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It Happened at Westbrook

Blair & Alexa @Inkybus (Schro)

Having dragged the teller downstairs and now facing the vault Blair had a moment of doubt in just how strong they actually were. Of course they had tested their strength since the transformation but the door to the vault looked absolutely solid, built to withstand most attempts at breaking through without the proper authorisation. Of course they didn't show this doubt, which in the end only lasted a few seconds. That would have been quite counterproductive and a sign of weakness.

Instead they casually tossed the teller up against the wall and confidently walked up to the door. They looked at it as if to study it, to look for any potential weak spots.
"You're not seriously thinking of just pulling it open," the teller spoke weakly.
"I mean from what they say around the office they tried to pull it open with a semi during testing and ended up burning the clutch."
"Shut up," Blair retorted and turned towards the man cowering by the wall.
"Or I'll put your head through the wall."
They then grabbed hold of the big wheel on the front of the door and began to pull. As they did their muscles seemed to swell up from the effort until their biceps were the size their thighs used to be and their thighs thick as an elephant's leg.

It took a few minutes and a lot of grunting but slowly the metal began to yield and as soon as it did it wasn't long before the thick titanium door was open. It was about then Blair heard the sirens trickling down from upstairs.
"Good," they said.
"The cops are here. Now you be a good little human and run upstairs and tell them what you just saw."
They then walked into the vault as their muscles began to return to normal again.

Upstairs Alexa informed Schro that they would have a much better chance if they killed all the lights in the bank and closed the reinforced steel shutters.
"The cops won't be able to look inside and I can make better use of my powers," she explained.

Su-Ji @Frozen Princess (Ginger)

After lunch Su-Ji and Ginger returned to the college where Su-Ji first went to the dorms to check on Nef. Just to make sure she wasn't getting herself into trouble but after a brief conversation between the two felines Su-Ji grabbed her laptop and tablet from her room and was just about to head out the door again when the text came through. It was a group text from Erin with a few numbers she didn't recognise. Something was obviously about to go down, something where Erin seemed to think that perhaps the newly formed group of people affected by the meteor could be useful.
She backed into her room again and left the door ajar to allow Nef to enter if she decided to come in. Next she called Ginger and began to browse for News 3 on her tablet to watch for whatever Breaking News was about to be reported.
"I'm assuming you're watching News 3 too," she asked the moment Ginger answered the call.

Edith @Frozen Princess (Sapphire)

Edith had heard the sirens as well and was already grabbing two small hand held cameras before Sapphire told her to. She showed one down her backpack and handed the other to Sapphire as she passed the reporter on the way out the door.
"Look, I know you probably won't want to mess up your hair in case you have to do a report on scene but we will get there faster on my bike. They can send the back up team after us with broadcasting equipment if we need to go live. Or we can use the WiFi on our phones to broadcast unofficially, should the boss not want to remove our gag."
She pushed the helmet into Sapphire's arms and started up her bike, put her own helmet on and as soon as she felt Sapphire wrap her arms around her she took off, following the sound of the sirens which took them to the First Bank of Westbrook where SWAT was already setting up a perimeter with snipers on the room opposite the bank by the time they arrived.

Loni: Leaving Westbrook Police Department District 3 @Frozen Princess

"So where do you want to go. It's almost lunch. Or ... if you're not feeling the need for food we could maybe skip the rest of the day and head on home for a different kind of eating."
Loni smiled and gave Windy a playful slap on the ass.
Capitol Airport 2pm (Marko)

Olivia gave what was fast becoming what had to be her trademark smirk.

"Why would it be anything less? You've done Cordonia a huge service, here Marko, and I definitely owe you one for it. One thing you'll learn about me, is I'm always serious about helping people, especially those deserving. You're deserving and a Lythikan always repays her debts. You have my cell for whenever you wish to cash it in. I hope to see you in Westbrook in about a week to ten days, then."

She gave a little salute, grabbed her rolling suitcase and headed into the airport terminal, and her flight to Europe, with a stop in New York.

Central Theatre sometime just before the show (Amaya)

Rebecca looked over to Amaya. "No older than 20 according to the synopsis, but it's not a romance, nor is it meant to be anything except platonic, according to the original playwright. Despite how some have portrayed the play on stage. I'm actually hoping this is more what the playwright had envisioned. I hate when people want to ship everything without looking at the premise. This is one of those times when platonic, the OG story if you will, works best."


Westbrook 3:45pm

Leaving District 3 (Loni) @MsBloom

"As much as I'd love to take you up on that latter, especially, it's quarter to four and I'm getting famished again. You're more than welcome to come home with me, I'm sure Mom will want to talk off your ear, tell you about the glory days of the Golden Spoon while it was a malt shoppe only, and after my big bowl of salad, and a PBJ, we can do our homework together, and maybe a little playtime?" Just as she leaned in for a kiss, she got the text. With a grimace, she read it, and handed her phone to Loni to read. "So much for a quiet night at home. Well, for me. Guess we turn on the news when we get home."

Across the street from the bank (Edith) @MsBloom

Sapphire shook her head, "We catch anything that doesn't normally happen at a bank heist with hostages... I.E. Any show of superhuman abilities, West will have to pull the story. Besides, it's not him gagging us. It's the mayor with the okay from the FCC, who I'm positive from the research I did this afternoon, DON'T know the whole story, otherwise the government would already be swarming us. No, we do this like a couple of MeTube vloggers. Let's split up, and go live on our own MeTube channels." She gave Edith an encouraging pat on the shoulder. "Make me proud."

She then turned on her mic, positioned her camera on the scene, and began her opening to her online viewers. "Hi everyone, I know it's been a while but you know how work is. Newshound, here, and as you can see, Hill Street is having some excitement, and it's focused on the bank, sure hope nobody i know is in there right now. Streets already cordoned off as you can see, Hounders..."

Police @Inkybus @MsBloom

As Captain Fitzpatrick barked orders and pointed out where officers and SWAT needed to be stationed, Erin took initiative, raised a bullhorn to her lips, and called to the bank. "This isn't going to end well for you in there. Why don't you tell us what you really want, and release your hostages. Nobody has to die today. This can be worked out."

Miles away @ Delta Lambda Pi Fratority (Su-Ji) @MsBloom

Ginger had the news on. "Nothing, Su-Ji. I did get an alert that Newshound is back..." After checking, Ginger rushed to Su-Ji's room, and showed the first person streaming video with the small red live in the bottom left corner. "Get on MeTube! Newshound is actually streaming live from Hill Street! Near the bank! I'll bet anything the parking lot she's shooting from is Westbrook High! I forgot First was even near there, but that's where I started my account because of the proximity to the school! I haven't seen her post anything in about a month, and I don't remember the last time she went live!"
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Bank in District 3 - Schro @MsBloom (Blair & Alexa)

Schro hummed to himself as with his left eye he looked through the eyes of the SWAT team leader, who had been briefed on the situation and given a photograph of the Terrible Trio. Since the SWAT officer had seen Schro in the picture, like the rest of the group, his perception now was under the gangbanger's sway.

"A SWAT team is coming: they are authorised to kill on sight, since we are armed and threaten violence."

He informed his co-criminals through a quick flex of his power, the disembodied hallucination of a voice speaking to them as though he were hovering above them… almost in the manner of a highschool announcer-speaker, perhaps, while Blair busied themselves in the vault. Then, he considered Alexa's suggestion for fortifying the place somewhat.

"We can do that. There is a panel for the lights near the alarm, over there."

He pointed at the place for Alexa's benefit. Then, he pointed the gun at the stairs leading down to the vault: the teller came running out like all the bats from hell were flying behind him.

"Welcome back, buddy: you can walk, now, no need for running."

