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Be Careful What You Wish For (Sindy Hunter and JustAnotherDarkMind)

Sindy Hunter

Jul 13, 2023
Wendy Palmer gave a heavy sigh as she read the content of the bills that had just arrived that morning. Everyone had significantly increased from the last time they had been paid. She wondered if it was going to be possible to pay them and would need to ask her husband if he would be able to get more overtime at work.

Wendy’s life was not going as she had imagined years ago. She was a single child in a church-going, working-class family, and even though there was never a lot of money, the family got by. Wendy was happy as a child until she went to high school, where she was bullied. This caused her to comfort-eat, resulting in her putting on weight and being bullied even more.

On leaving school, Wendy started work as an office clerk, processing sales orders. It was there that she met her husband-to-be, Gavin Palmer, who was a machine operator. The two made an ideal pair and after a year of courting they married. Gavin was a portly person and the couple were known as the ‘Piggy Palmers’, a term that Wendy had heard when people thought she wasn’t around.

After a couple of years, the Palmers had a daughter, Helen. Everything seemed perfect to Wendy. Helen was a healthy happy child and she and Gavin were making good money. But history seemed to be repeating itself when Helen started to be bullied at high school and she too turned to food for solace. Then, just when Helen had graduated from school, the economic crisis hit and their lives changed dramatically in a very short period. The Palmers were working more hours but the drain on their income grew exponentially. When Helen started work her pay helped a little but costs just kept growing.

Wendy left for work from the rented apartment in which the family lived. She was running late after looking through the multiple bills. As she approached the bus stop she could see the bus was already there. She ran, trying to catch it, but was too slow and watched it pulling away before she could reach it. As a consequence, Wendy was half-an-hour late getting to work, resulting in a reprimand from her bitch of a supervisor, Jane Hill.

During the morning Wendy received a telephone call from her husband. He told her that he would be home early, explaining that the company had installed new equipment and cancelled all overtime. This was dreadful news for Wendy since she knew her husband’s overtime was the only way they could afford to pay the latest bills. Wendy knew there was one solution to the problem, but it would only be a short-term fix.

Wendy and Gavin had given Helen a sum of money to put towards a holiday as a present for her eighteenth birthday. Wendy hated herself as she called her daughter and explained the situation will the bills and asked if Helen could cancel her holiday. Helen agreed but Wendy could hear the disappointment in her daughter’s voice.

Later that day, Wendy was getting supplies from a cupboard next to the office drinks machine. Wendy could hear Jane Hill talking to one of Wendy’s workmates. “Did you see Piggy Palmer this morning? Christ, she was sweating and puffing like a train, I thought she was going to have a stroke… I wish the lump of lard had croaked… We wouldn’t have to have her disgusting fat body in the office”. Jane’s words were said with such venom that Wendy began to cry. She quietly went to the toilets and sat sobbing for some time.
When it was time to leave work, Wendy solemnly made her way home, not looking forward to the discussion she was going to have with Gavin and Helen. As she walked along the street towards the bus stop she noticed the doors to a church that she always passed, were open. Feeling so down and desperate Wendy went into the church and prayed, asking God for guidance and help, pleading for God to send a sign to show that he had not forgotten her and her family.

As Wendy left the church and stepped onto the pavement a young man on a bicycle whizzed past her. The young man reached out and snatched Wendy’s purse from her hand and then disappeared into the flow of traffic. Wendy stood shocked and aghast. The criminal act was the final straw of a very stressful day. She looked to the sky and angrily spat out “Really?” then tore off her crucifix from around her neck and threw it down a drain at the side of the road. Rather than going home Wendy had to walk to the nearest police station to report the crime and call her husband to come and collect her. As Wendy sat waiting for Gavin to arrive she wondered what she had done to deserve so much misfortune to fall on her and her family, and how would they ever be able to escape the dire straights they were in.
The Church teaches that the poor and distressed are always watched over by higher power... And it is certainly the case. Just the God they are praising was, at least, not the only Deity that was watching over. And, while the God of the Church might not exactly be willing to directly intervene... Someone is willing to be much more active.

