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Rewards of War (butterfly0408/CutePhoenix)

Ashley couldn't help but blush a little, shy for one who should be bold, as she took the empty seat, and signaled to the waitress to bring her a drink. "I'm surprised to see you with the sun still up. I had you pegged as a night owl through and through."
"Generally, I am. But today is.......a........uh........kinda one day vacation." Alicia replied, chuckling softly at her inability to properly explain the situation.

"But regardless, I'm glad to see you girl." she added, reaching across the table to gently hold Ashleys hand. While her and Serena were more compatible sex wise, Alicia and Ashley had a much more special bond. Hell, if Serena weren't around, chances are Ashley would be the one she'd spend night after night with and likely would have kept good on that playful promise of running away with Ashley. Still, there certainly was some romantic interest on Alicias part as Ashley was someone she could REALLY talk to and understood Alicia so deeply.
"I'm glad to see you as well. I mean, I have seen you, but have not had the chance to speak with you or..... anything else." The waitress laid the mug of ale at the table and Ashley started to drink from it at once, "You're nights have been filled with other partners as of late. As have mine." She didn't dare say she missed sharing a night with her. That would just sound silly, wouldn't it?
She didn't need to say Alicia soon said it for you.

"Yea.........but I have missed you." said the princess, smiling warmly at Ashley before sipping from her own cup of ale. She was never one to keep her feeling hidden, as she had shown many times with people like Brion and Serena. So, she had no qualms just coming flat out and saying she missed Ashley. Not the sex they had, but her, the person, everything Ashley was, alicia missed.
"I....... missed you too...." Ashley confessed. She could not say it first, but now that it was in the open, it was easy to say that and more. "It's been hard, having so many others in my bed when I only wanted a night with you in it..."
"I'd love to grant you that wish.........but not as professional and customer, but as Ashley and Alicia, two friends, two women that care so much for one another." Alicia replied, smiling so lovingly at Ashley. Lovingly was certainly how to describe it. The one who understood here, who cared so very much for her........there was deifnitely love there.
Ashley nodded along with Alicia's words, showing she totally agreed. But once she was finished, she sighed and shook her head, "When would we ever have the time. Once the night crowd arrives, you'll have to go one way and I the other..."
((I had a crazy idea. What if at some point.....Alicia does take Ashley and run away with a way? She wouldn't run off out of town or anything, but I was thinking she could take Ashley out of her horrible life and get her a job at the castle. This would be before the shit hits the fan and everyone starts hating Alicia. She'd be all alone.........except for Ashley who sticks by her side and becomes her only friend for a time, which inspires Alicia to dust herself off and fix all the trouble she's caused. This would also help to develop their eventual romance. It's just an idea I had where when Alicia starts fixing her life, she can stop going to the tavern entirely, but still have her dear friend Ashley with her. Of course, Ashley would still be sick, but instead of an STD, have it just be your typical early medieval era death type stuff. Perhaps something genetic so that it's not contageous or anything.))

"How about now? We don't think about it, we just do it. We both make a leap of faith........for each other." Alicia replied, scooting in her chair closer to Ashley before raising her hand to brush some hair of the womans face, hand then sliding down to cup her cheek.
"Don't think, just do... huh?" she repeated as she leaned in. Soon they were locked in a kiss. Not a harsh, wild one. Simple, sweet, romantic. The kind of kiss neither one of them ever got from any of their other partners.
And of course, Alicia kissed back, returning the romantic gentleness. She too, never got this from her partners. Serena damn sure never did it and Brion........he had kissed her before, but he was always holding back, so it wasn't the same either.
Ashley pulled back just enough to whisper to her, "We had best get upstairs.... before the tavern starts to full...." She knew that once Serena arrived, there would be no time for them. And oh how she wanted that time. Just one night to hold for a while until they could steal another.

((Never replied above. I love that idea. Perhaps, and this is just an idea, even Ashely forms son kind of friendship with Eden while she is in the castle as well. So when the shit hits the fan, Ashley is sort of in the middle. Able to talk to both sides yet not siding with either at the same time and try and help mend them up. Also would be a way for Alicia to find out her sister has started down the same destructive path she was on.))
((OOO, that sounds good. Perhaps Ashley could be the one who helps get them to make up. Perhaps raises her voice in a comical scene that gets Alicia and Eden to both shut up and sit down and talk things out.^_^))

Alicia only smiled before pulling Ashley up out of her seat and leading the way upstairs, casually flipping a gold coin to the owner to pay for her usual room as they passed the bar. Obviously, she was quite anxious as well.
((I don't know. Eden will be VERY stubborn about the whole thing. We shall see :p))

Alicia knew the room and easily helped find the way there. "Thank you," she whispered lightly as they entered the room together. "I wasn't going to ask for fear you might turn me down. You have been a busy bee in this room after all."
((Hehe, yea. That's what'd cause Ashley to yell at them. She gets tired of playing middle girl. But yes, we shall just wait and see.^_^))

"True, but I'd never turn you down. Not someone I care so strongly for......" Alicia replied, leaning back against the closed door, basically saying the L word........without actually saying it.
((Time for bed. So be seeing yas.^_^))

Alicia returned the smile, her hands soon rising up to work on her own outfit as she stepped away from the door.
Ashley made no move to go and remove Alicia's clothing. She just kept working at her own, sitting on the bed, the whole while, watching as Alicia did the same. No words were spoken...
Indeed, Alicia just smiled at her as she removed her clothing. It didn't take long before she was in her full nude glory before Ashley, just watching as Ashley removed her own.
Ashley removed all she could while still sitting down before she could not remove any more. At last she stood and left the rest of her clothing slip down her body into a puddle around her feet, smiling lightly at her friend and lover across the room, waiting...
"You're so beautiful....." Alicia said, smiling as she stepped towards her, taking her hands in her own, intertwining their fingers before pressing their lips together in a sweet, romantic kiss.
Ashley gladly gave into the gentle kiss, relishing in the simple beauty of it. A simple, elegant kiss, something she doubted either one of them got to experience on a normal basis. But for them, this kind of kiss was perfection. "You're quite the sight to behold yourself," she whispered against Alicia's lip.

((How about Ashley show Alicia a good time for once? So far, I feel like all their times have been more about Alicia giving... know what I mean?))
((Works for me. But as I recal.....they've only done it one other time.^_^))

Alicia just smiled before releasing Ashley, walking around her to sit on the edge of the bed, patting on the spot next to her.
((Twice. The first time with the guy then the time with just them.))

Ashley gladly took the seat, but took it a little bit closer to Alicia then most would. So close, they were both nearly in one anothers laps. Ashley wrapped an arm around Alicia's waist, pulling her close and nipping at her lower lip before kissing her.
((OH yea, now I remember the second time. Didn't at the end of the encounter, Ashley realized Alicia was THE princess Alicia?))

Alicias arms went around her shoulders, smiling when Ashley nipped at her, and returning the kiss as it began. Shortly after, she started leaning back, pulling Ashley with her till they were both laying on the bed, making out.
((Omg, I can't believe I let this sit a week without replying! Sorry. I've been kinda, out of sorts with most my stuff))

The two lost themselves for quite awhile just kissing and touching once another. It was so similar to the time they had spent just being ever so romantic and loving with one another, but Ashley wanted just one thing to be different about this evening. "Last time," she whispered to Alicia, "It was all about me. But if you don't mind Alicia, love... tonight I want to treat you like..." she smiled a little before she even said it for the irony was great, "a princess."
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