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Mx Any ๐“ข๐“ช๐“ต๐“ฝ, ๐“ข๐“ฒ๐“ต๐“ฟ๐“ฎ๐“ป, ๐“›๐“ฒ๐“ฎ๐“ผ, ๐“ช๐“ท๐“ญ ๐“‘๐“ต๐“ธ๐“ธ๐“ญ | Request Thread | [MxAny] {MAJOR REVAMP!}


Mar 22, 2023
Hello Everyone! My name is Salt, and it's good to meet you. This is my revamped thread, this time with different and condensed plots, and hopefully a bit easier to follow! I hope that all of you have a good time reading through this, and I hope that I hear from some of you! For now, though, read on, and enjoy some music!


Fuck The King
The Scapegoat
Blood & Powder
Creamy Dreams Cafe
True Travelers

Writing Style
I write in 3rd person, and in the past tense. (Ex. "He combed his hair.") Should our story require it to be specified, I write in a limited perspective. This means that I only present information the characters could reasonably have from their perspective.
Writing Quantity & Quality
I write normally between 200-600 words per post, or between two and five decently sized paragraphs as a general rule, that might be broken during keystone scenes. I make a concerted effort to use an expansive vocabulary and follow grammatical rules in my posts.
Your Style, Quality, and Quantity
I would hope my partner also writes in 3rd person limited, and can maintain a post size and standard of quality similar to my own. I am not particularly picky, but I do have some standards that need to be met.
My Characters
Generally speaking, I play Male Characters. These characters tend to come in two different forms: Gruff n' Buff older men or Very Pretty Young Men. I do make exceptions to this rule, but these are the categories I tend to fall into most of the time.
Your Characters
All characters are acceptable, though I am most experienced and most adept at writing opposite to female characters. To this extent, many of the plots are written assuming a Female Character. However; that does not need to be the case necessarily. It does not matter to me the Gender of the person I am writing opposite of.
Smut Content
I don't like throwing out ratios and percentages, I see it as meaningless numbers that don't equate to what is actually desired within an RP. I prefer RPs to have some smut in them, how much is up to discussion so we can work out what is best between the two of us.
If you are seeking an RP that attempts to break or circumvent the rules of the site: Don't even bother. You're wasting your time.


Nikodemas Kasparas was not a good man.

For 3 years he had served as a Knight under the service of The King. However; that was by far not the extent of his combat experience. Military service would be the wrong word, no, he was little more than a sell-sword. Even less than that at times, little more than a marauding madman who killed and plundered as he saw fit. Issue is, he was good at it. He was 34 years old, and not a day had passed where he had not held a weapon in his hands since he was 16. If there was ever a gentler path--a path of redemption, he missed it a long time ago.

When The King offered to knight him in exchange for his service in the war against a Rival Country, he accepted on the spot. Money, Power, and Land to continue doing what he was already doing? He couldn't ask for a better deal. So for 3 years he served in the King's army. Slaughtering anything and anyone the king pointed him at. He was no noble knight, and he knew it. Most of the commonfolk did not know his name, and those that did despised him. He knew this, and he was fine with it--His coat of arms was an Argent vulture on a Sable Field. He was there the day his kingdom won the war. He burnt a company of men alive in their own castle and planted the flag of the conquering kingdom in the Rubble.

When the war ended he was expecting little more than a payout. Money, land, some fancy titles, he thought his years of brigandry had finally paid off.

Then the king married his 2nd-born child off to one of the financial backers of the Kingdom's war effort. Some half-blind, senile, fat fucker who lived in opulence in a foreign land. The rumors of this man were not flattering, either. His last 2 wives all vanished without a trace, their families only being told they perished from an "Unfortunate and Rapid illness." He had 4 children, and it was an open secret that 3 of them were not a product of wedlock.

For some reason, that enraged Nikodemas. Even he wasn't entirely sure why, for his entire life he had killed men, hung men, burnt men, torched their homes and stole their possessions. He had produced enough widows and widowers to field an army. He thought it was because it was them. The young adult that had kissed his forehead and fastened his sable cloak across his shoulders when he was Knighted. The one who called him "Brave Sir Nikodemas". It was because he was in love with them, in a genuine way he had never felt before.

