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Into the Great Beyond [Reydan x Nymphome]


Oct 15, 2014
Ahhhh the Ristler Belt. Ten thousand miles of ice and rock, floating in a wide band around about halfway from the Red Giant Star Orio. The belt neatly divides the inner, sun-scorched, planets dotted with mines and extraction ports, with the outer plants, in the cooler far reaches of this solar system.

And here, deep within the belt, is Port Luskar. Somewhere between a large rock and a dwarf planet, it may have once been a moon that swung out of orbit billions of years ago. Pockmarked and scarred by constant impact, it nevertheless features a sprawling space-port outside of the clear control of the Orion authorities. Smugglers, black market operators, political intriguers, people traders, and a thousand other oddities are crammed in here. Always passing through. Always looking to deal - or preferably double-deal. Its not a place to spend lots of time. But it is a place to get a fresh start.

Your ship hangs in dock, amid hundreds of others, as the Vorgalan Dock Master picks his nose. Its not a pretty sight. Looking like a goblin from earth fairy stories, but with an enormous curving nose that takes up most of its face, a Vorgalan is practically all nose, and as he roots around with a hopeful finger you try not to look too closely. Finally, though, he secures your small ship and lets you into the station proper.

Its a bustling 24/7 place of concrete and metal and neon. Alien crowds justle and jostle, calling out in a hundred languages. You could do almost anything here. To your left lies a shopping street with merchants plying their trade on small floating counters. To the right is what passes for a central hub, where jobs and contracts might be found. Ahead of you, through the crowd, is a narrow black door guarded by a couple of bouncers. Above them a neon outline of a woman, looking vaguely human, gyrates jerkily around a pole.

The Vorgalan watches you, picking his huge nose, clearly having little else to do than run his eyes over your body.
I'd been asleep when my ship entered Port Luskar's orbit. I awoke slowly and with a groan as alarms began to sound. For a few moments I thought I was still dreaming, and then the memories of the past couple of days came flooding back. A delicate plan, several years in the making, finally came to fruition and I managed to escape. Not only was I free of Earth and my old life, but I was also free of the controlling grasp of my parents.

I am aware that, on paper at least, my life sounded pretty great. The sole child of one of the richest power couples in the galaxy? I wanted for nothing. Living in the most luxurious houses on Earth, I had every luxury, every toy and gadget I could want as a child. But my parents didn't really want a child. They wanted the image of a perfect, loving family to help build trust with their consumers, to make them seem like a reliable brand. Me? I was just another tool. I was practically designed as they selected which traits I'd inherit from which parent. And whatever flaws they perceived once I was born were soon fixed with cybernetics until I looked the perfect blonde haired, blue eyed daughter. But they had no interest in actually being parents. I spent more time being raised by the household staff, and I was lucky to see my parents more than once or twice a week. But while they could fix how I looked, they couldn't erase my rebellious nature and desire for freedom. Fuelled by stories and movies about pirates and outlaws, I told myself that I would one day have a ship of my own with which to venture out into the galaxy.

I was grateful for the perks of my cybernetics; perfect eyesight, enhanced hearing, flawless skin and an increased metabolism among others. But they were also riddled with trackers. Before I could even think about anything else, I had to deal with those. Luckily I knew a guy from the elite school they sent me to. He was a tech wiz who had some rather… shady connections. For the right price, he could fry the trackers and set up a system to keep my parents fooled. They'd never even know anything was wrong until they discovered I had left. Luckily he had a couple contacts who could hook me up with a new ID, and a ship of my own. All I needed was money. It took me years to slowly siphon enough of my parents fortune away into my own account, but by the time I turned nineteen, I had enough. And now, I was prepared. See, the galaxy is a dangerous place. Even I know that. Luckily for me, one of the household security thing had wandering eyes that liked to linger on my ass. So with a gentle touch and the fluttering of eye lashes, I convinced him to teach me how to fight. Specifically, he taught me some basic hand to hand combat, and how to shoot a gun. I took to a handgun well. With steady hands and perfect eyes, I hardly ever missed. So, after several years I was ready to make my move.

