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Morning Star Apothecary


His Persephone
Feb 18, 2020
The land of the dead.
"The smell of Patchouli is horrible. Can I use an alternative?" Sitting on the edge of the shop's windowsill sat the worst customer Vesper had ever had the misfortune of attracting.

"Here are your choices, Laila…" It was uncommon for the irritation to bubble to the surface but it was there that day in abundance. "I have told you to use nearly everything one could use easily. You have complained of taste, smell, complication to grow, and price to purchase. If you can add citrine crystal to your daily attire and possibly soak for a week in calendula perhaps you might manifest abundance. Though I am sure if Jasmine had not suited you this one won't either."

"Well, if that is how you feel perhaps I should take my business somewhere else." She rose from the chair with a shocked look on her face mixed with indignation.

The bells rang above the sleek modern door and an amazon of a woman stepped through, entering the shop. The arrival of the familiar face arrived just in time for Vesper to cross her arms over her chest and say in a sarcastic tone to the annoyance who was preparing to leave, "May the road rise to meet you!"

"Yikes, boss lady… I think you might need to eat a whole stick of sage today. That sounded like pure venom. What's up?" The deep brown of the amazon's eyes were not lit with concern but excitement. Seldom had she seen her boss be deliberately rude to anyone. Her shoulder length black silk hair moved like it was made of liquid as she tilted her head to the right. The motion exposed the feather earrings which dangled from the smooth tan ear lobes and Vesper found herself calmed at the sight of them. A staple always worn by her employee, no…a friend.
"Blessed be, Charlotte." A smile rose from the edges of Vesper's full and soft lips, "I am just exhausted. Dreams kept me tossing and turning all night. It makes the lazy idol prattle of an entitled dabbler less tolerable." Vesper's smile remained despite the exasperated exhale which followed her words.

"You should come see my father. He would help you cleanse." Wiggling her eyebrows at Vesper, she went to put on one of the unbleached cotton aprons which they used for working hours. Placing a pin on the apron which displayed the name Char, she took over the cart of lotions and body tonics which needed to go onto higher shelves.

"Best friend and step mother do not seem to be synonyms. At least not one I would prefer." Rolling her eyes, Vesper turned her attention to preparing the cart she would take to tend the green house. It was time to start preparing seedlings for the coming season.
"Come on…not interested in a man in his late fifties?" Char did a quick shimmy in a mock flirtation.

Rolling her eyes, Vesper went to the back room of the shop into the narrow hall which led to a back door. The narrow hall and door lead to a small stone path hugged on either side by the neighboring old brick buildings. Then an arbor with a gate at the end opened into a large grass covered area which was normally full with fragrant life. A small structure, the size of a shed, stood in stark contrast to the old looking buildings which circled it making it stand out like a spacecraft in an old English town.

It was a dome made entirely of geometric shapes interlocked with black hexagonal windows. The integration of triangles and geometric shapes lead to a rounded door which she did not need to stoop in order to enter.

Char looked like a giant every time she entered, another stark contrast between the pair of them. The frizzy dark blond curls which encircled Vesper's head caught in a climbing plant hanging from a hook attached to the frame of the structure. The curl bounced back into place and she reached up to check on the plant her hair had grabbed. Breathing in the scent of planting soil, she reached the work bench and stool with the cart made of recycled material
Taking the seedlings from their starter pods, she examined them closely to make sure the leaves would continue to develop and that no infection would appear and spread through her other plants. A few seemed like they needed more time to develop while others appeared to be busting out in the fullness of growth which the tiny pod could contain. Transplanting them was always her least favorite task because the monotony always led to deep contemplation, but that was exactly what Vesper found herself needing.
Her eyes lifted and she found that this was the ideal time to be in the glass and metal structure to transplant things. The sun was hidden behind heavy gray clouds which seemed ready to let down the cleansing downpour she felt her spirit needed. Turning her eyes back toward the work at hand she slipped on her black planting gloves and took a fistfull to pack around the plant which she transferred to a larger pod which she would be able to plant in the ground directly when the time came.
A tapping on the glass made her jump and she noticed a familiar guest had come to seek her attention. A smile spread on her lips and the tapping came again, rising from her stool she went to the door opening it. Greetings of a high pitched ‘caw’ reminded her that she had allowed the feeders to become empty.
“Yes, I will fill them now.” Closing the door behind her she walked along the stone path towards the back entrance of her shop. Entering she felt a sense of calm over her as if her greatest worry was filling the bird feeders. A feeling which soon faded when she entered the back storage room and heard Char sounding uncomfortable.
“No, sorry. We don’t sell such things here.” The voice was male that responded to her adamant no.
“But I heard you're a witch shop and I want a hex. I need supplies for one.” The male standing in front of Char was stepping closer to her and every hair on Vesper’s neck began to stand on end.
“Char, could you please get some of the lotion from the higher parts of stock.” Char nodded as Vesper stepped out pulling the stock door shut. It was never shut, but this man was saying things that made her want to protect her friend.
“Are you the witch?” The man was crude. His eyes were lined in dark circles and his nails painted black. Normally she had an appreciation for the Gothic culture but this man was clearly looking to dabble in the dark arts.
“I am the owner of this establishment. We offer holistic remedies which derive from the earth. Everything we offer is meant to heal and never to harm. What can I help you improve today?” Her smile was reminiscent of a doll. Fake and plastered there to offer a false sense of security to the recipient.
“What? You could help me by telling me how to get this person to pay for how they treated me!” The indignation on the man’s face was more than enough of an indicator that he was focused on hurting someone. Something dark was surrounding him, something not natural.
“You should really turn away from the poison you are feeding your body. That includes people who will hurt you as this person has.” He looked uncomfortable at what Vesper said but she continued, “Go home. Not to where you live but where you are loved. Take a shower and take the advice which is given to you there. Seek therapy. Once you have done that, come and see me. Then I will have all that you seek to supplement your healing.”
Effectively the information freaked the man out and he left. Exhaling, Vesper opened the stockroom to tell Char that it was clear to come out when the bell above the door chimed again. Another person entered. More bad news, she could feel it in every single nerve ending before she turned around. A police officer stood in the shop, he went directly to the loose tea leaves and began reading them. In full uniform, he hardly looked like he was there for a personal visit.
“Hello officer, may I brew a sample of any of our teas for you to try?” Vesper tilted her head with curiosity as he appeared to be looking at teas geared for inflammation. Perhaps she was wrong and he was shopping on his break?
“Are you Vesper Perez?” His eyes did not seem to hold suspicion or content but instead anxiety.
“Yes, Sir. Is there something I should be concerned about?” Her brows drawing together, his body language told her everything she needed to know. Someone died. Most of her family lived far away but there was one person who she knew had been circling the area. Her father, he was a man who practiced self gain magic and did dealings with dark spirits.
