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Fx Any Cyberpunk 2077 Deep Undercover.


Apr 6, 2021
So I've been a fan of Cyberpunk2077 the video game and the EdgeRunners TV show on Netflix.
I just love the world, the vibe, and the characters, I'd like to add my new take on a completely new story set in that world.

Plot Outline
The plot is about an officer who works for the NCPD (Night City Police Department.) and they get framed for a crime they didn't commit and order to get justice they must go undercover and join some of Night City's most deadly gangs. (The Tyger Claws, Maelstrom, The Animals, Six Street, etc,) It's here they must make difficult choices, whether to stay loyal to that particular gang (The choice to turn on them and keep with the mission becomes harder as they form bonds and relationships with the different gang members, some even becoming like family as the former cop climbs their ranks. By going undercover our main character has to be a part of some horrible crimes that drive their morality into question having to do things like stealing, destruction, and of course murder, all to keep his cover and clear his name. So in this plot at the start, they're just doing their job as a police officer who suddenly gets tangled up in a very serious crime, framed by another high-ranking member of the NCPD, out of time and options someone steps forward and offers them a lifeline, helping them get dirt on the various gangs in the city, all while also gaining clues and building up a case against the person who screwed them over. The gangs in question won't trust the main character easily, they'll have to do missions and build up a rep to gain favor. This of course is how they grow bonds with other members of the gangs, learning about them and even forming relationships. This roleplay is very 18+ and includes Blood and gore, sex, drinking, smoking, and other various adult elements, so please keep in mind if you decide if you wanna help me write this story. Also, I'm open to suggestions when it comes to the plot so please let me know if you have any ideas. The only thing I ask is that we keep the lore of the world intact and not try to do anything super crazy unless it makes sense. Timeline this takes after both the main game and Phantom Liberty, and all the characters are new additions to the world but also we might include references to other characters.

Housekeeping rules.
I post at least once per day and I expect you to do the same but I do understand if you are unable to make this happen, just let me know beforehand, I'm very tolerable when it comes to this I expect a decent post length, at least two paragraphs, please no one-liners, the flow of the story always needs to be forward and not tedious. Another thing we need to discuss is kinks, I'm pretty open to most things but if you're into something you think I might not like or have questions about please ask me. I'm submissive, however, that doesn't always apply to my characters, sometimes they can be dominant, sometimes they're submissive, and sometimes I play switch characters. Don't try to God-mode my characters, by that I mean I don't write my character to do a certain action or say something unless we talk about it. Now this doesn't apply to like say "Your character shoots my character in the arm." You know if your character is doing something to my character then that's different but what I'm saying is don't take full control of my character. This is all of the rules I can think of at the moment but I may add some more things later.
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