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Fx Male New RT Same Cravings (NEW PLOTS ADDED)


The Pale Rider
Jul 10, 2023
Please Do Not Comment On Here I Will Not Answer, Please DM If You Want To Rp!

Please read my whole thread before contacting me, thank you.

Looking for someone to play one of these chars listed below.

Orochimaru, Kakashi, Lucius Malfoy, Loki, Batman, Copia, Papa Terzo, Negan or Sesshomaru!

Craving these the most!

. Please don't ask me to rp if your not going to communicate and are just going to drop me.

· I have been roleplaying for about 18+ years. I am a literate roleplay and prefer roleplaying in third person.

· I do enjoy smut but find straight sex roleplays quite dry. I prefer story driven roleplays the most. I tend to enjoy romance, action, and adventure the most in my stories.

· I tend to write 3-6 paragraphs and expect at least 3-4 in response. I also expect detail in return for detail, now not every little detail needs a response too, I just need enough detail to work with in my responses, that is all I ask.

· I prefer to play female characters, however I do enjoy playing gay males as well. I do not play males in straight scenarios; however, I don't mind playing them as side characters. Please note that all characters must be +18 and I expect you to abide by this rule as well, please and thank you!

· I only play original characters, I enjoy Canon/Oc but I do not mind Oc/Oc as well. If I am play a canon character it will only be as a side character. I do not double.

. Please at least check my plots out first and maybe ask if we could work together. I am happy to hear your ideas to. I just don't enjoy receiving plots out of random with no discussion first.

· I can post multiple times a day and many times a week. I consider myself fairly speedy when it comes to replying to long posts as well. However, if something does not have enough to work with I will let you know. If I am having a brain fog in replying I will try to get back to you within a day.

· Please know that I prefer correct grammar. Please just do your best, if I can't understand what you mean then I am not sure how to reply, I will end up dming you asking what you meant?

. If there is no communication at all I'll consider it dead.

. If we are discussing an idea but you go silent for a week and don't communicate I'll consider you ghosted me and leave the conversation.

. Please don't ghost me if you don't like something, please tell me, communication is key.

• I am only looking for active partners, taking a week or weeks to reply kills my story interest. I will drop rps if this happens especially with no communication to why.


Favourite Kinks

Canon Characters
Intelligent Characters
Older Dominant Characters
Scenes - Shower /Bath
Taller Dominant Characters
Very Experienced Partners
Age Differences
Leather or White Cotton Gloves
Certain Masks
Double Penetration
Leash & Collar
Multiple Orgasms
Risk of Pregnancy
Perspective - Third Person
Vaginal Sex (Receiving)
Vaginal Virginity

Yes Kinks

3+ Penetration
Abrasions Anal Sex (Receiving)
Anal Training
Anal Virginity
Anatomically Correct
Anthro Characters
Breast/Nipple Play
Clit Play
Clothed Sex Competition For My Char Corruption
Cunnilingus (Receiving)
Cut Cocks
Drawn Image References
Facial Hair
Fellatio (Performing)
Fingering (Anal)
Fingering (Vaginal)
Fingers in Mouth Flogging
Genital Nipple Piercings
Hand Cuffs
Human Cocks
Human Partners
Light/Medium Bondage
Military Themes
Multiple Characters
Multiple Partners
Muscular Characters
Nonsexual Pain
Nonsexual Piercings
Oral Sex (Giving)
Oral Sex (Receiving
Original Characters
Photograph References
Physical Restraints
Plot Twists
Possessiveness /Jealousy
Private Roleplay
Public Room Roleplay
Realistic Cum
Roughness (Sometimes)
Scenes - Dungeon
Scenes Sci-fi
Sex Toys
Sexual Frustration
Sloppy Seconds
Story Driven
Superheroes & Villains
Supernatural Transformation
Swallowing Blood
Swallowing Semen
Tail Pulling
Tattoos Body/Art
Uncut Cocks
Underwear/Underwear Bulges
Vanilla Sex
Weapon Play

Maybe Kinks

Body Writing
Breath Control
Clothing Play
Cunnilingus (Giving)
Drug Alcohol Use
Electric Toys
Food Play
Forced Incest
Gender Transformation
Medical Play
Modern Settings
Natural Musk
Nonsexual Torture
Scenes Laboratory
Scenes Tribal
Sexual Pain
Shorter Characters (Me)
Species Transformation
Urethra Play