The teller almost voided his bowels all over again, before he understood the gesture Schro had made towards the door: then, with his hands raised in surrender, he walked. Step after step, until he was out of the bank and then he ran towards the cordoned-off street filled with policemen. There, he would tell them what he had witnessed inside the bank, to Schro's nonchalance.

A voice from outside loudly proclaimed that they should let the hostages go, as no one had to die today: Schro smiled to himself and put his duffel bag down, taking out a fully charged megaphone of middling quality. He tested it and it crackled to life in a very amusing manner: the feedback of the loudspeaker electronic was annoying. Exactly how he liked it.

Picking up one of the hostages that didn't have his legs bound together, Schro used him as a human shield, with the megaphone jutting out beside the hostage's head and the combat knife placed near the neck of his victim: if he stumbled wrong, he was liable to have a cut-open throat. With another CRACkle and a bit of very aggravating, almost hurtful, bit of sound feedback, he yelled back at the law enforcement speaker.

"How about an exchange? We have fourteen heads over here: we can exchange four for an officer called Erin… Holmes. Erin Holmes for four chumps, how about it?"

Capitol | Theatre - Amaya "Melia" Sosa @Frozen Princess (Rebecca)
"That's good. For a moment, I worried about the original story being deplorable, like the Taming of the Shrew. Or the Sleeping Beauty."

Amaya said, with relief on her face.

Capitol Airport - Marko @Frozen Princess (Nevrakis)
Marko's countenance bettered and a faint smile ghosted over his pale lips. He was happy to hear that this was not some sort of pressured invitation or something like that: he acknowledged her with a nod.

"Glad to hear it, Olivia."

He was not going to address her like a stranger: he addressed her as she did him, reciprocating anything he dealt with.

After watching her leave, Marko returned to the driver's seat and turned on the ignition: he began the return back to Westbrook, peeling off the parking spaces and following traffic laws to a T.
Loni: Leaving Westbrook Police Department District 3 @Frozen Princess

"Sure. I don't mind," Loni said and prepared to receive the kiss Windy was obviously about to give her before she was rudely interrupted by her phone.
"The news?" Loni asked and before Windy could explain pulled her in for that interrupted kiss.

Edith: Outside the bank @Frozen Princess (Sapphire)

It made sense for them not to go public, officially, with what they both suspected was about to go down. At least Edith assumed that Sapphire too expected the bank heist to be related to what had happened at the Golden Spoon, that it was the same person holding up the bank who had caused the commotion there.

She nodded at her boss, opened up the MeTube app and connected her phone to the handheld camera through Fairhair (Bluetooth) before going live. She then pointed the camera at the bank, searching with her photographer's eye for something worth filming as she narrated in a whisper just loud enough for the microphone to pick up.

For the moment there was little worthy of any real attention so she kept the narrative to what little was known, that person or persons unknown had taken over the bank with the intention of robbing it, or at least that was the general theory. She also added her own suspicion regarding the perpetrator of the heist.
"I believe it could be the same person I witnessed outside the Golden Spoon this Monday at lunch, as you can see on my previously uploaded video which I can barely believe is still up ..."
She interrupted herself when she noticed the main entrance to the bank opening and a clearly terrified man in his mid thirties exited with his hands in the air.
"Looks like we have some development."

Blair & Alexa @Inkybus (Schro)

Alexa confirmed that she had noticed the panel Schro pointed at and fired a few shadow bullets at it which caused the lights to go out all over the bank. That was much more comfortable for her as she now could take on her shadow form rather than just using its secondary attributes.

While Schro busied himself with informing the police and public outside that they were prepared to exchange four of the hostages for one specific police officer Alexa finished tying up the 10 that was to remain with them and then gathered the other three that was to join Schro's human shield should the police accept their offer.

Downstairs in the vault Blair switched on the headlamp when the lights went out and continued to gather up the content of the vault.

Edith: Outside the bank @Frozen Princess (Sapphire)

Shortly after the man had been grabbed by a police officer and dragged off to safe distance the door opened again. This time two men appeared, one of which was clearly in disguise and as such most likely one of the villains.

Edith raised an eyebrow and cast a glance at Sapphire. This was indeed an interesting, and disconcerting, development. She remembered the way that kid at the Golden Spoon had talked to Detective Holmes, hinting at some broken promise a long time ago that they seemed to still carry a grudge about. She also remembered what the kid had said to her as they exited the Golden Spoon about wanting respect as well as threatening to be back and for a lot more than a free meal. This was probably what they had meant.
"I have a feeling that this heist is about a lot more than just robbing a bank," Edith whispered into the microphone.
"This might be personal somehow and Detective Holmes is the real target."

Captain Fitzpatrick: Outside the bank @Frozen Princess (Erin) @Inkybus (Schro)

Captain Kate Fitzpatrick looked at Erin after the robbers had made their offer.
"I think this is entirely up to you Erin. Don't ask me why but them asking for you specifically seems personal somehow. If you do decide to go in I want you to at least be wearing a hidden microphone and a GPS tracker. Tech could probably have you ready in just a few minutes.

Su-Ji @Frozen Princess (Ginger)

Newshound was indeed back.
"Look," Su-Ji said and pointed at one of the recommended live streams to the right of the main frame.
"There's another streaming live from the bank too."
The other live stream was called TheVigilantEye, the same unidentified person who had uploaded the video from the Golden Spoon incident, though Su-Ji had her suspicions it was in fact Edith.

Since Ginger already had Newshound live Su-Ji opened TheVigilantEye's stream to give them both perspectives.
"You think this could be our so-called PR team?" she asked Ginger.

Ella: Washington Square Park, New York City. @Frozen Princess (As yet unnamed government agent - Special Agent Jane Miller?).

Ella had just finished her lunch by the chess tables and was just about to finish the game she had played with an elderly lady of Russian descent when the alarm she had connected to the small hidden camera outside her dorm room alerted her to the presence of someone knocking on the door. She took her phone out and checked the feed. It was a blonde woman in her mid thirties, rather hot by Ella's standards but she also reeked of government official.
"Fuck!" Ella exclaimed as she rose from the chair and almost without thinking about it moved her knight to B3 effectively ending the game in a check mate.
"мне жаль (I'm sorry in Russian)," she said and left the table heading for the dorms.

Whoever was at her door she was sure it had something to do with the information she had dug up for Edith and while she tried to figure out how to get into her room to get her laptop and a change of clothes she thought about texting Edith on their encrypted channel to warn her but thought the better of it. If they had found her this quickly after picking up the conversation it was likely they were tracking her phone as well. She dumped it in the nearest trashbin after having removed the sim card and burnt it with a cigarette lighter. She then bought a baseball cap and a pair of sunglasses and too the long way around back to the dorm building where she hid in the shadows waiting for the agent to leave and follow the last ping from her phone.
Earlier, Wednesday afternoon, before the bank heist:

Washington State Park, New York City 1:50pm Eastern time. (Ella) @MsBloom

Jane knocked on the door of the suspected hacker again. It had been her idea to have a discussion with the woman before using a search warrant for property. "Agent Miller to base. Go ahead with the search warrant. We've tried the nice way..." She turned to a device to turn it up, then got the ping, and knowing that, well, government, she wouldn't have the warrant for at least three hours... The most... "Following phone's ping, now."

Leaving out the front of the building, and after fifteen minutes, including five digging through the trash can. "Suspect likely is our hacker confirmed. I just found proof. Bring the van. I need this area swept." She promptly dropped the phone in an evidence bag.

Westbrook: Two hours later.

Delta Lambda Pi Fratority 3:50pm Central time (Su-Ji) @MsBloom

Ginger exchanged a glance with Su-Ji. "While I can't prove it, because Newshound whispers her commentary like a golf TV announcer, I do suspect she's Scoops... One half of our alleged PR team. Why do you ask? You think 'TheVigilantEye is the other half?"