The ship I bought was called The Wildcat. It wasn't as new as I'd have liked, but something like that would attract too much attention. The Wildcat, however, was reliable. It was an old warship that had been upgraded by a smuggler. The guns and shields had been brought up the date, and the engines allowed it to move faster that you'd think. The inside had been upgraded as well, and I was constantly finding new secret compartments dotted all over the ship. Spread over three levels, the captains quarters took up the entire top floor. They boasted a large bed, more wardrobes than even I needed, a desk, a small workbench and a few weapon racks. The bottom floor was home to the cargo bay, and a small armoury, both of which were currently empty. Everything else was on the middle floor. There were crew quarters at the back of the ship, with a few bunks, a small kitchen and a lounge area. The cockpit had room for a pilot and a co-pilot, and the controls were simple enough. However perhaps the most impressive thing was the command centre in the middle. The core of the ship, it featured dozens of screens scrolling with information; ship diagnostics, news feeds and more. The holo-table in the middle of the small room was capable of displaying anything in great detail, whether it was sections of the ship, a planet or whatever else I need to view. The command centre was also home to Ava, the ships AI. She was almost certainly a custom build Intelligence that was loyal only to the captain. Ava could also control nearly every aspect of the ship, allowing it to be crewed by just one person. Unlike all of the bots an AIs I'd ever met on Earth, she also had bags of personality and intelligence.

Which brings me back to my arrival at Port Luskar. I groaned as various chimes awoke me, tangled up in my sheets as the ship dropped out of FTL.
"Wake up, we're here. Or should I inform the denizens of Port Luskar that you're too sleepy to deal with the with them?"
"No, I'm up," I said with another groan, sitting and swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. "Jeez, who's the captain here?"
"That remains to be seen," Ava replied, voice dripping with sarcasm. "Shall I bring us in to dock?
"Yeah, sure. I'll get dressed." I said as I padded over to the wardrobes. A lithe blonde thing stared back at me from one of the mirrors. Tall and with long legs that led up to a perky ass, my stomach was flat and toned, breasts ample but not deemed too big. At least by Earth standards. My skin was flawless, eyes a piercing blue, while blonde hair reached down to the middle of my back. All in all, it was the result of handpicked genetics, cutting-edge cybernetics and time spent training.
Opening the wardrobe I was greeted with a splash of colour that clashed with the utilitarian style of the captains quarters. I brought a decent selection of my old clothes with me, which were mostly made up of colourful dresses, skirts and all manner of clothing that would do little to make me look like the fearless mercenary I wanted to be. However after flicking through the options, I soon dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, paired with a dark grey tank top and a black leather jacket. After pulling on some boots, I holstered my pistol at my hip, and left for the cockpit.

By the time I made it to the cockpit I'd pulled my hair into some simple braids, and watched from the pilots seat as Ava brought us in to dock. Before long I was stepping from the Wildcat and onto my first alien world.
"Valeria Rogue," I said to the Vorgalan Dock Master when he asked for my name, and did my best not to look too closely at the goblin-like creature as he went through his lengthy process. Eventually he permitted me into the station, and I was greeted by a bustling crowd of aliens, some more familiar than others, mixed in with the occasional human.

I paused to weigh up my options, before heading right. The trade centre was tempting, but I didn't have enough credits to my name for a shopping spree. I needed work. While I was certain I could make a decent living at what I assumed to be a strip club, I was looking for more… interesting and exciting work. And so I wandered to the right, working my way through the crowds towards the central hub, eyes scanning for opportunity while my hand rested on my pistol.
The crowd heaves as you move. It seems like something is going on today in Port Luskar beyond the usual hubbub of the busy black market. Up ahead you can hear roars of excitement, and suddenly as the narrower street gives way into a more open plaza, you stumble right into a ring of cheering, jeering, spectators.

