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Fx Male Flux's Non-con Prompts *New prompt as of September 3rd*


Aug 4, 2016

I decided to start up a new thread to focus on something a little darker! I am looking to work on some non-con/dub-con prompts!

The Cheerleader: For this prompt I am looking for a scene where I would be a cheerleader who is ideally cornered by a few opposing team fans/players. This is ideally preferred to be a gang-rape but I am willing to discuss it as an individual scene. I am ideally looking for either high school or college for this!

The Librarian: What's better than fucking a woman in the stacks? How about when she is left all alone and scared at the end of one of her first shifts in a new area. She will be getting ready to close up, every little noise makes her jump, so how do you get her pulled back behind those book shelves, skirt hiked up over her ass and hand over her mouth? Let's discuss!

Wrong part of town: Why was she here? She knew this area of town is dangerous, she had come down here to hang out with some friends at a local bar/club and now she was all alone, what is a pretty girl like her going to do when she is cornered?

The Doctor: I am looking for someone to play an older doctor, someone who is renowned and respected in the community. So what changed when he saw me? What made him flip and go absolutely primal? What would make him slowly push the boundary until at the first semblance of resistance, snap and take me?

Your ideas: I would be more than willing to discuss ideas! I admittedly would prefer not to do anything involving incest/step.
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