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Mx Female Desires of Dom (NSFW)

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Dom Bigson

Biggus Dickus
Mar 26, 2023
Wherever I want.
Hello! I'm Dom Bigson (not my actual name of course. Maybe if I come to like you enough, I'll tell you what it is) My time-zone is CDT. I have been roleplaying for about 9 months now. This is my RP request/plot thread thread. First, my obligatory rules/about me thing. It's a lot of stuff, so I'll be highlighting important things so one gets the general message:


I am strictly a dom. No subbing shall be seen from me. I normally like to go hard. Almost as hard as this pic goes (not pornographic. Just an image I think goes hard. Feel free to screenshot). Sometimes even actual violence hard. Nothing that will draw blood though. I will occasionally be in the mood for something softer though. There do exist a few characters with whom I'd want to have an actual relationship with, like Kogeikun's Wendolin. Though even then, there may heavy dom/sub elements.

I write a lot. I mean a metric fuck ton. At least most of the time. Shortest I get is one paragraph. Even then, it's often a long paragraph. I've sent what I think have ended up being over page-long responses before. In other words, don't worry about getting a one-liner from me. I do not expect my partner to match this massive writing style, but I would like them to have some heft to them when it comes down to it, with at least one-paragraph long responses, at least brief descriptions, and some sound effects On rare, though very very fucking rare, occasion I may even give a response as long as this whole thing.

I always let my partners know outright if I have lost interest in what we're doing. I despise being ghosted and would not inflict that on another. I would appreciate if my partners were to extend the same courtesy to me.

If you reach out to me, you will hear back from me 100% of the time. It may just take a while.

I am fine with either in-character or out-of-character approaches from those who wish to approach me.
I will state however, that I do prefer in-character as I find it arousing. If one so wishes, one can just come straight into dms and start roleplaying. As long as you give at least some introduction alongside your roleplay opener. Essentially, if you find what I've laid out here interesting, run wild with your introduction. Just as long as it's interesting.

I DO Masturbate to roleplays
. Just letting anyone who finds that to be a turn-on know. If it's good enough stuff, I'll even go back to it and use it as material. If that turns you off for any reason, then just don't think about it. If it's because you may think it decreases my response quality, it doesn't. Just the frequency. Hard writing these with one hand lol. And yes, I do take pleasure from the idea that someone is masturbating to my stuff.

I will mostly use pre-established characters or a straight-up self-insert. Any OC's I make will essentially be on the fly and will have some backstory, but not a full character sheet or something like that.

I am fine with long-term or short-term as well as anything from plot-oriented (in that it's more planned out) that's planned out in advance to just little more than e-sex. It may be a misnomer to say plot oriented as even in the more "planned out" ones, I prefer the overall focus to be on smut, be it actual sex or descriptions of lewd things. At the highest level of plot, I prefer a 60:40 ratio of smut to plot. Many of my ideas which I will be giving later on will be based on pre-established characters/worlds anyway so world-building shouldn't be too much of an issue.

My schedule is such that my responses may be more sporadic during the week. You can expect at least one response every few days from me unless I somehow end up getting swamped with requests - though I've admittedly never had the pleasure - that response time may slow to extreme levels. The slowest I can see right now is 1 a week. But still, feel free to reach out whenever. I will let my partners know if I need to take a break, though in those situations I will still get back to them eventually in which case they are more than welcome to pursue other partners. Not that you need my permission of course. I am most certainly available on weekends though and DMing me then will almost certainly guarantee sooner and likely more frequent responses.

I enjoy doing dirty talk on the side. This dirty talk can be any number of things: Essentially another roleplay, but it's more free-style, sexting (no actual irl nudes or anything, just kinda describing fantasies), sharing hot images we like, or anything else my partner and I can think of that can be described as dirty talk. This can be done either on site in a separate chain from the roleplay or on Discord, where my username is Dom Bigson (or Bruh314 if that doesn't work), whichever my partner prefers. My old name and ID was Bruh314#1255

I am ok with first or third-person.
I will normally write in first person for myself, unless I am playing a pre-established character, though if my partner dislikes that as I know quite a few do, I can and will change that in order to accommodate.

As an inherent preference, I like to be on the... cartoony side of things. I view this as an outlet for my wildest sexual fantasies and would prefer if we were not restricted by the bounds of normal reality. We don't have to break them, just... stretch them.

More than fine with playing a futa. In fact, that's what one of my plots has me playing

Finally, I can do a variety of tones, both for entire roleplays and within roleplays themselves. If one wishes for me to keep a consistent and specific tone, one may need only ask
Kinks and Limits
I've got some very esoteric/hardcore kinks, so I can understand if some potential partners are turned off by them. I am fine with omitting certain ones, as long as it is made clear by them which ones they don't like from the get-go, they aren't basically essential to any plots, and don't fit the criteria I have specified for must-haves. Though I will bold and place and asterisk the ones that are absolutely necessary for me. Ones that are just bolded are ones that I am reluctant to go without, but will if I must. I will say that it is optimal that you be ok with everything I put forward, as the quality of responses is likely (I must stress LIKELY) to be best if I am able to employ all of my kinks, as I will be more horny, and therefore more passionate and invested. That being said, if I enjoy my partner enough, there will be no dip in quality. Anyway, here:

Kinks: Degrading my partner (or the character they're playing as)*, being worshipped (be it the normal sexual worship one sees in porn or some kind of sexual-religious worship)*, acute cum inflation*, extreme cum inflation, hyper proportions (the extent of which I will demonstrate later. I am fine with a variety of body types and definitions of 'hyper' may vary. Even if it's not hyper persay, I want the character I play as to have a magnum dong and girl I'm playing against some big ol' titties) feeding a bitch cum as food, body writing be it tattoos or sharpie, pet play, lipstick marks, smegma, musk, public sex, misogyny - basically just the degradation bit to the next level. Instead of just the female (or female character(s), irl gender doesn't really matter as long as they're willing to play women and potentially pretend to be one in dirty talk, which I will discuss next) I degrade all women - , marriage (more as a signifier of ownership. The kind of wedding where a nun that's just as big a whore as the bride says, "You may fuck the bitch" or something like that), raceplay (specifically white on other races), impregnation, pregnant sex, incest, vaccu-suck blowjobs (pics of varying degrees for reference) the female character(s) outright or secretly wanting to be fucked by me from the beginning or at least have their resistance break down relatively quickly be it altogether from the get-go or first internally and then outwardly. (I will be explaining what exactly I mean by this to the best of my ability next, as I'm aware this may be confusing)*

Limits: Foot stuff, gore, scat, rimjobs (maybe unless I'm playing a futa), puke (unless it's cum coming out the other side), handjobs, amputation/amputees, , pissplay (may be subject to change depending on partner, even then, only one situation which if I am asked, I will explain in DMs), violence (again, varies depending on the partner, even then, nothing that'll draw blood though, just blunt objects), girls/female characters outright and internally being completely not ok with my treatment of them.

So, that last kink functions as more of a request than a kink. I will elaborate on that now. I would like the girl(s)'s resistance to at least start cracking by at most 3 messages in. They can act outwardly resistant to becoming my/my character's bitch, but I'd like it if they at least think about letting go and submitting. This is because if the girl(s) just straight-up doesn't want for too long, my moral compass kicks in and I start feeling uncomfortable. Basically, it's fine if they act like and mostly think they don't want my/my character's treatment as long as there's at least thoughts of submission. Though I will stress that I want them to break sooner or later. Please note that I am not attempting to railroad you or control your character. I am merely making my desires known. Frankly, I think I may be making this sound more restrictive than it actually is. I've just had a couple of partners who had the girls be more resistant as I did not make my desires crystal clear from the get-go. I am attempting to remedy this folly.

TL;DR: I prefer the female characters to have at least some sexual desire from the start of the roleplay, even if they are reluctant at first.

Not to brag, (more for marketing) but I've been praised (unironically, not just kinkiness sake) by multiple partners I've had in the past. Here are some quotes for them. And yes, for those who took a look at it and this too, some of these are the same quote I used in my introduction. And yes, all of these are from different people.

"This rp and how you write it is perfect"
"Also yeah honestly your probably my favorite rp partner ... your responses are always really delightful"
"love love LOVE the aggression and dominance. Few people are as lewd and crass as you so it is refreshing and real hot~."
"Yessss, I love everything you say ♡"
"Now this was a whole lot of hotness"
"Nowadays turn down a fair bit of RP requests purely because they just don't match your otherwordly writing"
"You have so many great ideas"

At last, the main attraction! Took me long enough, didn't it? Alright, here it goes. Many of my plots are inspired by porn comics/doujins/hentai and/or individual images or sets. I will link each and every source I use, making this kind of double as a porn recommendation thing. Also, if anyone has a plot that they'd think I'd like after reading this, let me know. Also, I will now be going into somewhat "horny mode", so anything mysognistic I say is just to set the mood. All titles may be subject to change if I or my partner create one that we like more. Any female characters will be played by you (i.e my potential partner) unless it's some background lady or the workload of female characters becomes too much. All of these plots are subject to change either through discussion or as we go, as long as we keep the basic beats, with some being far more in-depth than others. Any characters who in their original universes are under 18 will be aged up mentally, physically, and numerically.

Based on Bakunyuu Bitch na Jotei-sama wa Tanetsukeshite Hoshikute Tamaranai (One Piece) (sorry, couldn't find the name in english.) Very similar plot to the doujin, except instead of her coming to investigate a rapist, it's just a typical resupply and Hancock, being the self-righteous whore she is, orders everyone around but a man, tired of being ordered around, runs away to an alley, where Hancock catches him. It is there that he pops a massive boner due to Hancock's whorish body and slutty outfit which leaves very little of it to the imagination, including seeing some pussy juice running down her inner thigh, so he takes the ultimate gamble and pulls his cock out, degrading her and stuff. This makes Hancock cum herself like a whore, and begins teaching the uppity bitch her place as his cumdump and ultimately culminates like the doujin with her giving Amazon Lily over to him as his personal harem, though this time with some action involving the other Amazon Lily girls, mainly Margurette. Maybe if the rp goes well, we can even continue on to other One Piece girls, and if this one seems a bit railroad-y that's due to there being more fleshed-out source material. If we end up going beyond just Hancock and to other One Piece girls, there will be more creative freedom. That being said, I've got a lot of ideas for this one due to having discussed it with another partner who ended up ghosting me. Will bounce off potential partners to see if they like them. They are not required to be implemented. This is also something of an outline. This does not have to be followed to the letter as long as we get the general beats of "Boa Hancock becomes my/my character's personal loving cumdump and hands her island over to me to use as my harem and crew to gather more bitches". Oh, and though we are using the plot of the doujin for reference, we don't have to use its art-style. As an alternative, we could draw inspiration from the works of Ero-Enzo, who goes way bigger with their proportions. Of course that's not for everybody and we don't have to draw from that if you don't want to. Naturally, having read at least up to the timeskip in One Piece is required, with fully caught up being optimal.

based on this image and the set it belongs to, Saeko is a loyal wife/maid/sex slave/pet of her futa mistress Seong-Hui who's willing to serve and worship her massive, throbbing, and smegma-covered bitch-breaker whenever, wherever, and however her mistress wants. If you want, we can think of a backstory as to how she came into Seong-hui's possession. This will be more of a "day-in-the-life" thing though.