A rough circle has formed, in the middle of the plaza, around two fighters circling each other warily. A hulking Grim, a creature that looks almost identical to a minotaur from earth stories except for the electric blue colouring of its skin and fur, snarls. Its hooves stamp the floor angrily. Across from it, also circling, is an Olvan. She's tall, like all of her kind, her blood red skin and horns a stark contast to the Grim's blue. She cracks her knuckles, and then spits a trickle of blood out of her mouth. Despite this, you quickly get the sense from the crowd that she is easily getting the better of the fight.

Suddenly, the Grim charges again and it happens very fast. She trips the beast, darting aside, and he comes to a crashing halt directly at your feet. He snarls again, but you can see up close that he is injured. He happens to look up at you, fire in his eyes, and you can tell he needs help, despite not wanting to admit it. Then again, do you really want to cross an Olvan?

"Are you with him blondie?" she snaps, watching the two of you, and you feel the crowd take a collective pace back, leaving you and the Grim in the enlarged circle. "You tagging in, or are you just his little fucktoy bitch?"

There are oos and laughs from the crowd at this, and the Olvan poses, clearly enjoying the spectacle. The Grim makes no immediate effort to move, seemingly interested in what you choose to do next.
Bodies pressed up against me, bustling past as the crowd heaved and pushed me along like a flowing river. Cheers and cries went up ahead and it became clear something was happening. Eventually it became clear as the street opened up into an open plaza and I find myself watching a Grim and an Olvan circling each other, looking very much like a minotaur and a demon from old earth stories.

The two of them circle and posture, before the Grim charges. It's almost too easy for the Olvan to dart out of the way, tripping the hulking Grim who comes crashing before me. Our eyes happens to lock and I can see that he's hurt, and he needs help. By rights, the fight should be over, but I can't tell if it's an official fight, or just a disagreement that's gotten out of hand. But before I can even think what to do, I hear the Olvan's voice, harsh and snapping like a whip.

"Are you with him blondie?" Every ounce of common sense in my body screams at me to take a step back with the rest of the crowd. I don't know much bout Olvans, but I know I probably shouldn't cross one of them on my first stop since leaving earth. I look up to meet her gaze, and she speaks again.
"You tagging in, or are you just his little fucktoy bitch?" I feel the heat in my cheeks as I blush, while her taunt makes my blood boil. She reminds me of a bully. Of every bully that I've ever been too powerless to stop, because of the vice-like control my parents exerted on my life, on who I spoke to and what I did. But no more. Despite knowing better, my mouth opens.

"That's awful old talk for somebody who's just danced about and not thrown an actual punch," I say, slowly moving to position myself between her and the injured Grim. My right hand still rests on my holstered hand gun, and I bend my knees slightly, ready to move while my eyes drop down, focused on her leg and her body in case she decides to pounce. Meanwhile, my confidence leads me to speak again, further digging a hole for myself. "Actually, I saw a strip club down the road where you can probably put some of those fancy dance moves to good use!"
The Olvan's face, if anything, goes even redder. Olvan's have a furious temper and she looks ready to blow at your jibes. Her eyes narrow and her muscles flex. You can tell she's young, probably no older than you, and fits the bill of the impetuous hot-head perfectly. Her teeth snarl, fangs showing at the corners of her tight mouth.

The crowd around you shuffle back nervously, but you can see the Grim has gained more than a little respect for you. He makes no move to intervene, though, watching you. Its as if he is judging you.

"I'm no whore, you little bitch" she snaps, all cockyness gone from her voice now. You've flustered her, putting you at an advantage. She isn't thinking clearly, powered by rage, but you can also be sure that if she bests you, she will certainly make sure you live to regret it.

The Olvan launches herself at you, snarling, one large fist raised savagely, charging forward without a care for her own protection.
The Olvan does a bad job of hiding her temper as she snarls, ready to explode. As he face, somehow, turns a bright shade of red, I can see that she's only young. But that doesn't matter. She picked this fight, and I have every intention of being the one to end it.