She shook her head. "We're supposed to wait for what, exactly? Aren't the local news under a gag order from our fast becoming tyrant of a mayor?" That's when the light came on, and her eyes lit up. "I think it is the PR team. They're there with the police blessings! THAT'S how the Captain is going to have her 'police press release'!" She facepalmed with an embarrassed chuckle. "I'm SUCH an idiot!" She then smirked. "Ten bucks says Newshound DOESN'T get the interview, VigilantEye does. After all, they're rivals on MeTube, not co-workers."

Bank 3:50pm (Schro) @Inkybus , (Capt. Fitzpatrick, Edith) @MsBloom

Erin didn't say anything, just handed the now turned off bullhorn to her Captain and went with another officer to get the microphone and tracker hooked up to her. She wasn't the best negotiator, because she wouldn't have bent on less than half the hostages freed. At least. "I've heard all I need to know that it IS personal, Cap. Guess I'm taking them down from the inside. Wish it hadn't come to this." She whispered for her Captain's ears only. Part of her was now angry, especially with what she said in that report to her captain at the time, the police didn't go out with social services the next time. Looks like Blair needed reminding EXACTLY what Erin had said all those years ago; and who her then captain now was.

Meanwhile, Sapphire had gotten close enough to the bank, without leaving the Westbrook High School parking lot, which was her usual 'Newshound' MO, and overheard the conversation via bullhorn. But not the one between Erin and her captain, as she was too far away. "Well, Day-umm, Hounders! Comments welcome on this plot twist! You know how I am, I don't dare get closer..." No. Because any of the district 3 officers, including the Captain, would recognize her; Sapphire couldn't afford that. Looks like Ginger MIGHT actually win ten of her lunch dollars back from her now feline looking friend.

Suburb neighborhood, Sunset Street 3:50pm (Loni) @MsBloom

Windy ran right into the kitchen as soon as she could causing her dad to yell, "School zone speed, hotshot! Not highway speed!"

Ignoring her dad (for now) she pulled out the lettuce, green onions, cucumber, carrots, tomatoes and radishes. "Where's the feta?!"

Her mom shook her head. "I didn't get any more. You know how expensive that is? Use the cheddar."

Windy sighed exasperated, grabbed it and the Green Goddess dressing, and made a large salad in an equally large mixing bowl, scooped a little out for Loni (if a little is about three normal servings), forgetting her new girlfriend didn't get superspeed from the meteor, and then made herself a double decker peanut butter, Ovaltine, banana and strawberry jelly sandwich, then asked Loni if she'd like a taste.

Although it didn't have a bad taste, it was definitely an acquired one. Loni would see both Windy's parents shaking their heads, but in disappointment. Windy always did have an acquired taste in her snacks... It just seemed she would make more of them. It had already been a long week.

She then tore into her 'snack' (read: meal, for the rest of us). Mouth full (rude, much, Hungry?) Windy remarked. "Oh! Yeah! Detective Holmes texted me to watch the breaking news! Something's happening somewhere!"

No news was airing though. Looked like Loni may need to rescue the hero by checking online.
Bank in District 3 - Schro @MsBloom @Frozen Princess (Blair & Alexa) (Erin Holmes / the Police)

Schro waited patiently, looking on from behind his human shield. There was a law enforcement officer working as a spotter from the ground, who had a visual now.

But the orders of the two marksmen were to hold position from their vantage points and wait for further orders: the brass did not want to risk killing one of the bank robbers and provoking the others into committing a bloodbath on the civvies. It was a sound reasoning, given that the bank robbers had only alluded to a possibility of violence and had yet to escalate.

As such, the police was unwilling to take that step, despite having declared them KoS if they were exposed without hostages and the opportunity of a lot of collateral damage.

Small pings of awareness bloomed in his mind, as hundreds or more people heard his voice and could now perceive hallucinations, if he wanted to have that… somebody had to have a following and a stream active online. As he waited, Schro's awareness returned with one ear to the higher-ups in charge of handling the bank situation, listening in on their plans on how to deal with his comrades and his own spectacular self.
Ella: Washington Square Park, New York City. @Frozen Princess (Special Agent Jane Miller)

Ella had hung around in her improvised disguise until she saw the agent leave the dorm and walk across the street to the park. She was almost certainly pinging the phone's last location and it wouldn't be long before she found it. Ella probably had less than five minutes to get into her room, grab her lap top, burner phone and the stash of emergency cash she always kept in case something exactly like this happened.

She was back out on the street in just over four minutes with everything she absolutely needed in a backpack, walked around the block to the garage where she kept her motorcycle and began her long journey to the small Midwest town where Edith had chosen to go to college. She would try to use a pay phone to call her friend and ex-lover as soon as she was out of New York and Jersey and sure she wasn't being followed.

Unknown government facility; Neira Smith - Director of a top secret Non-Government black ops agency of containment, displacement and control. @Frozen Princess (Agent Miller)

"Operations team enroute with warrant to search and cease," Came the response to Jane Miller's request from her director.
"Gather what evidence you can of the subject one's escape and then make your way to Westbrook. It is most likely that Subject one will attempt to meet up with Subject Two there, either to attempt to hide or warn."

Su-Ji @Frozen Princess (Ginger)

"Pretty sure. I'd know that husky voice anywhere," Su-Ji said and a smile spread across her face.
What Ginger might not know was that late one night after a party at the Fratority near the end of their Freshman year Su-Ji had found herself in a slightly more intimate situation with Edith than most of her fellow students. It had not been more than a rather heavy make out session but it had been a memorable one. But then a few days later Su-Ji had met Pandora Aboah, a transfer student from Côte d'Ivoire, who became her first real girlfriend, at least for the summer that followed, and thus nothing deeper developed between her and Edith.

"You're on," Su-Ji agreed to Ginger's bet even though in a way it might make more sense that Newshound would be the one to get the interview from the police for no other reason than the fact that if Ginger was right about Newshound's identity she was the actual journalist while The Vigilant Eye, if Su-Ji was right about her identity, was merely the one pointing the camera. Then again, assuming they were both there with the blessings from the police it might make more sense for them to choose the less obvious alternative.

Edith: Outside the bank @Frozen Princess (Sapphire)

Edith had found a spot from which she had a good angle both at the villain at the entrance to the bank and of Erin and the captain. She wasn't that far away from her colleague but having a significantly better external microphone than Sapphire she picked up the entire conversation between Erin and her Captain, including the part about wearing both a microphone and a tracker.
"This cannot end well," she whispered.
She, like most people, had seen enough movies and TV-shows to know that criminals always checked for such things. Still, she supposed no one could blame the captain for trying to get a set of ears inside the bank. She followed Erin with the camera as she walked away to get prepped for the extradition of hostages and then as she removed her jacket and holster to show the bank robber that she was unarmed before slowly walking towards the bank with her hands in the air. This was, as Sapphire had indeed suggested, Pulitzer prize material. Too bad though that it was an award neither she nor her boss would be able to claim without revealing their true identities.

A few seconds after Erin had entered the bank and four of the hostages had been released Captain Fitzpatrick, seemingly casual, approached Edith with a subtle nod before making her unofficial statement that would allow the recently formed team of meta-humans to take action.

Loni: Suburban neighbourhood, Sunset Street @Frozen Princess

"Thanks but I think I'll stick to a PBJ and ... ummm ... maybe a quarter of that," Loni said and picked up the bowl Windy had served her and scooped most of it back into Windy's bowl.
"Besides ... Not that I'm an expert or anything but wouldn't you need something more ... substantial like proteins and fat the way you're burning calories?" She added while spreading a thick layer of peanut butter on one slice of bread and blueberry jam on the other.
"So nothing official then," Loni concluded as the two girlfriends sat down at the table flipping through the channels to find any news about whatever was happening.
"Maybe there's something on MeTube," she suggested and pulled her tablet from her backpack and typed in Westbrook which gave two results.
"Newshound or The Vigilant Eye?" she asked Windy.
"They're both live from the bank near our school."