Based on this image here, this plot if more on the in-depth side, as I had discussed this with a previous partner. Once again, it did not pan out. Anyway, here's another text wall. This is also copied verbatum, so not all of what I say here applies. Except the thing about it being best if you start. That still does.
Another "day in the life" thing where it's you and I going about our highly sexual daily routine. Maybe it starts with me waking up to my two favorite bitches helping to get my morning wood down. Maybe with a double-titfuck or whatever it is you want to go with (with this set-up, I think it's best if you start). After I cum and they both lick the cum I covered them in off of each other, we both "get dressed" (for me, it's a robe that entirely showcases my [however many inches you want it to be, but at least 10-inch cock and for Felicia and Selina, is just a tail buttplug) leaving to eat breakfast as I eat some pancakes or something that you made for me. It is only after I have finished my breakfast, because in place of normal milk, I use your breast milk direct from the source to quench my thirst - or not if you're not into that shit - you are allowed to eat yours, being a shared bowl filled to the brim and then some, with cum that's fermented over the course of the night (in a sort of unrelated question, how do you feel about smegma on a dick? I didn't list it among my original kinks because I can do just fine without it) and you lather it all up (this is where the exact scenario in the image plays out). That's where my dick rehardens, and subsequently take the buttplugs out of one or both of your asses, and I start ass-fucking one or both of you using my clones, as you continue eating the aged cum I left you in the bowl (though maybe you can finish while I"m still in-progress and partake in some lesbian fingering and kissing?) while I pump you with a fresh load. After I've pumped you with so much it comes out the other side (unless that counts as puking in your book, because I've discovered that counts), I then reinsert the buttplugs, and take you out for a walk, first going to a cafe for some lunch (while you sit under the table, one sucking my dick, the other my balls), and then I take you both to an alleyway. It is either revealed here or earlier that today is the one-year anniversary of the day I made you mine, a day which either you or I briefly recount (saying something along the lines of how you were so so wrong to believe you were anything more than sexual property, meant to be pleasure and serve whoever claimed you). To celebrate, I create 5 clones of myself (I being the sixth) and gangbang you both and cum in you and on you until dinner time, when I spawn some clones to carry you both back home and place you on the edge of the bed as I fuck you both for one final time (what position is up to you), your bellies already swelling with cum and it dripping from your pussy and ass (I put the buttplugs back in and dildos into your pussies so that it wouldn't drip out while I was carrying you away. We end the day by taking a shower (if you want to do one with all three and do some shower sex, I'm up for it, but I can understand if you'd be running out lewd things to say without sounding redundant- though frankly, I'm fine with hearing some of the same shit over and over again, as long as it's about how good my cock and cum is - by this point or simply aren't feeling it, that's fine) and going to bed - with me just using all the cum that flooded out of you to fill the bowl with tomorrow morning's breakfast - and with my hands cupped over your tits and possibly my dick in your pussies.

And to answer the question as to why is it drawing no attention that I'm walking a woman in public? For that, we'll just have me be someone very influential who was able to make it legal to rape and enslave women, as well as for the more attractive ones to be publicly nude. If you want, we can maybe even encounter some other ex-heroines who have been turned into personal whores and cumdumps, some blissfully submissive like those two, and some are more resistant, causing one of you to perhaps comment on how naive and/or insolent they are for resisting their masters. Which heroes we see(they can be DC or Marvel), how submissive they are, and who their masters are up to you.

Based on this doujin by Kunaboto This will follow basically the exact same plot as the doujin except the Bokoblin can talk. Also, this would be their first time meeting rather than a repeat encounter like the doujin implies. The set-up a partner of mine and I came up with (We actually were able to get through this one, I just really like and would be more than fine with doing it again with someone new) is that the realm has been saved and Zelda, in preparation for giving Link his reward, took a powerful aphrodisiac, putting her sexual urges and her attracting pheremones on overdrive. But, since he's not here, Zelda is forced to frustratedly play with herself in the incredibly whorish, concubine-esque outfit she got, which barely covers her absolutely massive cow udders and tight fertile pussy. But, there is hope for this horny bitch. She sees smoke outside her window. A campfire coming from the woods. If the hero would not take his reward, she would give it to someone else. And so, Zelda put her cloak on and heads to the campfire, only to find a lone Bokoblin. Disappointed, she begins to turn around, but she accidentally steps on a twig, making a loud "CRACK" noise. This causes the Bokoblin to turn around, revealing that he's packing a a throbbing, pre-cum leaking, smegma-covered, slut-breeding, 20-inch (size subject to change) fuck scepter. From there, we'll have two paths. He finds her first or she reveals herself to him. If this plot is chosen, a more detailed version of this opening up until Zelda finds the Bokoblin in your own words would be appreciated

We do a Teen Titans role play where I play as Beast Boy and you play Raven and/or Starfire. We'd use these images as reference points for their proportions. The setup would be that Robin and Cyborg were gone and it was just the two or three of them in the tower. Raven and Starfire are sitting on the living room couch reading or something. Their clothes have been exceptionally tight for the last month, showing off all their curves, nipples, and even digging into their pussies, which has naturally aroused Beat Boy greatly. This being intentional on their part, as they one day had peaked on BB in the shower and saw how huge his cock is, going on to masturbate (if we end up doing both) together and have hot, steamy, lesbian sex to the image of his fat fucklog. but knowing that Robin and Cyborg would be out on that day, he bided his time, making sure not to masturbate and to leave his cock unwashed for a month. Beast Boy walks out from his bedroom naked, with his cock, which has been transformed into that of a horse, which can be smelled from half way across the apartment, and the two horny sluts of course know what it is and get excited for it, thought pretend to be none the wiser as Beast Boy stands a few feet in front of them, 24-inch (we can make it bigger or smaller if you want) bitch-breaker diamond-hard, and tells them to crawl over there and start cleaning and worshipping his massive, throbbing, unwashed meatstick, with Raven pretending to be reluctant and Starfire pretending to be curious, both really fully knowing and wanting what's going to happen next. Or we can have them actually eb those thigs, but feel the innate sexual urge to follow his orders. You can decide