"Oh no, of course you're not a whore. I don't imagine anybody's paying you for your company." I quip back, paying little attention to the Grim behind me. My whole focus is on Olvan, waiting for her to move. By now, I know it's only a matter of time until she comes at me.

Suddenly the Olvan is charging recklessly, fist raised. I've always had quick reflexes, but even so the Olvan is fast. It doesn't take her long to close the gap. Judging by the look in her eye, she doesn't care about anything other than inflicting pain and winning the fight. As she closes the distance, I deftly step to the side and launch a high kick, aiming for the Olvan's head.
She goes down like a sack of space potatoes, crashing to the floor stone-cold stunned. You can practically feel the thud as she slams into the paving. For a moment there's stunned silence. And then the crowd errupts. Shouts, cheers, cat-calls, and more than a little money changing hands. In a criminal hive like Port Luskar you can be sure that there were quite a few betting on you.

The Grim staggers to his feet, his electric blue bulk nearly eight foot tall and hulking. He's near naked, not too much of a problem given the fur, with little more than a loincloth covering him below. He grins, looking down at the prone Olvan.

"Thanks" he rumbles. Then he stoops down and snatches up a data sheet, the size of a piece of toast, from her back pocket.

"Bitch was after this" he grunts, handing it to you. "Reckon its yours now. Rumor of a major stash in the Ganymede Nebula". That's a starsystem barely one jump away from here. The data sheet hums in your hand, a precise set of coordinates its only contents.

"You might need a crew to go and get it" he adds, sizing you up. "Plenty of claim-jumpers out there". He draws himself up even higher. "I owe you a debt". His voice rumbles like thunder on a mountain. "If you want, Grex is your sworn ally". He jabs a large thumb into his chest.
"Holy shit," I mutter to myself as I stare down at the Olvan after she thudded to the ground. Moments later and I am surrounded by cheers and shouts, and I can't help but feel a grin spreading across my face. It felt good to have a victory, no matter how small, under my belt. Maybe, just maybe, this who space pirate thing will work out.

I turned to check on the fallen Grim, but instead find myself looking at a towering mass of blue fur and muscle. I adjust my gaze, looking up at the hulking alien. You don't see many aliens on earth, and those that you do are considerably more human-like in stature and mannerisms. A Grim would be such an incredibly rare sight. I find myself smiling nervously, his deep, thundering voice resonating with me.

"Well Grex, it's my pleasure to meet you!" I say, taking the data sheet from him and offering my hand to shake. "The name's Valeria Rogue, but you can just call me Val. I could, erm, definitely use a crew, so I'd love to have you. My ship Is the Wildcat if you wanna get your self situated? I'm gonna poke around here a little longer, see what I can scouring up, and then we'll go get some loot!" I explained, flashing the hulking Grim a bit, excited grin before turning and walking away.

It seemed a shame to leave Luskar so soon when I'd barely got here, so I began to wander the central hub, eyes scanning for any opportunity.
The massive hulk of an alien nods, clearly not one for small talk. You hear his heavy footsteps pad away behind you as you turn.

Lusker in a maze of neon, poorly-maintained streets, crowds, criminals, and illicit merchandise. You find your gaze wandering over a series of stalls, each one somehow more dodgy than the last, as you move through the port town. Around you the crowd hums. Busy and alien, but not threatening. More just indifferent to your passage.

That is, until you hear your name. Turning, you see your cousin Stephen waving at you from a nearby bar.

Despite your family's incredible wealth, and the regime of enhancing surgeries available to the super wealthy class you come from, nothing really seems to have benefitted Stephen. Sallow, slightly pudgy somehow despite also having a muscular body shaped by training and surgery, with greasy long hair and a sinister cast to his eyes, he looks like a well-chiseled fish-man.

His eyes, as they always do, run over your body as you approach. "Valeria" he breathes, even making your name sound creepy on his lips. "How nice to see you!" His lips curl into a smile. "Maybe you should come and sit with me - unless you want me to call your Mother and Father that is?"