He wouldn't let them be shipped off and used as a bargaining chip. They were being held in a Tower near the border of The Kingdom, waiting for their new hosts to come pick them up. He would make sure they never got the chance. He would kill every person who tried to stop him, and if the king tried to get in his way--then his head would roll as well.

Something of a play on a classical "Princess in the Tower" story, this RP mostly focuses around Nikodemas rescuing(?) the Prince/Princess from the tower where she is to be wed off to a man in a far away land. Nikodemas is honestly infatuated with them, and wants them to live a free life where they don't have to be used as a political piece. He'll liquidate whatever funds he has left to ensure that they can, at least for a while, enjoy the same lifestyle that they are used to as royalty. If this sounds a bit messed up that's because it is. Nikodemas is saving them from being used as a political pawn, but he's not respecting their agency any more than the king is.

Though, If you wanted to play this as just a general, more wholesome story between a Prince/Princess and the Knight that they are in love with, I would not deny you such an opportunity!

Over the course of the RP, we'll have to see what exactly happens between these two. I admit, I am looking for this to be a romance story, but we could take other avenues with it. Maybe he eventually finds an equilibrium with them, and it becomes a truly "Happily-ever-after" story. Maybe he comes to the conclusion of "If you love it, let it go." Or maybe he perishes for them, spending his last moments fighting for something that isn't himself.

I am also looking for this--as with all my stories--to be smutty. How much smut is up for discussion.

Well, Nikodemas knew full well that cruelty was an excellent of making short-term profit and damning yourself in the long run. How could that stop him, though? When his heavy sword split open the skull of that Knight, Nikodemas pilfered everything on their corpse worth taking. Their rings, their clothes, their weapons and armor, and he hitched their horse to his own so he could sell that. Of course, his wife sent Nikodemas a missive requesting that the corpse and mortal possessions of her Husband be returned to her so that he could be buried.

Nikodemas sent her his normal ransom. Twice the weight of her Husband in Silver for the return of him and his possessions. He received his Ransom not a month later, and he happily hoarded the silver for himself.

Perhaps he should have paid more attention. Perhaps he shouldn't have been as greedy. Perhaps he should have done anything besides simply hoard the silver to himself without so much of a second thought, but Nikodemas thought that this seemingly hapless and grieving widow could not pose any threat to him besides the threat of not delivering to him his promised treasure. Nobility has such a wonderful way of taking its vengeance, on taking the sweetest wines and souring them, or taking the most bitter defeats and cloying them with such devilish Irony. The silver was cursed.

At first, there was no immediate change. On Nights where the moon was as wax as it could be he would begin to crave meat, and he would feel skittish and overcome with an urge for carnality, to dig his claws into supple pale flesh and tear it apart. It wasn't until six cycles of the Moon had passed where he would undergo his first transformation. He was out on a stag hunt with three of his men, and one night he lost himself, and turned into a snarling man-wolf that tore his companions to shreds, devoured their hearts, tore open their throats and left their cadavers for the ravens.

From there on forth, he at least knew what he was. He would poison himself, chain himself down with manacles of silver, hide away deep in the forests where only fellow beasts could lay. Eventually he was able to get a hold on it. While in his horrific Wolfman form he was at least able to remember who he was. Even if the need for carnality rushed through him and blood and supple flesh called to him--He could keep himself, though it was not easy.

He did wonder how the lordling would take it, though. Considering the Night of their rescue would need to be on a full moon....

Scapegoating is the historical ritual in which a sacrifice is anointed by a priest with all the sins of the community and sent out into the wilderness. In this way, it is forced to suffer the punishments that would otherwise be relegated for the community at large.