Based on this image and the others in its set, Himiko Toga has been reformed (read: turned into cock-loving cumdump sex slave) by her caretaker (read: master), Justice Orc who has made her lose her lust for blood (and replaced it with one for cum). She is recording a video to her boyfriend (who she isn't even in an actual relationship with and is already dating someone else), Deku (who will never even see this recording and deep down she knows that), shwoing him her progress (in the form of filled up condoms which she plans to drink the contents of) telling him that she's going to be living with Justice Orc from now on so she doesn't fall back into villainy (really to become his live-in onahole who will do basically anything for him). An impatient Justice Orc however, slaps his fat slut-maker up against her fat udders tells her to shut off the recording, as it's time for some more lessons (bed and mind-breaking breeding sex). From there, fucking. What exactly that fucking contains, we can decide together. This is a pretty malleable one that can end up being short term or long-term. We could just do this sex scene and be done with it, or we could go beyond and do some chronicling of Himiko's life as Justice Orc's wife. Maybe even expand to other MHA girls, who Justice Orc convinces himself also need 'reforming' and his loyal whore Himiko is of course more than happy to help him capture them. She still has a shred of villainy after all. We could even do a little bit of both of the latter two, perhaps flipping, having every other one be a 'slice of life' thing and a 'breaking' thing, such that we're able to actually utilize the girls further in a sexual setting before just moving on to the next one. To anyone interested in this one, YOU CHOOSE SPIDER-MAN!

Batman may have a no-kill rule, but he doesn't have a no-fuck rule. After defeating the Gotham City Sirens (team-up between Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and Catwoman) as he's going through a long string of stressful, sleepless nights, with them egging him on, Batman decides enough is enough and that he needs some relief, so he'll fuck them onto the straight and narrow, turning them into his sexy side-kicks for him to let out his urges on any time he wants. This one's a lot more simplistic than a good chunk of the other ones, but that can be a good thing. Could do quite a bit with this one.

I've always been really interested in history and alternate history. So, I though, "why not make one?" And right now, I'm going through my 'Holy Shit, Napoleon is literally me!' phase, so I thought 'Why not make something about him?'
During his archeological digs where IRL he found the Rosetta Stone and some other cool stuff before he became Emperor, he finds an artifact that that gives him immortality, but he doesn't realize it at the time. It is only when one of his copious assassination attempts (one of the ones that occurs after he becomes Emperor. Don't worry there were like 30) succeeds and he survives without so much a scratch that he realizes the gift (or curse is you want to go that angle) that he's been given. The man's already massive ego inflates even more as he sets out to become master of not only Europe, but the world.

And he does. It is the current year. Napoleon's reign over humanity has lasted over 200 years. With the peace achieved through his rule and through his active encouragement, mankind has had time to explore the arts and sciences, including the exploration of the stars and even alternative universes (making it so we can potentially include established characters or a pre-existing OC if that's what you want). Napoleon has added 'Master of the Solar System' to his list of titles and well on his way to 'Master of the Galaxy' and 'Master of All' as colonial and military expeditions make the long journey out of our solar system and into other universes and solar systems, all devoutly loyal to l'Empereur. And of course, with such futuristic technologies as flying cars, holographic communication, and clean, renewable energy, and average lifespan of 200 years, and a maximum going well into the thousands, mankind has truly never been more prosperous.

Womankind is a different story. Through selective breeding and genetical engineering, ugly and even average women have been eliminated, replaced only by buxom beauties with natural proportions that only the most plastic bimbos of our world could dream of (whether those interested in this plot want to go full hyper or just 'grounded' bimbo is up to you. Would personally prefer the former) and have been genetically redesigned to be able to sustain themselves on a man's bodily fluids and excretions (just talking about smegma, not shit). These bimbos have been turned into concubines and cumdumps (and maybe piss toilets too), as every woman is obligated to be scantily clad, if not outright nude, at all times (see-through clothing is a thing too if we want to employ that) and unless they have already been brought under another man's ownership (closest thing there is to marriage in this timeline. Men can and often do own multiple women by the way while if a woman is owned by a man, she is exclusive to him), must oblige any sexual requests and desires of a man anytime and anywhere and of course they must thank their male masters for it. It is legal, and a common occurrence, for a man to just stick his dick into a woman and start fucking her without warning and in broad daylight. However, there is a select group of women which stand above even all men, save for one: The Emperor's Consorts.

The highest honor and position a woman can receive, becoming one of the eternal Emperor's sex slaves makes a woman directly beholden only to one man: Napoleon himself. These women are hand-picked by the Emperor at least once a year based on a criteria only he knows. Many have been able to guess however. Each new batch of women has massive human udders and/or bulbous, bouncy behinds and/or fat lips that may as well have been made for sucking dick. The amount per month varies, but it is normally at least one from each continent on Earth. He also takes at least one or two in the off-season (Putting this in for those who wouldn't want to be brought in as part of a group. I have some ideas as to how he makes his selections known, but it's not necessarily that important and not really hot or anything). Not only this, but he grants his new consorts the gift of immortality given to him. Through his seed of course (if you want to go for something different, let me know). Oh, and yes, his member is a lot bigger than in real life. How much larger is up for discussion. He still keeps his short stature though, being shorter than most (not all if you want to play a shortstack) of his slaves.