No Kinks

Anal Fisting
Younger Dominant Chars
Cervical Penetration
Death (Suicide)
Face-Fucking (Receiving)
Genital Torture (Of my char)
Inexperienced Partners
Nonconsensual (Willing to do against Hannibal Lecter/The Joker/Pinhead)
Orgasm Control/Denial
Pleasure Control/Denial
Sex Driven Rp
Story Without Some Smut
Sexual Exhaustion
Slice of Life
Throat Penetration
2 female one male threesome
Younger Brother/Older Sister
F/F (Will do if it's the 13th Doctor)
Group Roleplays

Maybe a Pokémon (You)/Trainer (Me), Vanilla Daddy/Adult Daughter Incest

A Prince & His Knight

She is a female knight half elf no less, one of very few in the kingdom, her Father is the King's best friend and favorite knight. One day she ends up saving the crowned crown prince from an assassination attempt. Impressed the the woman the prince decides he wants her as his personal knight and bodyguard. The other knights are jealous and not impressed by this and start to torment the poor women. However the prince will not let it slide and goes to put them in their place only to see his Knight standing you for herself. This is when he realizes he is falling in love with her, however she wants nothing to do with him romantically at first.

Of Sea & Land

A merman prince saves a human girl who was pushed into the water and is drowning. He brings her to shore where she is found and taken to the hospital. The prince doesn't see her many months and starts to grow worried, he comes to realize he has fallen in love with the girl. So he decides gain human legs and go to shore in the search for his love. However he doesn't know where to start looking until he comes across a wizard who says he will help the Prince but he return he must help the wizard find his a missing weapon of his own.

Of Metal And Flesh

My char is a young woman who is gifted an AI robot on her 18th birthday by her best friend. Unbeknownst to my char the robot is for more than cleaning, he was premade for pleasing people sexually. Her friend gifted her the robot in hopes my char to lose her virginity and enjoy sex. My char will either be a tomboy or a nerd, with no confidence and believes that she'll never attract a man. Over time the robot starts feel human feelings towards my character, he is the only one of his make to do so. Eventually he starts making careful sexual advances towards my char, wanting nothing more than to please her. I am hoping to continue with her returning the feelings, they are found out and have to run from society all the while the robot is trying to find a way to become human. Reference Album

To Save A Monster

(Batman plot with my OC)
My char is a Daughter of Ra's Al Ghul from another world where Batman is dead, her life is in danger and running from League of Assassins. She betrayed her Father by destroying the source of the Lazarus Pits, trying to bring an end to her father's cruelty. Finding out about this, her Father has put a bounty on his own daughters head.Somehow she gets transported to a world where Batman is alive. He finds her one night in an alley way defending herself from thugs, her fighting skills so familar. He drops in and utterly terrified of the Batman, she tries to run but he stops her wanting to help her after hearing her story. My char doesn't trust Batman for he was made as the villain in her world. I'm looking for a bond between her and Bruce Wayne, he tries to teach better ways while falling in love with her. But Ra's Al Ghul comes after them, trying to break them apart and kill her.

(Mads Mikklesen's Hannibal)
I would be playing a young detective woman recently promoted to criminal profiler for the FBI. Her Father happens to be the commissioner and a friend to Hannibal Lecter who he is unaware is a serial killer. My char is assigned to a string of cases and bodies have been popping up all over Baltimore all the way to Minnesota. Hannibal runs into her upon a case and she catches in interest, seeing a darkness in her that she is unaware of. He decides to take her on at his protégé and slowly starts to corrupt her mind. She comes across cases that have a different design to them, figuring its another killer. She is unaware that said killer is Hannibal the cannibal. Is he able to corrupt her before she catches on, or is she going to figure it out before its too late? I am hoping for a game of cat and mouse and twisted corruption.

Up first are my original plots, roleplay ideas and pairings!