Blair & Alexa @Inkybus (Schro)

Alexa tied the other three hostages to be released along with Schro's shield together by their hands and released them as Schro grabbed the requested detective and pulled her into the bank. She then tied Erin's hands behind her back and patted her down for any hidden weapons. It was at that moment Blair came back up from the vault dragging bags of money behind them.
"Well well," they said as they saw Erin standing there tied up.
"We meet again bitch. I won't lie and say I won't enjoy it," they added.
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In New York City, the agent, as soon as the van arrived, coordinated a massive search for the missing SIM card, turning up nothing (of course). Another member of the team would search the premises, but would they find anything there after Ella left with the key laptop? The only thing on the phone that would be of any help, would be in the phone's memory, like contacts, calendar reminders and photos, with back pages of where on the phone she went (like settings and non Internet games). Depending on how old the phone was, there might not be even a recent photo of Edith!

By five o'clock Eastern time, Jane would be flying to the eye of the political storm, and if the Air Force wouldn't be given a heads up by Neira, this ops company would find themselves directed to the state capitol where they would have to drive down to Westbrook. Olivia would have landed in NYC on her connection flight to Cordonia and would have definitely told anyone in security what happened to her private jet in Westbrook. Nobody would suspect the diplomat of being a meta, unless they paid the Cordonian Press any mind a decade ago, or believed the news that came out of Cordonia from a decade ago. King Liam II had to also shut down the press three years later, when rumours surfaced that his son Archibald (which Ella would have learned was his actual name) was supposedly dating a New York waitress named Betty (which was false on two fronts. The girl's name was not Betty, nor was she from New York, she was a waitress, the only thing they got right, from Cincinnati, named Jessica!)

Cordonia media has since cleaned up their tabloidish act, and gone back to real journalism. They've been "real" again since 2020.

Westbrook 4:00pm Bank (Schro) @Inkybus (Blair, Alexa) @MsBloom

Erin was calm as her hands were bound, and she stared at Blair with a mixture of pity and regret. "Blair. I was on my very first run, as a rookie, all those years ago. If you really think hard about what I said, it was 'If I personally have to come back out here...' Did you ever see me again? No. My captain, who just happens to be the commissioner now, never allowed me to come back out there. My report even said, 'social services should be on the next run'. I did everything within my legal power. The higher ups, and especially my captain at the time, were the ones who dropped the ball. I jockied a desk, or was put on local crimes after. How do you think I became a 25 year old detective?"

Having said her piece to clear her conscience as well as set the record straight on who Blair should really blame, she didn't say another word.

The police officers on scene in the van now knew the truth, same as the criminals, the lead even asking Captain Fitzpatrick. "Damn, can we arrest the commissioner for negligence?!" Immediately after the words were out of her mouth she knew the answer. Not without more proof, including Erin's report which was now buried in the archives vault, and forgotten, even by the commissioner by now.

Sunset Street, suburbs. (Loni) @MsBloom

Windy blinked, mouth full of salad, as her girlfriend told her about the two streaming online. She swallowed as she thought about it. What she said next she didn't know would save her parents and Loni from Schro's influence. "Use your closed captions setting for MeTube, mute the sound and put on Vigilant Eye. I've heard of Newshound. Don't know who she is IRL, but she's a golf commentator when it comes to her streams. I kinda don't like her for that reason. Her pictures are already telling the story, duh, we don't need the play by play."

Outside the bank. Hill Street. (Edith) @MsBloom

Having just sent Erin in exchange for the four hostages, Kate Fitzpatrick barked more orders, moving another group into a strategic position, she spotted Edith and waved her over. "Looks like you're elected to film my press release to the public. We're facing at least two metas" This would cause MeTube to automatically demonetize Edith's stream, and just as quickly, both Edith and Sapphire would be receiving Super chats to help cover (and then some) the expenses, "who have taken hostages and we're working hard to resolve the situation without bloodshed. We've sent Detective Holmes in, unarmed, to try to quell them into a quiet surrender, but we may be in over our heads. These aren't run-of-the-mill criminals. This is also a call to those Detective Holmes have talked with and call themselves heroes. We need you. The rest of you Westbrook residents need to stay the hell away from here. To my knowledge, Erin has only spoken to three or four of you to become a team. Time to act like it. Your city needs you."

Immediately after the Captain of District 3 spoke, Edith would receive a superchat with a message from the on vacation bank president of $150. The message said, I'm glad I picked you to watch, VigilantEye! Keep up the good work, and get them outta my bank, heroes!

One live comment after was I certainly knew that meteor did something weird, I'm glad it affected people with morals too. Go X-Police!

Other names ranging from silly to heroic for the team including Justice Bringers, also dotted Edith's stream.
Bank in District 3 - Schro @MsBloom (Blair & Alexa)

Blair and Alexa busied themselves with Erin and the money, with Schro helping marginally on the side due to not possessing super strength himself. Even so, he grabbed one of the lighter bags and put it over his shoulder, with his pistol and knife holstered.

His right eye and ear listened and watched to some of Erin's bosses, who were making decisions based on the situation at that time. He hummed a jaunty little tune, of a song titled 'Weird Science'.

Schro's humming was soft but at the same time loud enough that Erin would have no trouble hearing it. And her microphone picked it up a little as well.

After a little bit, he stopped humming.

Instead, he went and checked the door to see if and what the police were all doing out in the streets. Schro kept himself busy, letting Blair and Alexa vent their animosity for the detective. If and when it looked like they had nothing left to say or ask, he would step in- unless they iced her, which would prevent any interactions he could have had with Erin, of course!
Unknown government facility; Neira Smith @Frozen Princess (Agent Miller)

"Agent Miller. To avoid drawing unnecessary attention to your arrival in Westbrook you are to fly to the state capitol and drive the rest of the way."
It had been decided that the highest probability of action for Gabriella Baudelaire, A.K.A Andraste, would be to make her way to the location of the other part of the conversation the Agency of Containment, Displacement and Control had intercepted with regards to the incident in Westbrook. It was imperative though that the agency was not seen to be involved or draw attention to themselves. This was the reason they mostly operated under the guise of other, more official, government agencies.

Edith: Outside the bank @Frozen Princess (Sapphire)

Having caught the announcement from Captain Fitzpatrick Edith whispered to those viewing The Vigilant Eye: "To those it may concern I think that was your licence to take action."
She then moved to a position closer to Sapphire and looking at her boss first winked at her and then made a thumbs up as a smile spread across her face. She had suspected for a while that Sapphire was Newshound, her rival for unofficial news around Westbrook and just wanted her to know that she had missed a crucial, Pulitzer sized, announcement. Now she was trying to figure out a way to find out and document what was going on inside the bank.

Su-Ji @Frozen Princess (Ginger)

"Looks like I owe you ten bucks then," Su-Ji said to her friend after having seen the captain make her announcement and in the same breath giving them the thumbs up to intervene.
It looked like it would be a different kind of mission than what she had expected. Rather than aiding the police in storming the bank and apprehend the baddies it now seemed it would be more like a rescue mission to get Erin back.