I would of course be playing Napoleon. I'm fine with either first or third person, but feel like first-person might be better with what I'm going for. If you're interested in this plot, but have a strict no-first-person rule though, then I'm happy to oblige. Potential partners can play anyone they want, as long as it's discussed with me first. OCs, self inserts, real life celebs, established characters. This is alt history and also smut so we're under no obligation to be realistic. For Napoleon's appearance we can take inspiration from either his paintings which portray him as the most handsome MF to ever exist or actual descriptions of him, which find him average, mediocre, or even outright ugly in appearance. Whichever you prefer. Also, it's preferable if my partner plays multiple girls. If you're not comfortable doing that, don't worry. Not only do I have that alternative I mentioned earlier open, but you wouldn't be playing multiple at once within the same message, rather shifting perspectives when I've done my thing with one of the girls and shift focus to another one. Might have this as my default 'harem' premise as it's more fleshed out and unique than the one below. Any partners who read this all and DM me, let me know if I should take that course of action.

Aang decides it's his duty to go around and get all the girls from the show I mentioned pregnant and make them into his personal cumdump baby factory (no actual on-screen birth though, as are the rules) slavewives and 'traveling companions' (Read: easy-access cumdumps on stand-by for when he needs to fuck) whether they initially want it or not (because they all will eventually), all in the service of making him the Last Airbender no longer. Well, also to satisfy his massive Airbender bitch breaker. Katara would be the first, who does it fully consensually, with it being just a normal instance of sex for them. After the fucking ends, Aang would confide in her that he's scare his race will die off with just them being the only two actually making any, at which point Katara would suggest in a kinky manner that Aang go around and impregnate other women too so that they can pump out new Airbenders too, egging him on throughout the whole rp to 'treat them like the sluts they are' and using language like that. Ultimately, Aang would get so misogynistic that Katara loses her power over him and he turns her into a barely sentient cocksleeve too (Which if you want, we can say she secretly wanted the whole time and was actually her end-goal). Here are some refs for the girls we'll be using: Katara, Toph, Ty Lee, Mai, Azula

A porn parody of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. We can play out sexual parodies of scenes from the movie. For example, the peasants from the opening scene can instead be turned into two buxom ladies complaining about the patriarchy, who end up being secret masochists who get used and abused by King Arthur and his knights. The Black Knight can be a tsundere of sorts who pretends not to be completely in love with King Arthur's cock and claims not to cum when in fact she does. The Zoot scene can be essentially the same, except whichever Knight was 'trapped' there is actually able to go through with fucking those submissive sluts. We can also make King Arthur and/or some or all of his knights femboys and/or futas if you want. Naturally, all the girls will have HUGE tracts of land!

This one takes place during the American Civil War. I’d play as a patriotic but misogynistic Union soldier who while taking a town with his brigade, decides to make a buxom, big-assed, baby factory bimbo of a southern belle by the name of Betsy Breedingstock (which you would play) into his personal “relief station” (read: cumdump and possibly smegma cleaner and piss toilet) as both penance for being a racist traitor to the Union and also due to him just viewing it as her place as a woman. She would start off as your typical Lost Causer and and die-hard Confederate, saying it was a “War of Northern Agression”, that it was about “States’ Rights”, and perhaps going as far as even defending slavery as some Confederate higher-ups historically did. But, as her breedable body is made to satisfy her Union liberator, she sees the error of her ways and becomes a devout patriot of the Union, praising the North’s superior cocks. Note that I am envisioning the Union Solider(s) as white and in case it wasn’t obvious, the Southeran woman as white. This isn’t a blacked or bleached thing.

Now, we could change the initial in a few ways. While it’s normally not the kind of thing I’m into, we could make this a gangbang story, where she ends up becoming the camp cumdumpster. We could also make it not just a random union soldier and actually a general, either a made-up one or a famous one.

Some additional ideas I had that we can implement on a case-by-case basis
1. She can become a breeding mare for the horses in addition to the human soldiers.
2. She can put her massive udders to use as a hucow, supplying milk for the parched troops
3. We can say this brigade/batallion/whatever either already was or after this became famous for taking captured women and turning them into cumdumps, via an epilogue which will read like a documentary

If you have any ideas, let me know. I think this could be real fun one, as it kind of plays with the idea of raceplay. I’m thinking of having this as the body ref for the girl, by the way. She looks young, but we could make her a milf if you think that’s be hot or hotter

Basically, I would play as a late 19th Century-early 20th British captain named James Cumminside or something who’s intensely patriotic (loves the queen, wants Britain to rule the world, etc), strappingly handsome (or the opposite if that’s what you’re into), incredibly hung, and, as was typical of a British aristocrat of the time, incredibly racist and mysoginistic, famed across the empire for his unique method of ‘civilization’ in where when he discovers or simply is asked to visit an island or territory of the Empire, he fucks all the women (well, not all if it’s a big population, but a lot), making them see the so-called ‘Light of Civilization’ and making them loyal subjects of the crown.

One day, however, while sailing the ocean, he (via a portal or just teleportation or something), gets transported to a fictional universe. Upon his entrance, he is given three powers which make him stupidly OP by some force. I was thinking it would be some metaphysical manifestation of Queen Victoria for maximum wackiness, as he is told to go forth and claim the multiverse and its women in the name of the British Empire. Anyway, the powers:
1. Basically cheating. He instantly becomes a master of a given universe’s power system and its strongest user.
2. Aphrodisiac, which makes any female he wishes not necessarily instantly worshipful and in love with him, but makes it impossible (or at least near-impossible) for them to disobey and order from him and ups their sexual sensitivity and hormones 10-fold, essentially making them way more suceptable to becoming his bitch. I should probably mention I’m envisioning this as a harem thing that he will build up as he travels along the multiverse. You will not have to play every character at once, just whichever I want to focus on. If you find the rest of this interesting, but don’t feel comfortable playing more than one character, that’s fine. Just let me know the maximum you’re ok with playing so I can work around that.
3. The ability to travel between universes and anywhere within a universe. Oftentimes he’ll be guided by the force to wherever it wants him to go.

