from different sources but she understood what was going on till the scene took a moment to register in her mind. The memory was something she could very much relate to and as she was visualizing what he was giving her when he got in return was a shock of her own memory back relayed to him.

he showed her a vision of the birth of his daughter and his wife And when he got back was a fission of her and her own youngest daughter with her husband holding her hand telling her to do her best. Her son was cheering on telling his mother to be strong. The link they both connected was the fact that they were both parents. Normally the memory of her son would’ve come first, but the site of his daughter and wife brought back memories of her own precious daughter.

If he picked up on her memory he would see the profession of her and her husband holding their second child while her son clenched her hand and snuggle up against her arm. If he watched her face he would see tears streaming down her cheeks. It was then he could see how much she understood and how her own magic reacted by sharing something in return for what he gave her.

It was very much in equivalent exchange and she eventually pulled her hand away bring it to her chest and clutching her heart. “I guess our magic is not too different…. I think it’s telling us we both shared something. You must really miss your wife and child on this journey. Hopefully you get your answers quickly so you can go home to them.” Chrysantheme had no idea his history but she figured he must miss his family as much as she misses tears even though they were no longer on this plane of existence.
Harald thought for a few minutes about the question of her age. His eyes wandered over her facial features and her body. She had a young face and definitely the figure of a young woman. His initial guess was that she would be around twenty but something in his mind told him that he was wrong. She spoke way to wise to be just twenty. In his tribe girls around that age where still in a certain way childish and in some moments only adults. "You look young and you're probably pursued out by many man" he started not knowing that this might be a rude comment "my initial thought tells me you're in your early twenties but my gut tells me that you're older than that. Maybe in your early thirties." In his mind there was no way that she might be even older than that and thirty was already a stretch.

Harald noticed the unpleasant face expression of Murval about the fact that Chrysantheme agreed to the idea that Harald would stay close to her. "I appreciate the hospitality Murval" he said with a big smile on his lips knowing that he had won this small battle. There was no real interest in the Elf that he would pursue but sometimes he couldn't help himself but to have a little fun. "I don't need much in my room, a bed and a blanket are enough."

"Yes, they are born with it. It is nothing we do to them. That is just a part of us." He said calmly trying to explain the difference between normal tattoos and this gift from the spirits. "It's a sign for us that the spirits have blessed us and are interested in our lives"

As she touched his hand a warmth comes through the spot of his tattoo. He could feel her soft fingertips and he felt the heat radiating from the tattoo that marked this specific memory. His eyes also started to close and tried to concentrate on the memory to give her easier access to it. Harald was for a moment in shock as a memory of her flooded back to him. He didn't know if he should fight it off or not but in the end he decided to let her memory in. It was heartwarming to see her together with her family. They seemed very happy together and her children were beautiful. As soon as the memory began they suddenly left him and he opened his eyes just starring into the eyes of the Elf. Harald needed a few seconds before he gathered his own voice to speak.

That a memory had flooded back had never happened before and was not even something he had heard off and even more this woman didn't even had tattoos. Something was extremely odd about it. "I think our magic interacts in a unique way" he said still baffled about what just happened.

His whole face expression changed suddenly when she mentioned his wife and daughter. He should have seen it coming that the Elf was asking about them or at least was making a commend about it and he felt stupid to even brought this topic up. In his eyes the sadness was written all over the place and even the most cruel person couldn't miss it. Harald tried his best to hold his tears back. "You know the most happy memories we have open on our body." His voice was filled with a certain sadness that only someone would understand who had traumatic experiences by himself. "Everything that broke our heart or that hurts us is always covered. So yes I miss them very much but at least I can speak to them once a year." The last part slipped accidentally out of his mouth. He just hoped she wouldn't understand the connection about the fact that he could speak with the death once per year and that his wife and child were dead. Even worse if she would ask how they died. How would someone trust someone who had to kill his own family.
Chrysantheme waited for a guess but he was both right and wrong. Looks she did stop at 20 and her physical form would leave her like that for centuries to come. The corners of her lips went up in a small grin shaking hey head. “I’m one thousand. In a six months or so ill Ms one thousand and aren’t wrong with the way I look. Elves slowly age from seventeen and now I finally look twenty. It doesn’t help that I lack the traditional height of my kind.” She would generously explain to Harald as Muval nodded knowing this information already. “I’m going to guess you are around thirty since you have a family.” Her curiosity was back and more focused on him.