Blair & Alexa: Inside the bank @Inkybus (Schro) @Frozen Princess (Erin)

Blair almost lost it when Erin began making excuses and even averting blame for what she had done. They took a step closer to the detective, and then another until they were in her face, close enough to kiss her had they had any desire to do so, staring into her eyes. Their fists were clenched at their sides and it took all of their self-control not to punch her or throw her back out onto the streets.
"Excuses? That's your big apology?"
"Hold on," Alexa interjected and gently touched Blair's arm.
"What if it isn't just an excuse but what actually happened. Maybe we should ask for the captain in exchange for this bitch once we get out of here."
Blair stared at their companion in crime and then back at Erin. Once again staring into her eyes they tried to determine whether or not she was actually telling the truth.
"Fine then," they said.
"Get us the fuck out of here bitch, and maybe you won't get hurt. Let's start with making sure you're not wired though. Strip," they added and pressed their left fist against Erin's temple.
"And no funny business. Or else."

Loni: Suburban neighbourhood, Sunset Street @Frozen Princess

"That must be what Erin was talking about and what that text meant. Time to put on your helmet and ignore speed limits Honey," Loni said and winked at Windy.
"First though, give me some sugar."
En route to Westbrook 1630 central time (Neira Miller) @MsBloom

Jane sighed. One of the good things about being an agent of the Agency of Containment, Displacement and Control, or the judicial CDC (not to be confused with the more well known medical CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), was it was never boring. Too bad by the time her class joined, there wasn't very many code names not taken.

"Since when do we give codenames to the perps? No wonder I got stuck with Goldilocks!" Jane asked turning slightly red. "Anyway, landing ETA is 1830 central time."

That done, she settled in for the rest of her flight, going over her paperwork with what they knew so far, including the little bit they learned in the Big Apple.

Westbrook 4:45pm

Delta Lambda Pi Fratority (Su-Ji)

Ginger shook her head, but nodded in agreement as she took the ten. "We don't even have our new suits yet!"

Ginger looked at Su-Ji. "Until we get these suits, best be as inconspicuous as possible. For me, that'll mean my fitness wear. At least for now." She raised an eyebrow at Su-Ji. Smirking she said, "In your case, if you have an extra Catwoman suit lying around... Including domino mask."

After a sigh, she stated, "I'll fly us there when you're ready." She then showed Su-Ji exactly what she meant, by levitating off the floor a few inches, and floated to her own room.

When she was ready in a fitness outfit with matching domino mask, she sighed. "I wish one of those two 'helpers' would reach out to me! I feel so naked going like this! Both won't even talk to me right now!" Because they were busy with the suits. Molly putting them together.

Suburbs (Loni) @MsBloom

Windy finished her meal in about two seconds, and said, "Ask Molly when the suit that won't burn up from friction will be ready. I'm tired of looking like a 90's stock car driver. I'd much prefer that Hermes looking outfit she showed us." Giving her a kiss on the lips, dressing in the gaudy pink racing firesuit and putting on the helmet, she was headed to the bank in... Well, a flash.

Bank (Alexa, Blair) @MsBloom (Schro) @Inkybus

At the humming, the lead recognized the song immediately. "Omigod, Oingo Boingo?! Really?! That song needs to stay dead!"

"The movie wasn't bad, though." One of the technicians shrugged.

Erin had an indignant look on her face with the order of strip. Most criminals usually just patted people down. Frisked them, like she would. It was a good thing technology had advanced as far as it had, and one of the newest, all but invisible earpieces was manufactured by Cordonia's European neighbor known for high end spy and police listening devices that fit snugly inside an ear like a hearing aid¹. "Can't fool me, you just want to see me naked." She quipped, before taking off her outer clothes. "At least leave me some dignity." Her bra and panties would obviously not be able to hide anything like a mic, they were too sheer, and almost see-through, and of course they would be police blue.

"Also, you want the captain I was under all those years ago. He's the commissioner, now. Good luck trying to trade for THAT asshat."

School parking lot. (Edith) @MsBloom

Sapphire shook her head with a smile. "Just don't let it get around. I can't have everyone know I'm Newshound. I try to avoid filming around people who know who I am, and pretty much every officer at Districts 1 and 3 know what I look like. You're welcome to that publicity."

She found herself in the same predicament as Edith. "Only problem is, with these being willing to kill innocents, and took hostages, there's no way of guaranteeing our safety. We'd have to be covert in the rest of our coverage. Do it without being caught by the criminals ourselves." She tapped her lips with a forefinger in thought.

1- As someone who plays the Choices app, I know this would be Monterisso. Wiki the "spy country" in Fandom for more information, although it can be referred to, I'd rather not include it, unless "Andraste" is from there, originally.
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Bank in District 3 - Schro @MsBloom (Blair & Alexa)

Schro did not have a lot to say in the private feud between his companions and the detective. Or the Commissioner, as she assured them was the real culprit. He chuckled to himself as he overheard someone commenting that Oingo Boingo was supposed to be and stay dead.

"Oh, she is definitely wired: it is just not concealed in her clothes!"

Schro exclaimed, exhulting in the feeling that he had been right: he had confirmation that Erin was wired, as his voice strengthened the tether his power had over the victim who was listening in through said device, hearing his voice crisper now. When before the voice was muffled, as though he heard it through a centimetre-diameter gap in a ten centimetre brick wall, now his power was as though he was listening to someone speak from behind a paper sliding door.

"And before you ask: no, we won't torture you with tickles if you don't do as we say.~"

Schro taunted Erin with a cruel grin on his half-masked face.
Su-Ji @Frozen Princess (Ginger/Cpt. Fitzpatrick)

Su-Ji didn't have an extra Catwoman suit lying around or anything similar enough to be mistaken for one. She did however have quite a bit of leather clothing which she quickly altered to fit her new anatomy, mainly making an opening for her tail and then changed into something that didn't look all too different from what she normally wore. she did however add a lace mask for a bit of style and to give her face a slightly more feline appearance.

Together the two recently appointed superheroes then left the Fratority and headed towards the bank where things had already progressed beyond the control of the Westbrook Police Department. Captain Fitzpatrick, as they identified her from the unofficial live news feed, gave them a nod as they approached her.
"Are we expecting others as well?" Su-Ji asked and felt almost every eye outside the bank drawn to her.
Why would she need a special suit to hide her identity. There was no way to hide herself the way she looked after the meteor mixed her dna with Nefertiti's.

What she also felt was the camera eye of Edith trained curiously on her and she almost felt a compulsion to give the cute camera girl a pose. In the end she resisted and focused on Captain Fitzpatrick when she updated them on the situation.

Edith: Outside the bank @Frozen Princess (Sapphire/Cpt. Fitzpatrick)

When Captain Fitzpatrick began briefing the two metahumans Edith turned her phone's attention elsewhere to avoid broadcasting any potential clues to the villains inside the bank she did however remain close by intending to ask Su-Ji and Ginger both if they would agree to wear body cams to broadcast what now seemed like a rescue operation or at least to record it for future use.
First Westbrook Bank Hill Street branch a few minutes before 5pm @Inkybus @MsBloom

Windy had been itching to get started from the moment she got there at 4:46pm it was now 4:58pm. "That's what I've been asking for the last twelve minutes, which have felt like years!"

Captain Fitzpatrick gave her a pointed look. She turned to the two college girls with a raised eyebrow, looking them over. "Cardio and Cheshire, I presume." She looked over Cardio's outfit and sighed. "So. Erin's posse includes a cat, human race car and a gym rat." She sighed. "As far as what was given me, Cheshire, you three are it, that she found. Ms vroom, vroom, put your engine in idle and park for a pitstop. We need to be smart about this. It's a marathon, like 600 miles, not a sprint like an A-Main."

"On that case, can I have a Faygo Cola?" Windy asked earning her a glare and throat clearing from the Captain. "What?"

"No drinking, even soft drinks, while on duty, Velocity, and right now... You're on duty! Copy?"

"Copy. Captain. Ma'am." Velocity hung her head.

"Now. As I was about to say, this is a hostage situation, involving two metas at least, and possibly a third. One you three are very familiar with. The one we've dubbed The Wrecking Ball. That's why you're here. To help subdue him, or them.