As you may have been able to tell, this is on the whackier side. The kink this cannot work without is raceplay, so if you’re not into that, this isn’t for you. Here are some fictional universe I’m thinking of using:
1. One Piece
2. Last Airbender
3. Star Wars (specifically focusing on both the darker skinned humans and the humanoid alien characters, like Togruta and Twi’leks)
4. Warhammer 40k (with an emphasis in T’au and Eldar)
We can use more or less universes than these. If there are any you think would work well with this idea, let me know and I’ll consider them. We can use either OCs, established characters, or a bit of both for the 40k and Star Wars ones.

Note: Despite my use of “you”, this can be played third person. Very similar to my ‘Taming the Traitor‘ plot, except replace a Union soldier with a Roman one and a southern belle with with a big titty Goth (with black hair and stuff, we can make references to modern goths as jokes, but she’s Goth in terms of the Germanic people, not the modern social group), which we will use this as ref for in terms of her body. You will play as a Gothic tribeswoman who the general of the invading Roman army (who I will play and will go by the name Largus Phallus) who has ‘liberated’ (read: conquered and ransacked) your village and due to your status as the most beautiful and, obviously from those fat milk tanks and jiggly slapable ass of yours, fertile woman (In fact, Phallus will never outright admit it due to not wanting to stroke a barbarian’s ego, but she will by far the sexiest women the general’s ever seen). Now, we could go in a lot of directions for her initial characterization, as the results will all be the same. (This goes for the Civil War plot too). She can be resistant at first, straight-up telling him to fuck off and stuff, she can be a cheeky slut who eggs him on, not really giving a rat’s ass about ‘civilization’, but just wanting her guts rearranged by that fat Germ-tamer and womb filled by those massive cumtanks. Either way, through humiliation, abuse, and just good old fashioned hard breeding, she will be civilized and turn into a loyal fuckpet (and possibly piss toilet if you’re into that) for her Dominus, praising the superiority of Roman civilization and cocks. Note that for this plot to work it’s best potential, it’s best if you’re ok with ALL my kinks. It’s ok if there’s some that you‘re not, like pissplay, impregnation, and pregnant sex, but due to its nature, this in particular will be best if I’m able to use all my kinks

Elves and Dwarves: a mutual hatred as old as time. I mean, with everything that's happened, all the dark lords, the plagues, and interference from Men has softened it to more of a friendly rivalry, but there's still some animosity and trash-talking galore. This story would follow a dwarf teaching an uppity elven maiden which he encounters at a bar, about the superiority of Dwarven resolve, craftsmenship, and especially: dwarven cocks after she belittles and insults the dwarven people. This would lead to the two making a bet that whoever gets 'broken' by the other in sex has to become the other's slave for life and preach the superiority of the other's race. The elf will lose. We're still gonna play out this whole bit, but the elf losing is non-negotiable. How she loses and how the dwarf exploits this victory is entirely up to discussion though.

Now, how intense and dark we can go with the rivalry, raceplay, and post-submission can vary. We can have the trash talk be essentially back-handed flirting, actual, a sort of joking banter, actual mutual racism, or somewhere in between these three. I'd kinda like it if no matter how intense the trash-talking is, the elf is actually super submissive and her ultimate goal is in fact to become his fucktoilet baby factory (or something less extreme), it'll just be a matter of how obvious it is, whether the dwarf already knows or not (I'm fine with either, but it'd be more in character given the common portrayal of dwarves to not realize her desire for him and to submit to him no matter how obvious she makes it unless/until she outright says so), and when/whether she outright says it. I mean, it doesn't have to be this way, but there are few things better and more classic than a beautiful elf that pretends to be pure and/or uppity but is actually a submissive perv. Same with how extreme we go in her 'breaking' and once she's broken.

Here are a few possible refs for the elf. One does not necessarily have to choose from these only and if you wish to use another that's somewhere along the lines of what these are presenting, that's A-Ok. I enjoy hyper, so it's possible that with some, I'd like to go a few sizes higher for the tits, ass, and thighs. However, that is negotiable as well, even if I denote that I'd like a size increase next to a ref: Dark-skinned sorta tomboyish elf (the maid outfit can be a costume she wears later. Size increase preferred), classic elf maiden with a body built for breeding, dark elf that's definitely seen, done, and been through some shit, dark-skinned tsundere elf , another classic elf maiden (I should mention that this outfit will probably be the one they all wear initially with the exception of the dark elf), really hot one wearing cow print , one about to get gangbanged by a bunch of goblins, I would put this one in a mating press and impregnate her with fucking quintuplets if given the chance, same with this one (and honestly all of them now that I think about it). If you wanna see more elf stuff that I like, search up rule 34 fav search in google, click the first link that says "I built a tool that lets you search favorites", click the link in that message, type 1522959 in the ID box, put elf_female in the tag box, and voila.

Oh, and I don't necessarily have to be a dwarf. I could be a human, orc, goblin, or another at least somewhat humanoid race that can speak. Just not an elf since that defeats the whole purpose of this.