“Oh, um…Well…” The officer looked at her and it seemed to stop him in his tracks. She was younger than he thought. When he was told a witch was being called in he envisioned someone that looked old and crooked with warts. Instead he found his eyes falling on a wild haired girl with bright green eyes which seemed to look into his depths. “Wow.. your eyes and the feeling around you is unnerving.”
He seemed physically uncomfortable and Vesper realized she was pushing her energy towards him and it was dripping with anxiety. She managed a laugh and tried to quiet her energy, “What a compliment.” She was trying to make light of how he openly said she was freaking him out.
“Um, I was sent here by Ian Stewart. He said that he did not have the talent we were seeking but that this apothecary. I was expecting an old woman.” He scratched the back of his head feeling a bit sheepish. The stark contrast between his dark hair and fair complexion was normal in the area where her shop was, but his eyes were unusual in the mix. They were blue, crystal blue as if his heritage was purely Scandinavian.
“I am sorry to disappoint you, but, might I understand the nature of the referral? I am happy to help if I can.” Her eyes fluttered as if to say, ‘is this guy for real’ but he began to explain.
“We found a plant at a crime scene. When I tried to look it up as to what it would have to do with the crime…well it made little to no sense. There were clipings of some type of plant called Rhododendron. Ian said that, while he is a florist, you spoke the language of flowers…or something like that. The guy seemed a little freaked out…” Rolling the bright blue eyes he also looked uncomfortable.
Sending out an exasperated sigh she realized he was avoiding looking at her, “Can we move past how uncomfortable my presence makes you feel so that I can try to help you? I need more details about the flowers. Is there a file or something I can review? I assume that since you were sent to me by the florist, there was occult related incident?”
The cop stumbled on his words and seemed to be even more ill at ease than he had been when he realized she was young, “Well… I really can’t disclose much until the detective gets here. I can say that your assumption appears to be correct.”
“Officer, I must insist that you select a tea to calm your nerves. I can tell by your body language that you are a moment away from high blood pressure.” Grabbing a clear glass tea cup off the shelf, a cute one with a lid which looked like a mushroom that sat atop the infuser insert, she started opening different canisters using a small spoon or tongs to gather each for deposit into the infuser.
She clicked on the electric kettle and placed his tea cup on a lily pad shaped plate. He seemed uncomfortable with the idea of having the tea but once the leaves had hot water over them, an aroma lifted him right away. The calming fragrance disappeared as she placed the lid on it and walked to the small bistro table in front of the window seat nearest the door to the left. The rounded area was the perfect alcove to have a cup of tea or read a book. It was even large enough for four people to sit within the booth. The cylindrical window was one of the many things that drew her in about this location.
“Oh um… I don’t suppose you have honey or cream?” He took a seat and opened his mouth to ask what the combination was just as Vesper placed a small mesh bag on the table with a tag attached with the ingredients. As she placed the premade stickers on the label for ingredients it slowly became filled with what she had put in the tea.
At your service:
Rooibos- For relaxation and antioxidants
Passion Flower- Blood Pressure, inflammation, sleep, and anxiety
Holy Basil- Physical and psychological stress relief
Lavender- Anxiety relief, stress hormone reduction

“Honey I can offer, but sadly we do not typically keep cream as finding it locally sourced and fresh can be a bit more red tape with the FDA and health codes.” Going to the tea section she grabbed a wooden honey dipper and a small pot of sample honey. “This is from a local hive which is ethically tended.” She dipped the stick and handed it to him so he could hold it while she opened the tea cup and removed the refused. “Enjoy.”
The officer began to stir as he read what the labels said and nodded as he looked at each one, “Thank you Miss Perez.” Smiling softly she nodded at his kind regard and as he took a sip she could feel the energy shift to a much calmer tone.
“I will be back in a moment.” Smiling softly, she went to the counter where Char was serving customers and began to take books on herbalism and natural living, putting them away. The customers came and went for twenty minutes before the bell rang and she became hyper alert of energy again.
This was a clearly male energy, even the air about him as it came to his back while entering she could smell forest air on him. The man did not seem to notice her as he walked over to the officer and began asking questions. The assumption was made at first that Char was the owner. It made sense given how much older she looked in comparison to Vesper, but it still stung again. A witch was old or Native American? What was the deal with these people?
His eyes turned towards Vesper and she felt her heart do something strange. She normally was the one who made people feel as if she saw right to their core, it was a first that she experienced that first hand from the man across the vast room. Closing the distance in calm strides, he took the room as if it were half the size it was.
He was stoic but his features did not seem cruel, just intense. Strong jaw lines, firm but lean, and by the time she reached his eyes she could see they were ice colored in some spots and then gray hinted to match the sky outside. His badge was hooked on his belt line in a display case opposite a holster which he seemed to hardly notice was at his hip. His shirt was gray and made from thermal material which he tucked neatly into dark blue jeans which hugged his impossibly long legs.
His brow lifted and so did the edge of the left side of his mouth. He found her inspection of his features amusing but clearly it made him feel shy to be under such scrutiny. He cleared his throat a moment and a thick accent caught her by surprise. “Hello Mrs. Perez. I am detective Muller. I hear you come highly recommended for your herbology. We would like to request your expertise in a series of murders. Though, meeting so publicly would not be ideal. Perhaps, would you accompany officer Handlar and I to the precinct? We can give you a ride or if you prefer you can follow over within the hour?”
Pleasantries aside, his polite nature did not mean there was room for discussion. It was not truly a request, but a command. She knew that from the way his shoulder straightened when he made the request. Swallowing she could only agree, “Char. Please be sure to close the shop correctly.”
“Yes, MISS Parez.” Her friend grinned knowing that she had stressed the lack of marriage associated with her name despite the detective assuming she was married.
Chapter Two
"A beat went rogue and called over the radio that he has a strong lead. Someone who could talk to plants or something? Some herbal shop. Something about a pharmacy in the old section of town. We advised him to wait for the Feds but after what he witnessed it seems he can't just let it go." The phone call had come at a rather annoying time. The captain of the local law enforcement was known for her poor timing. He had been awake for over twenty four hours and had just fallen face first into the pillows of his oversized king bed.
"Cap, can I follow up with this tomorrow? I have leads I need to follow that way as it is." The thick accent, which he normally tried to work around when speaking to most Americans, was unavoidably heavy from exhaustion.
"I would typically say yes but the last feed we got before he shut off his radio was that he was observing a customer who was behaving in a hostile fashion towards two different women there and he was going in to make sure they were alright." The exasperation in her voice clearly offered more than enough information about exactly how long he had to get up and dressed again.
He didn't have time to shower, so he was hardly going to bother with nice clothes. Making an annoyed face after hanging up his phone, Anselm rolled to the edge of the bed and groaned as he stood. Rookies always made stupid mistakes but this one was up there. Never turn your radio off.