But, while he watched, he could not intervene when she was under protection of another Deity, through her beliefs and the holy symbols... Because it would bring attention. And he could not risk attention from organized, powerful, 'good' Deities as he was only recovering power from what other 'good' Deities did to him in ages past when they eliminated his cult, destroyed his temples and use their combined powers to bind him to a physical location, cutting his supernatural powers and leaving only a fraction of it, localized to the place of his bondage. Since then the religions that did it were themselves eliminated and the bonds weakened but the avenues to regain power were very limited. And it was why Gods like that had a lookout for people who were desperate but were otherwise pure and innocent as they could tempt and corrupt them to fuel their growing power. And due to such cautious approach only people who had no divine protection were vulnerable. And especially apostates and blasphemers, people who abandoned one religion and did not join another.

People like Wendy Palmer. Immediately as the crucifix fell into the sewer a whisper sounded inside her mind. Whisper that oozed with sexuality and the mystery, whose very sound aroused her body that has almost forgotten how sexual desire feels, and that fueled her mind, desperately looking for answers:
"Good girl. Leave this loser behind. Now I can finally reach you. I have watched your miserable life from the shadows, unable to help you because of that thing that used to be on your neck. Destroy all his books and objects from your home that are sanctified by his power and I can actually help you. I will make you and your family healthy, sexy, rich, powerful so that others won't be able to boss you around anymore... So if you don't want to wallow in despair and likely end in mass suicide... Give me the means to help you... Because you are worthy of my help. You just need to be brave that one last time..."
As Wendy sat on the hard wooden chair in the police station, waiting for her husband to collect her, she began to hear a faint voice. She looked around, expecting to see someone else in the foyer but there was nobody else other than the police officer at the reception desk and they appeared to be concentrating on documents in front of them. Wendy rubbed her ears, thinking it was some temporary tinnitus. A few moments later the voice appeared again, this time slightly stronger, and more intelligible.

Wendy heard the words “ you…” and “…”. She gave a slight gasp and said “Is that you, God?”. The police officer behind the desk looked up and asked “Sorry madam, did you say something?”. Wendy blushed and replied, “N…no… Erm… Is there a bathroom I can use?”. The police officer directed Wendy to a bathroom along a corridor which ran from the foyer.

Once in the bathroom, Wendy checked to see if she was alone and then locked herself in a cubical. She sat on the toilet seat and strained her ears, listening for the voice again. At first, there was nothing but then it returned, this time completely clear, as if someone was standing next to Wendy. The voice said it wanted to help Wendy, to bring health and prosperity to her and her family and stop people from dictating their lives.

Wendy was shocked but overjoyed, finding it unbelievable that God had actually answered her prayers. The voice sounded exactly like Wendy had imagined God would speak. A deep, rich soothing voice that made her feel calm and protected. Wendy slipped off the toilet seat onto her knees and began to prey. “Oh Lord… Thank you for hearing my plea for help… Please, tell me what I have to do to help my family… I don’t care about myself, I just want my husband and daughter to be happy and not have to live a life of constant worry”.
One's convictions are a very strong influence on their perceptions. He tried quite much to appear to easily be someone else than her puny Deity but she stubbornly believed he was him. Even her sexy and seductive voice appeared serene and comforting due to her notions about how the interaction with a God would go.

"I am a God but not the one you worshipped. If you want my help you need to destroy, despoil or at least get rid of all the crosses, the Bible, whatever Christian holy object you have. These limit my power. I wanted to help you for long but faith in him kept me unable to contact you. And that disgusting thing on your neck prevented me from talking to you. Face it Wendy. Your God left you. Failed you. Watched over your torment and did not even answer your prayers.
He does not deserve your worship. He is hardly as wise or powerful as his clergy claim. I will help your family. I will ensure no stranger can hurt them..."

He spoke truthfully, though just not lying did not mean lack of deceit. But he purposefully avoided saying what was not true. He only promised something that, under proper understanding of the meanings, was true.