Once there was a Knight from a foreign land. He wore the heraldry and the gleaming plate befitting his station, but he was not a man of virtue, and he placed no value on honor. This Knight had traveled from the land of the King to which he was sworn to make war upon another land. When he returned from this war, it was winter, and the way back was mountainous and harsh, and not fit for travel. The Knight instead traveled south, so he could make his way back home through a land altogether distinct, a land of rolling steppes and endless grasslands. When the snowfall became too harsh, he stayed in a small village, where he met a young barmaid. The two of them laid together, and she was with child. However; the Knight did not stay to see the birth of his son: Yury Kasparas

Yury's mother was born under similar circumstances, and she had within her no love for the child. At a young age, Yury was sent to the church of the village to live with them, and be raised as an acolyte of the faith. As Yury grew, he became strong of soul but weak of mind. For he was full of love, honesty and joy. He wished harm on none and mercy on all. However; the boy was slow of mind. Grander concepts escaped him, and tasks that seemed simple to most were as elusive as fog to him. He saw his own body as a temple, and sought to keep himself fit and firm. Yury has a tongue of gold, and a skull full of fluff. Though what is more blessed than a mind too small for doubt?

As he grew, the acolytes of the church sought to teach him a proper trade, that if he would one day no longer desire his vestments he could still earn his keep. They attempted to teach him to be a herdsman, but he was easily distracted, and could not separate the concepts of livestock and pets in his own mind. They attempted to teach him carpentry, but the artisanal nature of the trade confounded him. Yury loved to play music, and had immense talent doing soโ€”However; he had not the wit to ply music as a trade.

Like all steppe boys, Yury loved the horse, and rode well. He showed great skill with a sword, and was of a virile body. So, a paladin was summoned to the town to train the boy, that he might join the arms militant. However; this too failed. Yury was of too gentle a natureโ€”The Sword was as a toy to the young man, and very few believed that Yury could stomach the idea of enacting violence onto another.

So, Yury stayed as a member of the church, and when Yury--Aged at 18 Winters--completed his catechesis he was clothed as a full member of the faith Though this was not to last, for when he was eighteen a tragedy would befall the village. The fish of the river had taken Ill, and the harvest had failed. The village knew hunger, and though they reached out to other villages and cities of the Steppe, they would find themselves in a similar situation. The people of the village became agitated, and demanded an answer. When a magistrate came to the village to take account of their needs, they did not receive salvation, only the grim conclusion that no victuals could be spared for the village. In their rage, the villagers slew the magistrate, and stuffed his corpse into the well.

Horrified; the Church of the Village and the Village Otaman knew that something must be done to ensure that punishment was not met on the villagers, for it was the mob that had slew the magistrate, and the whole village might be made hangmen for it. The solution was to place the blame on a single member of the village, that the rest might escape punishment. The decision was made to blame Yury, for he was by all means an orphan boy, and the loss of him would not shake the village much. However; none could conscience the idea of killing him, but what they did was perhaps crueler.

They had told the boy that he was responsible for the death of the magistrate, that he was cursed and had brought the famine upon the steppe, and were it not for that the magistrate would not have come to town, and if it were not for Yury's dark spirit, the mob might not have slew him. He was excommunicated, flogged and scored, and mocked by the village, before they told him a way which he might redeem himself: Far to the east there was a Lady who was queen among witches and suzerain among demons, and should he take her head his sins would be forgiven, and he would be welcomed back into the village and into the church. So Yury left to find this Witch Queen, with the clothes on his back, his sword and his horse to his name.

None hoped that he might return.

Yury's story is that of shattered innocence, trauma, and faith.

His faith in his deity and his gentleness of heart are his greatest attributes, and what makes him the man that he is. They are his greatest tools: Yury is not very intelligent, he will struggle with complex ideas and is very easily manipulated, and this lack of wit means that life can be very confusing for him, and he rationalizes it all using his own faith in his deity.

Yury does not wish ill on anyone. Though he will be forced to throughout the story, he could not fathom the idea of hurting another human being. Even though he has and will face great Injustice, he refuses to allow himself to become jaded and cruel.