Going to the dresser on the long wall, under his industrial looking window complete with bars, he removed the dark denim from the bottom of the three drawers. From the top drawer he selected a thermal top, he did not care much about which color it was but more so that it would be warm enough that he would be able to go without a coat. His hands slipped up the long sleeves before tugging his jeans over the muscular v at his pelvis fastening the three buttons over his lower abdomen. Anslem added his black leather belt around narrow hips through the loops of the belt and his hip holster.
Fastening them and clipping his badge to the right side while he slipped his side arm into the holster on his left hip. Catching sight of himself in the mirror he groaned again in annoyance. He needed to do something with his hair. There was a level of professionalism that he needed regardless of the dark circles under his eyes and casual attire.
Anslem went to the bathroom of his urban studio apartment and wet his hands locating the hard part which needed to be touched up. He needed to make time to get to the barber and shave… his stubble had grown more than he preferred. The water allowed him to swoop the longer top to the right but did nothing for the sides which were long past needing buzzed down. He needed to redo his fade…
Putting beard oil in his hand in a hurry, he spilled more out than he meant and it left oil stains at his wrist on his shirt. Anslem didn't have time to change so he shoved the sleeves up to the crook of his arms and quickly rubbed the oil into his sharp stubble to soften it. "Du bist ein chaos."
After reprimanding himself for the disrepair of his outward appearance he grabbed what was left of his ego and headed for the door where his keys hung beside it on a simple metal hook. The apartment as a whole was minimalistic with no pictures or decoration. He had three sets of things to eat off of and the bare necessities when it came to living.
Ten years he had been in the states and he still lived like he was going back any day. Not like he spent much time there, he reminded himself as he locked the door and started the eight floors of steps because the elevator was out six of the last ten years. At least having long legs made going up the steps easy and he hardly had to focus on cardio with how quickly he took the steps either way.
Once in the car, he hoped traffic would cooperate but naturally he would have no such luck with the time of day. Anslem punched the gas pulling into traffic from the parking garage. The tires of his mini cooper were used to him hitting the ground running but the turn was sharp even for him as he forgot he was in his civilian vehicle.
The stand still moments had his exhaustion even more exaggerated and hints of aggravation came off of him as he parked. Pausing he took a breath and masked his annoyances with a blank stoic exterior. Sliding from the white leather seat he closed the black cherry door and locked his car.
Opening the door he was prepared for a stressful scenario but inside of the shop he only saw two women and the idiot who shut his radio off. Walking towards the tea sipping uniform he spoke low, "The threatening guy?"
"She scared him off as I was coming in." The response didn't shock him as the tall dark haired woman even made him a bit uncomfortable with the death glare which seemed to be painted on her natural features.
"Not that one… The other one. She is the owner, don't let her youth fool you. She is what we are looking for." The uniform continued saying something, Anslem didn't hear a word. He had seen the thorough assessment he was undergoing and closed the distance between himself and the woman before him.
Once she seemed to process what was standing in front of her, he went through the normal protocol but he was not prepared for her willingness to take on the case. To go with them to the precinct, but more than that, the way her friend not so discreetly corrected his assumption that she was married.
So he wasn't the only one who noticed that the green sea colored eyes had been looking more deeply than 'who is this guy'. His ego lifted a bit repairing the damage the mirror had caused. The owner seemed prepared to go with them but officer Handler insisted on her going in his vehicle.
Anslem lifted his left brow and looked down at the tangled messy frizz which barely came to the bottom of his chest. "Handler, she will ride with me or in her own vehicle. It would be bad for her business as the proprietor to leave in the back of a cop car… don't you think?"
Handler agreed after opening his mouth to argue. It was pretty clear he had been taken in by the tiny beauty. Squaring his shoulders and stretching himself to his actual stature he left no room for argument.
"Would you like to ride with me?" He knew his tone was softer with her than it had been with Handlar but she was not a wide eyed rookie who seemed to fight against his superior officers.
"Yes, please. I don't typically drive to work. I normally take the bus." She was embarrassed to seem that she was not self sufficient and her eyes dropped as her smooth tan skin started to darken across her cheeks and nose.
"Well, I am happy to take you." Anslem walked to his passenger door opening it for her. She paused and looked at the car then him.
"Um… this is your car?" Vesper was blinking up at him but then slid in.
The humor was not lost on him. His height was abnormal as it was, but to have a car that size only made it look more exaggerated. Getting into the car and starting the ignition, he didn't bother waiting for Handlar to get into his vehicle. The captain would handle him.
"So you have a degree in pharmacology?" He was trying to make small talk. He was bad at it and it honestly annoyed him, but he wanted to ease her anxiety. He also found himself interested in her mannerisms and her way of speaking. The way she spoke sounded like music, soft and sweetly pitched. Feminine and even a bit girly. Something he had not experienced often in either country.
"Oh… um I have a degree in botany." She hopelessly tucked one of her tendrils behind her ear but the tight coil simply escaped immediately. He watched the road trying not to laugh past the smirk on his lips.
"Thank you for being so willing to help. You didn't have to say yes let alone drop your life and come now." He ran his hand through the soft straw color hair.
"Your body language indicated that if I did not comply I would be called in at a later time anyway. Besides… the flower which the other officer told me about…I need to see the condition of the plant."
She was a science nerd.. a valuable specialist but she perceived him correctly. He did not get drug from his bed to be told no. Clearing his throat he shifted uncomfortably.
"You don't seem to like people being able to read you. I did not mean to make you feel uncomfortable." Again she fought with the defiant spiral. Her ears were slightly and unusually pointed at the tips. He noticed when she spoke that her canine teeth came to a point as well. He had seen that before but on her it seemed peculiar given how he heard rumors that a witch was going to be asked for help.
A witch, the thought nearly made him laugh out loud. Were his colleagues that superstitious or was she a self proclaimed witch? Talking with plants sounded like a stupid statement until he understood what her degree was in. She could most likely give them insight into the meaning behind the flowers and plants they were finding if there was one.
Anslem had heard rumors about witches meeting under the full moon naked on the beach behind an old home surrounded with foliage which made it look like something out of story books. He had never seen the house but many believed it had been in a family of witches since the trials in salem. Something about the lore made him roll his eyes. Why had that even come to his mind? This woman looked like most other women, terrified to be in a car with a strange man.
"I hope I am not making you uncomfortable." Keeping his eyes on the road he only stole side glances at her trying to determine if she was scared of him. Had the thought crossed her mind suddenly that she had no proof he was taking her where he said aside from the uniform of Handler and the badge at his own hip?
"No. I woke up this morning with a feeling that things were not going to go well today. It has nothing to do with you." She gave him a sad smile.