Muval was trying to be kind even as he forced a smile for Harald. He didn’t like the idea of this newcomer getting close to her since he was still working up the courage to ask her to talk a stroll around the city. When his eyes went back go Chrysantheme they softened and became more caring and she didn’t even notice.

The traveler said he didn’t need much and even if Muval could make his stay miserable; he wouldn’t. “If she’s granted you a room here you’ll be comfortable. You needn’t worry about food or drink.” His voice was clear but it wasn’t as friendly to Harald though it was civil.

The whole talk of spirts was confusing but it captivated this curious elf. Her people never mentioned such things so this was complexly new. The whole exchange of memories had her reeling. In all honesty she had no idea she passed her own memories to Harald! She received his which triggered a wave of her own.

Chrysantheme even looked away once she moved her hand from his since his memory brought on a wave of her happy memories that moved her to silent tears leaking. Noticing his changes she sucked it up and turned to him. “You don’t have to say anything you aren’t comfortable with.” Her words were spoken from experience. His sadness registered but if his mind wasn’t too clouded he’d notice that she had a similar demeanor to his.

Their trauma came from different sources but the pain was still real. Silence filled the area with the three and Muval almost reached out to take her hand but stopped short. Chrysantheme looked up and blurted out without thinking. “What do you mean speak to them once a year?” She would’ve waited for an answer but the on sadness on her face was evident as she stood up quickly taking a cloth to wrap the gifted rabbit trinket up with and took the plate of sweets.

“Forgive me. Muval please show our guest around. I’m very tired. I think I need to take a rest. I hope you’ll join me for breakfast in the morning.” For now he was spared the hard questions but left with many more ad the elf decided she couldn’t listen to much more and took off to her room upstairs.

Muval was left with a grim look on his face before he would speak once Chrysantheme was out of sight.”What did you do? She never gets spooked like that. What did you show her.?” He went straight to the point as his dark eyes narrowed and he watched the tattooed human suspiciously. “Who sent you here? I refuse to believe it’s just fate. What’s your real story?” Now the interrogation would begin.
Of course it was a shock for Harald when she said she was about to turn one thousand years old in a few months. His mouth even opened a little in disbelief. How could someone even get that old. In a weird way his tribe already had a high life expectancy for humans. The average age was 120 years but this was due to the spirits who kept them alive and healthy before they would become one with the woods themselves. It was even strongly believed that his tribe could ascent after death and becoming a spirit themselves. He nodded at her statement that he is probably thirty "Yes you are correct. I'm thirty." Harald ignored the comment on his family since it was way too painful to speak about it and he didn't wanted to lie to her.

Haralds sadness was still written in his face and he knew that this interaction had brought up things they try not to think about. Of course it was his fault that this all happened in the first place but he didn't expected her to be so emotional about since he didn't knew her or her history. He tried to answer her but his words couldn't form fast enough in his throat before she was already gone leaving him alone with the dwarf who had now a grim expression.

Since Harald figured out that Mulval had a crush on the Elf he knew that seeing her so upset made Muval probably angry and that Harald just moments ago pushed his buttons by making him jealous didn't help the situation either. He let out a big sigh before starting to answer the interrogating questions of the dwarf. "I showed her the happiest moment of my life, the birth of my daughter" he said still with sadness in his voice. It was a weird contradictory statement since his most happy memory made him also so incredibly sad. Even though he tried to not think about it to often it was writing on his skin. Sometimes when he chopped wood and took a small break he look accidently down on his hand and was reminded of that moment over and over again. That was the big downside to having your own story written all over your skins. You can't escape whatever happened to you and by just looking in the mirror you would be reminded of your biggest loss and everything that came with it.

He was at least happy he didn't had to speak about the death of his wife and child with Chrysantheme for since she left before he could answer her but he was sure that this topic would come up soon enough and he already tried to figure out if he told her the truth. In his head he tried to decide that if he told her if he would try to describe it with his words or if he would give her another glimpse into his tattoos. In his tribe it was not normal that you would look through other people's memories since it was way more than a simple vision. You would feel and see everything exactly like the owner saw it. Even the smell and taste in the mouth was all the same. It could me traumatic to relief someone's memory and so it was rarely done. But how do you explain why and how you had to kill your own wife in words? He never had the strength to talk about it to anyone.

