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Genbu's Tome(please don't reply)

Entry 1 Return
  • Being back on an internet forum has lead to some increased productivity in terms of my writing and daily word count. Prior to my return I had failed at dedicating 4 hours a week to writing. I dropped that downeto an hour, and could not maintain. I found success in writing prompts and collaborating with a friend going to workshops. That has lead to he momentom I'm boilding upon now.

    I find that comming back to the site has lead to bouts of inspiration in regards to world building, and reminds me of my passion for story weaving. I think that is largely due to that I'm collaborating and thus fell more accountable. After all somebody else is putting in an effort, it's only fair I carry my weight. Don't mistake the sentiment as this is a chore. I'm simply a team player, who is goal and task oriented.

    I am building and fleshing out a world for a person I am writing with(see Might and Medicine in my CS & WB threads. It gives me an excuse to jot down notes and ideas and leave room for expansion. Granted, I don't believe in muses or the like, not in the traditional sense. I've come to appreciate writing as an art, but also understand some of the vocational aspects to the craft. So I'm going to make an effort to wordsmith a bit each day. The Worldbuilding and Character threads will be outlets for that practice primarily. I will also use this journal segment. I'm still going to post my thoughts, opinions, and observations in this journal.

    While posting/collaborating regularly is preffered. The important thing is to write consistantly. It has been easy with a co-author. I won't use a lull for an excuse, however. As I want to improve I'll find more nuance to explore or expand upon in an effort to find something to write about each day. It's a lofty goal, but I'm trying to build momentom and committ to practice. In the end that should make me more comfortable with my work and establish my "voice". I hope to look back and see this return as a point in my developement as a writer. If you are reading this or have written with me, thank you for you time and helping me along my journey.
    Supplemental writings
  • As I am doing writing with collaborators/partners as a way to keep the myself focused on my wordsmithing, I am experimenting with ways to write more without flooding posts.

    So my solution at this time is to double down on world building and expand upon the stories of other characters. There is going to be some experimentation; character journals, flashbacks, solo one shots to give more flavor and showcase the lives of side characters. I'm looking forward to it. Some of this will be semi prompt driven, or round about answers to questions about the world.

    I don't typically write in first person, but I plan on doing that for some of the journals. For now the Journal thread will focus on one character. I'll start developing a sidestory/oneshot thread later.

    As my return is mostly focused on trying to get consist words out every week, this is another way to allow my partners to motivate and direct my focus. I look forward to seeing what comes of thse experiments.
    Impartial writer's block
  • I ran into a situation sorewhat interesting due to my return to writing. The inability to breath that spark of life to a character.

    There is everything that should be there; past, motivation, environment, and unique story elements to make for an interesting writing experience. I just can't seem to create a persona to write for. It's difficult and somewhat frusterating. It's like having a great car...that's missing an engine.

    I've done some brainstorming and still can't quite get into the head of this character. I'll try some prompts and other things to improvise the personality.

    Still this is noted, as I've never quite had an issue coming up with a personality.
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