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Who Was Your Favorite Contestant/Performer?

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.:The Vampiric Fae:.
Jan 26, 2010
Why do you care?
Welcome one and all to what very well may become one of the most entertaining threads on the site. I am darkangel76, your host for this season's rendition of Blue Moon Idol.

First, I'd like everyone to meet our judges. I'm sure some applause, payments of homage, sexual favors and other such things will be very much appreciated by them...

They are:
Seraph Nicholas
--+Hahvoc Requiem+--

*CLAPS.... yes, you ALL had better clap! GLARES!*

Next, I'd like for everyone to meet our 11 victims contestants who will be providing us the entertainment which will surely make us LOL, but may also be full of surprises. I suppose their performances will tell all there...

They are (and in no particular order):
TheDontKnowIBurn (submitted)
Sanguis Innocentium
kikora (submitted)
Vivid Fizz

November[S n o w]
Zombies Galore

And a possible late entry (given the lack of actual submissions):

I advise you all to clap now. Yes, clap. CLAP DAMNIT!!! ...... Good. XD

Now, on with the show. This is season 1 of.... BLUE MOON IDOL!!!

Note: As performances are posted, judges may comment and criticize as they see fit. The rest of BMR may do the same, if they so wish. I also encourage the contestants to either thank or counter the comments they receive and out of courtesy should NEVER disregard a statement made by the judges. Yes, this means they'd better have something to say back to the judges! Why? Because they deserve the acknowledgment, plain and simple. When everything is done, there will be a poll for everyone to vote for their favorite performance. The contestant with the highest count will be our 1st Season Winner!!!


>>...*pays all sorts of sexual favors for her Judges~....AND THE AWESOME HOST :D!*
-claps rapidly as i "wooooohs!" -
No contest without the little puppet who haves no purpose at all!

-claps even more-
Perhaps our contestants need a little reminder? A scare to motivate them into getting on with things already perhaps? Hrmmm.... *plot, plot, plot*
Set their feets onfire while dancing the caramell dance ontop of them?

TRUE fear~ !!! >8U
As we get our sporks ready............ here is something for your listening enjoyment. A favorite band of mine. Yes, it dates me. But do I care? Fuck no! Why? Because Violent Femmes freakin' kick ass!!! So, let's give a round of applause for.....

THE VIOLENT FEMMES performing.... 'Add It Up'!!!

Gah, there is always so much distraction around me while I try to record my video for this event.
I might have to settle for an audio >.<; soon.
Okay, I'm gonna need to set up a deadline for these auditions because it seems to be going really slow.

Auditions are due between the 20-22 either with just audio or in video format.
TheyDontKnowIBurn said:
Know what? Fuck it. Sign me back up. I'll get kick the others into gear by posting something.... TONIGHT.

<3 you, Burny.... kick this thing off good!!!!!
*goes to edit contestant list*
I just tried recording, and apparently I've over-estimated my mic. The sound quality is just awful and really crackly and static. I'm going to try to fix it, but I don't know if I'll be able to post something at this rate... : < I'm sorry.
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