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Mx Male 1x1 MxM // NSFW // - Sub for Dom - Long Term


Jun 24, 2023
The Writer & Preferences
  • Age: 25+, I require you be at least 20
  • Experience: Writing for over a decade
  • RP Interest: Male x male (mxm), but may consider doubling to suit preferences
  • Writing: Lit, third person paragraphs
Looking for
  • Story & Smut - Not looking for PWOP. I want it to get there naturally.
  • I prefer playing submissive, playing against dom / switch characters
    • Please note this is from the perspective of bedroom (assuming that's the location) antics
  • Character Chemistry is key - if they work together, the plot can always edit, change to suit them.
  • NEW! I've come to learn I prefer when people play good characters. The roughness, degradation, it's all fantastic for smut scenes but being mean or evil to another human being has seriously been off-putting lately lol
  • All characters must be 18+. 24+ is my preference.
  • Warning - F-List

Plot Premises
(Plot nuggets can be added to the below: example BDSM, ABO, Vampires or Dhampirs)

  • Ancient Rome / Egypt - P1: YC and MC are separated by status. This does not stop their eventual attraction from one another. The concern is one wishes for equality, and the other can't fathom the thought when their statues just don't equate. We go from there.
  • Ancient Rome / Egypt - P2: YC is a solider who is seeking out a spy in the King's harem. This means he has to play the role of a harem slave. MC finds YC fascinating and seeks out his company on the compound, simply seeking to get to understand what he considers an anomaly. We go from there.
  • Mafia Boss x Undercover cop. Character 1 is ex military. He has a hard time fitting in post his installment and so he works to become a cop. He's approved and works undercover to get more information on a known drug ring. Character 2 is the drug ring leader, has a few mannerism differences and knows about his under cover cop friend. We go from there.
  • Toxic Relationship: YC and MC meet through either a date, or happenstance. They hit it off and perhaps are interacting for a month - 2 months. YC knows by now that MC has come out as gay and has been rejected by his family. He's couch surfing as tries to stabilize as he was kicked out with none of his belongings and he has to start from scratch. Post their interacting, YC makes the offer for MC to move in with him knowing he doesn't have connections or anywhere to go. YC starts to change once MC moves in. YC seeks to isolate and remove options from MC. Until then they have not been sexually active and there's a reason for that as YC sexual preferences are more dubcon related. It turns into free use where YC demands whenever they see fit. Major things are dubcon, or noncon, discomfort, pain, no-warning free use, etc.

  • ABO: I have a number of plots in put. Successful omega looking for an Alpha, an arranged marriage, a rut / heat service, etc.

  • Telling you the truth: MC and YC are long-term friends. They've known eachother from grade school and high school...but parted ways after that. They had different goals in life. About 5 years later, they meet again. Things have changed a bit and they're reconnecting. The thing is, YC has cared for MC most of their lives together and MC just hasn't noticed. He doesn't think that the caring he sees is anything more than his friend being a bestie. We go from there.

  • Risk for a moment: Dystopian setting. Being gay is punishable by law (newly or has always been - can be death or jail). If you do not fall into the norms posed upon you by the government, you will suffer the consequences. Character 1 and Character 2 care for each other. They throughout specific dates in the year meet at one another's home to spend blissful moments together in a way they wish they go every day. They make a point of not seeing eachother outside of their meet-ups for fear someone will see the secret feelings they hold for one another. (I was inspired by V for Vendetta so I'm thinking that kind of dystopia). There's a lot of different things we can do here to move the plot, happy to discuss.

  • Balance: MC is struggling financially. YC has means and is open to support MC. (I have no idea how this one will go so it's really a nugget, we can flush this one out. )

  • Father x Son's Best Friend: Moving to college, MC who has repressed himself due to the close-mindedness of the small inlet he's from. When he comes back to visit over break or some weekends, he looks noticeably different. Shy seeming and unsure, he spends the weekend at his friends and YC notices the difference.

Plot Nuggets
(Add-ons to the above, or for new plots)
  • Monster x Sacrafice
  • Stockholm elements
  • Psychopath elements
  • Serial Killer x victim
  • Vampire siring. Perhaps they were friends and one is turned, and turns the other? Perhaps one is a reincarnated lover and the vampire chooses to keep them.
  • A control freak and a partner that goes along with it
  • Two characters with the the same kind of baggage, they just don't know it yet.
  • Stalker/serial killer x victim
  • Psychopath x Unimpeded
  • D.I.D / split personalities
  • Psychiatrist x Patient
  • Tragic reincarnated lovers
  • Cuddle service
  • Happenstance meetings. Super corny. Did they bump into eachother waiting down the street and felt something? Did both take the train and one rested their end on the others shoulder? Did they get stuck in an elevator together?
  • Thorple / Threesome elements.
  • Alpha / Beta / Omega plots (I like the assumed status differences x3 )
  • Business Man x Photographer
  • Two non-human men who start out using the other only to realize they have feelings for eachother (pairings below to help with this one~)
  • A single dad meeting a younger man and the pair ending up realizing they're great for eachother
  • A control freak and a partner that goes along with it
  • Two characters with the the same kind of baggage, they just don't know it yet.
  • Arranged Marriage
  • Vampire Mafia Lord x Mix-human Hunter
  • Vampire x Vampire (Thoughts are grief based but can differ)
  • Vampire x Human
  • Vampire x Half Incubus / Half Human
  • Vampire doctor x sane mental patient who's seen a vampire (and is therefore not crazy)
  • Fated Pair: At 18 you get the eye color of your true love, only to wake up and find yourself staring at a red eye in the mirror for your mates true form.
  • Employer x Employee
  • Clerk at a store x customer
  • Downton Abbey Timeframe setups (Friend x Friend / Head Butler x Butler / Lord x Manservant)
  • Employee x Employee
  • Closeted Friend x Oblivious Friend
  • Military
  • Royalty
  • Phantom of the Opera
  • Demon / Shapeshifters
  • Stockholm syndrome elements
  • Poly relationships maybe?