"Look Murval, I'm here because I got guided by my ancestors and the spirits. One night I was able to talk to them and they warned me about the disappearing of the spirits which will cause chaos on the world and let the magic die. Nature as you know it will not exist anymore. Creatures that you have never imagined will rise from the ground and fall from the heavens killing everything that's dear to you." His voice was serious but he already expected that it was hard to believe if you hadn't seen the visions and the warnings with your own eyes. This place seemed peaceful even though the countries around them fought wars and small battles. For a place like this to think that everything will turn bad was nearly impossible.
Chrysantheme just couldn’t handle the happy thoughts reminding her of her own losses and didn’t bother to hear more but there was no way she was going to spill the contents of her soul to this stranger. The last thing she actually caught was his age but she might not remember it later. For now her room was the safest place and she went into her own safe place after seeing such a happy memory.

Muval on the other hand was fuming and couldn’t even go after her. Letting her leave hurt but what else could he do? when he told him that he showed her the most happiest moment of his life he shook his head and took a big drink from this stein before him. After a few big cops he slammed it down hard on the bar counter. “ I guess I can’t fault you that much you have no idea about her life.” Muval was being purposely vague as he talked to the stranger. Once he told him what was wrong the dwarf knew what was bothering her. The redheaded dwarf was already in a mood especially now that his lovely view decided to depart. He could see the pain on his face but honestly right now he was not the most kind.

“I may be just the dwarf providing mead, but I assume the birth of your daughter would be something happy and that make you sad. What else are you hiding?” Leaning on the bar he looked at the tattooed stranger with a suspicious eye. Without her there he could say a bit more of what he wanted to say but he still couldn’t miss treat the visitor especially since she granted him room and board. Muval was not very good at hiding the irritation as he forgot his brow giving him a look that could possibly kill and luckily it could not.

When Harald continue to talk about spirits it gave him some time to calm down which wasn’t much but it was still better than nothing and the small dwarf sighed. “This magic…the spirits you speak of i can’t say I heard of, but dwarves don’t rely on magic. Elves know much better than I do. They’ve been doing magic for centuries but they don’t have markings like you.” He waved his hand in a motion to a met his markings but he wasn’t sure what to make of them especially since they were glowing earlier.

his words carry so much weight caused the door to think quietly again. “ Rivermill is peaceful. Should I show you around town? Whatever the spirits are we don’t have that problem here perhaps if I show you I can have you believe that she has nothing to do with anything. She is the reason this place is peaceful. Lady Chrysantheme and her family. Finish your drink we’re going out.” Emotions for someone else to get behind the bar as he hops down from his box to leave and stand next to the stranger.

Compared to him he was so small but he was built like a brick house. Now he wanted to prove that his lovely elf had nothing to do with anything going wrong and hopefully if he approves something it would make her feel better and make him look like a hero in her eyes. “ I’ll prove to you that whatever you fear is not of her doing and you can take her off of your suspicions. Making her cry was not something you should’ve done…” he just had to add that last part in but he knew the dwarf did not like him as he would motion for him to start leaving the Tavern.

If he choose to follow the newcomer would be led out bustling streets that have people living their lives and enjoying a lovely day as he would take him down to a very lovely library. “ Now follow me I’ll show you that she has nothing to do with what you’re badgering her about. If I prove to you she has nothing to do with it maybe you can actually leave town and never come back.” Muval was trying to prove him wrong and if he was correct he could get him to leave and have Chrysantheme to himself once again.

Harald felt guilty about the Elf and that he obviously had reopened some of her emotional wounds. That was not his attention and he would apologize when they saw each other the next time. He just wanted her to understand what his tattoos mean and what they are doing but apparently he picked the wrong one for both of them. Now there was sadness that filled him and the Elf. That he now had to answer to the dwarf didn't make it any better but if he wanted to keep getting the good food he probably had to explain everything to him at least a little bit.

"The birth of my daughter was the happiest moment in my life, the problem is that she is not alive anymore" he said the last part with a way more quiet voice almost like a whisper. It hurt really bad to speak it out. Even more than having seen the memory and got reminded of how much he loved his daughter. "Can we please not talk about my family" Harald adds defeated. It was just a topic he couldn't handle any more about. His heart almost feels like that it was about to explode for pain and the last thing he wanted was to burst out in tears in front of the dwarf who was in a certain way hostile to him.