"Will you do it? I will immediately turn your life for the better if you do that. The very next morning you would awake altered and improved..."
Wendy gasped when the voice revealed that it belonged to a superior being, but not the god of Moses and Abraham. The distraught wife and mother listened as the voice of the unknown deity explained what she needed to do for it to help her, and how it had watched her for many years witnessing how the god she worshipped had forsaken her and her family. The voice did not sound angry or bitter, there was no malice, but rather it was staid and filled with compassion and understanding.

To make sure she wasn’t hallucinating, Wendy pinched herself, hard enough to draw blood, whimpering slightly from the pain. She then nervously asked, “I… If… If you are not God… Are you Satan?”. As soon as the words left her lips Wendy began to tremble, afraid of the answer she would get and beginning to hope she was imagining the conversation.
"Satan? No dear. There is no such thing. It is a fairytale for naughty children that your ex-God made. How laughable it was. Look at the world around you. Do you really believe that God of Evil and Corruption would be a lesser being, a servant of the only God? Does the world look like a place created by benevolent entity? Do evil people suffer as good ones are prospering? Were you evil? Was your family wretched to suffer like this? Did you grow fat through the deadly sin of Gluttony? Were you just desiring food to detriment of everything and are doomed to hell for that?

Or are wretched people triumphing as good people suffer? Or did all of you grew fat coping with abuse you faced for being shy or not very social? For being poor? I am a God far more ancient than Yahweh. I was the one who had a hand in creating Earth and shaping humans. But humans grew soft. They wanted to reject the truth of the world and to be singled out as special over other beings and not having to compete the way others did. So they got newer Gods and while each of the was weak individually, as they ganged up on us they overpowered us one by one and stripped us of our connection to this universe. We are growing up in power again and we can certainly influence the world where they refuse to. And eventually we will break free and rule again. The Gods who locked me are no longer worshipped. And the one you used to worship once eliminated their cults and now is far weaker than even they used to be. I have the power to save you. Submit your family and yourself to me. Destroy the symbols of his rule.... And you will be elevated. Ignore me... And watch your life crash and burn as it was heading that way anyway..."
The voice explained that he was not Satan and that being was just a fabrication created by the god that Wendy had worshipped. The voice continued, explaining why the god, who sometimes went by the name Jahova, was indifferent towards humans. That there existed many other deities besides the supposedly one true god, and the earth and the human race had been created by them and that the voice was one of their number.

The emotion of the voice then changed, becoming filled with sadness, as it described how humans had brought about the subjugation of the gods who created them, conjuring a plethora of other lesser gods that banded together and overthrew the ancient ones. How the lesser gods then faded as humans lost interest in them until there were just a handful remaining, including Yahweh.

The tone of the voice then became stern as it gave Wendy a warning. Telling her that the ancient gods were gaining strength once more, and would soon return to their rightful position in the universe. If she chose to help overthrow the false god, she and her family would be rewarded, but if she declined her fate would be damnation.

Wendy sat and considered what the voice had told her. Everything sounded extraordinary but so did the teachings of the human religions. Yet the voice’s words seemed to carry more weight of truth. If God was kind and caring why did he allow wars, disease and the multitude of other suffering? Wendy began to feel anger grow inside her, feeling betrayed after devoting her life to God, trusting that he would protect and help her in her time of need. During her entire life, it seemed she had only encountered misfortune, making life a miserable struggle.

The tone of Wendy’s voice was filled with resentment when she said, “The lives of my family are the only thing I care about, so if you can help them I will gladly become your devoted disciple… I will do as you ask and cast out all the trappings of my former faith and ensure my family do the same… What should I call you?... I don’t think calling you ‘the voice in my head’ is the right way to refer to my new lord and master”.
"The modern languages of humanity are not best suited for the sounds in my original name. You can call me Thaddeus, obviously with whatever other ways you show respect for your superiors. Words are not really that important as I see into your soul and know whether you fear and respect me or when you are doubtful and disloyal. Be the former, not the latter. Now I do believe the police will send you home. They receive dozens such reports an hour and they learned enough to know you are neither rich nor important so you likely won't be trouble if they ignore your case. Don't waste your time at the police station. You've got work to do back home. Work that will begin to transform your life for the better. One thing though... Keep one Bible when you get rid of everything else. Just deface it somehow so it would lose the holy power. We will use it after your initial transformation in a ritual most pleasing for me and granting me much power. In time you would participate in great many rituals for me... Helping both me and your family. As I know how to show my gratitude..."
When the voice gave its name Wendy couldn’t help but smile, recognising the name Thaddeus as that of the saint of hopeless causes. She wondered if the church had misunderstood the original texts of the bible, and the apostles were in fact, other gods. She listened as Thaddeus gave her his instructions and became excited at the thought of performing them, proving her loyalty to him, an actual god, not an unprovable concept invented to keep control of the masses.