To Save The Human Race

Its the zombie apocalypse, the disease is spreading rapidly and killing people (women) left and right in MC's country. MC wakes up in a lab, everyone is dead around her, she has no clue who she is or where she is from, no clue what happened to her and why she is in a lab. As she is trying to escape she ends up getting bit, her body has no reactions for she is immune to the disease (however she has heightened human senses and strength). She ends up running into YC who has been stuck in the lab for the last few months (they can be whatever occupation you wish) and she is trying to access the computer mainframe to get information about herself, however at this location she cannot so they must travel to a bigger facility outside a big city so she cane find out who and what she is. MC being immune and one of the few living females around make her a hot commodity so they would be in a lot of danger. The organization behind her creation finds out she is alive and send teams after her, she was made to save the human race in more ways than one so that is why they want her back.(This can be used for TWD as well)

Forbidden Treasure

My character is the offspring of a Yakuza boss, many have asked for he/his hand in marriage or a sexual encounter, but she/he had turned them down, thus causing many to want her/him dead or kidnapped, forcing her/him to marry them. Once they start getting stalked and threats on their life, their father decides to place his most trusted officer as my characters protector. Where my char goes the guard goes with them, my char protests their father makes it very clear the guard is not to leave their side. My char wants nothing more to do with their guard though it is clear to them that this guard has feelings for my char. They slowly seeing it grow over time, however my char is too proud to admit it but they are falling for your char as well. However, as time continues my character father decides it timed to marry his offspring off, not happy with this arrangement your char decides to do something about it.

Will They Ever Find Love

My char is a Shinigami (Grim Reaper) cursed to be alone and hated for all her life, all she has ever wanted was something or someone to love and be loved in return. She hated herself and what she is, she feels like she is nothing but a monster. One day she is sent to kill your character, something deep inside her changes, she can't bring herself to do it. She lets your character go but they don't seem frightened of her. So your char decides to try and repay my char for her kindness in whatever way they can. My char tries to tell you char that it was just her following her gut, she couldn't bring herself to kill them and that they don't have to repay her. After this exchange my char finds herself always bumping into your character not sure why they keep following her, trying to contact her. She reminds them that she is a monster and does not deserve this kindness nor to be loved, she always comes off as cold and uncaring but deep down inside she is terrified your char is going to run from her, hate her but she never shows it.

The Runaway

My character is a former noble who's family has fallen on hard times however instead of letting their father marry them off to get a dowery they decide to run from their family and make their way for the capital city where they ship docks are. Thinking they have drafted themselves into the King's navy they realize they have become a member of a pirate crew. Your character happens to be the ship's captain. My character if I am playing female (If male my char will be trying to disguise his identity) is trying her hardest to disguise the fact that they are a woman from your char and the rest of the crew, she is no damsel however, she secretly taught herself how to fight but it wouldn't be enough if the men of the crew end up finding out and decide to do something. Same goes if my char is male, the crew will want of piece of his handsome noble self. Eventually your character finds out my char's secret but decides to keep my onboard, on the condition that I do not wonder or stray to far from your char's side. Eventually you chars feeling start to grow and they decide to make advances, unaware my characters is starting to fall for yours.


You are an Egyptian God either Anubis or Seth and I have been given you as a sacrifice for protection and good, protection against an enemy or passage into the afterlife.. I am from a noble family or a spare royal child and the Pharoah doesn't care what happens to me. Little do I know that I am actually a demi Goddess and the child of Sekhmet/Horus, you become aware of this when you come upon me in your temple. You have decided to let me live and take it upon yourself to unlock my Goddess powers. But in return I must serve under you and become a Priestess in your temple. When Sekhmet/Horus find out that they have a child with a human and that I am alive the are not happy, they decide to order my death because I am an abomination up their name. You will stop at nothing to try and change their mind and to keep me safe, even if that means binding me to you as your wife, in this way the Gods cannot touch me.

Here Are The Fandoms!!

I am currently craving Inuyasha, Batman, Iron Man, Thor (Loki), Harry Potter, Pirates Of The Caribbean, Hannibal, The Band Ghost, Lucifer

Don't have plots for all of them yet but I hope to add some soon, if you have any ideas feel free to share them with me.

Genres I am curranty craving!





Sci Fi


Super Hero/Villains

Post Apocalypse

Heroes & Villains

Here are the heroes and villains I am looking for, Peter Parker, Norman Osborne, Loki, Adult Miles Morales, Venom, Carnage, Tony Stark, Johnny Blaze, Logan, Night Crawler, Deadpool, Bruce Wayne, The Joker, Oliver Queen, Malcolm Merlyn.