This plot should not be kind to Yury. He should be forced to experience traumatic suffering constantly, to the point where his mind begins to crumble and he no longer understands his own existence. His Faith and Mercy both maintain, though. They are to be broken, but not destroyed. They are to be doubted, but not abandoned. Additionally, the point of this plot is not to get off on his suffering, but honestly empathize with a young man experiencing great trauma. For every character who is cruel to him, let there be a character who is kind to him, and lift him up and help him when he needs it: Hurt is no fun without the comfort.

Now, my intention is not for you to take on a GM role. If you read this and are inspired to take on such a role, then by all means. However; my assumption is that when it comes to other characters present in the story and overall narration of the world, those responsibilities will be shared mutually and equally between the two of us.

For your character within the plot, I was expecting your character to be a companion that travels with him, one that he meets at the beginning of the RP and travels for the rest of the story alongside. Who they are is completely up to you. They can have a vested interest in following him, or are just sticking by his side for the hell of it. It is up to you, and we should discuss it!

The setting is up for our creation: Though it is implied to be part of FTK's setting.

For what they will be doing, that is also something to discuss. The whole Witch Queen situation might have weight and it might not, she might truly exist, she might not, or she might exist but the situation around her might be separate from what is presented. Either way, this should be an adventureโ€”One coated in peril and trauma, but an adventure none-the-less. Yury should grow into a hero that does great things that shake the world: Just a hero operating under false pretenses.

Like all my roleplays, I do desire at least some smut with this. We can discuss how much.

(P.S., I would be overjoyed if his companion was a Monster Girl of some variety.)

[BE ADVISED: This is a fandom plot for the game Bloodborne. Knowledge of the Fandom is Required.]

Arseny was from a land far from the city of Yharnam. The city had its disgust of foreigners, and foreigners had their suspicion of the city. However; the disease of Yharnam was spread everywhere. Every ague, fever, blight, or illness known to most the world could be cured with the church's healing blood. Wherever the church was, the beasts were. Far away in Arseny's homeland of Kyrvaren, the plague of beasts began to spread, and so too did they require hunters to exterminate their ilk. Arseny was not a man of noteโ€”Both an Artisan and a Criminal, those willing to volunteer in the Kyrvaren hunt had their crimes forgiven. Young Arseny would not pass up the opportunity.

During the nights of the hunt, he patrolled the streets of Kyrvaren with men of likewise demeanor, and with his hammer in one hand and a pistol in other he bludgeoned, cut, and slaughtered all the beasts he encountered. He burnt them in pits of tar into which they were funneled, cast them off the mountain, and plenty of times he was up close and personal with hammer and pistol, crushing and casting down the beasts that plagued the city.

Despite this, Arseny had not been to Kyrvaren in years, now. He was afflicted with a great Illnessโ€”his eyes had yellowed, his blood had thinned, and his bones felt as if they were made of clay. Arseny feared death, and thus he traveled to the city of Yharnam to seek blood ministration, that his illness might be cured. The journey was long, he traveled down from the mountains of Kyrvaren and across frozen plains before taking a ship to the shores outside Yharnam, before arriving towards the city of blood.

The contract was simple in nature, and nothing Arseny did not expect. The church would grant him blood healing for his illness, and he would join the hunt of Yharnam, and tend to the scourge of beasts that plagued the maddened city. Arseny agreed, and his illness was new more, and he settled into his new home.

Already an outsiderโ€”and one with a storied history of crimeโ€”Arseny did not find much love within the city, but there was one faction that pleased his artisanal spirit enough to seek after: The Powder Kegs. Their love of combining flame and steel with other more mundane weapons appealed to him, and he lobbied for their approval, and soon counted himself among their ranks.

This, of course, came with excommunication from the Hunters of the Workshop, but Arseny never sued for their approval. For now, his life is simple. Hunt beasts and ploy with his confederates as how to make more powerful tools to assist with that task. Though the Night is long and winding indeed, and there are many who see with far more many eyes than the foreignerโ€ฆ

This is obviously a plot for the game Bloodborne, and thus, knowledge of the game is required. Otherwise, you simply are not going to get a whole lot out of the plot.

