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Fx Any Hazbin Brain Rot [Fandom Funtimes!]


Sep 14, 2020
Hello there! I'm Dame, and I bid you welcome to my fandom RT!

Really craving Hazbin Hotel -- specifically, I'm most interested in finding a partner to write as Alastor. I have listed some other MxF pairing possibilities under the Additional Musings tab, which I hope to expand upon in the future.

Just Added: FxF Pairings tab

My tastes are broad, from sugary romance to depraved non-con, and I'm willing to swing in any direction that gets me my fandom crushes.

Notable Kinks: Anal, biting/scratching/hair pulling, bondage (light-to-medium), choking, cumplay, edging, excessive cum, gentle femdom, passionate/rough intimacy, prolonged foreplay, reduced refractory periods, risk of pregnancy, spanking, throat fucking, tit fucking

Specific to Non-con Kinks: Begging, possessiveness, slapping, verbal degradation/humiliation

Limits: Bathroom stuffs, bestiality, hyper proportions, incest, petplay, snuff, torture, underage, vore

Don't see what you're looking for above? Ask me about it! I'm open to negotiation on anything not on the Limits list.

Without further ado... some potential story ideas

Spoiler warning!
Both Charlie prompts include season finale material.

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    Taking place towards the end of season 1, the story would follow most of the existing canon. The divergence comes after the confrontation with the angels in episode 8: rather than the immediate aftermath hosting a song, the event is more notably marked by Charlie taking concern for Alastor's whereabouts. She fears him dead - the overwhelming dread of seeing Adam emerge from their battle bubbling to the surface the moment she's not under direct assault, herself - and she begins to search for the radio demon. Scouring the vicinity, she's relieved to not find his body. She does, however, find his blood upon the battleground he'd met Adam upon, and not knowing the extent of his injuries she's entirely unwilling to give up on her search. (I'll note that the hotel is split in half and in complete ruin by the end of the event, but I'm going to assume Charlie is capable of finding what used to be the roof in order to make this discovery.)

    It is impossible to track someone who can literally dissolve in to shadows... but it's not entirely unreasonable to think that Alastor may retreat to his radio tower, or that the Princess of Hell might piece that one together.

    For Charlie it's an emotional reunion. For Alastor it is... confusing? The woman runs to him, tears in her eyes, wrapping herself around him in a desperate hug as she utters her thanks for him being alive. She withdraws only as she realizes she may be causing him pain, pulling away to find her own shirt soaked with his blood. She's panicked by the sight of the gash of a wound across his chest and immediately begins to tend to him, while apologizing for how he'd been hurt and thanking him for all that he'd done -- they really could not have won without him, even if he was forced to retreat from his battle with Adam, he slaughtered countless angels prior to that battle, not to mention the shield he'd used to keep the hotel from being completely overwhelmed from the onset.

    Sure, canon describes Alastor as asexual aromantic, but perhaps an overwhelming dose of affection from the Princess of Hell could change that? As a serial killer from his mortal life, and an overlord of hell in his afterlife, it is entirely possible that the guy's entire existence has included emotional neglect. (It might be easier to convince oneself to not desire those connections than to suffer from the lack of them?) Which is to say: I'd hope that he'd be unable to resist such a swell gal throwing herself at him, regardless of whatever assumed labels he might have.

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    Taking place after the end of season 1, the story would follow existing canon. Jumping right off the rails, we'd play on the assumption that it is Lilith who holds Alastor's leash, and that the terms of their deal in some way or another involves Charlie. Exact wording of said deal to be discussed, but something along the lines of serving the Princess of Hell's best interests or protecting and providing for her or what-have-you. He's certainly kept up his side, but he takes on great risk to himself doing so (after Charlie stirs the pot with Heaven), and afterwards he is desperate to find a way around his soul-binding contract. The solution is fitting for one who would aspire to pull all the strings: he works within the confines of his deal, using Charlie as a means of his freedom.

    He bears no ill-will towards the young woman, and might even hold some fondness for her, even as he so strongly resents both of her parents. (Seriously the open aggression he shows towards Lucifer is awesome ♥) Utilizing the deal he made with Charlie - which also serves well to create a wedge between her and Vaggie - he cashes in on his itty-bitty favor in the aftermath of the latest extermination: for Charlie to reach out to Lilith, to beg her mother for an in-person meeting. Given the recent shit-show, her daughter's pleading is enough to lure Lilith to Hell. Once she's arrived Alastor is bold enough to get confrontational with her. Revealing that her mother has been hiding away in Heaven this whole time, allowing Charlie to struggle and defend the hotel from an onslaught of angels alone (at least a step worse than her estranged father whose help can hardly be depended upon), the information is quite devastating to the daughter. When Lilith retaliates against the radio demon, breaking out the chains and furiously jerking him around with an obvious intention to kill him, he has already considered the potential outcomes of his stunt and is confident that he'll come out on top. The scene is a moment of horror for Charlie, who has a little outburst of her own, demanding that her mother stop. When Lilith does not heed her, she finds herself outrageously angry and afraid - she is genuinely attached to Alastor, after all - she rushes between the two and lays hands upon her mother. Incapable of any true violence, it isn't so much an attack as it is a defense, an attempt to push the woman away from the demon. The distraction, coupled with the raw emotion of Charlie that twists her best interests or protection to create a temporary loophole, Alastor manifests his shadows to pierce Lilith - currently regarded by Charlie as an enemy and a threat - through the heart.

    While he might not own Charlie's soul, and she wouldn't be entirely happy with the death of her mother (an understatement, of course: while their own deal was not violated [insofar as Alastor's favor did not require her to harm anyone], she isn't blind to his skirting-the-definitions-of-the-contract fuckery; not to mention her emotional trauma from the ordeal), Alastor still feels a great possessive instinct towards his former charge.

    With Lilith out of the way - and his own chains broken - it is only a matter of time until he takes out Lucifer, as well.

    Who better to sit at his side as he takes total control than the Princess of Hell herself?

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    Being that my interest in Hazbin Hotel is very largely Alastor-based, I am willing to consider any pairing or story ideas that involve him. While I generally prefer canon x canon, if there is some sort of demon or monstergirl craving I can help fulfill, I'm happy to muse an OC based on my partner's preferences. A few canon possibilities:

    Alastor x Lilith (Non-con, with her as the aggressor)
    Alastor x Eve (Either)
    Alastor x Rosie (Romance)

    Willing to consider other pairings from the series, though obviously anything with Alastor trumps the following

    Lucifer x Lilith (Rekindling romance or non-con with her as the aggressor)
    Angel Dust x Cherri Bomb (Romance)
    Sir Pentious x Cherri Bomb (Romance)

    Open to other suggestions!

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    Not offering any full formed plots at present; admittedly the pairings below don't require a ton of build-up or justification. Just looking to indulge in lovey good times here ♥

    Outside of my Alastor obsession I'm a bit Charlie-centric, if it isn't obvious at this point... Willing to play either side(s) of these pairings, though!

    Charlie x Vaggie
    Charlie x Emily
    Charlie x Vaggie x Emily

    Open to other suggestions!

For those that are interested, please contact me via PM -- do not post in this thread.

Thanks for visiting!
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