I am hoping for romance, angst, humor with some action and adventure thrown in. Maybe some dark romance and hero corruption for the villains.

General Pairings




Villain/Corrupted Hero

Villain/Anti Hero

Hero/Anti Hero

Canon Heroes & Villains I am craving!

The Joker

Tony Stark



Plot For The Joker/OC

His Hell Kat

The Joker comes across my oc's information somehow from documents from the league of shadows, so he knows her strengths and weaknesses. And he sees the list who have failed to contain her and tame her so just for fun he decides to go after her just to spite the others and to get a laugh. However he decides he'll use this to his advantage using her too to take out his toughest enemies. And make her his bodyguard as well. Not to mention he has a list for her as well if enemies for her. But before all of this to happen he has to corrupt her and break her, make her loyal to him.

God Slayer

Loki is looking for the Devil's Daughter who he hope will protect him from some being called the God Eater, who wishes to devourer Loki's magic and lifeforce to strengthen their own. She/Him is said to have the power to destroy this monster Loki is running from. But he ends up tricking her/he into being bound to him (Loki). Loki ends up finding their sass and fiery attitude towards them very thrilling and amusing. This causing Loki to want piece of her/him, though the devil's spawn wants absolutely nothing to do with Loki. But being bound to the Trickster God, they cannot raise a weapon against Loki to harm or kill him. Now they are secretly trying to find a way to break their bond. But will Loki refuse to let them go or will thy both not be able to leave each other?

Ruler Of The 9 Realms

My character ( Jötunn/Asgardian/Mutant ) has been sealed away for the last 100 years by Dr. Strange himself went back in time to make this happen. He for saw her/him being able to get their hands on the God of Thunder's Mjolnir and bring Thor to his knees. Along with the power to eradicate the avengers. And whoever controls her/him has the power to rule over all of the 9 realms.

Now my char has had a life a bit like Loki's where they were abandoned at birth, not deemed powerful enough by their Father. Their mother died when my character was young. The they ended up being raised by a dark sorcerer who ended up betraying them and selling them away to a galactic side show. They managed to break free eventually only to have Doctor Strange seal them away at the bottom of the Antarctic sea without explanation. They have been alone ever since, this could teach Loki a bit of pity and love.

Pirates Of The Caribbean

Here are the characters I am looking for from POTC! Captain Jack Sparrow, James Norrington, Cutler Beckett, William Turner

General Pairings

Captain/Stow Away

Captain/Demi Goddess/God

Lord/Captured Demi Goddess or God

Commadore/ Captured Demi Goddess or God

Pirate/Demi Goddess or God

Current Characters I'm Craving

Captain Jack Sparrow

Lord Cutler Beckett

Commadore Norrington

Doctor Who Verse

Here are the Doctors and characters I love from the Doctor Who Verse! The 9th Doctor, The 10th Doctor, The 11th Doctor, 13th Doctor, Captain Jack Harkness, Captain John Hart, Ianto Jones, The Master

I am hoping for romance, angst and some good action and adventure!

General Pairings

The Doctor/Companion

The Doctor/My Time Lord Oc

Jack Harkness/Teammate

Jack Harkness/Time Lord Oc

The Master/Time Lord Oc

Canon Chars I am craving!

10th Doctor

11th Doctor

13th Doctor

Captain Jack Harkness

The Master

Star Wars Verse

Here are the Star Wars characters that I absolutely love! Darth Maul, Darth Vader, Kylo Ren, Qui Gon Jinn, Obi Won Kenobi, Adult Anakin Skywalker

Hoping for romance, action adventure! Maybe some corruption, angst and some humor?

General Pairings

Jedi/Adult Padawan



Sith/Adult Padawan (Corruption)


Sith/Rogue Jedi

Canon Chars I am craving!

Darth Maul

Kylo Ren

Qui Gon Jinn

Obi Won Kenobi

Harry Potter Verse

Here are some of my favorite Harry Potter characters, Severus Snape, Lucious Malfoy, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Barty Crouch Jr., Fenrir Greyback, Tom Riddle (Voldemort), Newt Scamander, Young Adult Albus Dumbledore, Young Adult Gellert Grindelwald

Hoping for action and adventure, romance, corruption and some angst, darker themes?