Stephen always has an ulterior motive, usually unpleasant, but you know he's serious with his threat. You didn't exactly fund your trip legally from your parents' accounts, and you know they have the resources to come find you. If you refuse Stephen your stay in Port Lusker better be very fleeting.
As I wander the streets of Luskar, I feel like a wide eyed child seeing everything for the first time. Which, I guess I was. I do my best to keep any shocked reactions to myself as I cast my gaze over increasingly illegal and exotic wares, or pass by aliens I've barely even heard of. I keep my eyes peeled for any opportunities, and I'm starting to think about heading back to The Wildcat when I hear a half-familiar voice calling my name.
"Please don't be him, don't be him," I whisper, before turning around to see my cousin waving to me from a bar. Shit.

"Hello Stephen," I say, doing my best to sound civilised and not at all repulsed. I can't help but feel a shiver run down my spine as his eyes roam over my body. And just like that I feel like I need a shower. "I was just on my way to my ship, but I suppose I can join you for a few minutes," I add, trying to sound as pleasant as possible as I flash him a smile. As I sit down opposite him I all too aware of the handgun at my hip, and I wonder just how good it would feel to blow this creep away. But even in a criminal hive like Port Luskar, I imagined that would bring a whole world of trouble my way.
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Your hesitation about blasting a laser hole in Stephen's grinning face is wise, as moments later a gorgeous statuesque woman in a skin-tight jump suit leans into his back and trails her long arms around him as she kisses his face. Quite what this bombshell is doing with your creepy cousin is unclear, but the woman seems like a coiled spring. Sharp and deadly even as she simpers all over him. "Are you ok baby?" she croons, and you watch as Stephen pats her face lovingly as she pulls back. His eyes never leave you, and the implied threat of this companion is clear.

"I won't hold you back for long Valeria my darling" he says, sipping his drink. "And no, I'm not going to tell your parents where you are. But I do want something in return for my silence. There's a street race happening here in about an hour, and my rider is...inconvenienced. I'm sure with your background you'd be able to step in - if you do, you'd not only get my silence but would be able to keep the Prize Pot. My interests are...elsewhere." Which means, you know well enough, that Stephen must have a lot of money in bets riding on this race.

He's not wrong - you've been riding hoverbikes since your early childhood. But out here in Port Lusker the race could be much more rough and dangerous. Of course, if you refused him you might need to make a quick exit. Its unlikely he would try to attack you - that isn't his style - but he might try and tell your family where you are as soon as he could.

"If you're interested, head on over to the Race Pits and find my mechanic Mardox" he says, smiling that sickly smile again.
It takes all of my willpower to stop my jaw from dropping as one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen approaches, draping herself around Stephen. She croons and simpers, yet there's something else about this women that doesn't feel quite right. I get the feeling that she could kill me in seconds at the first sign of trouble. Hired protection perhaps, though I also wouldn't put it past my cousin to get in over his head with some powerful people. Either way, I wanted to be rid of him as soon as possible.

I listen as he puts his offer to me, nodding along while keeping my face impassive, not wanting to give anything away. I knew exactly what Stephen was like, and he'd use any sign of weakness to his own benefit if I let him. But unfortunately, he had the upper hand.
"Alright, I'll do it," I said, standing from the table. "And you never saw me, and you've got no idea what happened to me, okay?" I added, before leaving him and his companion.

Returning to the streets of Port Luskar, I make may way towards the racing pits, working through the crowds, As I did I pulled a communicator from my jacket pocket and connect to the Wildcat.
"Ava, make sure we're good to get out of here at a moments notice. I've got some… business to tie up here, and then I want to leave this place behind us. I'll send you some coordinates, plot us a course and be ready to go," I said, before sending over the co-ordinates on the data sheet Grex had given me.
The racing pits are a huge oval set into a deep crevasse of the moon's surface. Banks of nearly vertical seating ring the race track below, and you have to take a lift down to the very bottom to actually access the hoverbike pits and crew areas.