Now, there is a lot we can do with this one, and I do apologize if my character seems a bit bent out-of-shape. In true Souls-like fashion, Bloodborne's lore is particularly obtuse, and I made my best attempts to make a character that could reasonably fit within the setting. There is a lot we can do with this, of course.

Your character is another entity within the world of Bloodborne, but what they are exactly is completely up for discussion. A Vileblood from the line of Cainhurst? A fellow Powderkeg? A League Confederate, or a Hunter of Hunters? Perhaps a Doctor of the Healing Church, or even an illustrious member of the Choir? Hunters have plenty of reason to work alongside one another, and I'm sure we could come up with something.

As for what we can do, there is also boundless potential there as well. It could be simple Beast Hunting on the streets of Yharnam, but there are a lot of events we can play with. The Burning of Old Yharnam, perhaps? Or something involving the Mensis ritual, with them using the cord to contact Mergo? Perhaps there is a deep conspiracy within the Church that needs to be sorted out?

We can discuss all this further, and it's something I am very much looking forward to!

As with all my RPs, I am looking for a degree of smut. How much is up for discussion, of course.

//Credentials Accepted//

// Welcome back, Dr. Trout! It has been 135,465 days since your last log-in attempt. This may represent an irregular absence. Please contact your immediate supervisor at your earliest possible convenience. //

The black carbon image of Karo's helmet was reflected in the dull surface of the terminal screen. Getting the power back to the facility was a challenge: The Hydrogen used in Plasma Reactors evacuates after a few years after being powered down, and this outpost had been abandoned for centuries.

Not to mention, Karo had a couple good reasons for not wanting several Gigawatts of power on the board. So, he connected the facility to his ship's power. Crude, but it worked: He was more interested in tearing apart some of the more power-hungry equipment for scrap than he was trying to turn it on.

He was hoping he could do everything from his ship. He was able to open doors and turn on lights just fine, but unfortunately, some of these doors were still locked, and he couldn't unlock them from outside of the facility. Once inside, hacking in wasn't an issue: The Encryption used here was comically outdated.

// Re-route to Facility Permissions Directory //

// Are you sure you want to unlock doors A12, A14, and C20? //

// Doors Unlocked. Action logged. //

Despite centuries of inattention, the place was oddlyโ€ฆ pristine. The machinery was broken down and rusted, but the floors and walls were clear of blood and dust. Karo expected the work of a Alkalius, but the thermal sweep he did from his ship picked up nothingโ€”he wasn't encountering anything on local suit sensors, either.

Tearing apart research equipment was incredibly profitable if one had the proper skillset. You couldn't haul a whole Dreamscape Periscope with you, but the components were valuable. Now, an unskilled scrapper would just grab whatever. A lot of these components were made for a hyper-specific purpose within the machine. Outside of it, they were only worth their material cost. A Cognition Imaging Breaker only had some specific usesโ€”but a Mind-to-Matter actuation prism could be slotted into anything that needed to focus a large amount of energy. By the time he was done stripping the machine, he had a full pack. Now to just head back to the ship, deposit, and head back for moreโ€ฆ

Then the Intercomโ€”which if Karo recalled, he hadn't even turned onโ€”buzzed to life.

"๊ƒ…-๊ƒ…๊Ÿ๊’’๊’’๊‚ฆ? ๊€ค ๊’’๊‚ฆ๊ƒด๊Ÿ ๊Œฉ๊‚ฆ๊€Ž!"


Stepping out of the door brought Karo to a familiar place. A Planet that was half snow and half flame, as the atmosphere struggled between the freezing cold atmosphere and the tectonic fury of the volcanoes. Civilization was in the strips of soil that sustained agriculture. On a frozen cliff above a Magma flat, young men were standing in-front of a mound of corpses. Corpses just like them.

A man wearing a Six-horned helmet and the black mantle of office approached them one-by-one. Each aspirant was handed an autoinjector full of yellowish liquid. When he reached the end of the line, the man pointed to the mound of corpses.