Nodding, he kept quiet the rest of the way to the station, he didn't believe in witches and the like but he did understand waking up with a bad feeling. Normally his bad feelings were correct and he could imagine that she was feeling much the same at the moment. Parking in the garage was simple enough given the time, a shift had just ended and cars parked in the open spots at the time only to leave the better spots open as the last shift left.
Getting out of the car he noticed her reach for the door handle after she unbuckled. What happened to the days when a woman waited for a man to open her door? Was it impatiens, was she against the idea? Maybe she did not even realize he would open her door?
Walking her into the employee door with Vesper, Anselm became very aware that the case was being taken from him. A large man, rich colored skin with a deep southern accent, met them as soon as they entered. "Agent Niel Solomon. Detective, Ma'am." He nodded his head and then approached.
"The word here is that you know flower meanings and we think this case may be linked to seven other similar ones in three other states. We are grateful for your expertise. Come this way please ma'am. Detective Muller I will take it from here." Being dismissed was only natural given the far reach of this case, but it stung to watch her move away from him towards someone else. This had been his case. He was the one who found all of the links between the Nuns and Priests who were killed.
"Good work out there. Handler got his ass chewed and not in the fun way if you catch my meaning." A greasy looking cop elbowed him but he tried to ignore the invasion of his personal space. Handler did leg work and while he was out of line, Muller knew that time was running out, so the inexperienced cop did them all a solid.
After debriefing with the captain, Anselm went to his apartment and hardly made it to his bed while cognitive. Sleep hit hard when it came and he woke up once for water and food before going back to his bed. The little shop owner played in his mind over and over, what would she know which could help the case? The flowers had little in common. Though he had some weird sense of confidence that no one was better suited to find the link than she was.
Not bothering to wash his dishes, Anselm finally removed his work clothes, putting his badge and gun in the night table drawer. Locking the drawer with a key he kept on a key ring under the edge of his mattress, he settled into the bed again.
Pulling the light material of his comforter across his hips, he placed his right hand behind his head while his left splayed over the tight core muscles just above his covers. The blanket did little to hide his pelvic region but as he slept alone it hardly seemed to matter. He needed to feel the cool air on his skin in order to fall asleep.
When sleep found him again it was nearly one in the morning and the depths of his sleep state took him somewhere he did not understand. The woods were deep and it felt like it took some time for him to reach a large dark wood cabin. It was somewhere between something Lord of The rings would make up with moss on rocks and long trees fallen in an artistic way. Plants were growing all over, some seemed wild and others seemed intentional. In the background he would hear the rapids of a creek and it sounded so full that he realized it must have been raining. The moon was high and yet somehow it also seemed to be focused on the back garden of the house.
Walking through the side door closest to the enclosed glass sunroom, which appeared to be a greenhouse. He found Vesper standing in front of the farm house sink with a glass of water in her hand. She was shaking and suddenly a butter knife fell pointing directly towards where he stood. As if he startled her she jumped and dropped the glass of water. It shattered at her feet and she crouched down to pick up the shards.
Frozen for a moment, Anselm took in the beauty of the woman in front of him. She was wearing a floor length nightgown made of some sort of soft sheer fabric under which she simply wore black panties and a thin black camisole with straps crossed over her ample cleavage. Her legs were strong and for a moment he imagined himself between them. Her eyes shot up at him and went wide as if he had said the image aloud.
The inattention to the glass made her cut one of her dainty finger tips and returned him to his senses as she winced and put her finger into her mouth. Lowering he started to help pick the glass up as as it lifted he realized she was looking at him like he had twelve heads. This was an odd dream, Anselm thought before standing and taking a paper towel from the holder on the kitchen island. He wrapped her finger and she blushed with a slight smile.
"I knew a male visitor was coming but I had no idea in this form or that it would be you Detective." The sound of her voice echoed slightly and he offered her his hand to aid her in standing up.
"How did you know a male would visit?" He laughed a bit and she smiled up at him. Her smile was sweet and crooked in a way but beautifully reached her eyes and freckle splashed nose.
Pointing to the butter knife on the floor which had been pointing towards the door he entered she explained, "When a knife falls a man is coming. When it pointed to the back door it meant he was not invited."
"What about a fork or spoon? Or what if you drop it all?" He teased her a bit and she tucked that unruly curl she had been fighting in her car behind her ear again without success, "You are a beautiful woman Miss Perez."
He lifted his hand and cupped her cheek while his long fingers pressed into the mess of hair. "I think you must believe you are dreaming. Please be careful what you say. I would not like to make our future encounters uncomfortable for you."
Scoffing with a smile he grinned, "I don't have women, let alone do I approach them. So this must be a dream." The fear in her eyes seemed to vanish when he touched her but that brought up the question he had when he saw her shaking, "What were you afraid of when I got here."
"The flowers….they were a warning. Their state of decomposition from the images I have been reviewing show that the flowers, while all different sorts, were used as an omen. The nun knew she was going to die and I would assume she knew by whose hand. Two weeks from the arrival of each type of flower. There will be more deaths, there will be signs, come see me at the shop tomorrow. Please." Her eyes widened and shot towards the wall behind him. He nearly turned to look at what she saw but she stopped him.
"Ask me a question that I can answer in real life. So you will know that this is real." She said the words quickly but he could hear something loud and growing louder, "Hurry!"
"Why did you not wait for me to open your car door?" He asked the question and nearly bolted out of bed when the sound was right behind him and she screamed the word RETURN.
Gasping for air Anslem looked at the clock on his bedside table, what had scared him so badly in that dream? Grabbing a notebook beside his bed he began to write down every detail he could remember about the dream but underlined the question he asked her. As he began to write the details of what she wore, he found himself wishing he had touched her haid sooner. The tight coils made it look coarse but the truth was, it was soft. Soft and very light despite the appearance of density.
Her breasts were plump and stood at attention but still were natural in where they sat. Her hips were wide, just as her bust was, and her waist tapered in and back out perfectly. Her body was soft and feminine even in the strong way her legs were formed. Wetting his lips he breathed out trying to regain some sense of being a gentleman. He imagined again the way he wanted to lift her onto that counter. How he hungered to taste her skin.
Sleep was a lost cause, he needed an ice cold shower. Maybe even to go to the gym and exhaust himself. He needed to avoid her at all cost and so he knew that his dream was manifesting his desire. The question was how to get himself under control in the event that he needed to work with her again.
Two weeks passed without another word about the witch and he had resolved himself to have no need to go back to the shop again. That was until he walked into the not so quiet gossip. "This time it was Cobaea or something like that? I wonder if that girl will translate again."
Chapter three
“So they called you again? When are they going to take you down again?” Char looked at Vesper, “Are you even sure you want to…” Char paused and tapped her friend on the shoulder rapidly.