"fine I walk with you" It was probably for the best if Harald saw a little bit of the town and maybe Murval could lead him to places where normally spirits would live. That could be the beginning of his investigation. Also as much as they got off on the wrong foot maybe this was a chance to fix whatever was between them a little. Harald followed him outside to the bustling streets and this was still something that overwhelmed him slightly. In his tribe he had never seen that many people at one spot. Probably just this street alone had more people on it then he ever saw before in his entire life. The noise was somewhat uncomfortable but exactly what he needed to drown his own sorrow. "Fine Muval show me what you want me to see but I think you got something wrong" he said while he walked by the side of the dwarf. Harald only now realized how big there size difference really was. "I don't suspect her of anything. I just try to understand why faith had brought us together"

Harald had just used the wrong words. Talking about faith while he is talking about the woman that the dwarf was so deeply in love with would probably cause more friction between them. "What I'm trying to say is I think she is a solution and not the problem" That was his desperate attempt to fix the situation before the dwarf had another jealous outburst and he hoped it would work. "After you lead me to whatever you want to show me. Can I ask a favor? Do you have a big fountain or unnatural large tree in town?"
Muval was terrible at hiding his emotions but when the stranger decide to speak and explain his motives he actually stopped to listen. He only stopped for a moment but continue to walk taking him towards the city library. “ You have no idea what anyone goes through.” He wasn’t sure how much you could share or if Chrysantheme would be upset if he said too much. It was nice to hear that he felt some remorse about hurting her. Muval hated to see her upset.

When Harald asked him if they could not talk about his family he nodded. “I’ll drop it if you don’t bring up her family.” This was something he wasn’t sure if the tattoo strange I could do but what he threw out gave away that he knew something more than he did. He was much shorter than the tattooed man as he looked up and gave him a nod of agreement. At least they were on the same page now. Muval Took him through the city up and down busy streets until they reach a very large library with an ancient looking door it seems like it has been there since the dawn of time or at least the dawn of the beginning of the city.

On the way up he grabbed two apples from a vendor that he knew pretty well who didn’t bat an eyelash about him taking it and he tossed one up to Harald. “Heads up tall one!” Hopefully he would be able to catch the very tasty green apple that he tossed up so he could have a snack too.

The closer they got two different buildings he could feel different levels of magic and different ones the cathedral had quite a bit but the library…. The library was positively glowing it away. Perhaps it was from the books but for now as I got closer to the door it was like magic permeated the walls. The city itself was full of life. Children are here now I’m freely through the streets as if they had no care in the world.

“HEY MUVAL! Wanna play tag?” A small boy yelled as he ran around the pear and poked at the tiny dwarf. “Nor today a little one. Not today. I promise later.” The sticky dwarf said before the tiny dark-haired boy look to the tall tattooed stranger. “Can I take the tall one?” He asked with a mischievous grin before the familiar hearty Muval let out in the tavern. “No no Nooo little one! Now off with you! Take this.” It was a nice gesture of kindness when he tossed his apple to the little child and he ran off with a wide smile as he thanked him taking a bite out of the snap that would’ve been his. A small price to pay for peace of mind and them to get to the library.

“Looks like you get to keep the apple.” Muval told Harald with a shake of his head. Continuing to lead the way he was much more cheerful than he was which was a nice change and he got to see a different side of this grumpy dwarf. “What did I get wrong? I may not be as good as magic as both of you combined but I feel like you just don’t trust her or give her a chance. You can’t judge me for being suspicious especially when you come off as suspicious.” He was now finally noticing how big of a size difference there was between them as he looked up and he gave another sigh. The moment he mentioned faith bringing them both together his brow for road and he looked a bit upset. “Faith? Now that’s an interesting talk maybe you shouldn’t be talking about faith and her together those two don’t mix and besides I don’t even think you believe the same goddess.” He was getting on his nerves but even though he was trying to hide it he failed especially when it came to someone he was madly in love with.

“Come on…” Even though he was grumpy as usual he was still listening but at least he admitted he was a solution not a problem that at least made him calm down a bit. “ We have both in the city. Well maybe not both we do have a very large tree. The big fountain is in the castle and the only way into that is to talk to the elf you upset. The large tree insert bit of a hike do you have one in particular that you need to see more but before I taken either of those let’s go inside I have a feeling you want to see this.” With that he would lead him to the doors and open it and the library inside was a fast and full of so many books. An unnatural amount of books. many of them were old, older than him but also within this vast library there were paintings that told stories and if you look closely enough you would recognize the pointy eared blonde and the man from the vision he got from her in them.