Windy rubbed her neck. "I kinda got the raw end of the deal, the last time we met..." She whimpered.

"That's why you all need to work together. As a team. This time. What have you learned from your first encounter?"

"Directing, doesn't work. I hate to have to, but even hitting him directly might not." Ginger said. "It may be our only shot, though, is dropping a cop car on him from above. How much do these cruisers weigh?"

Velocity's eyebrows shot straight up. "You think a mere one ton car is going to stop him? You'd need a NASCAR vehicle which weighs about 3600 pounds!"

The Captain pointed to a police van (not the tech van parked out of sight) "I can do you one better. That weighs over 4200." Ginger grinned. "And before you ask, yes, it's magnetic." Ginger positively beamed. "Glad you're happy. Okay cat and car, you two need to team up and work together, using your agility to confuse and confound them. That helmet is going to really come in handy for you, Race Car, as you can make your voice, muffled slightly, but coming from everywhere. You two are going to get the hostages out of there. So, Race Car, you need to win this race. Lives are at stake."

Inside the Bank

Meanwhile, Erin frowned as Schro stated like he knew. She looked at him with a raised eyebrow and said in Spanish. "<Oh? And how are you so sure? Since you seem to be in charge, here, can I put my clothes back on?>"

She was covering herself best she could, unaware that the earpiece would have just informed Schro of the Captain's plan, using the three girls. They would need a miracle at this point.
Bank in District 3 - Schro @MsBloom (Blair & Alexa)

"Hey! We talk english in this Household!"

Schro chided Erin, raising a hand and wagging the index finger thereof with a faux-chiding motion.

"But as for the more pertinent question, I'm psychic!"

He fibbed, the grin of derision spread on his lips clearly indicating that he was not taking the detective or the situation seriously. It seemed that he was simply playing around- though whether that thought was comforting, given that he was holding people hostage and armed with a gun, even if it was a dinky 9mm handgun… that was up for debate.

"Lastly... getting dressed again, depends on my teammates: if they object, then that'll be that."

Schro's words implied that he did not mind if she remained unclothed and would let his teammates decide on her fate before anything else.

While Erin reflected upon the words the strange, white-clad and black-masked, crazy criminal had spoken to her, said criminal turned halfway to Blair and Alexa. With a flex of his power, both of them saw a carbon copy of Schro step out from behind him: this copy addressed the two of them. They were the only ones that shared this hallucination, which was also the best way Schro had to communicate with them, as no one could overhear his power, to his knowledge. But Erin would probably deduce that something was going on and perhaps even that the criminals were communicating, since the hallucination might draw their eyes and keep them where there was nothing but air, for Erin.

Schro's hallucinatory double was dressed exactly like him, but all the colors were inverted, as if it was a negative of a photograph.

"I'll address you as an illusion real quick: just so you know, apparently the police has metahumans in reserves. As in, people like us that have superhuman abilities slash powers."

While the illusion kept speaking to Blair and Alexa, Schro turned back to Erin, mostly.

"They have a 'human race car', which implies someone who can go really fast, as well as a cat-human hybrid. These two, they want to try and confuse us by way of some sonic attack coming from all around us, from what I understand. Then there is another one who is planning to drop a car on you… the authorities believe that that won't kill you, but might slow you down or pin you down, in the best case."

The illusion-Schro spoke and seemed a bit more impressed with Blair, since a whole car was something that, dropping, would flatten half a dozen people no problem, depending on the height of the drop. He'd certainly become Schro-salsa if such measures were used against him.
Su-Ji @Frozen Princess (Ginger/Cpt. Fitzpatrick/Windy)

"We have certainly learned that the guy we encountered before has very tough skin, presumably some kind of non-magnetic metal," Su-Ji answered Captain Fitzpatrick's question, adding that they also were quite arrogant and probably felt like they were invincible because of what the meteor had made them.
"It is also quite probably, I would dare conclude from what little we know, that they are driven by revenge combined with quite severe narcissistic tendencies. They were almost certainly abused all their life and at some point they feel they were betrayed. Given the request to exchange hostages for Detective Holmes I would say it is she they feel betrayed them, and they are still carrying a grudge against her."
She scratched her left ear softly and smiled as she realised she had begun to analyse the meta-villain from a psychological perspective. And while she could have continued it was also a waste of time under the current circumstances.
"So when we go in it will be my job, and our speedster's to distract the other two while Magneto here deal with Metal Skin?" she added after having listened to the brief discussion about what vehicle might be best suited for the job of incapacitating the person they had run into outside The Golden Spoon.
"Just one question though. How do you intend to get that van into the bank if they don't step out onto the street voluntarily?"

Having said that she looked up for a way to cross the street unnoticed, found it and was gone. The next time others saw her she was crouched on a ledge just above the bank's entrance ready to drop down.

Blair & Alexa: Inside the bank @Inkybus (Schro) @Frozen Princess (Erin)

As Schro made it perfectly clear that he would leave it up to them to decide whether or not Erin was to be allowed to put her clothes back on both Alexa and Blair looked at the detective. She was not a bad sight in just her sheer underwear, that didn't really hide much of what it covered.
"No," Blair said after leering at their enemy for a few seconds.
It was after all their intention to humiliate her as much as possible and leaving her in her current state of undress was a good start.

The more significant question to ponder was whether or not to remove the microphone or not. It probably also contained some form of GPS transmitter that would allow the police to track them from a distance but at the same time it could bee a fun tool to use to further humiliate Erin, by extracting a full confession from her. Blair simply refused to believe a word of her explanation that she was not to blame.

When Schro then seemed to step out of his body to talk to his partners Blair nodded. Those were the same three that had tried, and failed, to stop them outside The Golden Spoon. This made them laugh.
"Let them try," they said.
"Let them try."
A smile then spread across Blair's face and they leaned in close to Erin's face to make sure the microphone picked up every word they said, whispering: "If you are listening in police commissioner Asshat know that if the bitch is telling the truth about you being responsible for my continued abuse at the hands of my family I will be coming for you next."
They smiled even wider.
"And if Police Commissioner Asshat can't be bothered to listen then I hope whoever is listening makes sure he gets the message."

Through most of this Alexa had remained on watch, keeping an eye on what was happening outside through a small crack in the metallic blinds and had sort of begun to wonder what she had gotten herself into.
Police blockade front of Bank 5:02pm(NPCs, for Blair's and Schro's hearing) @Inkybus @MsBloom

Captain Fitzpatrick rubbed her fingers across her chin. "Looks like we have a profiler amongst us. When you get to your senior year in college, I'll see to it you have your internship here with District 3. Provided I can get it past the Commissioner, you understand. Meanwhile, you and Velocity plot... And work together."

Windy watched the cat girl take off, and see where she went, but hung around the Captain. "I've got a question."

Since most of Windy's questions had been food related, the Captain sighed exasperated. "The only fuel you need since it hasn't even been a half-hour, little race car, is water."

"Uh. I mean an actual question?"

The police captain turned to her. "Make it quick, Velocity. Then get over there with your partner and wait and watch."

Windy gulped, and asked a question to help make her point. "You know how in the comics the Flash can just zip in and zip out with the people? Well, our real life physics won't work like that. Even on my date, I started off slow and didn't go over the speed limit, while carrying my girlfriend. If we try that at y'know even over, say 100, we will end up with injuries to the ones I rescue. At best."

Captain Fitzpatrick sighed and pinched her nose. "You're a human race car, Velocity, use that big science brain of yours and think of something you CAN do to save the hostages. Talk to Cheshire. Like I said, you two need to work together. Time isn't on our side, despite the old song saying so."

