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A new roleplay idea for the ladies!

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Jan 16, 2009
Central Illinois
I figured ladies if you are interested this could be quite interesting to do and could be comical as well depending on your imagination and where we can take the roleplay to.

Here is what I am suggesting. We would play a young couple in love and very happy with how life is going for us both. We have great paying jobs, a nice place to live, and a future ahead of us. You go shopping and you buy this item that is cursed. Whatever we decide to use for the cursed item for the roleplay we will use. The cursed item will give you powers that creates problems in a comedic way. There are so many different directions that we can take this in to be honest with you.

For example, you like how this female looks. Possibly her butt, breasts or something like that and when you wish that you could look like her the next thing you know is you also inherit her personality or the way guys look at you. I hope you understand on what I mean about this.

If any ladies out there open for this then PM me or answer the thread here.


RobBase086 said:
I figured ladies if you are interested this could be quite interesting to do and could be comical as well depending on your imagination and where we can take the roleplay to.

Here is what I am suggesting. We would play a young couple in love and very happy with how life is going for us both. We have great paying jobs, a nice place to live, and a future ahead of us. You go shopping and you buy this item that is cursed. Whatever we decide to use for the cursed item for the roleplay we will use. The cursed item will give you powers that creates problems in a comedic way. There are so many different directions that we can take this in to be honest with you.

For example, you like how this female looks. Possibly her butt, breasts or something like that and when you wish that you could look like her the next thing you know is you also inherit her personality or the way guys look at you. I hope you understand on what I mean about this.

If any ladies out there open for this then PM me or answer the thread here.



Any ladies open to roleplay? Let me know so we can have some fun. If you do not like this roleplay then there are others that I have that I can let you read to see if you want to try one of those with me.
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