Back to the door, Vesper was grinding together a face cream in the black stone mortar. “Charlotte! You are going to make me lose focus and this is supposed to be ready for…”
“Ves. Look.” But she didn’t need to turn around. The bell chimed and Vesper did not even turn to know who it was. The scent of Cedar and this particular cedar she now associated with the detective. Afterall it lingered in her home for nearly a week after his spirit walked. Turning to see him she handed the pestle to Char uniting her apron and tossing it on the counter. The look she gave him insisted he should follow her.

How could she look at him without blushing? Walking through the back door, her long green peasant skirt swept about her feet. Knowing he was right behind her she lead him to the arbor and it’s gate. She did not speak to him until they were inside of the dome shaped greenhouse.

“Miss Perez.” He began to ask her questions about her findings but she held up her hand.
“I told you to come the next day. So instead you come here weeks later demanding the answers which I had ready to go once you…” He took a step back. It was then she realized he had truly thought it was only a dream.
“Excuse me Miss Perez but I am here on official business. I have not come at any sort of request. Had I known you requested me I would have come sooner.” He looked at her worried, like guilt was ripping through him. As if he had somehow failed to meet her expectations despite not knowing he had been neglecting a responsibility.
Vesper took his confusion and remorse as him not remembering the dream. That would make sense. After all, he was a normal human. “Oh, I suppose the message must not have come across. Anyway…What I found in each of the images is that the person who received the flowers always found them around two weeks prior to death. The nuns all seemed to wear the same pin like they were a part of the same faction of sisters. The pin itself is a flower. The metal flower seems to be a lotus blossom. Which they symbolize purity and rebirth.”
The detective looked at her for a long moment processing a theory she seemed to be hinting at, “So do you think the flowers are a code the victims knew already?” Detective Muller rubbed his stubble in deep contemplation.
“Well the theory I have is much darker. The killer is one of the sisters. She is killing people she thinks are unworthy of wearing that flower.”
“Would they also have access to priests?” Anslem leaned against her planting table looking around the room at the plants in their various stages of growth.
Looking up at a plant near his head, he sniffed it and plucked a leaf off putting it into his mouth. “Mint. It keeps harmful bugs from my plants. I also make tea leaves with it.” Vesper explained and he just smiled at her.
“It used to grow in my Garden back home. Took over a whole bed of plants.” Laughing to himself for a moment he processed the fact that she was so aware of plants it consumed her life.
“Priests are required to take confession of all people at any time. The circumstances need to be dire but anyone can fake that.” Vesper was pacing back and forth biting her lip furiously. The amount of anxiety this gave her was exactly why she avoided the news.
“Hey… hey..” Anslem tried to get her attention but it was impossible. It was like she couldn’t hear him so he stepped in front of her reaching to grab her hands so she would focus.
Jumping back she held her hands in front of her face like she was blocking him with her palms facing him. “Sorry. I am not a fan of this sort of thing. It makes me really paranoid.”
“Your finger has a pretty big scab… what happened?”Anselm looked at her with concern.
“Oh… um… I broke a glass in my kitchen a few weeks ago. It was a pretty bad cut but it is better now.” Vesper avoided his gaze and turned like she was going to work on something else.
He was not one to let things go at that. He reached out and took her hand again looking at it with a furrowed brow. Maybe he had subconsciously noticed the cut on the day he had come to the shop. Vesper cleared her throat and reached to tuck a strand of hair back into the tangle on her head. It was tied up tightly into a circular knot on the crown of her head so the strand fell loose again without having been secured with the rest of her hair.
“I thought that you were not the lead on this case since it crossed state lines.” Avoiding his gaze, Vesper reached up pruning some of the mint before going towards the tiny vases filling one with enough water for the mint to make roots. “This should be planted in a pot of dirt once the roots are large enough.”
Vesper handed him the vase with the clippings and he lifted a brow, “Thank you? How much do I owe you?”
She shook her head a little bit and avoided his eyes, “No debt it owed to me. Though, I do hope you will come to this shop again as a visitor and not a cop.”
Letting a small sigh escape his smiling lips he remembered why he was there, “The problem is that I am going to be used as a liaison for the FEDS because this case has them running all over the place. So after speaking with you, and something you said apparently about not being willing to travel, I have become the point on relaying information to you. I have been asked to not pull you into the station again though. Something else you requested I assume?”
Nodding, Vesper swallowed, “I want to help but I need to be unknown, If you get close to finding out who he is and he links it back to my helping you. We would all be in danger.”
“He?” The detective tilted his head looking at Vesper for a long moment before he continued, “How do you know it is a man?”
“I dreamed about him. The night I cut my hand.” Anselm nodded as Vesper stated it was from a dream but he managed to remain respectful despite his disbelief in such things. “You are not a believer in such things are you?”
“Well, I believe that something in the images struck you subconsciously as a male. Perhaps even the statistics on serial killers. You are clearly very intelligent, informed, and intuitive.” He smiled a little as he delivered the compliments as if he were not telling her that she was deluded.
“Well, if that is all, I have a lot of work to do. I am happy to help outside of business hours when I am at my home where I feel most safe.” She took a pencil and paper scratching down the address quickly, “Please do not tell anyone else this address please. I truly prefer my solitude and do not wish to have attention drawn to me.” She was uncomfortable and did not feel like someone like him could understand. How could he when he thought it was all fake? Swallowing back the fear she pressed the paper into his hand.
Nodding in response, Anselm took his leave. Tucking the paper safely in his wallet as he walked away down the path and entered the building again. Stopping at the tea leaves he looked over at Charlotte. “Can any of this help with sleep?”
Charlotte gave him an odd look and walked around the counter. “Trouble with dreams? Or having a hard time with insomnia?” In earnest she waited for him to respond before assembling the leaves. “Be careful that you only use small amounts at first. Otherwise it could make your dreams weird.”
He laughed at the thought of the dream he had weeks prior, “Noted. Thanks.” He paid and left the shop behind knowing he would try to find time to scope out the location before he would agree to meet at her home. Sleep was needed long before that was an option. He needed rest of all kinds, the most that evaded him was sleep of late.
Hours passed and she found herself finding work to do as if she were avoiding being alone at her home. Such behavior was unusual for Vesper. Something deep within her had been unnerved by the spectral visit of a man she hardly knew. Worse was the knowledge that he was not a witch. He had found her by accident. Left his body unattended without knowing how to return. She knew it would happen again, but what would happen if he found something, someone, darker?
Text was so impersonal, nothing was helping her find sleep. Her body was tense and she needed human touch. Not something she often gave into, but as she paced the floor of her greenhouse at work, she realized what hour it was. Cain would answer, but would he come? She took the risk and sent him the words she always did when feelings like this came. He was a grounder and his abilities never failed her in the past. ‘Circle of two’ was all she typed.