On returning to the police reception, Wendy found her husband waiting for her. Gavin rushed to his wife and hugged her. “Are you alright honey?... They said you were mugged coming out of a church… That must have been so awful!”. Wendy assured Gavin that she was fine and they needed to go straight home because she had some important things to do.

Gavin gave Wendy a quizzical look, he expected her to be in a state of shock, instead, she appeared focused and determined. At that moment the police officer behind the reception desk said that a police car would take them home and escorted the couple out to the car.
As they headed home Gavin said he would speak to the reverend at their church, to see if he knew the priest at the church which Wendy had visited.

Wendy told Gavin not to bother since she wouldn’t be attending church any more. “What?... You can’t mean that?” said Gavin in disbelief. Wendy turned to her husband and said, “We have attended church regularly for years, we pray to God and follow the teachings of the church, and what do we have to show for it?... I’ll tell you what, nothing!... Me, you and Helen, we are all trapped in miserable existence with no sight of things ever getting better.”

Gavin was shocked by his wife’s outburst and replied, “Wendy, honey… You're just upset from having your purse snatched… You’ll feel different in the morning”. Wendy glared at Gavin and sternly said, “I hope I will, but it won’t be from continuing in the way we are… I’m fed up and tired of being fat and ugly, having to scrimp for everything, and having to watch others get everything given to them. Things are going to change for our family… Change for the better”.

Gavin had never seen his wife so angry and wasn’t going to contradict her. As soon as they arrived home, Wendy went around the house and collected every religious object in the house and threw them in the trash can, all except their large illustrated family bible. Gavin tried to calm his wife, “Honey… Are you sure you want to be doing this?... You might feel different in a couple of days?”.

Wendy knew her husband was worried about her but she knew she couldn’t tell him about Taddeus, not at that moment. Wendy wanted to try and speak to Taddeus again and told her husband to go to his favourite bar for a drink while she got the dinner ready. Gavin reluctantly did as Wendy asked, hoping she would have calmed down by the time he returned home.

Once Wendy was alone, she picked up the family bible and went to her bedroom. She knelt at the side of the bed and began to call out to Thaddeus. “Thaddeus my lord and master… I have done all you asked… All things related to the weak god have been thrown out, all that remains is this single book of lies…”. Wendy opened the bible at the first page, picked up a pen from the nightstand, and overwrote the start of the first sentence, changing ‘In the beginning God created heaven and earth…’ to ‘In the beginning God stole heaven and earth…’. It seemed a trivial thing to do, but Wendy hoped Thaddeus would be pleased.
Wendy was still far too generous towards Christianity and Judaism before it. They weren't intentionally lying nor misinformed about the Elder Gods, they were entirely unaware of their existence. In their quest for religious dominance they raged blindly against the ancient pantheons, like a child throwing a glass vase on the floor unaware both of the value of what they were destroying and of the dangers they were causing. Eliminating religions that initially sealed the Old Ones begun the process of their liberation... And as modern religions weakened, allowing for increased prevalence of secularism and even atheism, it was a matter of when not if they would break free.

But when you waited for so long, every year, every month, every week mattered.

Yet Thaddeus was pleased with his new servant.

"Good. As your husband returns home from pub he would have stomach unrest, prompting him to relieve himself into the thrash. As such he would decide to throw it away and would need to deal with further stomach unrest making him need to deal with that from the other side... Afterwards he would throw it all away, making for full influence of myself over your household. Tomorrow you would awake physically changed so that your family could see the benefits of that worship. But you would need to perform yet another ritual first.