She was interrupted with the latest news from the bank, and what Blair had said. She facepalmed, and barked in Erin's ear, "Dammit Erin! Calling the commissioner an asshat, even though he is, is not going to help with negotiations!" She sighed. "Inform the commissioner, without calling him an asshat, for all the good it'll do." She ordered one of the officers, "Look in the archives for Erin's first run back when she was a rookie. Something about a farm? Seven years ago. Almost eight." She ordered on the phone back at the station.

Above the entrance (Su-Ji) @MsBloom

Windy was always a bit of a clown, and had a thing for acting like Isabella from Phenias and Ferb. After plopping herself on the edge, with Cheshire, a whole story above ground, she said, "Hiya Cheshire!" Then a singsong lilt that was eeriely like Isabella, "Whatcha doin'?"

After letting that sink in, she said, "So... I kinda need help with how to, using physics and my speed, get the hostages out without harming them farther... I think I have the acoustics figured out. This is the same bank I have an account at, and my folks business account is. Depending on your catlike speed and agility... This is what to do so you can sound like you're coming from everywhere, much the same as my helmet will for me." Popping her visor up, and cupping her hands over her mouth, she whispered the plan to Su-Ji.

Inside the Bank

Erin's countenance fell, and she actually scrunched herself more to cover herself turning even more red with embarrassment. She wouldn't even need be tied up, she was tying herself up trying to preserve what little dignity she had left. So the rest would hear, she gave the code."10-30.¹ Note to self... MAKE them frisk from now on, like normal people..." She was just as helpless as the rest of the actual bound hostages.

10-30 According to the APCO (association of police communication officers) lingo, which we'll use for police, Erin is warning of danger and caution above what they already know. They did put her in her underwear and she can't get her clothes back. Basically, without letting the perps know, she's warning those outside to expect the unexpected and use caution moving forward.
Bank in District 3 - Schro @MsBloom (Blair & Alexa) @Frozen Princess (Captain Fitzpatrick & Erin)

Schro went ahead and bound the hostage that he had been keeping with him hands and feet: with that one immobilised, he went ahead and pointed the gun at Erin.

"Alright everyone, it's time for us to make like a tree. Would you kindly turn to the exit and step toward it?"

Schro asked the detective with faux-politeness, the tone he used clearly nothing like the request he put into words: it was an obvious order, one which could set off the projectile in the chamber if it was not obeyed.

"Nice and easy, now, we'll go out, get in our car and leave: do you understand, Captain Fitzpatrick? Yes or no if you please."

Schro asked, relishing the small gasp that escaped the lips of the fellow that had been looking at the named Captain just a few moments before.

"Just you, your accomplices and Detective Holmes?" Captain Fitzpatrick asked in a low voice now realising that at least one of the bank robbers could communicate with her much in the same way Erin could through her earpiece. How exactly it was possible she did not know. It was of course obvious that Erin's earpiece would pick up the voices and sounds of those around her but how exactly could this bank robber hear the response? It was perhaps a conundrum for another time. In the present it was much more important to resolve the current hostage situation without anyone getting hurt or, worse, killed. And that included the Bank Robbers as well.
"Leave the other hostages inside the bank and I will let you leave in your car."

Having stated the conditions for allowing the bank robbers to leave Captain Fitzpatrick then gave a nod at Cardio and another at one of the tech people. She then crossed her arms under her breasts and waited for the response from inside the bank. It would not be obvious to a casual bystander, or even most of the cops at the scene, but she was quite nervous about the outcome of this operation. It simply had to work or her task force of Metas would crash before they even left the ground. That and also the fact that somehow this all boiled down to revenge but against the wrong cop. It was a mess that could have catastrophic consequences if it didn't go to plan, whatever the plan was.

Su-Ji @Frozen Princess @Inkybus (Basically everyone present inside the bank)

Su-Ji herself remembered having been inside this particular bank and also remembered how the acoustics carried and displaced sounds. Using a small window she made it inside after having given Velocity a claw up that she had at least heard the plan.

From the shaded narrow ledge she found herself balancing on without much difficulty she surveyed the bank. She had no real idea what Velocity actually intended to do once she had started distracting the three meta villains. Maybe she should start with the one trying to hide in the shadows. Not only because she actually looked familiar in some way but because she suspected that there was a reason why this particular villain stayed in the shadows and perhaps, given her heightened ability to see in the dark, she was the only one who could actually see her.

Moving silently along the ledge Su-Ji found a spot with less light and even though she had at first intended to say something clever, maybe come up with a catch phrase for herself, she instead let out a low meow, that came back to her from the other end of the bank, and then from just above the entrance. She then stayed perfectly still watching the villains turn their heads trying to figure out where the noise came from.

Blair & Alexa: Inside the bank @Inkybus @Frozen Princess

"I'm fine with letting everyone but this one go," Blair said and spat in Erin's direction.
"This lying bitch has a reckoning coming her way. I don't care whether it was your asshat commissioner that didn't allow you to come back to check up on my situation it was still you who promised you would and you broke that promise. And THAT is entirely on you."

... Meow ...

Blair looked up. At least the noise did seem to come from above their head but also from somewhere near Alexa who also lifted her eyes attempting to locate the source. Most likely this was the cat-human hybrid Schro had mentioned and also most likely the noise meant that whatever these other metas intended to do it was about to go down.
Bank @Inkybus @MsBloom

Windy saw the claw motion, and added a thumbs up, before closing her visor. A few minutes later, she couldn't help giggling slightly, with a "Classic, why cats are my favorite... Wish mom and dad would let me have one¹." She then went towards the back of the bank and through a loan office window. She snuck towards the front and whispered more to herself, "now for the coup de grace..." She set a tape recorder near, high up on an ornamental ledge, and started it .. If everyone but her parents and girlfriend were going to call her a race car, she was using it. The tape started with her voice, echoing around the bank, "Let's be smart about this. Surrender peacefully, or I start my engine..."

Windy had made it into a shadowed alcove, close to both Cheshire and Alexa by the time the tape finished, she didn't know the Captain made her deal offer, since her earpiece was mostly static. They'd find out after the fact, hers had a factory defect and wasn't working properly.

Erin sighed. Blair didn't listen to a word she said, about what she had said all those years ago. "Looks like you need my audio from that day too." she muttered under her breath for the tech and Captain. She walked stiffly towards the exit, arms squeezed together and hands over her crotch. She heard the meow and Windy's 'ultimatum' and let out an exasperated sigh, mostly because of Windy's boneheaded move. She tried to soothe the robbers' fears about the cat sound. "You all know about all the stray cats in this neighborhood, and the mayor's refusal to do anything... So a cat got in a window, big deal." She said nonchalantly.

Since there hadn't been enough time to catch Su-Ji or Velocity alone, Ginger was elected to wear a police body cam, and went into position behind the van she could use and wait for her next signal.

1- Basically her bonehead blunder (though she can't be fully blamed, and neither can the Captain) is WHY she can't have a pet cat. She sabotages herself too much.
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Bank in District 3 - Schro @MsBloom @Frozen Princess (Everybody in the bank)

When the Captain asked him whether he meant that they would leave with only Erin in tow, Schro thought back to the guy that they had hogtied and gagged in the trunk of their stolen getaway car… and then he shrugged, bullshit flowing freely:

"Yeah, just us robbers and the good Detective."

The detective could easily tell that Schro was not being truthful, but she could only guess at what he was hiding, perhaps as an ace in the hole. Did he have a deadman's switch to blow up someone? Did he possess a power that could harm others in retaliation?

Either way, when the cat meowed, Schro's attention left two of the higher-ups in the law enforcements and focused on Fitzpatrick as well as the perceptions of two hostages. He felt a thrill, a shiver of excitement watching himself, Blair and Alexa from where the hostage was lying on their belly, looking up at the group with a slightly blurry vision due to unshed tears of terror.