"These are failures. They are disgraces to the Ascendancy, but they are not without use. Their lifeblood, everything that they were distilled into the serum you now hold. Inject yourself and you will be powerful, but you will be changed. Those that wish to die as you are, cast yourself into the flames below. You will not die failures."

Above the mound, there was a keyhole. In the Icy yet burning sky, a keyhole had burnt itself through reality. Behind the Keyhole, a voice rang out. It was both a whisper and a scream.

"๊€ค ๊ˆค-๊ˆค๊Ÿ๊ƒด๊Ÿ๊‹ช ๊‚ต๊Ÿ๊“„ ๊“„๊ƒ…๊Ÿ๊Œ—๊Ÿ ๊‚ฆ-๊‚ฆ๊ˆค๊Ÿ๊Œ—"

"๊“„๊ƒ…๊Ÿ๊Œฉ'๊‹ช๊Ÿ ๊ˆค๊‚ฆ๊“„ ๊ƒ…๊Ÿ๊‹ช๊Ÿ. ๊“„๊ƒ…๊Ÿ๊Œฉ'๊‹ช๊Ÿ ๊Œ—๊‚ฆ๊‚ต๊Ÿ๊…๊ƒ…๊Ÿ๊‹ช๊Ÿ, ๊“„-๊“„๊ƒ…๊‚ฆ๊€Ž๊…๊ƒ…."

"๊…๊Ÿ ๊€ธ๊‚ฆ๊ˆค'๊“„ ๊‰“๊‚ฆ๊‚ต๊Ÿ ๊Ž‡๊‹ช๊‚ฆ๊‚ต ๊ˆค-๊ˆค๊‚ฆ๊“„๊ƒ…๊€ค๊ˆค๊… ๊๊ˆค๊€ธ ๊…๊Ÿ ๊€ธ๊‚ฆ๊ˆค'๊“„ ๊…๊‚ฆ ๊Œƒ-๊Œƒ๊๊‰“๊€˜ ๊“„๊‚ฆ ๊ˆค๊‚ฆ๊“„๊ƒ…๊€ค๊ˆค๊…"

Karo threw himself onto the lava, while he watched himself take the injection.

Karo looked over the bleak spires and rolling sprawls of a city. That which was not aflame was cratered with bombs. His armor was heavy on his frame, and he gripped his gun tightly. Another bomb fell, and a skyscraper collapsed onto the rest of the city with a horrific screech. The city burnt around him, and it was his job to comb through for survivors.

He wasn't here to rescue anyone, though.

As he jumped down into a wrecked building, he spotted a group of people. He lifted his rifle and aimed it center-mass, but could not bring himself to pull the trigger. He hesitated. They did not.

The round pierced his armor and then the payload within exploded, shredding him from within. It destroyed his Bio-Monitor, which meant from the perspective of the Ascendancy, he was dead.

Karo was not dead, though.

Karo was in a small room on an orbital habitat. The window outside displayed the blue surface of an Ocean World. Coffee was in a pot on the table, and sitting in-front of him was a familiar face. Her skin was a dancing membrane of different colors, always trying to match the interior of the room. She had three eyes, and plump red lips. Four tendrils hung around her head like hair. The ribbon he had given her was wrapped around one of them. She reached out and touched his hand.

"Aytra Iโ€ฆ Iโ€ฆ."

Karo spoke, but his words were so hopelessly meaningless. Nothing he could say would change the past. He wanted to tell her to not get on that shuttle tomorrow, knowing what would happen, but it was meaningless.

He looked out the window again, and saw a great black expanse were a planet ought to be. Transfixed upon it was a keyhole burnt onto reality, and an eye peeking through it.