Thanks for your time!

BDSM Test: BDSM Test: What kind of sexual deviant are you?
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Craving a story where I don't have to be a femboy. For example - Greek Mentor x Roman Mentee:


Affluence was by product of three things; skill, intelligence, or inheritance. The gods smiled on the family name that Aelius came from, allowing his good graces and status to come from the latter. And yet, he didn't feel it acceptable to maintain alone. Through conversations with his father and friends of the family, he sought out the practice of a mentorship. It came with certain expectations, he knew, but it was simply the manner in which these things happened. And so, as the seasons turned, he took to a ship that would bring him to Alexandria, the home of his mentor Nemen.

Sandled foot falls carry the young man from the ship to the dock. He's adorned in the customary white to keep the heat from his skin, a satchel over his side with some personal effects; implements for writing, some clothing, and preferred oils for washing. He had been to Alexandria once before, but on a short stint, of a different capacity of time.

Aelius steps from the docks, seeking out the captain of the vessel so an exchange of currency could be made, the remainder of payment owed for the man's trouble. He seeks out instructions to where he would be meeting someone from the estates, though, whether it be Nemen himself or a servant, he did not know.

A sharp wind tusseled his hair and brought another bought of rich salty air, which he took in with a type of serenity to his expression. He did so love new places, and looked forward to his time under proper mentorship.
Two new plots I am looking for:

Ancient Roman / Greek - I'd like to play something where my character is an oracle. Some considerations:
  • King x Oracle
  • Master x Slave (where MC perhaps does not know he's an oracle)
  • Just have a craving aha
  • King x Omega - The king is married to his queen who can not give him an heir. So, he starts to collect omegas. The intent is to select them, bring them into heat, and attempt to get them pregnant. After a heat, if the omega can not be found with child, she is returned home with money for taking her virginity. During one of these selection events, MC comes in the stead of his sister due to her no longer being fit. It's just to save face. The king decides to select MC as one of the potentials, as thus far, a woman has not been able to give him a child. Perhaps a male omega can.
Opener for Omegaverse King x Omega - The king is married to his queen who can not give him an heir. So, he starts to collect omegas. The intent is to select them, bring them into heat, and attempt to get them pregnant. After a heat, if the omega can not be found with child, she is returned home with money for taking her virginity. During one of these selection events, MC comes in the stead of his sister due to her no longer being fit. It's just to save face. The king decides to select MC as one of the potentials, as thus far, a woman has not been able to give him a child. Perhaps a male omega can.

A series of circumstances had resulted in Jaden standing in way in a grand hall with a table to dine with the King. A male omega, not having yet debuted was instructed by his parents to hold face with the royals over his sisters transgressions. An omega who had lain before her assignment, Jaden held no ill will of his sister. It was...romantic, in his mind. He knew she had fancied the Alpha who she had interest in, and though he wasn't of the stock his parents would prefer, his proposal to the royal would do to rectify it.

When he'd walked into the room, he was on display - in most rooms, really. Jaden stood tall and sought to be nothing but a wallflower. What he was always spoke volumes though and despite his attempts, he stood out, and was watched. It was no different in this event; even the King had considered him. But Jaden knew of the... situation. A mate who could not given the King an heir meant they were looking for alternatives to produce one. Jaden figured with this being the situation, he was going to leave shortly after selections were made.

He had no inkling he would be one of said selections.

He'd been escorted to a room in the palace and had spent 3 days there to himself. He'd been assigned a maid and was...checked over for proper health and pureness. It had been awful but Jaden knew it was something he would experience at some point, and though it made him feel shamed and found it traumatic, he reminded himself a first claiming would be worse and to come to grips with it.

His mother had come the day before and conveyed to him the arrangement. An agreement had exchanged hands with the King. He would stay here and find three possibilities; being asked to leave, laying with him and being rejected, or laying with him and boring a child. It was...what he expected for his life, though, in some ways not so. He never thought himself a second...or a third...fourth perhaps? Then again, he never though he'd catch the eye of royalty.