As you step out of the lift, mobile drone cameras buzz around. Clearly the commentators are getting ready for the race. Above you the course looms. Hoverbike races make great use of height as well as length, and the ramps and curls and jumps of the course dip down to your feet and soar up above you hundreds of feet up. Huge screens are covering the pre-race warm up, and you can tell very quickly that this is big business here in Port Luskar.

Pushing through pit crews and stations, you see an area decked out in your family colours. Trust Stephen to be so obvious.

"Oh wow" trills a little voice, and a short young woman waves at you enthusiastically. She's wearing a brightly coloured jumpsuit, decorated in your family's patterns, and she tucks a strand of her messy long red hair behind an ear as you approach. "Mistress Valeria - I had no idea you were here!" You've never met this exciteable pixie in your life before, but she seems in awe of you.

"BROGANNNNN!" she hollers, and a tall, thin, Tokaran steps out of the pit's shadows, wiping grease from his hands. He too is dressed in your family's colour scheme, although his overall's are stripped down to the waist, displaying his muscular chest. Tokaran are brown skinned people with what can only be described in earth terms as a horse's head on a human body. Although there is considerable rumour, and sex-vid evidence to back it up, that Tokaran's reputation for dominance and sexual prowess is firmly backed up by their twin cocks. Brogan, for his part, looks at you neutrally.

"I'm Trixie!" the young woman trills, and waves a hand at an expensive looking bike. "This is your ride. Competition will be pretty tough today. Brogan's souped it up pretty good, but I've got a couple of ideas for how you could take the knees out from the competition if you aren't averse to a little....flexibility about the rules?" she gives you a thoroughly deviant smile.
Making my way through the racing pits, I can't help but look around in awe. Everything reminds of watching the races back home. Of course the arenas and stadiums on Earth are much bigger, grander and less shady. But even so, I feel excited to be walking through one, even somewhere is shady and dangerous as Port Luskar.

Making my way over to the area decked out in the family colours, I soon find myself standing before a short, you woman who's excitement is damn near infectious.
"Yeah, I just got here. But please, It's just Val,"I say, holding out my hand and offering up an excited grin as calls for Brogan. When the Tokaran emerges my eyes are drawn to him, and I do my best not to stare. But even I've heard the rumours about their sexual prowess and ability to dominate their lovers. Hell, I'd even watched one or two sex-vids of a Tokaran claiming a human woman. Hell, I think it had even been the first interspecies porn I'd ever watched, and I ws hooked. Something about watching the muscular, horse-headed alien claim a human woman as a mate awoke something in me, and I fell down a rabbit hole of interspecies porn. But I always told myself it wasn't something I would do. My parents brainwashing had enough of a hold on me to know it wasn't something good girls did. But now that I was faced with the first Tokaran I'd met, all those feelings came rushing back.
"Hey, I'm Val,' I said, holding my hand out for the alien, eyes dipping down to admire his muscular chest before pulling them back up to meet his gaze.

Trixie soon stole my attention, however, as she gestured to a very expensive and impressive looking hover bike.
"She's a beaut," I said in awe, before flashing Trixie an equally deviant smile. "Rules are meant to be bent or broken, right? So what have you got in mind?"
"Pleasure" says Brogan. Just that word in a deep, husky, voice. His hand holds yours, large fingers wrapping around your smaller, pale, hand and he grins. A large, hungry, grin that splits his long face. His other hand rests on your hip, and as his large, dark, eyes meet yours its like he senses your excitement. His fingers on your hip stroke your skin through the spacesuit before he pulls away.

"She rides well" he says, but its unclear whether he's talking about you or the hoverbike. "Probably one of the best bikes here, but I don't soup mine up with illegal dangerous mods, so you might not have the edge it'd give you in a legal race." He speaks proudly, like he takes great professional pride in his work, but his eyes roam your body still.

Trixie seems oblivious to it all. She hops from foot to foot, mirroring your smile.