You would wake up unbelievably aroused. It won't go away until you finish the ritual. You would find one of the symbols of your old god, retaining it's cross shape but well more suited into coming into your vagina, complete with vibration. You would use this to get you to climax that would stain the pages of the holy book.

First you would read upon the deeds of Eve. You would read the passage loud and you would praise her betrayal of the puny god. Then you would reach your first climax as the juices would flood from between your legs.

But that won't be enough. You would then find the passage where the daughters intoxicate their father to have him fuck them and again you would read that aloud and praise them as you masturbate to your second climax.

Then you would turn the page to the description of Mary being without sin and bearing Jesus without sex. You would read that aloud but this time you would ridicule and demean her and her god and her son. That would lead you to your last, largest climax. Afterwards your urges would subsist... And I will contact you again."
Several minutes after defacing the bible, Thaddeus spoke to Wendy again, praising her efforts. Wendy was thankful she had pleased her new master but still felt guilty about her actions, worried that the god she had forsaken might punish her. Thaddeus gave Wendy further instructions. First, he predicted that Gavin would return home from the bar feeling unwell and relieve himself in the trash can. This act would give Thaddeus full authority over Wendy's family, and when she woke the next morning, she would be physically changed. Wendy wondered what the change would be, maybe her completion would improve, or perhaps her hair wouldn't look so dead and stringy.

Thaddeus then informed Wendy that in addition to the physical change, she would feel extraordinarily aroused. The feeling would remain until she performed another ritual which he then described. Wendy felt herself blush when she heard what she was required to do. She had been brought up to believe masturbation was a disgusting, dirty and sinful act. She didn't know if she could do it, especially having to ejaculate on the pages of the holy book.

Wendy sat and watched TV with her daughter, Helen, until 22:00 when Helen went to bed. Wendy waited for her husband to return home. At around 23:00, Gavin returned home. He seemed sobber but was holding his stomach."Are you OK, dear?" Wendy asked her husband. "Ummm... I think the beer might have been off... I only had a couple of pints but my guts have been on fire since I left the pub...". Wendy gave a slight gasp seeing that Thaddeus' prophecy was coming true. "Oh, Christ!" exclaimed Gavin as he suddenly doubled up in pain. "Oh, No!... Wendy!... I've got to go... I can't hold it!" cried Gavin as he unfastened his trousers.

"Quick!... Go in the kitchen... Use the waste bin..." instructed Wendy. Gavin only just made it before his bowels gave way. Squatting over the waist bin, Gavin expelled a stream of green and purple liquid from his bottom. The sound of it splashing into the bin filled the kitchen. "Ugggh... I'm so sorry, honey... I don't know what's happening to me..." gasped Gavin, sounding relieved after emptying himself. He took the half-full bin outside and emptied it down the drain, wondering what he had consumed to create the strange-looking mess. Gavin returned to the house but only took a few steps before feeling ill again. He crumpled falling to his knees, then threw up into the waste bin. Again the fluid he ejected was green and purple and poured out of his mouth in a torrent lasting nearly thirty seconds.

Wendy watched in dismay at her husband's plight. She didn't like to see him suffer but at the same time, she was becoming excited at the thought of being physically different in the morning. When Gavin had finished being ill he again emptied the bin in the outside drain. When he returned Wendy gave him a glass of water and said they should go to bed. Gavin quickly fell asleep, but Wendy lay awake wondering what the morning would bring, and it was early morning before she dozed off. When Wendy awoke at 05:30, it was still early, her husband and daughter were still asleep. She had only slept about three hours but felt alert and energetic. Remembering Thaddeus' words, Wendy slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom to see if she had physically changed.

When Wendy looked in the mirror her mouth dropped open. She blinked and rubbed her eyes, not believing what she was seeing. The image that she normally saw, the overweight, unhealthy and permanently exhausted woman, was gone replaced by that of a beautiful woman with an Amazonian figure. Wendy smiled, almost crying with happiness as she turned about, examining her new self. Still unsure if what she was experiencing was real and not a dream, Wendy splashed cold water on her face. She looked in the mirror once more and still saw her transformed self.