And yet, here he found himself lost in his thoughts until the sound of a door clicking grabs his attention. The King walks into the room to greet him and Jaden falls into a respectful bow, keeping his shoulders straight so his face would remain upward, though his eyes were out of play "Your majesty." He greets and doesn't stand until asked - oddly so by the touch of two fingers to his chin.

Jaden is startled, grey eyes tipping up in some surprise he draws inward, moving to stand. "You flatter me, your majesty.." Jaden answers softly, for truly he did, a smile hiding softly in response.

"Jaden, though I will accept any name you prefer.."
I want to play some guys side fuck for some smut writing!
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The start of some dub-con and bdsm

"Hi, my name is Jack, I'll be your waiter this evening."

Jack is all smiles as the night starts. Friday nights are his favorite at the The Clove Club for they're often packed with people. The Patronage were men and women with wealth, and for Jack, a 22 year old male putting himself through school, Fridays and Saturdays were his favorite kind of shift. It's 8:17 PM and he has a number of tables in full swing, one of which includes a couple. They're both attractive; the woman is a blonde knockout with a well shaped chest and the man is adorned in a suit that seems to hide a collection of muscle. Jack's preferences make him so he can appreciate both these things.

As the night continues on though, his admiration for them deteriorates. It's one of those dates that don't seem to be going well, and the male of the two is a bit of a prick with his board disinterest. Jack hated people like that - why not have a conversation to fix it? To politely finish the evening? The woman seemed so nervous, he felt bad for her.

As appetizers turned into meals, the male of the pair's tone also seemed to extend to him, and Jack wasn't a fan. By the time the meals were done and it was time for dessert, Jack stood there, one hip cocked outward, bringing out his tabulation of pen and paper to take note of potential desserts.

"O-Oh, I'd like a desert." The poor thing tries to keep the conversation going. This guy just isn't even trying. Call it some form of righteousness, but at one point, the male excuses himself for a call. In that time, the woman also gets up, seeking to use the bathroom. Jack's eyes are on the table, in case there's a chance of abandonment, but he sees the man just outside the front door, and the woman really did go to the bathroom.

The table does however have a set of keys...

It's a bad impulse, but honey brown eyes do a dart around, snatching the keys and slipping them into his pocket. He isn't sure why, but he just wants to inconvenience this entitled prick. The date ends, and the bill is paid. Jack steams a bit at the lack of tip. It happened, tips weren't required, but fuck, this guy was a piece of work.

Jack excuses himself from his shift and leaves. This guy needed to pay, and inconvenience was the name of the game. He wasn't stupid enough to steal the car, no, but who would find out if he climbed into that car, drove it off, and parked it in the middle of no where some 15 - 20 minutes away? Sounded fair. He was entitled to a 30 minute break after all. Jack looks smug as he darts off in his uniform, keys in hand. With the car located, hazel eyes are bright with delight as he unlocks the vehicle and reaches a hand out to pull the front door open.
CRAVING: Ancient Rome. Here's one of my available prompts.

Aelius once thought himself a man destined for great things. Third son to a wealthy Roman family, there was very little he wanted for growing up. Horses and servants, little responsibility and time to focus on appearances, Aelius felt himself a fortunately soul. He was of the age of adulthood when he found himself falling pray to his father's ill managed estate affairs. A moon ago, he and his sisters were taken from his home to settle a debt to another family estate. One of his sisters was taken as a promised wife for their boy, his eldest sister and he were not so lucky. Aelius was sold to a slave handler not two days later, and no amount of screams or demands could get him free of the handler's servants. He did not see his sister again...his mother couldn't even bare to look at him.

Aelius was beautiful...far more beautiful than other men at the age of 21. His skin was sun-kissed, his hair a set of curls he tended to keep long, for his mother often teased him of being beautiful like Achilles. Freckles fluttered across his face and skin like stars in the night sky. Blue eyes were warm and rivaled the blue of the sea to the south of where he once called home. He knew why he had been sold to the handlers... and found himself sick with worry each night he was corralled into a cage, kept separate from the slaves that looked fit to do hard labor. He was not such a slave...and he already knew where they would try to find interest for him.

"I won't wear it." He had stated, acid to his tone as two of the handlers gripped his arms and slapped him behind the knee. They didn't want to ruin the look of him, though his continued disobedience didn't work well with them.

"Boy-" One snarled. "You will dress as you're told. Best to sell you off now, you're already too old."

Aelius gasps when the other handler slides a hand up his backside, squeezing his flesh, fingers sliding over his hole in a way that caused the boy to feel true disgust. Hot breath teases his ear in a whisper. "Best do what he says... you'll be lucky to be sold as a private slave. The longer you stay," fingers rub over his hole, the other grasping his neck to keep him close, feeling the handlers cock press against his hip "The more likely we'll take turns with you."

It was what needed to be said for Aelius to slip into the fine white silks, letting the handlers turn his hair in the fashion of a woman to fetch the highest price. At noon on a day of leisure, Aelius is one of man slaves with a linked collar and linked ankles taken to market for the eyes of men and women to review for potential purchase.
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