General Pairings

Teacher/Adult Student

Dark Wizard/Corrupt Witch

Wizard/Witch or Wizard

Teacher/Witch or Wizard

Death Eater/Adult Student

Canon Chars I am craving!

Severus Snape

Remus Lupin

Lucious Malfoy

Newt Scamander

Inuyasha Verse

Here are the characters from Inuyasha that I love, Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, Koga, Naraku, Koga, Miroku

Hoping for some action, adventure, romance, angst and maybe corruption?

General Pairings



Demon/Half Demon

Half Demon/Human


Canon Chars I am craving!




Plot Idea!

Sesshomaru's Curse

Sesshomaru has come across a new enemy, a dark powerful demon from the north, has he met his match? It has managed to land a blow on the great Lord of the Western Lands cursing the great demon to a most vile and painful death. He has a limited amount of time to find the Princess who guards the cure to his curse. Or his lands will go to his half demon brother Inuyasha who really has no interest in this title and if Sesshomaru were to die, the lands would also be at threat of being destroyed by the very demon the cursed him. Toga's spirit appears before Sesshomaru one night bringing his son new hope and a prophecy. "You shall carry this curse son but if you find the princess and gain her heart you will be cured of the curse and gain a wife an heir and true happiness. But you must learn to care about others, not just yourself. With a change of soul then will you truly be free of the curse." Toga will say with a warning.

Ghost The Band Fandom
Here are the characters I love from the The Band Ghost, Young Nihil, Cardinal Terzo, Papa Terzo, Cardinal Copia, Papa 4 (Popia), Swiss Ghoul, Sodo Ghoul, Aether Ghoul, Phantom Ghoul, Cirrus Ghoulette

Absolutely love the fandom, hoping for some fun romance, angst, adventure/action and of course rocking music!

General Pairings


Papa/Prime Mover

Papa/Sibling of Sin


Cardinal/Prime Mover

Cardinal/Sibling of Sin


Fandom Chars I am craving!

Papa Terzo

Papa 4

Carnial Copia

Swiss Ghoul

Sodo Ghoul

Aether Ghoul

Phantom Ghoul

Horror/Suspense/Slasher Fandoms

Here are some horror/suspense/slasher characters I love!
Pinhead, Chatter, Freddy Krueger, Hannibal Lecter (Mads Mikkleson), Sweeney Todd (Johnny Depp), Xenomorph, Yaujta (Predator)

Pretty much hoping for some corruption, maybe some dark romance depending on character, suspense, darker themes.

General Pairings



Yaujta (Predator)/Human

Xenomorph Humanoid/Human

Xenomorph Humanoid/Xenomorph Hybrid







Murderer/Murderess or Murderer

Yaujta (Predator)/Yaujta Hybrid

Fandom Chars I am craving!


Lucifer (TV Show)

Hannibal Lecter

Freddy Krueger

My Taboo Ideas
(All my chars must and will be 18+ as so should yours)

The Ultimate Taboo

My Character has graduated from University (must be 18+ chars) Her/His mother died when they were younger, and my char was adopted by their Aunt. There Father/Brother was falsely imprisoned on a drug charge. They have not been in contact with their Father/Older brother until now because their adoptive Mother forbid it. So they decide to go visit their Father/Older Brother for the summer until they figure out their next steps in life. However unawares to them their Father/Older Brother feels himself growing very strong and very taboo feelings for my char. He is ashamed of these feelings and doesn't say anything about it at first but as time goes by his feelings grow to be too much. He sees his wife in my char and decides to act on his feelings, slowly making advances on my character until the feelings are returned.

The Priest's Bride

My char was left as an orphan and raised by a corrupt order order. My char is unaware of the future that is in store for them and they are raised to be pure and loyal bride to the head Priest. On my chars 19th birthday they are to be married off to the head Priest. However will they fall in love with another order member and in the end try to escape one night so that they may be free to love on and another.

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Still looking for Orochimaru, Kakashi, Lucius Malfoy, Loki, Batman, Copia, Papa Terzo, Negan or Sesshomaru!
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