Her answer was leaning against the hood of a black mustang. Strong broad shoulder, familiar from years of nights like this. “It has been a long time.” His words stung like venom in her veins. He could see that on her face and instantly his entire demeanor shifted from smug and playful to her protector.
“Thank you for coming.” Her smile was weak and she walked past him to the door by her kitchen. She took her shoes off and he stepped in behind her. Taking a moment he leaned in to kiss her hair.
“I am always happy when I hear from you.” His hand moved along her arm before he removed his shoes. “With your consent, I will take control now.” Taking a deep breath she shut her eyes and nodded. “Princess, I need to hear words.”
“Yes. I am ready.” Her voice trembled slightly and he could see she was full of pain and fear.
“Tonight you belong to me alone. Your only command available to use is one to end this. Nox. Goddess of night. Invoke the name and we will go to bed and nothing more will be done to your body aside from comfort as you seek it. Do you understand?”
“Yes.” Wetting her lips, Vesper turned to look at him, “Take away the pain. Please.” Normally she would feel his hands rip away her clothing like they were nothing but this was different.
His hands lifted the edges of her shirt, dropping it on the kitchen floor. With each layer of clothing he removed from her, Cain let the tense energy in her body channel through his body. “You should not wait until it is so bad to reach for me.”
Vesper didn’t say anything and when he lifted her, wrapping her legs and arms around the broad tight strength. The pale moonlight colored skin against her’s was beautiful. His bare torso was warm against her naked thighs and the firm core felt familiar against her most intimate areas. Leaning into the side of her neck he kissed her softly there and even that felt safe.
He took the steps as if they were easy even supporting her weight, something she never trusted anyone to do aside from Cain. He lowered her feet onto the floor, cold bathroom tiles against her dainty toes. She complained with a whimper and grumble but Cain just lifted his brow.
He grabbed the white candles from the linen closet, he knew his way around her house. He was familiar. “Where are the white rose petals? Hmm… Lavender will have to do for earth. Vanilla incense for air. And pink salt to purify and chase away anxiety. Shower off please. No scented soaps. I will join you once the bath is prepared.” Cain instructed her to use the shower stall and she scrubbed with the unscented soap as he instructed. Even her hair.
Vesper made sure her back was turned when he undressed, he smirked and got into the shower behind her, “Do you want me to wash you this time?” Making a point of avoiding his eyes she turned and started to lather her hands to wash his chest.
Cain placed one long finger under her chin and made her look up into his nearly black eyes. “Do you find me attractive?” His voice conveyed pain, so many times he had touched her and felt her but she never seemed to look at his body. She never looked at him in general.
“Are you kidding? You are a sex icon with legs. Everyone thinks you are sexy. I wonder why you show up when I call.” The words were honest and yet they still made Cain frown when she said them.
“You are never to question your beauty in my presence. I come because I want you. I have wanted you since the day we met.” Cain took the soap, washing down his body until he knew he was prepared for the circle. “Come on Sugar. Let’s leave the insecurities in the shower.”
Nodding she followed him, naked and dripping wet to the bathtub. Getting in first, he helped her into the brass clawfoot tub and opened the sky light above it where the moon was almost in position above them. The hot steam of the water rose around them making the scent of lavender flood their senses.
Closing the circle with the last bit of salt, he reached his long toned arms to first light the candle, “I invoke fire.” Next he reached for the insent lighting the vanilla stick, “I invoke air.” He cupped water and the flowers into his massive calloused hands raising them towards where the moon was rising. “I invoke earth and water.”
Bowing her head, Vesper felt him pour the water over her and then his hands went to her hips. The deep water covered the bottom of her collar bone even as Cain pulled her chest to chest onto him. He wrapped her legs around him, and she could feel the semi erect stance his length took against her outer lips. The soft gasp she made encouraged the growth amd he lifted her chin.
“Wash away inhibitions.” He said the word as he lifted his face and poured the water over himself.
“Cleanse fear.” Vesper poured water over herself after lifting her face to the moon.
“Touch me.” Cain gave a command he never had before and Vesper froze. He guided her hand to his jaw, smooth and warm under her icy fingers. He did not even flinch and Cain lowered tilting her back so that her hips opened to him. “You are over using your solar plexus chakra. Your sacral is seeking an outlet. While I am happy to oblige as I always do when this need occurs, I have a sense that I will not satisfy this need as deeply because something is emerging in your life.”
“I don’t need you to open my chakras. Or close any. I just need…I need to feel something other than what I am feeling.” Shock crossed Cain’s face as Vesper became as direct as she ever had with him before.
Cain considered for a moment, “Pleasure or pain Sugar?” His hand hovered over her pelvic area using his energy and proximity of his hand to send heat to that area. He knew it worked when she moaned softly before standing.
“I want both. Where we start is where you decide. Hard limit stands that you may not kiss my mouth. Anything else is fair play.” Vesper swallowed as she watched the hunger rise in his eyes. She had awoken the beast within him and she knew there was no putting him back in the cage.
“Blessed be all which is said in this circle. We thank the divine for embracing our needs and ask that all which transpired and will transpire shall serve the purposes we have declared.”
“Blessed be.” Vesper responded and he closed out the circle leaving the tub full as he helped her out of the tub pulling her towards her bedroom.
Cain lifted her onto the bed, setting her on the top of the head board which was meant to be a book shelf along the back. At first standing on the mattress, Cain kissed and licked his way from the nape of her neck to her left breast. She gave little whimpers of approval but it was when his hands gripped her thighs spreading her legs that he heard what he needed to hear. A gasp followed by a tremble, yes she wanted this. His insecurities fled and he lowered to hiss up each of her inner thighs until he found her puffy mound and kissed the skin with the slight brushing of his lips.
Vesper moaned as she felt his tongue seeking her delicate pearl and once he located it, she felt his long thick center finger press into her damp and wanting depths. His finger moved inside of her in junction with his teasing of her sensitive spot with his lips and tongue. Orgasm was not far off and he could tell that. Now it was time for the pain.
Naked and at attention, Cain wondered if Vesper knew just how much restraint it took for him to not rush right to being hilt deep in her warm and welcoming walls. No, she needed more than just his carnal need. She was trying to push something far from her mind. Something dark. He could feel it in every attempt he made at grounding her. “On your back.” He lifted her back down and went to her closet removing the small black bag which held a sleek athame. It would hurt with pressure but he knew she did not keep hers sharp enough to cut.
He let the knife glide between her breasts and pulled it along her skin. To his shock it cut her, but as he began to pull away because she winced and yelped in shock as well, Vesper implored him to keep going. Lifting his hand away he shook his head, “No, I will not cause you harm, sugar. Blood magic is not my sort of thing or yours. Perhaps we should focus more on pleasure.”