"Babes, thing about the course here is that all riders are hooked up to a vid-link in your helmet. Its meant to help you see the track ahead, but we could hack those of your opponents. Maybe put on a distracting show if you have an ai that could mimic all this..." she gestures at your body with her hand. Clearly suggesting your AI put on a porny display in the helmets of the other drivers, using your own image. "...or you could tease the drivers pre-match into making a mistake" she adds, pointing at a goblin-like Vorgalan who is nearby. "Yroll is your main competition I reckon!"

"Other than that, I dunno" she says, shrugging.
I can't help but grin at Brogan as he takes my hand in his large, dark hand, the other resting on my hip. His fingers find a gap between my jeans and my tank top, rubbing against my bare skin as he looks at me with that hungry grin. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was reading my mind with the way his hands lingered, eyes roaming over my body.

"She rides well" Brogan said in that deep, husky, voice. Even though he was likely talking about the bike, I couldn't help but blush ever so slightly. I listen intently as he explains his work on the bike to me and yet every time I glance over I see his eyes are roaming my body, that hungry look still in his eyes.

"I like the way you think," I say to Trixie as she hits me with her ideas. "Ava, my AI, could definitely mimic this… or she could probably also mimic my Grim crewmate, Grex, for a different kind of distraction?' I suggest as I slip out of my leather jacket and approach one of the lockers in our bay. I'd never been particularly shy about my body or showing a bit of skin, though my parents always tried to make dress as modestly as they could. Stashing my jacket and grabbing a racing suit that looked to be a size too small, I moved to where everybody would be able to see me.

"I can get changed here, right?" I ask Trixie, glancing in Brogan's direction before peeling off my tank top and tossing it towards the lockers. Next is my skinny jeans. Unbuttoning them, I bend over as I peel the tight material down over my ass and along my slender legs. My perky ass is perfectly aimed in the direction of my Vorgalan competition, and I'm sure he, and everybody else around, is getting a great show as I kick the jeans aside, leaving me stood in the hover bike pits in just my underwear. Then I step into the skintight racing suit, which hugs every curve of my body as I pull it on.

"Now, time to introduce myself to the competition," I say to Trixie, flashing her a mischievous grin and a wink. I turn and practically bounce over to Yroll with mock excitement. The zip for my racing suit currently rests just under my breasts, giving the Vorgalan a perfect view of my cleavage as it jiggles and bounces.

"Well hi there," I say, putting on my very best bimbo airhead voice and holding out my hand. "You must be Mister Yroll. I'm Vee, and I just wanted to, like, come over here and say hi. I'm super pumped to be racing against you and, like, I'm sure we're gonna have so much fun!" I exclaim, all excited smiles and big innocent eyes, twirling a strand of blonde hair around one of my fingers.
Perhaps a dozen eyes are on you as you change, the hubbub of voices growing in the crew pits. At least one camera drone hovers close capturing your perfect young body as it slides into the skintight suit. One drawback is that this suit, like the rest of the team gear, carries your family emblem and colours. There's very little chance you'll remain anonymous here much longer.

Brogan watches you, as does Trixie, although the intentions of the little redhead are harder to read. They seem impressed by your body though, and your plan of action. As Trixie begins to connect Ava to the mainframe, you jiggle your way over to where Yroll is watching you.

The short Vorgalan gets a perfect view straight down your ample young cleavage as you bend over, and you notice his eyes go saucer wide. But the flattery is just as effective, and clearly you've discovered his weakness as he laps up your bimbo act.

"Mmm famous daughter Valeria Rogue" he leers, essentially speaking directly to your breasts. His nose is so long and crooked that it threatens to slide into your breasts as he stares. "I didn't know you would be racing today?"

With considerable effort he drags his eyes up to yours. "You want to make the race interesting?" he says, his voice a slimy little chuckle. Wet and lusty. "How bout the winner gets to enjoy the loser's body?" He licks his lips meaningfully.
It's only once I've fully slipped into the skintight racing suit that I realise my mistake, and I silently curse my cousin. If this gets too much publicity, it won't matter that he won't say anything, my parents will be able to figure out I was here. It looks like I'll have to avoid Port Luskar for a while regardless of how things go with Stephen.

