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Request Thread 11: Revengance of End Game Boogaloo


Jul 22, 2018

1. I have no set posting length for a partner. I tend to do 2-3 paragraphs myself. As long as you give me something to work with, we're good.

2. While I'm up for discussing my plots/cravings, don't bother asking if I'm interested in something that's not on my list. Even if it's on one of my previous threads. If it's not on this thread, I'm not interested.

3. Unless stated in the description of a craving, most if not all my cravings/ideas will be firmly on the smutty side of things. I've been RPing a long time but nowadays, I just don't find myself able to keep interest in slow burn plot heavy ideas.

4. I don't like canon x canon pairings. If one isn't listed with a request, do not ask for it.

5. I have a life and I like to keep it private. As such, if we're in the middle of RPing and I gotta leave for a few hours or for the day and I don't let you know before hand, do not get all clingy and PM me shit like " Are you ok?" Or "I missed you."
Pulling that will end the RP right then and there. That may be harsh or bitchy to some but I really don't like partners who can't go 5 minutes with out a post before pestering me or acting weird or assuming the RP is dead.


Jessica Nigri

If you don't know who she is, look her up and thank me later.^_^

Now, with this craving, I'm looking to do an isekai type scenario where Jessica is doing one of her many super sezzy cosplays when she suddenly gets transported to the world her cosplay is from. All kinds of smutty fun soon follows.

I've got a few pics of her in mind for just what fictional universe she ends up in. We can certainly discuss just which one we use for.......inspiration.

Persona 5

Looking to have some sezzy fun with Futaba or Ann. Got a few ideas for each I'd really like to do, but I'm up for discussing it so we can both get our naughty rocks off.

Street Fighter

There's multiple grade A mega hotties in this series that I'd love to have some naughty fun with. Instead of listing out all the plots in mind, I'll just list out the ladies I'm looking to play. I've got ideas for each one, but I'm definitely open to discussing just what we do.

Anywho, onto the list....

C. Viper

We could also get a bit wacky and do some gender swapping. Female Ryu or Akuma for example could be lots of fun.

That 70's Show

I use to really be into this show back in the day. While I haven't watched it in a long time, there's still one thing that hasn't faded with time.......

Donna was freaking hot...

Specifically red head Donna. Blonde......not so much.

Aaaaannnnnyyyyways, itching for some Donna focused naughtiness, with a kinky twist to it. By that, I mean I'm not looking to do just a plain simple pairing. I want something with a naughty twist to it. Like a big age difference, some taboo fun with an OC family member or even get a bit wacky and pair her with a Sasquatch or something.

Two and A Half Men

I know this show is best known for Charlie Sheen and his whole tiger blood thing these days, but I enjoyed the first few seasons of it. One of my favorite things from the show is the multitude of insanely hot ladies in it.

Now, there's plenty of sezzy babes that would make for a fun smutty RP, but I'm only craving one........Judith

Yea, she's definitely on the bitchy side of things, but I've always found her so freaking hot. Would absolutely love doing a smutty RP involving her in a pairing with a big age difference, whether the other person is older or younger .


This one is based on the Alien film series. The plot I have in mind does focus on non human naughtyness with Xenomorphs. It won't be purely smut as while various xenos will be driven to hump her, it'll tie directly into the plot I have in mind.

Some human on human action would be fine, but I'm mostly interested in horny xenos humping a super sexy marine babe.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

With this, my craving is based on the series as I've never seen the og movie.

Anyways, I'm not actually looking for anything with Buffy herself. Instead, I'm looking to play Dawn or Faith. Yea, I know some people hate Dawn, but I've always had a major crush on her and sweet jeebus has Michelle Trachtenberg gotten hot over the years. And Faith, super hot bad girl Slayer......yea, break me off a piece of that.^_^

I've got ideas for both gals that take place post series. Thus, we can make our own story. Plus.......havent seen the show in years......

Crash Bansicoot

This craving is based on 4......being the only one I've ever played. But, it's not a bad one to get pervy ideas about. Coco is all kinds of fuckably cute and Tawna.......yea.....hnnnnnggggg........

Very open to discussing just what kind of smutty fun we have with one or both of them.