If you've seen the Barbie movie, you remember the patriarchy sequence. I bet quite a few of you were thinking, "Damn, that'd be pretty hot as a roleplay plot". I know I was. Missing the point, shmissing the point. The idea of this is essentially that Ken wins because Barbie embraces the patriarchy rather than wallowing around, the 'points of divergence', so to speak being that they do in fact have genitalia and the woman she brings back from the real world's daughter isn't there (this is also because site rules and the fact that I'm not into that shit. The woman herself would be there though and instead of giving a speech about how bad the partiarchy wins, she gives a speech about how good it is. Maybe we could even have her become a minister of propaganda of sorts, being rewarded with sex or more degrading acts. She even does a reversal of what Barbie did in the movie, going from human to Barbie). But anyway, the constitution gets changed and Barbieland becomes the Kendom, a misogynistic paradise full of all kinds of different varieties of bimbo and stud. We could play with the concept and have it be that there'd be different Barbies for each fetish. Of course there'd be the ones that were already in the movie, like the maid Barbie, Cheerleader Barbie, Pregnant Barbie (not to say there wouldn't be more than one pregnant Barbie) etc, but also different and more depraved fetishes like Slutty Nun Barbie, Asian Barbie, Cosplay Barbie, Free Use Barbie, and more and different ones we can discuss. That's not to say there wouldn't be individual Barbies that could accommodate all kinds of fetishes and kinks, it's just some could have particular specialties.

If you're wondering the consequences of this on the real world (which will get briefly touched on), these Barbies are sold as life-sized sex toys renowned for their incredible ability to emulate real sex.

I'm thinking I'll play Ryan Gosling Ken from the movie because he is literally me. Now, this could be just a 1x1 thing with the other Barbies being essentially window dressing for the setting, it can be going from Barbie to Barbie so that we can see and use different Barbies, but you don't have to play multiple at once, or this can be a harem thing, with the harem consisting of stereotypical Barbie, Latina Barbie (the woman brought from the real world), and one or more Barbies that cover various fetishes. This one's very malleable. I have said the word 'Barbie' more times in this single summary than I think I have in the entire rest of my life.

This takes place approximately one month after Batman and Catwoman breaking up, following her finding him in the Batcave fucking Harley Quinn's brains out when she had come down with a beautiful dress to surprise him with an impending romantic getaway. She leaves in a fury, calling Bruce a cheating son of a bitch and that it's over between them. In the moment, she means it, at least her mind does, but in reality she would have been embarrassingly aroused. Perhaps we can even have it such that she fingers herself to orgasm to the brutal, abusive mating before making her anger known. A month passes and she breaks into a jewelry store in an outfit even sluttier than usual one, (will basically look like this but no buttplug or tits outright spilling out yet. She will get an even sluttier outfit for that though, with zippers for easier access to her holes) for one thing, wearing no underwear so just about everything is visible with her tight latex suit , awaiting Batman's arrival then running away once he gets there. She does this hoping to challenge Batman's willpower and make him regret cheating on her, sexually provoking Bruce with her suit and making sure that her ass fucking claps as she runs to further bonerbait him before leaving. It doesn't matter that her cunt is sleek from rubbing against the leather, her breath heavy from inhaling Bat's muscular musk, and her itching body demanding to get ravaged; Catwoman is too proud to succumb to her desires and won't admit her defeat, not until she gets bred like a fucking worthless bimbo that she is. She's super horny during the chase, her clitoris pressing against the cold zipper, dangling tits bouncing and fat ass clapping with every step she takes, constantly glancing back at Bat's groin to check if he's growing hard for her, recalling how he wrecked her mercilessly every time they mated.

The Bat was as brutal a lover as he was crimefighter you see, and would often slap her around a bit during sex scratching her and hitting her, biting her nipples, that sort of thing. Her body is his, she just won't admit it yet and the whole cheating on her thing rubbed her too much the wrong way. Of course, due to all these "distractions", Bat catches up to her, sporting an impressive boner that lights her womb on fire. Once captured, she would masturbate in the back of the Batmobile and try to further egg Batman on, though whether it's to make him feel bad or make him just go into the back and fuck her brains out, not even she knows. She would tell him how she'd been fucked by other guys, often multiple at once with the occassional full-on gangbang, everyday since they broke up (conveniently leaving out the part that she did so in a failed attempt to try and fill the sexual and emotional void he and his cock's absence had left) and that she faked every orgasm during their time together (anyone who saw the panting, sweating, bruised and cum-filled mess he would reduce her to every time they fucked would know she couldn't fake that if she wanted to), and taunt him saying how the police would probably gangbang her once she was brought to them and fuck her better than he ever could (blatant lie). Eventually, on the way to the station, Bruce has enough and stops the car, and, well, one can probably guess what he does next when he opens the back door and dives in onto her.

Do note this is just the initial portion and the first fucking. Batman's gonna leave her behind after this fucking and make her walk home in a fucked-out state, but putting a shock collar around her so others can't touch her in case they get any ideas. Eventually, she'll yield and become his outright bitch, acknowledging his right to fuck other women (which he will of course do) This was a plot a previous partner and I discussed and we have quite a few planned scenes, such as both a public and private wedding ceremony, the former being of course more subtle and private with the lewd stuff and the latter being essentially a BDSM scene. More details will be given in DMs. It is preferable you be ok with most or all of my kinks since there are planned scenes that involve them. Particularly smegma (or at least musk), abuse, breeding, pet play, and pregnant sex are basically mandatory