"๊Œ—-๊Œ—๊ƒ…๊Ÿ'๊Œ— ๊…-๊…-๊…๊€ค๊“„๊ƒ… ๊‚ต๊Ÿ ๊ˆค๊‚ฆ๊…, ๊ƒ…๊€Ž๊‚ต๊๊ˆค"

"๊…-๊…-๊…๊๊€ค๊“„๊€ค๊ˆค๊… ๊Ž‡-๊Ž‡๊‚ฆ๊‹ช ๊Œฉ-๊Œฉ๊‚ฆ๊€Ž"

The door of their room began to open, and behind it he could hear thousands of voices. Spectral hands crawled out from around he door, and as it finally opened, he-



Karo felt a sharp prick, and then everything went to black.




When Karo woke up, he was laying on his back in one of the rooms of the facility. Inside this room was every member of the facility staffโ€”or what remained of their skeletonsโ€”holding hands and lying in a circle. Karo was laying with them.

His suit picked up that he was about to commit Ego-Suicide and immediately went into emergency measures. Effectively turning the brain 'off and on again' to save the life of the occupant. He knew that investigating a facility this close to a PSI storm would come with the risk of attracting Deliverance's attention, but he thought he was safeโ€ฆ

โ€ฆHe ran out of here. He had what he needed to make his pay, everything else could rot. He would have happily dropped a couple kilotons of explosives down on the facility if he had the hardware to do so.

Karo took off from this place. He wanted nothing to do with it.

Centuries ago, all species of the known universe were connected through a Psionic network that engulfed them all. While not direct telepathy, it allowed for a feeling of togetherness never experienced before.

Psionics gave life to thought. When you used Psionics to move a cup, you were making a thoughtformโ€”a cognitive, extant beingโ€”to do it. This thoughtform stuck around, followed you around and continued to do that same task. A Telekinetic thoughtform existed to move things, so that's what it did.

This was fine, until millions of people created a Thoughtform designed to keep them together, forever. So that's what it did. It whisked them all away to be with itโ€”and togetherโ€”for eternity, leaving everything else behind.

In one day, almost the entirety of Sapient life vanished from the Universe. Only those people at the fringes were left. This event was known as RAPTURE, and the being that they created was known as DELIVERANCE.

Deliverance is still looking, though. Its instructions were to unite everyone, and it's doing what it was made forโ€ฆ

โ€ฆWhen the old books told us not to create Idols, maybe we should've taken them a bit more seriously?

So, first off--I want to break down exactly what the prose is trying to say! I like to write the prose to be big and pretty, but I can understand that sometimes It might air on the side of esoteric and impossible to understand. So, here's what is going on in this prompt.

Karo is a former soldier of a Dystopian government known as "The Ascendancy", he was recruited young, and had to go through incredibly difficult training that not many survived. Think Sardaukar from Dune. He served from that day forward, until one combat destroyed the device they use to track him. He vanishes off the Radar and becomes a Scrapper, and travels to distant worlds to recover and pilfer artifacts from before an event known as the Rapture. We'll get onto that one in a bit.

During this life, he meets an alien woman named Aytra, and the two of them form a tight relationship together. She eventually dies when her shuttle gets attacked by pirates while she was making planetfall from the orbital habitat that they lived in. He continues his life as a scrapper, and during the prompt he is targeted by deliverance while scrapping an old research facility.

The world around him is post-apocalyptic. The old world had advanced Psionics research to the point where everyone was emotionally connected. However; Psionics works by creating an entity and bending it to your will: You aren't actually doing anything by yourself. When everyone creates an entity and demands it connect all of them? It connects all of them. Forever.

In this setting, everyone is Psionic to some extent, it's been artificially programmed into their genome. Feel free to play with that.

So, this prompt is going to take a lot of setting up and work to figure out what we're going to do. It's mostly a writing exercise of worldbuilding from the top down with some preset elements and deciding how we're going to evolve from there. I can't really say much about what I want Karo to do in this prompt, because I imagine it will be wildly different partner to partner due to the brainstorming process required. However; it's a process I very much want to go through, and believe would be highly rewarding.

And as always, I am looking for some smut in this prompt!


[BE ADVISED: This plot is straight-up porn. The plot here exists to uphold smut.]

Yeah, I'm not going to bother with a super in-depth piece of prose with this one, considering it's just porn through-and-through. Not that porn can't be literate in nature, but I honestly just don't know how to feel about writing up a big ol' chunk of erotica as my prose. Here's the basic premise though.