It was then that Wendy's body started to tingle. It began at her fingertips and toes, slowly spreading through her limbs, gradually increasing in intensity. The sensation pooled in her breasts, her lips and between her legs, igniting a powerful lust within Wendy. She felt hot all over and was almost panting due to the strength of her desire. She recalled how Thaddeus had said she would become aroused but she never imagined it would be so powerful. Wendy needed to have sex, "No!" she thought, "I need to fuck!". She knew she had to perform the ritual Thaddeus had described but she couldn't do it while her daughter was home, she would wait until Helen had gone to school.

Wendy returned to her bedroom and climbed onto her bed, crawling over her husband like a ravenous beast. She grasped his limp dick and began to stroke it. "Mmmm W... What?" groaned Gavin as he woke from Wendy's groping. His eyes flickered, getting used to the light and then he focused on the person on top of him. "Uh?... Who... Who are you!..." he gasped looking around for his wife. Not seeing Wendy Gavin cried, "Where's my wife?... What have you done with her?". Before Gavin could speak again the strange woman mashed her lips against his, kissing him more passionately than he had ever been kissed before. The combination of the forceful kiss and the groping of his dick caused Gavin to become aroused, although he felt guilty about the pleasure that was building in him.

Finally, the woman ceased the kiss and said "Gavin my love... It's me... Wendy!... I told you things were going to change... I'll explain everything later, but now just fuck me! Fuck me hard!". Gavin stared at the woman in disbelief. She looked nothing like his wife but as he gazed into her lust-filled eyes he could see his wife inside the exotic being that was seducing him. Gavin was now fully hard, and wasn't going to give up the chance to have sex with such a beautiful woman. He rolled the woman over and mounted her. As soon as his length entered her body the woman's pussy clamped around his manhood. Gavin pounded away with all the effort he could manage.

The woman moaned but soon sounded frustrated and angrily cried out, "More! More!... Fuck me harder, deeper, you bastard!". The woman's arms wrapped around Gavin as he tried his best to meet her demands, her fingernails clawed at his back, digging in painfully deep, causing Gavin to cry out in pain. Even though Gavin could feel blood trickling down his back he was still consumed by his lust but couldn't hold on any longer. With a final grunt, he emptied his seed into the woman and rolled off her. "What!" gasped the woman, "No! You can't stop now!" she snarled and grasped Gavin's shrinking dick, wanking it, trying to get it hard again, but the erection was not going to return. "Please!" begged the woman, "You can't leave me like this!... I'll go mad!... Fist me!... Put your fist in my cunt and fuck me!". Gavin started to feel scared, not knowing what the woman was capable of, so he did what she asked.

Gavin thought it would be difficult to put his fist inside her but her pussy opened up and greedily took the sizable girth. He slowly began to piston his arm back and forth, making the woman groan in pleasure. "Oh yes!... Faster you fucker! Pound my hungry cunt!" growled the woman. Gavin did as he was told, picking up the pace of his thrusting until his arm ached from the effort. Finally, the woman squealed and went rigid as her climax engulfed her. Gavin thought his arm was going to be crushed by the powerful contractions of the woman's pussy. Eventually, the woman slumped back on the bed, spent from the explosion of pleasure. She looked over at Gavin and smiling said, "Get Helen off to school, we have things we must do in order for our good fortune to continue".
The change was indeed very noticeable.
And all that followed only proved the power that the Deity had over the household already... Even if it would be further magnified by the rituals that would be performed, already it seems the influence was quite considerable.

As soon as Gavin left with their daughter, the lust was not only going back but it again became unbearable. The description of what was needed to stop it came to mind. The act would be beyond sinful but it was obvious that if that was the only way to stop these cravings, that lust would eventually lead her to do far more than just essentially raping her husband. He was not the only cock around after all... And, strictly speaking, at the moment he wasn't around actually. Should the cravings return in full power, the only alternative to blasphemous ritual would be infidelity. Something that was planned down the line, of course, but Wendy didn't need to know that. When the time came she would be unable to resist.

But for now she was being pushed further and further into her lust. She could resist the blasphemous ritual that she was told would fix that issue but it meant allowing her lust to grow completely unchecked. Likely, the blasphemy was bound to happen and everything her resistance could do, was delay it.
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