His hands gripped her hips and pulled her towards his now pulsing need. Thrusting and teasing her just as he came close to entering her, Cain always pulled away. Her groans and pleading whimpers resulted in his own aching and he was not one to torture himself. Vesper withdrew each time after he decided he wanted the teasing to end and even ignored his command to give him what he wanted.
The end result was always the same when she did that. Cain flipped her over and gripped her hair growling “You will give me what I want.” His hand that was not in her hair braced against her throat and he began to force his way into her. Pain, but pleasure was heavily mixed into it and she felt exactly what she wanted. Facing the door she opened her eyes when she felt the energy shift.
Vesper saw him for just a moment, spectral form again before her, “Nox!” The word registered but so had the presence.
“Who was that?” Cain withdrew and she had a feeling it had nothing to do with her using their safe word.
Vesper had no good answer other than the truth. A truth which resulted in Cain demanding to spend the night. A night where he would mark her, any part he could as his own. Until exhaustion would make her collapse near sunrise. Well pleased after she agreed to resume once the other man’s energy had dissipated. She owed Cain at least that much.
Vesper never let men stay the night in her bed but the last thing she remembered before the multitude of orgasms wore her out, was Cain asking the same question he always did, “When will we stop playing this game and you finally say you will be only mine?”
Chapter Four
Dreams were never so clear. Speaking, seeing, smelling, even tasting the fragrances in the air. Vanilla, and some sort of sweet flower. Water was rushing but the world around him was dark. Even in the dark he seemed to be able to find his way through the house. He had been there before in a dream. It was so much more amplified the last time but he couldn’t understand what changed.
Waking and falling back into the same dream where he had left off each time he woke. Then a moment broke through and he saw her. Not just Vesper but a man. He looked like he was holding a weapon maybe? She did not seem afraid but when he tried to reach for her it was like the man could see him. Dark eyes filled with something menacing as he noticed Anslem. He was protecting Vesper, pushing Anslem away with the force of his energy and strength. He could see the veins in the other man’s body as he tensed with a possessiveness that he himself had known before.
He went to speak but something was calling him back. A sound he did not recognize. The sound was coming from the side of his bed but he could not place it. He sat up quickly and suddenly his bed was gone and he realized he was asleep at his desk. The sound was the less than welcome sound of a third shifter trying to wake him. “Hey, you alright man? Been a long time since I saw a detective here this late.”
The guy was nice enough and even offered to get Anslem coffee but he shook his head. He wanted to go back to sleep and rip that guy off of Vesper. His dream was an absolute torment, he didn’t even understand where his weird fascination with some stranger woman was coming from. Sure she was a beauty incarnate, smart, and willing to help others at the risk of her own well being…. Nope there was no but at the end of his thought. She was a sweet girl and she sparked his curiosity.
Gathering some files to review with Vesper as soon as he got the opportunity, he closed down his desk and slipped on the black leather jacket he had dug out from his fall attire because the mild weather of spring was just around the corner. Grabbing his keys, he decided that he would follow the address Vesper had given him and see if she was home. Checking the time, it was too early for him to show up unannounced but by the time he made it home, showered, and put on new clothes, the time would have become more reasonable.
Seven in the morning he began to make his way to the address she had scratched onto a piece of paper. The mini cooper rolled to a stop at the end of a long circular driveway. The log home, dark and rich in color, was surrounded by plants and natural foliage. It was so hidden from any other place that it was almost certainly able to be mistaken for the set for a fairy tale film. The forest around the acres of land looked eerie and familiar.
Though it was not until he recognized the grey and white cobblestone path that he came to understand why it all looked familiar to him. Had he come to this house on a case before? That had to be the explanation for how familiar this all felt. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of soft humming coming from around the back where the path led. Following the sound, which grew into louder melodic tunes the closer he got, Anslem began to have flashes of his dreams.
Once the sounds began to have words, panic began to climb his throat. He knew this place and there was absolutely no other reason why he would have seen the back of this house. The dreams he had, the cut on her hand, the greenhouse off to the side of her house, and there she stood watering plants with her back to him in the very sheer robe he had seen her in prior. This time the camisole was blood red and the panties she wore seemed to be some sort of black shorts.
“Can I help you?” A deep voice came from his left, how had he not heard someone approach? Anslem moved in a pivot, ready with his hand on his side arm when the singing stopped and he heard Vesper telling the broad man to stand down.
“Detective? I did not realize you would come to call so soon. Is everything alright?” Her brow furrowed and Vesper did not seem to be aware of or care about the fact that she was wearing nearly nothing.
The man walked around and protectively placed his arm around her hip. Right, that was the guy he had flashes on in his dream the night before. Her boyfriend, Anslem reasoned to himself. “Not new information since we last spoke. I just am not one to wait until another situation occurs. This information is confidential though. So maybe another time would be better?”
Cain stood taller, he was wider and more apparently muscular than Anslem, but he was easily six inches shorter. That made Cain uncomfortable, he was six foot two inches and dwarfed Vesper as it was, a man six inches taller made her look like she could be carried in his pocket.
“Cain, it’s okay.” Stepping towards Anslem, she looked at Cain, her fingers moving towards Cain’s chest. The protective man ran his hand along her her jaw briefly before he nodded and walked towards the the direction he came from.
Anslem swallowed back a strange sense of envy. The way she touched that man was a reminder of his distorted dream. How did he recognize a man he knew he had never seen before? Why was he jealous of him when he hardly knew the woman in front of him?
“Detective, please come this way.” She led him into the back door and he froze. Her back was to him but she paused, “Detective?”
“Sorry, yes… Where should we spread out the file?” He lifted it to show he had it in his hand but she could see him looking around in disbelief.
“We can go into the greenhouse. It is the most private area I have in this house. The barrier there keeps out unwanted observers. So we will truly be alone.” Turning towards the old looking doors, green paint faded from the sage color it once was. The rectangular peins of glass were once the height of fashion in their lattice style on the french doors. Lowering the silver handle he watched as she opened the right side leading Anselm into the glass dome topped room. The walls were made of glass as well with another set of glass doors leading towards more land which appeared to belong to the property.
“Would you prefer, maybe, to put on more clothing?” The detective was looking around the room and his fair colored skin seemed to redden at his ears. Vesper, sitting cross legged in a grey wicker chair in the center of lush foliage in her scant attire was hard to look away from but he forced his eyes away. To the left he noticed a small circular pool of water and he tilted his head in a curious way, “Won’t the pool chemicals kill the plants?”
“I have a salt water filter.” She extended her hand towards the chair across from her, the grey wicker was cushioned on each of the matching chairs, with a moss green or pink cushion. “If it is all the same to you, I would rather remain in what I am wearing. You interrupted my daily routine and I plan to get back to it once we are done here.”
