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Fx Any The Adventures of Pokemon Breeder Alix


Dec 10, 2012
Hello all. So my character is a new and self proclaimed pokemon breeder who studies the sexual behaviors of pokemon, but not by normal means. Her short 4'5 frame has always been looking for only the largest of pokemon to fill her breeding needs. Capturing them in ways only unique to her.

Just about anything is allowed within this rp as long as no blood or gore of any kind is used within. This rp will span many different pokemon and can be done with one or multiple Pokemon at a time if they so desire to set up the situation so. But mostly one off smut sessions if you'd rather.

My trainer is on a self full filling destiny to mate with all the largest pokemon of the known world and maybe discover new one's along the way. You do not need to stick with the main heights given in any pokedex. An example would be a nidoking, typically around 4 feet to 5 feet tall can be 8 feet tall in height if you so wish.

I am very much looking for cum inflation and stomach bulge or otherwise large insertion even to an extreme. I am also looking for decent writing ability of atleast 1 to 5 paragraphs with 4-5 sentences per. If you wish to have my character get pregnant with a pokemon she can as well, as she captures Pokemon in her own unique way.

Any other questions feel free to pm. Thank you.
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