An unintentional grin came to his lips.

"That kitty better stay away or someone is going to get hurt. Move."

Schro stepped up to Erin, intending to push his palm against her shoulderblades and push her forward so she'd stagger out into the streets faster, the directives of her captors moving her closer to the getaway car, unless she retaliated in some way.
@Frozen Princess @Inkybus


"You heard your boss bitch," Blair said and gave Erin a push to get her to move.
"Move and maybe you'll get a chance to talk more about why you left me to be the butt end of every joke my family made, to get beaten for nothing but reading a fucking book and ridiculed for actually using deodorant. And a whole fucking lot more. Move your fucking ass," they added and gave the detective a hard slap on her barely clad ass.


As the other two began to move towards the entrance to leave under the agreed conditions Su-Ji snuck around the ledge and silently dropped down behind the hidden villain.
"I know you," she whispered in the villain's ear as she grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth with her hand.
"It took a while to recognise you Alex," she added and smiled to herself.
"Or is it Alexa now?"

Alexa had barely had time to react to the discreet thud behind her before she was held firmly in a tight grip with her mouth covered. Instinctively she knew that she would be expected to make a noise to alert her accomplices and fight back to avoid getting arrested but when she heard Su-Ji's voice in her ear she froze. This was the girl she had crushed so hard on during her first year in high school, the Asian goth beauty who walked the halls in all manner of extravagant outfits like she just didn't care that everyone stared at her the way they would at an exotic bird or a car crash.

Alex had been stunned, rendered almost immobile and mute the first time they saw her walk by with that ginger friend of hers. There was nothing about her that was not perfect in every way. On that particular day Su-Ji had worn a tight fitting nylon top over a black bra that showed off her breasts in a way that caused Alex to have an instant erection (certainly she would be told by the principal, or at least a teacher, that it was not an appropriate outfit to wear to school, and a pair of tight fitting leather jeans that hugged her ass in a way that involuntarily drew eyes to it.

From that moment on Alex had almost made it their mission to be near this beauty simply because it made them feel good. They even signed up for the creative writing club because they knew Su-Ji was in it and their first contribution was a five pages long love poem to her, not that they revealed that fact to anyone but they felt it must have been quite obvious.

Their second contribution was a poem about their gender dysphoria in a, hopefully, discreet attempt to let Su-Ji (whom by then they had understood was a lesbian) that whatever their body might suggest they were a girl.

"It is," they mumble back through Su-Ji's hand.
By then Blair and Schro had already left the bank and Su-Ji felt confident enough that Alexa would not try to cause any problems to let go of her. "I don't know what happened but I woke up this Monday in a fully female body, just as I always felt was the way it should be. I mean it is almost exactly how I imagined myself as a girl, as if someone or some thing had granted me one wish to come true. Strange isn't it."
Inside the Bank (Alexa, Su-Ji) @MsBloom

Windy was close enough to Su-Ji and Alexa to overhear, and was now torn between going after the other two, and listening farther to Alexa. Having tested herself only as far as around 700mph, but thought she could go faster if she wanted. She hadn't even broken the sound barrier (765.93mph) yet, since she was still learning.

Logic finally won out, even if it was temporary. Quietly , she said, "Know what you mean there. Before Sunday's whatever happened to some of us, I always wanted to be faster. To smoke the competition at the meets, and to shut everyone up on the track team, especially those saying I'm barely holding my spot on the team. Monday at lunch, I got my wish. Though, in hindsight, I shoulda also wished for regular clothes that could hold up to the friction that kinda speed creates. I'm stuck with racing firesuits if I want to wear anything that doesn't burn off. This, though? Probably not the best way to get attention to your new body." At least she was trying, and actually admitted to her wish for more speed, even if it wasn't a gift from an alien parasite.

Outside the Bank @Inkybus @MsBloom

Erin continued to fume as she took mental notes of what was going on. Unlike her namesake, the great British detective of the Victorian Era, created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, she wasn't that good at observing people as she was situations. That was how she had become Westbrook's best detective, and what she had observed all those years ago. It was clear by the situations, she wasn't going to get anywhere with explaining the truth to Blair. They already refused to listen what she had already said the truth of what happened. She wasn't about to admit a lie, just because they were too hard hearted and wanted to believe THEIR version of the truth, biased as it was.

Everyone, including anyone tuning into Edith and Sapphire definitely got an eyeful of Erin in nothing but her sheer police blue underwear, as she was forced into the car.

Erin listened to the sounds of thumping coming from the back of the seat in which she was sitting. This meant Schro had lied about her being the only hostage, however, he had been truthful of her being the only one taken from the bank. Obviously this was a stolen car and the owner was the one hitting the trunk to be let out. There wasn't a way to tell Captain Fitzpatrick until Erin had a chance to confront Schro. There wouldn't be a good time to do that, until they got wherever they were going. It would just have to sit in the back of her mind until the time. Taking a breath, Erin whispered back her badge number, but as if it was a prisoner number, saying, "714 hears you, unable to send 411."

Fitzpatrick waved at Ginger to stand down, and tried to get Windy's attention, not knowing she was hearing only static, repeatingly calling her by Race Car instead of her actual hero name. "Erin. I know you can't acknowledge this, but don't worry, we'll follow you... Somehow." After the robbers' left, she again called Windy, but basically told her in no uncertain terms, she was about ready to "mom" her rebellious teenage ass.
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Bank in District 3 - Schro @MsBloom @Frozen Princess (Everybody in the bank)

Schro forced Erin to get into the getaway vehicle in the second row's passenger seat. Behind him, on the driver side would be Blair, so she could keep an eye on the detective.

Speaking of, now that they were in their getaway vehicle, he realized that Alexa was not with them.

So, he began flipping through the various people under his perceptive sway, until he got the one who could see in darkness and sense shadows.

He caught the last bit of conversation between Alexa and Su-Ji. He listened to their conversation, while he flipped away from the second and last hostage and to Blair's perspective, looking at himself from the back. In Blair's eyes, something akin to a smoke cloud exhaled from Schro and settled on the seat where Alexa should have been:

"Stay calm and do not react to my speaking too much: Alexa is still in the bank. I think she is chatting with one of the people sent to stop us."
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@Frozen Princess @Inkybus


As the robbers inside came out of the bank Edith had repositioned herself to both get closer and to get a better angle maybe even a chance to pick up some audio from them making their escape. She was unsure exactly what kind of game Captain Fitzpatrick was playing. Had not the idea been to have the metas handle the situation? And now she had basically told them to stand down. Plans have to be adaptable of course and there was still Ginger in action, unless the order had been for her too. Still Edith wasn't taking any chances. If the plan for Ginger to drop a car on that indestructible person she had seen outside the Golden Spoon she wasn't going to miss it, and get the best shot of it.


It would take them some time to get used to Schro doing that. It was freaky to see his out of body appearance. And not only that, it seemed like rather superfluous information that Alexa had not left the bank with them, regardless of the reason.
"Just drive," he said.
"Let's get the fuck out of here. I know a good place we can go to make this bitch make a full fucking confession. And maybe take care of some other overdue business of mine as well."


"Strange indeed. Though I certainly never wished to become this," Su-Ji replied and made a general motion of her left hand to indicate her current physical form.
"Sure I've dressed up like cats before, even done the full make up complete with false fangs, but this ... not even on my top 100 hundred list of wishes I would have made if someone or some thing offered to grant it without consequences."
Alexa now turned to really look at her crush and nodded.
"And yet somehow ... It's very You, know what I mean. Not to mention it's kind of hot.
She then stepped away from Su-Ji nearing the hostages.
"Listen. We can talk later maybe," she said and changed her appearance to blend in with the hostages.
"For now, just do what I suspect you came here for and get these people out of here. And me along with them. Ok?"
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