Clearing his throat, Anslem put the file on the table. His mind went to the flashes of her naked in his dreams. The way he saw her with the very man he knew he had never seen before yet knew more about than he preferred due to the odd dream which he was still trying to justify.
“The flowers don’t seem to make much sense. I know there has to be a pattern here but I don’t see it. Not color, or where they grow, and no florist in these areas have orders for these flowers. We can’t even track down someone who has ordered these flowers to grow them or seeds for it.”
“Simple.” Vesper quirked her left brow without even looking at what he was displaying for her, “This person has access to a multitude of these items. That narrows to a national herbology staff member, a shipment worker for a gardening or outdoor supply store, or this has been in the works and happening for a long time. These flowers were cultivated for this reason. If it was just about killing someone in an untraceable way they could have harvested belladonna from most forests.Sure the plant would show up in their system but it grows so commonly that anyone could make a mistake and eat it when on a walk. It even has a pleasant taste. This is about sending a message. The real piece that is missing, what do these people have in common?”
A tap came to the door and Vesper rose, the plump bounce of her breasts turning the detective’s ears red again. A grin came to her lips and she opened the door letting Cain in. Had she done that on purpose to see if she could catch his attention? The thought left his mind as Cain entered to set the tea set on the table beside where she sat before he knelt beside her as she lowered onto the green cushion. “Give me your foot please.”
Vesper compiled out of pure curiosity it seemed by the way she looked at Cain. She lifted her leg to rest her foot in his outstretched hand, her foot looked tiny in the massive hand holding it and it made Anslem look at his own broad palm. His thoughts went right away to holding her ankles against the right side of his chest as he….
The thought left Anslem as the sound of tiny chimes came into replace it. Cain was slipping an anklet of bells on each of her ankles, kissing just above each trinket, he rose again to stand. “Be safe, Priestess, I would recommend wearing red more often if you plan to help them. Wouldn’t want any unclean entities to attach to you.”
“Thank you. I should have put them on before coming in here. The tea and scones are most welcome. Will you leave for work now?” She seemed uncomfortable with both men looking at her as if she was their own. Something Anslem realized only after Cain saw how closely the detective was watching the scene. Cain’s chest puffed out as if trying to be imposing.
“I will, but one call and I will be with you again tonight.” He was talking to Vesper but his eyes were fixed on Anslem. It was like he was saying that Anslem was not welcome in her night. “Perhaps this time we will not have any astral visitors.”
Glaring at Cain, Vesper talked between her teeth, “Enough.”
“Perhaps you should tell him to stay out of…”Cain was snapping back and very close to saying something which would have made the situation more confusing, he could see pain cross her face.
“Nox.” The pain in her chest made her voice quiver and the moment she said the word, Cain knew he had already over stepped. Silent tears fell down her face and Anslem looked at the ground realizing he had been just as at fault for her discomfort but he did not realize how much he had done.
Cain went to wipe her tears and she pulled away from his hand. Anslem looked up just in time to see the pain flash across the man’s face. He had a feeling their relationship was not typical but he was not there to pry into her personal life.
“I can come back if I am interrupting the two of you. I don’t want to upset you or your paramore.” Standing, Anslem started to gather the files but Vesper stopped him.
“He is a friend, a coven member. Please, I want to help. Wait here for me a moment and help yourself to scones and tea. I made the scones myself, they are cranberry orange.” Following Cain, Vesper exited the green house back into the kitchen.
Looking away, he gave them privacy. Taking a scone he walked through the vast amount of plants. Smelling flowers, feeling the texture of greenery. This place had a feeling of peace. Cain made him feel something he could not explain, the closest thing to it that he could place was fake. Something deep inside of him felt that Cain was only pretending to feel surface level emotions. Anslem was almost entirely certain that man was in love with her. Why did that sting so much?
The plants she grew inside of there seemed to need heat, something more tropical. Things she was growing all seemed to thrive, she was brilliant when it came to growing things. A white flower caught his eye and he found himself looking closely at it. Six elongated petals and pronounced yellow centers that spiked out in pollen covered cores.
“That is rain flower.” Vesper’s voice came from behind him and he turned to look at her. She was wearing a strapless white dress that started at her knees in length but became longer behind her in a short train. Lowering beside him he could smell vanilla on her as she tucked her hair behind her ear in hopeless attempts again.
“What does it mean? It looks beautiful.” He had seen it somewhere before. He just couldn’t seem to place where in the file he had seen it.
Vesper looked at the flower as if it meant something deeply to her, “It means a few things. One is returned affections. Another means I will not forget you. And the last meaning is that the person giving them plans to make up for a transgression. Almost like penance being promised to someone who was wronged.”
Anslem felt his chest rise and fall more quickly and his eyes widened as his eyes turned towards Vesper. She looked lost in a memory. One which was clearly bitter sweet. He wanted to ask her more. To ease whatever pain made her grow such a flower. There was no time for any of that. “The funerals. At each funeral someone sent these flowers. As part of the investigation, there were pictures taken in case the killer showed up to all of them.”
Anslem started looking through images inside of the file until he found one from each funeral. Laying them out he waited for Vesper to catch on. “You were looking at the people but someone was confessing to something with flowers. That may not be the killer…”
“But it is someone who feels responsible for what the killer is doing.” Nodding slowly in agreement to Anslem’s deduction, “If we find the florist, and the payment method…”
“We find the person who knows who the killer is or the killer.” Swallowing her eyes lifted to meet his and it was the first time he had been on a level to see her eyes so close. They were green, bright and alit with intelligence and curiosity. He could see how it was easy to become enamored with her.
“I have to go. Thank you Vesper. We really could not have done this without you. If we catch them, I will make sure to let you know as soon as I can.” Standing up he took the materials and headed right for the precinct. This time he was not going to let someone slip through the cracks and be the next victim.
Scone still in hand, he went to the door not even noticing until he was in his car that he had left her standing in the archway of the front yard. He waved and she crossed her arms over her chest. What was she thinking? Where was her mind going? For a moment he thought about asking her to come along, he was worried about leaving her alone. She looked so vulnerable.
Anslem ignored that underlying feeling of concern. The need to protect her washed away. Vesper had helped him and if she felt unsafe she would have told him. Right?
Stepping on the gas he moved quickly towards the precinct. It took him half an hour to get there but every moment felt like he had made a mistake leaving her behind. The feeling melted away as things began to move fast. The information helped them triangulate and tie it all together. She had been right. It wasn’t the killer, but the killer’s wife. They had all been people she had complained to her husband about. People she deemed hypocrites and blamed for abuse and pain that never happened.
Arrests lead to press. Press led to interviews. Interviews lead to Vesper not being contacted due to so little time. His dreams would hold him accountable for leaving her standing in the doorway. Fear haunted him but these dreams did not bring him to her as he had hoped. Days became weeks, and then how could he face her?
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