For now the dwarf was silent letting him look around and waiting to see if he would say anything or notice anything since he didn’t really have much hope of him picking up on the paintings but maybe he could be wrong.
Harald started to enjoy this city life. It was very difficult to stay upset while people around you laughed and had there little talks. Not everyone had a smile on there lips but at least enough of them had which was a sign for Harald that this was a happy place. All of the different vendors selling all kind of stuff was an interesting sight for Harald. In his tribe there was no currency and no need to sell things. They shared everything and if they really exchanged something then it was favors. It was one of the major rules of the tribe to don't take without giving back. It would ensure that the interest of a single person would not matter above the interest of the tribe and so far it was surprisingly successful. Fights were normally just a cause of misunderstanding or maybe a broken heart in his tribe. "I didn't even know that she had a family until she touched my hand" Harald pointed out. He thought that this woman was only twenty and so he didn't expect her to be married specifically not since she hinted more then once that she didn't stayed in one place for a long time. Not exactly the sign of someone who is married and raises children in his mind. But if the dwarf insisted he would keep that topic out of their talks as long the Elf herself wouldn't speak about it.

Harald almost didn't catch the apple and it almost hit his face but in just the right moment he raised his arm and catches it shortly before the impact and took directly a bite of it. "You have a good throw Murval" he said with a bit of a tease but also as an honest compliment. As the children approached Harald was surprised that this grumpy dwarf was apparently so well liked by the kids. Deep inside the jealousy he probably had a good heart thought Harald and maybe he should really try to get to know him better in the future. He just had to give the dwarf the understanding that he wasn't here to pursue the hand of the Elf and that his only interest in here was the rising catastrophe. But sure if you lived in a place like this the world seemed happy and there was not a single thought that this could change soon if you are a normal citizen.

"I don't judge you for your suspicion. Keep as much as you need an eye on me but I can promise you I have no interest in flirting with the woman of your heart" Harald burped out. Probably not considering that the dwarf might be embarrassed that a stranger could catch on to that so easily but it was the best way to set the record straight. "I give her a chance and none of what happening has anything to do with trust. We just don't understand each other's world and with that comes tension" he explained like a wise man. Of course he had experience in leading and it teaches him that humans started to fight if they didn't understand something. To create common ground was always the best solution to keep the peace. But common ground was not existing yet between the Elf and him and so they had to continue at least for a while in the way it is until they could create something better between them. "Faith is just a pretty word for the hand of our guardians. Call them gods or spirits it doesn't really matter to much in the greater sense of things. Maybe both of them exist and we just follow different directions but im not interested in convincing you that my way is the right one. I try to tell you that something bad will happen soon and then it doesn't matter what you believe or not because you might be dead." His words were not hostile or frustrated. He was just a man who tried to make them understand but he knew they wouldn't believe if they didn't see proof. "Would you be so kind and visit the tree or the fountain together with Chrysantheme and me when she has gotten better. I want to show you both what I'm talking about. Words are meaningless sometimes but if you see with your own eyes then you might understand."

As they entered the Library Harald was overwhelmed by the amount of books in a single room. It was way more he had ever seen in his live. Written down things were rare in his tribe since they mostly got their books from intruders who tried to rob them but this place was packed with knowledge about thing that he probably didn't even knew existed. His eyes wandered over the shelfs and he glanced at the backs of the book written by people he had never heard of and with titles that were difficult to understand. Since there was no real need for reading in his tribe his abilities were limited. He could read but not very fast and so he felt suddenly that he should have brushed up on that skill before going out on an adventure but how could he have be knowing that a place like that existed. It needed a few minutes until he noticed the painting and he stepped a lot closer towards it and starred at it. Harald pointed towards the man in the painting "I've seen him in the vision she gave me. That is her husband right" he said surprised since these paintings looked way older than he was.
This kingdom was an anomaly. It was happy and bright and seemed like it was safe from so much. It had humans and occasionally different species around as one could tell from the dwarf that made Riverfell his home. Harald mentioned that he had no idea that the elf had a family and he shrugged though it made perfect sense how would he? “For that misstep I do apologize I do not like seeing her upset or sad. You can’t fault me for being protective.” It was his way of trying to make amends and it was an apology it might not have been his best apology, but it was one. For now at least that topic was covered and he would not bring it up again or tell too much about her.