Final Fantasy Crossover

With this, I'm looking to get a bit crazy by taking a girl/s from one game and putting them into the world of a different game, with plenty of sexy encounters to follow.

Like putting Lightning from 13 into the world of 7 where she has to infiltrate Corneos mansion, with all kinds of naughty fun as a result. Or putting Fran from 12 into Spira where she resides at a temple full of horny Yevonite monks.

Plenty of sexy ladies to pick from and all kind of sexy situations in the franchise to put them into. So plenty of fun and potential here.

Saints Row

This craving is based on the original series, not the reboot for…..obvious reasons. Specifically, something centering around Shaundi and her gloriously fine self.

Being based on the original series, needless to say, it's gonna have some crazyness to it. So, instead of basing it on a specific game, we do our own story where we can include whatever whacky shit from the games we like. So, lots of potential for crazy, over the top smutty fun.


Now who doesn't wanna bang Dana Scully? I sure as hell do and would love some smutty fun centered on her.

As for plot, I want to do something like the show itself. Instead of a sole story, I want to do a collection of mini stories, like episodes of a series. We could have reoccurring characters pop up but each "episode" will be its own story of Scully getting into some kind of naughty shenanigans.

What kinds of sezzy fun we put her through is very open to discussion. But, I am gonna want some freaky and non human stuff on occasion such as Bigfoot or that fluke man.


This craving is a gender swap idea. Instead of mister rip and tear Doom Guy, I want to do something with a miss rip and tear….and fuck Doom Girl.

The plot I have in mind would be based around 2016 DOOM but with some alterations. Such as Doom Girls origins, which directly tie into all the smutty fun.

As one might expect, she's gonna be humped by demons. I'm fine tossing a human/s into the mix as well, but demon humping will be tied directly to the plot, so it's a deal breaker.

Ash vs The Evil Dead

I'm a big fan of this show and Kelly in particular. I just find her so freaking hot. I would absolutely love to do a smutty RP with her.

Got some plot ideas in mind. Like the series and movies, it'll be a mix of horror and comedy with lots of sexy fun tossed in. We can definitely discuss what kind of inhuman stuff Kelly has to deal with in her battle against the deadites.

Dino Crisis

This one's pretty simple. Regina and her finely sculpted ass in a new facility overrun with dinosaurs. This time, the dinos are more intelligent…….and super horny. Thus, plenty of dino on hot red head action.

As you can guess, this will be quite smutty but the sex will be plot driven as there's a reason for why the dinos want Regina. As such, we can get a bit wacky with it with perhaps dinos that can talk or even make up our own dinos.

Van Helsing

This one is based on the Hugh Jackman film. So-so movie but man, was Kate Beckinsale ever hot as Anna in it.

My favorite scene is the one early on where Van Helsing is fighting the blonde bride while Anna is cornered by the brunette bride and boobalucious red head. That look she gives them after they force her to her knees……..boy oh boy…..

The fact she moans and has a sex face as they get ready to bite her soon after certainly helps as well with my dirty mind.^_^

Annnyyyyways, the idea I have for this is that Van Helsings fight drags on a while, leaving Anna alone with the brides a good while. But instead of feeding on her like they planned in the movie, in the RP they decide to play with her…….which just means fucking her everloving brains out.

Now, after that happens, we could end it right there as a fun smutty short term or I have some ideas for how we could continue it and make it longer term but still highly sex filled.


This one is based on the film series whose main/only draw is Kate Beckinsale with fangs and skin tight leather. I have an original plot in mind that gets away from the Vampire vs Lycan stuff and instead focuses Selene on going on a smutty adventure and getting humped by the likes of zombies, ghosts, lizard men, Minotaurs, etc…..

Resident Evil

Played all the games and seen all the movies, cgi included. So, there's plenty of options if we want to do something based on a specific entry. But, I do have some ideas for an original plot focusing on Jill teaming up with Claire/Moira/Sherry to take on a revived Excella.

A heads up, regardless of which route we take with the plot, I'm gonna want the main girl/s getting humped by zombies and lickers and what not. We can discuss how often it happens if you prefer more of a human on human focus for the smutty fun times, but I'm gonna wants me sum t-virus luvin.
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