Your character operates a bakery and coffee shop known as the "Creamy Dreams Cafe", it's oddly enough an 18+ Cafe, ostensibly because of the service of alcohol within the establishment, but there's a deeper reason than that.

The cafe incorporates sexual fluids in all of the cooking, and this is the secret reason that everyone comes to the cafe. It's because the cafe, operated by the Owner and her employee, will fill baked goods with cum and brew coffee with breast milk. The entire thing is inherently fetish based, and everyone there knows it--even if the food is pretty good. Now, there is one solid rule attached to all of it. You cannot have sex in the bathrooms, or in the dining area.

The Dining Area is a glass store-front, so everyone keeps their clothes off in there. The bathrooms are for different bodily functions. Now, apparently there are days where they close the blinds and put up the closed sign and let people run amok in the dining room but... that has to be a myth.

Of course, that still leaves the Storage Closet, the Kitchen, and the Private Reservation room. When they're done with their prep, the Owner happily loans her employee out to her loyal customers!

Of course, we don't have to include the customers as characters. It can very easily just be our two characters!

This is straight-up a porn plot at the end of the day. Feel free to dig up your weirder kinks for this one, believe me, so long as it's nothing that is on my 'No' list I am at the very least going to hear it out and not be offended by your mentioning it. We can also play around in the setting: This could also work in a Fantasy setting, or maybe the customers are all Monster Girls? We can talk about it a lot!

It's a silly plot, but it's on here for a reason. I hope to hear from you guys!


[BE ADVISED: This plot calls for a partner to take on the role of a GM. I am willing to take on similar roles within the plot, but you must be comfortable around the idea of a narrative role in this story.]

True Traveler (Specifically the 2.0 Version) is a text-only CYOA. It's also the basis for this RP, I want to go in and create a character and run through the setting alongside another person taking on the role of a GM. Now, I do want to specifically point out that I am also willing to take on a narrative role within the plot, describing various other characters and sharing some of that burden. Hell, if you also want to run through the CYOA and make a Traveler to go along with my character, please be my guest: In fact, I would very much encourage it!

True Traveler has a lot of lore attached to it that we would need to make sure we get the gist of before going on. I'm not the best at explaining it, but if you're willing to struggle alongside me, then I'm not going to be the one who's going to tell you 'no'. It's a lot of fun, and I think creating a character and working out the specifics of their role within this world would be a great time as well.

Honestly, this would be a very good mutual writing project alongside being a roleplay for the two of us. I'm really eager to explore this, as it's absolutely dripping with aesthetic that I would like to explore. I know the title of GM seems to carry a lot of weight, but I'm willing to shoulder quite a bit of it, and figure out how we can make this work so we're both having a wonderful time.

This is the link to the CYOA

This is a tiny aside, but if anyone is familiar with the World of Horror fandom, I would love to do an RP set in that universe!


  • Excessive Cum​
  • Cumplay​
  • Outercourse​
  • Detailed Oral​
  • Voluptuous Characters (Does not exclude more petite characters; it is simply a preference.)​
  • Kissing​
  • Passion (The Characters need to be into it, or at the very least seem interested in the act!)​
  • Clothed Sex​
  • Maledom/Femdom (Both are very fun!)​
  • Mindbreak​
  • Foodplay​
  • Lactation​
  • Ahegao​
  • Breeding​
  • Risk of Pregnancy​
  • Cock/Ball Worship​
  • Musk
  • Feet
  • Armpits
  • Vomit
  • Scat
  • Extreme Bondage
  • Permanent Character Death
  • Underage Characters
None of these Kinks are necessarily requirements, and anything that isn't listed as a limit is up for discussion!

This is the end of my Request Thread. Please reach out to me if you are interested in anything listed here! Check back sometimes as well, there are a few plots I'm still working out the particulars of that I will be adding to the roster of plots currently here! I hope to hear from some of you, and have a very pleasant rest of your day!

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