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My Character Art


Aug 7, 2010
I figured I'd post up pictures of my original characters. All the art is by me, save where noted. I rp with all these characters so if one strikes your fancy, then by all means please let me know!


Mr. Jaque. My ladykiller. An inter dimensional mercenary, bounty hunter, and Hitman. He prefers to live a life of refined hedonism. Indulging in the most expensive vices he can find. He prides himself on his sexual prowess as much as he does his professional skill. And he always leaves his partners satisfied.


This guy is Dread. My supervillain, the lines were done by myself and the colors were done by a nice fellow on DA. He is out to create a Utopian world where he reigns supreme. From aboard his massive Airship Arc Revenant he travels between dimensions looking for new conquests, and enjoys the "spoils of his victories" *wink*


This is Graug, my beast man. Graug only cares about surviving, eating, and women. He has no real goals in life so he simply wanders about, pillaging, ravaging, often wandering into alternate dimensions and not even noticing. In the end it doesn't matter, all will kneel before the awesome might of his *club*


This is Gauge, part one of an inter dimensional all-female task force assigned to guarding dimensional borderlines and tracking down criminals trying to escape to other dimensions. She's a gun jockey, pyromaniac, adrenaline junkie, and a completely sexual deviant. She has been reprimanded on numerous occasions for *misuse* of the task forces virtual reality trainer.


Archmallion, one of my favorite characters. He is the Demon God of an Infernal dimension. He stands nine feet tall, but can shrink himself down to more reasonable sizes if he feels like it. Humorously Archmallion loves humanity, he takes great enjoyment out of the amazing things they've created like heavy metal, muscle cars, kung-fu movies, and Starbucks. Of course, humanity's vices are ample amusement, he is in the process of building a harem big enough to satisfy his hunger. He is aiming for six hundred and sixty six wives.


Damineu. Number two in the task force belonging to the U.D.F. (United Dimensional Federation) Damineu is much more aggressive than Gauge, physically and otherwise. She prefers to kill first and kill some more then...well keep killing till someone says stop, unless she thinks she can get a good lay out of her opponent. Damineu is unstable, and has multiple times in the past been caught screwing in the middle of an Operation.
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