While Trixie is hard to read, Yroll is anything but. I see his eyes go wide and, as he speaks he can barely tear his eyes away from my cleavage. From the look on his face, he's clearly eating up my bimbo act, believing every world of it. No doubt he thinks I'm an easy target, little more than the sheltered, naive little girl of powerful family.

"Oh gosh, well I really just race for fun, y'know," I say with that same airhead voice and smile. "But why not! It could be fun, and I'm sure you won't be too mean to me if you win, right? Anyway, I should go get ready. Bye Mister Yroll!" And with that I bounce back over to Trixie and Brogan, this time giving the Volgaran a wonderful view of my ass prancing away. As much as I would love to say I was as repulsed by Yroll's offer as I should be. I knew most humans loathed the goblin-like aliens, but I'd always been two curious fairy my own good, and have seen enough sex-vids of all manner of species to be a little more interested than I should be. Though even as I walk away I repress a shiver at the thought of letting that lecherous little goblin gets his hands on my body.

"He totally bought it," I say quietly, before swinging my leg over the hover bike and mounting it. After a few minor adjustments, it feels like it was made for me.
Trixie high-fives you as you mount up. "Nicely done Boss!" she says, her eyes shining with admiration. "I hooked up your ship AI to the circuits too - a nice surprise for the other racers!"

There's more than twenty bikes in the race, many sporting fancy alterations that wouldn't be legal back on Earth. Still, Yroll seems to be your only major competition as the bikes hum to life. You take the first lap with ease, nudging out from the middle of the pack. The hoverbikes skim above the track, about four feet above its surface, twisting this way and that. You already see one nasty crash as two bikes collide and spin off into the air. You feel the heat of an explosion behind you and a roar from the crowd.

You pass through a wicked curve, slowly closing in on the lead that Yroll has, when your vizor flickers. Instead of the race info its an image. A moving video of...of you. Naked. Spread legged. One hand between your thighs. Your head is thrown back, your young body quaking, as you moan luxuriously. Its a simulation, at least you hope it is, but its uncanny.

Heyyyyyyy purrs a voice in your ears. Its Ava, but she sounds....different. Giggly. Sexy. I thought they'd like to see the you that I enjoy....a hot little slut who can't stop pleasing herself! Ava purrs.

...and it seems to be working. Bikes slow. You see them weave and shudder, drivers distracted by this thoroughly lewd image of you. Yroll especially seems to be slowing, the little rider clutching his helmet eagerly. This would be your chance, your only chance to burst past and take the lead. But clearly, something is wrong with Ava, and the longer you leave it the harder it might be to work out what. But fixing the problem would mean sacrificing your chance to take the lead. Also there's the small issue that twenty riders are watching you finger yourself in their headsets.
I take to the hoverbike easily enough, skimming round the track, weaving and darting through the racers. It's a far cry from the hover bike races of my childhood, but a hoverbike is still a hoverbike. I narrowly avoid the wreckage of a nasty crash and work my way forward. Before long I'm in second place, trying to take the lead from Yroll. But then my visor flickers and the race information disappears replaced by me.

I feel my cheeks blush furiously at the sight of what I'm watching. This was always the plan but I hadn't expected it to be quite so graphic. I can't help but watch as the simulated video of me moans lustily, plunging two fingers inside herself, head thrown back, nipples hard with arousal. The sheer lifelike detail is astounding. I push down the feelings of embarrassment and, to my surprise, arousal. A quick glance behind me shows the other racers falling behind, while Yroll slows down. Suddenly we're neck and neck, and then Ava speaks.

As soon as I hear her voice I know something is wrong. That's not like her at all, and dread weighs heavily on me. After my wager with Yroll before the race, I hardly like the idea of losing. Yet a problem with Ava would be more devastating. She has access to far too much of my life for her to become corrupted.
"Trixie!" I yell into the comms, trying not to panic. "What's wrong with Ava? How the hell do we fix this?"
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