You'd play a former porn star, name Courtney Cockslove, who as a precaution early in her career, got her tubes tied at around age 19. Well, sort of. Ya see, Courtney actually did really want kids, but not necessarily the whole litter of them she'd be having as part of her job or just from any ol' Co-star, so she made it so she could only get pregnant from an immense amount of semen from an absolute hung stud of a man who would make her his bitch. A year of this job and she's rolling in dough due to her knock-out body getting her all the jobs a slut like her could want, but sadly, the man who would be able to get her pregnant is nowhere in sight. Feeling hopeless and deciding she's already made more than enough money through her job and investments, she decides to simply adopt a son to raise as her own. The boy wants for almost nothing and the two love each other more than most actual biological mothers and sons. 18 years pass and the boy has become a man, off to college, an Ivy League school, mother and son weeping with both joy and sadness as they say their goodbyes, promising that he'll come back home next summer. As they say their goodbyes however embracing for a hug, Courtney feels something rub in between her thighs, something absolutely gigantic. Of course, at the same time, her son suddenly draws away, kissing her good bye and running off with his backpack covering his crotch. Of course, she would think, "It can't be... that, right?", left to ponder for the next 9 months, and in that time, taking to furiously masturbating everyday. When he finally gets home, she notices just how handsome her boy has become, wanting to care for his needs, help him clean, do whatever he asks of her not matter what, not just in a motherly way, but in a sexual way. At first, she tries to tell herself this is wrong, even if they aren't actually related, but all too quickly she'll accept the fact that ironically the boy she raised as her own was the very man she was looking for all those years: THe only man worthy to breed her, break her, and make her his fucking plaything~
This one is basically a blank slate. The basic set-up is that I/my guy has been given reality warping powers and uses his powers to summon his favorite fictional and real sluts to use for his pleasure. We can use any 3 or more girls I've mentioned or will mention wanting to a roleplay with.

This one's a blank slate outside of the pre-requisite that I play a husband and you play at least one wife and at least a small injection of dom/sub elements. I'd be playing an OC or self-insert (or a pre-established character if my partner wants, preferably something that goes with the character they chose), you'd be playing an OC, self-insert, or fictional character. Whichever you want. This has room for a lot of experimentation and I think it could be fun. We can discuss the specifics in DMs if anyone finds this one interesting.

Keep in mind that the reference image I use is not necessarily indicative of the plot I wish to go with. Saying this as some of them are extreme to showcase what I'm into. I will include warnings on particularly extreme ones. Also note that any combination of artists I show and any characters I show are fine for ref images unless I say otherwise:
Star Wars: Ahsoka Tano - adult version (<- cumflation warning) of course - Padme Amidala, Leia Organa (OT Version), Rey (Dark Side Or Vanilla), a Twi'Lek
Marvel: Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Mary-Jane Watson, Spider-Gwen, Carol Danvers (cum inflation warning)
Steven Universe: Lapis, Peridot, Garnet, Pearl, Connie (aged up), Holly Blue Agate
DC: Batgirl, (couple <- piss warning - more refs) Power Girl/Supergirl (more <- smegma warning refs), Wonder Woman (another ref)
Last Airbender/Legend Of Korra: Korra
God Of War: Freyja, Sif
Konosuba: Darkness (what may be piss warning. Couldn't tell and the pics is hot anyway, so included it despite it being mostly a limit), Aqua
Porn Ocs: Emma Hugaz, Kelsie Daniels, Carmen Marvello, Marisol Marvello, Cream Vanilla (TasteofChoklit) (just look her up. I couldn't find any reference image that I either didn't like, or broke site rules), Sona (Cinnabus) This is one that I really, really, really, really, like so I'm including multiple refs
MHA: Mitsuki Bakugo, Inko (incest and impreg warning Midorya, Momo Yaoyarozu, Burnin, Rumi Usagiyama
Nintendo (all franchises within the company. I am fine with playing a Pokemon as long as I can communicate with my bitch telepathically or something): Smegma and horse warning for first image: Princess Peach, Princess Rosalina, Princess Daisy - here's one for (cum inflation warning ->) each individually respective to the order I listed them - Marie, Callie, Marina, Hex Maniac (horse warning), Nessa, Hilda, Sonia (this is one with so many good pics that I'm going to give multiple ref images), Rosa, Samus, (<- cum inflation warning) The various Pokemoms (Ash's, the one from SV, Lana's Mom, and Lusamine), Nemona, Dawn, Pyra, Mythra, (one for each) May, Misty, (Again, one for each individually) Bea, Fem Corrin, Gardevoir, Lillie, Arezu, Erika, Cynthia (multiple <- extreme cum inflation warning refs again), Midna (Twili form only), Olivia, Brighid, Phermosa (same situation as with Cream. Specifically look up tasteofchoklit Phermosa), Purah (adult version of course)
Disney/Pixar: Helen Parr, Violet Parr (preferably both together or just Helen, but just Violet's more than fine too), Cass Hamada, Jessica Rabbit
The Simpsons: Marge Simpson, Lisa Simpson (aged up in all departments the site requires, don't worry), Patty and/or Selma Bouvier, Maude Flanders, Titiana and basically all the girls in this pictrue including the non-Simpsons ones for simplicity
One-Punch Man: Fubuki, Thicc variant of Tatsumaki
Resident Evil: Jill, Ada, Claire, Lady D
Cyberpunk: Panam, Judy, Meredith
Celebrities: Abigail Shapiro, Cardi B, Shoe0nHead (but with a bimbofied body since she’s flat AF in real life. No offense to my flat-chested girls out there, I just love me some HUGE tracts of land)
If you've got any good plots involving these, let me know. There are more, but it would take me even longer to list them all. My Rule34 id is Bruh314 for anyone who wants to go on there and peruse my favorites. I recommend using this tool to filter them (the ID is 1522959 and if you want to use your own in the future, check the end of your search bar and see what string of numbers there is), as I have nearly 26,000 favorites featuring a wide range of kinks and characters. If you end up seeing a favorite in there that features a character and/or a plot which you like but I didn't mention, feel free to hit me up with that and see if it interests me. Chances are it will, but good to check first.

Congratulations! You have made it to the finish line! I hope to see a message from you soon, dear reader! I look forward to a wonderful experience on here and hopefully with you. As they say in France, au revoir!
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I am not throwing away my bump

Also holy fucking shit over a thousand views in a little over a month. God dayumn. Like, seriously, why the hell am I getting so much?
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