The children of the city adored the tiny little dwarf. He was by far not the youngest but he was the most interesting among the children. Muval was small and strong and he had a good reputation of being playful and jovial. The children loved him and treated him like a part of their extended family. Everything was connected in one way or another. His apple toss was not the best but the tall Stranger did catch it even though it nearly smacked him in the face. Out with his laughter that seem to be a common occurrence. “ I didn’t draw blood you can’t get angry” Muval stated as a matter of fact. The stocky creature had a good heart and it was easily seen by his relationships with people around the city. The humans treated him like one of their own and not an outsider which gave Harald A chance to understand a little bit about how this place was different from any others. Most kingdoms would keep outsiders at bay and not welcome them at all but here he was treated like family. No one screamed when they saw him. No one called the guards to report something amiss. Harald was just a tall visitor.

Harald’s words did help though Muval still couldn’t help but be suspicious it was just a part of his nature and personality especially when he was very protective over Chrysantheme. “ i’m sure you would not trust a stranger around someone you cared about it’s just nature no hard feelings.” He didn’t say he trusted him but he at least acknowledged that he would try and go a bit easier on him, maybe. Once inside the vast library they weren’t alone there were other people around. Most were reading and some more just looking at different tomes and stories.

This place was rather vast and Muval was right at home. “Faith What’s an interesting word choice is all I’m going to say. I feel like we’re understanding each other more as long as you don’t try anything but I still don’t fully trust you I will still show you common courtesy and treat you like a proper guest. It’s what she would want.” The dwarf had motivation to be nice. At least the tattooed stranger knew as long as she wanted him here he was safe. Forgiveness was thin when he mentioned visiting the fountain or the tree with Chrysantheme. It obviously ruffled his feathers a great deal. “ Perhaps it will be a good idea to ask her if it’s okay to use her name. You are still a stranger to her and no one familiar. Maybe you can call her guardian I don’t think you guys are that close.” Jealousy reared its ugly head yet again but at least he knew where it was coming from. The door was not ready to let him be on first name basis with his love. “You should know by now I will be accompanying you everywhere she is. I have no intentions of leaving you alone with her unless she tells me to which I have a feeling she won’t.” Marking his territory clearly hoping that maybe he could at least throw his small amount of weight around. “I’ll Be more than happy to accompany you both just to make sure she’s safe after all neither of us have any any idea if your spirits are truly harmless.” He was not insulting him he was just being overly cautious as if he was actually the elf’s husband. At least he thought maybe if he acted like it perhaps the Chrysantheme would see his true potential. Perhaps Harald Who is familiar with such displays of jealousy from his village but he had never seen the fury of a dwarf trying to protect someone they were attempting to woo.

Muval let the visitor look around as he decided to just take a seat in a comfy chair picking up a book thumbing through it. He has been here countless times and he felt like he didn’t have to follow the visitor like a hawk. For a moment the dwarf was off in his little world. That was until Harald pointed to the paining getting his attention.

“Yes.” Muval muttered a soft answer but before He could continue a patron who was not too far off from the pair noticed how he was looking at the painting and this young girl with a pile of books in her hand piped up.
“You I don’t know the story?” A young woman dressed in green with similar blonde hair to the L decided to speak up but the dwarf kept quiet but gave her a nod. “That’s the guardian. Most people don’t believe she’s real but we all know she is. The guardian flower of Rivermill. She’s an elf. Most people don’t believe they exist but we all know they are real. She married a human and many say that’s why lots of us have blonde hair or green eyes which most people didn’t have back in the before time.” The young woman continue to speak as she pointed to another painting not too far away.

“ Do you know the legend? You probably don’t since you’re asking about the paintings and you can’t even recognize what she looks like that was when she was just done with turning 100 the legend says. The man you looking at his name is Gideon. He was a bard and legend has it that he won her heart. That’s not the full story of course he won her heart over the prince. Prince Aeigis didn’t stand a chance . It’s still the same Royal family we have now.” The young woman was very excited to tell part of the tail as she put her books down and looked up the picture with a stranger.

“Riverfell was never a big kingdom until The elves decided to help us. The forests are enchanted. They still are…” she picked up a book in thumbed through the pages going silent for just a short moment.

“You shouldn’t forget the name of the legend.” Muval spoke up when the young patron took a breath. “OHHH! I can’t believe I forgot the most important part the name! It was the traid…the…the…” The young woman was so excited she forgot the name and that’s when Muval spoke out. “The trial of the trinity.” I’m not sure who came up with that name but I guess it couldn’t be too romantic but I think it suits the legend just fine. The young patron laughed since you forgot about the complex name and got way too excited about trying to tell the story there was so much being left out but at least Harald would have the chance to speak up.
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